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View Full Version : 12-year-old kid films ghost on camcorder.

13-Feb-2009, 02:15 AM
Julian Banks of the British Paranormal Society said the film was "potentially the best image of a ghost in years".

Click (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2229774.ece) for article and scroll down for video.

I'm not sure what to make of the shadow but damn that kid's startled response is convincing.

Uncle Rege
13-Feb-2009, 02:45 AM
:lol: That shit was SCAR-E!!!!

13-Feb-2009, 03:11 AM
woah...that was creeeepy!!
I am surprised the little boy was able to stay calm enough to pan back and get it again. Defo that is good footage!
CUE music...

13-Feb-2009, 03:42 AM
that sounds like the voice was altered, and a shadow moving like that, with no actual movement from the shadow could be done by a child in after effects, hell ive seen that done by just abusing a re-recordable vhs's functions.

ive seen more convincing stuff on most haunted honestly.

13-Feb-2009, 04:15 AM
Maybe they've got a real Ghostwatch here. Yet somehow it leaves behind the feeling of... fake.

The slowed down voice is pretty funny though. "Oh My Gowaaaaaaa hoahhhhhh" Always good to end a ghost clip with a laugh.

13-Feb-2009, 04:33 AM
ive seen more convincing stuff on most haunted honestly.
What, a spoon flying across a room?

This seems to be making the news here on various sites/news channels but unfortunately the only place I could find the video quickly was via The Sun. I'm not entirely convinced but this definately is the most intriguing footage I have seen in a long while.

13-Feb-2009, 04:48 AM
I'm not that impressed. Now, if I had caught that on video I would have shit myself, but it looks like something that can be faked pretty handily in this day and age, so as third party footage I have nothing but absolute doubt.

13-Feb-2009, 05:43 AM
but this definately is the most intriguing footage I have seen in a long while.

honestly?, i mean sure im paranoid and cynical of everything nowadays but in the age where anyone and his dog has at least a basic video production suite on there computer this is too easy to fake.

13-Feb-2009, 06:20 AM
Its a damn shame cause this could be real but it just seems too fake. Not to mention it kinda sounds like the kid started to laugh right before the video cut.

13-Feb-2009, 06:41 AM
honestly?, i mean sure im paranoid and cynical of everything nowadays but in the age where anyone and his dog has at least a basic video production suite on there computer this is too easy to fake.
I'm not saying it's genuine footage but to compare this to something on Most Haunted is totally WTF?

I'm on the fence in regards to ghosts and the like but Most Haunted is a totally 'entertainment' based programme. This footage at least has a leading person in the field stating that it's the most intriguing piece of footage seen in recent years. I've said it once and I'll say it again, wheres Bassman when you need him? :D

13-Feb-2009, 07:06 AM


its a semi transparent blur, wev'e been able to do this in images, moving or not for over a hundred years!!!:lol:

13-Feb-2009, 09:56 AM
It's better than Most Haunted because that's always "orbs" (i.e. DUST) floating about, and a northerner putting on voices of 'ghosts' who are all from the north. :lol:

If I saw that thing in the video with my own eyes, I'd be shite-scared ... just seeing the video, I'm not convinced, what with the lighting and so on, it could be some weird thing like that ... and why was the person even filming there anyway? Were they hunting the ghostie, or just walking around their house with a camera clamped to their head like they're waiting for £250 from YBF! or something? :p

13-Feb-2009, 12:08 PM
I'll take care of this!


What? The article made a reference to Ghostbusters.:o

Seriously though....It's kinda creepy but I'm not really convinced. It could have been anything.

13-Feb-2009, 12:35 PM
Interesting video...but as more have said, it could be easily faked.

13-Feb-2009, 12:46 PM
I'll take care of this!


What? The article made a reference to Ghostbusters.:o

Seriously though....It's kinda creepy but I'm not really convinced. It could have been anything.

So how does it feel having an unlicensed nuclear accelerator strapped to your back Bass? :D:lol:;)

13-Feb-2009, 03:55 PM
Only a spirit could finish a jigsaw puzzle like this :: Doing Vinkman voice::


14-Feb-2009, 04:26 PM
yeah hells his voice sounds mad altered

14-Feb-2009, 08:26 PM
Looks like,....just before "the ghost" passes in front of the kid, a glass plate (or something similar) is passed in front of the lens - someone else is walking in the background causing a reflection.....sound either edited in later or the kid was involved. Another ghost gimmick....But, that's just my opinion.


14-Feb-2009, 08:36 PM
Utterly unconvincing.

1) The kid is just randomly filming his stairs?

2) His reaction sounds like he's trying not to laugh.

3) If you set the video to full-screen, just before the "ghost appears, you can see a slight reflection that looks like the edge of a piece of transparent plastic moving in the same direction as the dark shape. The "ghost" is just a blob of ink or something on a plastic sheet that he's moving past the lens.

4) The video ends immediately after the ghost appears. He doesn't run away or try to follow it or continue shooting, this is probably because he was too busy laughing.

5) It's The Sun.

14-Feb-2009, 08:43 PM
It's better than Most Haunted

Looks fake.

Anything made by a kid would be better than Most Haunted. :lol:

14-Feb-2009, 09:07 PM
Looks fake.

Anything made by a kid would be better than Most Haunted. :lol:
Precisely ... all over.

14-Feb-2009, 09:27 PM
I sharted.