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View Full Version : SEGA: project ringo

13-Feb-2009, 06:52 AM

So rumors about a new console called the ringedge and now this ringo character?

a new platform i.p and flagship character to replace sonic?....

well ringo is japanese for apple and the character has an apple, maybe thats just the characters name? im pretty sure this is a sonic team creation, reminds me of billy hatcher.

13-Feb-2009, 03:13 PM
God, SEGA sucks now. A soulless husk of their former self, the glory days of Genesis to Dreamcast are long over. Playing the Ultimate Genesis Collection only cements this feeling; how many times have they re-invented Sonic these past 5 years?

Just give us Shenmue III before you go totally broke!

13-Feb-2009, 04:09 PM
if shenmue 3 came out on the "ringedge"?, honestly sony would be boned.

13-Feb-2009, 09:37 PM
if shenmue 3 came out on the "ringedge"?, honestly sony would be boned.
What a launch game that would be...

02-Mar-2009, 01:49 AM
and its changed again, its gone back from the "new" sega logo bit that recent sega games have used to the one from the dreamcast era, only with this female character voicing the name.

:shifty: - SUSPICION LEVEL: 5

02-Mar-2009, 05:48 PM
Dont forget sega have a lot to do with the total war series (which has just dropped another beaut) & various other well known games across various platforms,they arent that bad!They havent done a decent console since the Megadrive,i know some people liked the dreamcast even though it flopped worse than a geriatrics flaccid cock end, but they still bring out some awesome gameage!

02-Mar-2009, 05:57 PM
Alot, and alot. Sega have distributed the Total War series from Barbarian Invasion and forward. Creative Assembly have always been the brains and developers behind the series, and still remain so.