View Full Version : 13 y/o boy is a father...

13-Feb-2009, 12:57 PM

The mother's 15, the pair had one night of unprotected sex when he was 12 ... ... I mean what the fuck. :eek::rolleyes:

The lad's apparent devotion is at least a good sign - but what the fuck - you're 13, and she's 15 - way too young to be having kids. And just look how young that kid is - 4ft tall and his voice hasn't even broken yet! :eek:

We're not neanderthals anymore, there's no risk of dying in your 20s, or getting mauled by a bear when you're out hunting, sheesh!

13-Feb-2009, 04:51 PM
They have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. He's looks 9. She's looks like a homely 25 + yr old. Their parents will probably end up raising the kid.

13-Feb-2009, 04:56 PM
They have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. He's looks 9. She's looks like a homely 25 + yr old. Their parents will probably end up raising the kid.

I cant believe that, the kid already had potent juice at 12

13-Feb-2009, 05:15 PM
I cant believe that, the kid already had potent juice at 12

I was able at 10 1/2 yrs old. It is believable to me. But I am out of the norm according to stats.

13-Feb-2009, 05:55 PM
I certainly believe a 12 year old is cabable of spunking out a kid, but geez - it's so not the right thing to do.

Even at 12 years old you should have already had the Year 7 high school Sex Ed class ... although how much they learn I don't know, we just learned the basics of reproduction mostly, as well as anatomy, rather than practicalities ... that was a one-day thing when we were about 15 and it was a lot of "girls - squat over a mirror, and have a look at what you've got down there" *cue embarrassed laughing from everyone* ... and then handing around a couple of opened up condoms - but not showing how they were used, if memory serves of when they showed those to the class.

It was such a piss poor sex ed day actually, geez...

The pair of them are stupid morons, not only for having sex so young, but for being unprotected - it's retarded that in this day and age, there's still kids knocking each other up - clearly sex education isn't very informative, it's NOT a case of being "too late", it's a case of not being informative and practical enough...as well as honest - throw some grisly images of STDs and vaginas belching out 10lb babies, that'll sort them. :lol:

13-Feb-2009, 05:58 PM
Cute kid, ugly baby, beastly mother.


13-Feb-2009, 06:19 PM
This story is just wrong on so many levels, including those "pro-family" religious freaks using it as a soapbox to speak out against sex education. Clearly, these dumb kids were left to educate themselves.

13-Feb-2009, 06:35 PM
when i was 13 i had nothing more than a vague interest in girls that only went as far as the discussions with classmates about "who was fit" in our year!i was far more interested in the latest megadrive games,how far i could ride my bike none handed,climbing trees,building rope swings & dens,crappy chart music & how far my black widow catapult could fire ball bearings!most kids these days have no childhood & its a shame!i didnt properly kiss a girl til i was around 14,& i didnt lose my virginity till i was just short of 18!
I grew up in a village though so i had a decent childhood,it wasnt till i started "big school" that i started to be exposed to rough kids from rough town families who are now the parents of people like this 13 year old father (who looks about 7 himself :eek::stunned:)

13-Feb-2009, 07:36 PM
when i was 13 i had nothing more than a vague interest in girls that only went as far as the discussions with classmates about "who was fit" in our year!i was far more interested in the latest megadrive games,how far i could ride my bike none handed,climbing trees,building rope swings & dens,crappy chart music & how far my black widow catapult could fire ball bearings!most kids these days have no childhood & its a shame!i didnt properly kiss a girl til i was around 14,& i didnt lose my virginity till i was just short of 18!
I grew up in a village though so i had a decent childhood,it wasnt till i started "big school" that i started to be exposed to rough kids from rough town families who are now the parents of people like this 13 year old father (who looks about 7 himself :eek::stunned:)
Hell yeah, going into high school I found myself surrounded by a variety of people.

But also aye, when I was 13 I was really only interested in the girls in Max Power magazine (us lads would all gather round a copy in the playground and go "cor, look at her!" like a bunch of morons ... haha, good times ... anyway, I was more distracted by seeing how high I could gel my fringe (seriously - got it to 11cm one time, straight up like a wall ... it was glorious) ... or plenty interested in videogames, and competing with a mate of mine over who had the most movies on their movie list (it was pretty much always me from early on, I got a head start and just barged it mad style).

And yes - no-handed bike riding was great fun, especially when you could go round more than one corner in a stint, that was proper skill ... I then took to riding down quiet slopes around my house with my feet of the pedals and my eyes shut with my arms stretched into the air (although I stopped that after I almost flew over a car bonnet, ha!)

Education is the key - denying such things, and providing no information is the worst thing to do.

Let them know what the deal is, and then instruct them in how to use johnnies and such in case they absolutely insist on smooshing their toilet parts together for a few seconds before lift off happens.

But they also need to know more about the reality of relationships, and emotions and all that shit too ... not just hopping into a random bed and fucking their brains out in whatever hole they stumble across like it's an episode of Skins or whatever...even though that is a pretty good show, it's a bit OTT.

So being 13 and having your own kid - that's just stupid - it's silly enough having a kid at 16, but at least then you can go off and get a job (providing you're not a layabout doley who doesn't intend on supporting themselves ever for the rest of their lives), but at 13 you've not even done Key Stage 3 (or is it 4 ... whatever, the one before you start GCSEs ... IF it's still being done that is).

What a pair of morons.

13-Feb-2009, 08:15 PM
sad story, i feel for that baby and its grandparents: congratulations you've just gotten an expensive gift you can't return or turn your back on.

and as for the christian soapboxers - shut the fuck up, please. do us all a favor.

13-Feb-2009, 09:25 PM
Just because these fools went fucking bare-dicked, does not mean "they weren't educated", or "the system failed". Jesus Christ, how many of you did what you "were supposed to do" when you were that age?!

They were horny, they were together, and didn't feel like going "oh, stop. Let's go try to obtain a condom." Hormones take over, the scent is in the air, and they got it on.

Nothing more complicated than that. And you will NOT change them. Kids that age have always done it, and always will, no matter what you do (short of castration upon birth).

13-Feb-2009, 10:35 PM
Under the circumstances anonymous adoption might be the best option for the newborn.

13-Feb-2009, 11:22 PM
Pretty fucked up, but if you think about it it's not really worth all the media hype. Doesn't stuff like this happen all the time? Plus, its not that long ago that kids were routinely married off whenever they hit puberty - in Britain until the start of the twentieth century the age of consent was 13, following a campaign against child prostitution in the 1860s which originally saw it raised from 12! The age of twelve was set in 1265 and the actual (rather humorous) text was as follows: "It shall be deemed illegal to ravage a maiden who is not of age" :lol:

Now, I'm not saying I agree with it - I actually think the government should try to discourage people under 25 from having kids - but it's always happened and is gonna happen as long as people are people.

14-Feb-2009, 12:04 AM
but it's always happened and is gonna happen as long as people are people.

esp. when you can get a council flat and a nice check every month courtesy of people trying to live responsibly. how many £'s a month is welfare in britian?

don't get me wrong - i'm not one of the folks who usually cry and bitch about welfare over here, sometimes people need help and children should never be allowed to suffer for the idiocy and irresponsibility of their parents. i guess my point is: it seems like there are a lot of folks in britian who are riding the system for every single ducat they can get and don't really seem to give a shit that the money supporting them is coming out of the paychecks of people with jobs and out of the taxes of companies providing aforementioned jobs.

i'm not trying to single out the UK, every country has its dole riders but i read the BBC all the time and it seems like every other day there is a story in there about a family of 8 where no one works, has council housing and is getting cash monthly for simply having kids.

14-Feb-2009, 03:47 AM
Jesus! Not only has that kid screwed up his life but now he has basically doomed the life of that child. I'm sorry but if my kid knocked up a girl at age 12 or 13 there is no way i would let the unborn child pay for his mistake. Abortion all the way with this one. God but since its too late for this one i do feel deeply sorry for the kid who will enter kindergarten when his father (if he does) graduates high school.

14-Feb-2009, 07:54 AM
I read in the paper this morning that this particular family (the mother of the girl claims the benefits on behalf of her as she isnt old enough,as well as still getting child benefit for her other kids too) will be getting around £600 a week in benefits :eek: and theres me who goes out to work all week & takes home just over half of that,it really,seriously boils my piss :mad: this has to stop,why should us workers have our wages docked to pay for dropouts like these to live better than we do!it showed their house in the paper which is very nice,whereas me who actually works hard cant afford to move out of my parents on my own

14-Feb-2009, 08:10 AM
I read in the paper this morning that this particular family (the mother of the girl claims the benefits on behalf of her as she isnt old enough,as well as still getting child benefit for her other kids too) will be getting around £600 a week in benefits :eek: and theres me who goes out to work all week & takes home just over half of that,it really,seriously boils my piss :mad: this has to stop,why should us workers have our wages docked to pay for dropouts like these to live better than we do!it showed their house in the paper which is very nice,whereas me who actually works hard cant afford to move out of my parents on my own

i hate to sound like my grandad but i agree, i grew up in a single parent family, we got housing benefit and thats it and sure we had to scrimp and save but we never suffered, i know people who work 9 to 5 all week and dont make that. and now im starting up as a freelance video producer and filmmaker i gotta start paying the self employed tax for these dregs of humanity?
gotta admit it pisses me off when theres kids growing up like i did or worse who need it more.

Chic Freak
14-Feb-2009, 12:55 PM
I was able at 10 1/2 yrs old. It is believable to me. But I am out of the norm according to stats.

Really? I seem to remember learning in PSE that the typical age that girls start menstruating is between 9 and 17 years old- you'd think boys would become able to ejaculate around the same time, or maybe a year later (age 10+)?

Education is the key - denying such things, and providing no information is the worst thing to do.

Let them know what the deal is, and then instruct them in how to use johnnies and such in case they absolutely insist on smooshing their toilet parts together for a few seconds before lift off happens.

What a pair of morons.

I agree with the education, education, education approach to sex... but it's a bit harsh to call them morons. They're just irresponsible children- most of us were, at that age.

I think there should be more acceptance and encouragement for young girls to visit their GPs to get contraception- it's free, confidential and if working a condom is too difficult when you're still struggling with getting a bra off and worrying about your "kissing technique" you can go on the pill or get the morning-after pill (yes I know this doesn't protect against infections but it's better than nothing and a pair of 12 year-old virgins aren't exactly going to be rife with disease anyway).

EDIT: What am I saying? All that's needed is for you to go on a tour round schools giving talks on sex. Your expressions to describe sex acts and genitalia are so stomach-turningly vile you could kill even the most insistent of hormones dead ;)

Jesus Christ, how many of you did what you "were supposed to do" when you were that age?!

They were horny, they were together, and didn't feel like going "oh, stop. Let's go try to obtain a condom." Hormones take over, the scent is in the air, and they got it on.

Nothing more complicated than that. And you will NOT change them. Kids that age have always done it, and always will, no matter what you do (short of castration upon birth).

Agreed- which is again why it should be less terrifying for an underage girl to get contraception other than condoms from her doctor. I first visited a GP to go on the pill when I was 15 and got an excruciating lecture about how I should have waited until I was "at least in my twenties" and married!!!

Under the circumstances anonymous adoption might be the best option for the newborn.

Agreed, on the face of it.

and now im starting up as a freelance video producer and filmmaker i gotta start paying the self employed tax for these dregs of humanity?

Don't even start me on self-employed tax. They pwn3d me this year :(

14-Feb-2009, 02:23 PM
I read in the paper this morning that this particular family (the mother of the girl claims the benefits on behalf of her as she isnt old enough,as well as still getting child benefit for her other kids too) will be getting around £600 a week in benefits :eek: and theres me who goes out to work all week & takes home just over half of that,it really,seriously boils my piss :mad: this has to stop,why should us workers have our wages docked to pay for dropouts like these to live better than we do!it showed their house in the paper which is very nice,whereas me who actually works hard cant afford to move out of my parents on my own

£ 600 a week:stunned:

jesus h. christ in a golden chariot driven sidecar, that's a lot of cash. fuck me, i'd be willing to bet that the majority of working folks in the UK don't even gross £ 600 a week, let alone bring that much home after taxes are deducted.

seems like the system, put in place to help single parent families and families that have fallen on hard times, is getting beaten with a stick by some people.

14-Feb-2009, 05:22 PM
£ 600 a week:stunned:

jesus h. christ in a golden chariot driven sidecar, that's a lot of cash. fuck me, i'd be willing to bet that the majority of working folks in the UK don't even gross £ 600 a week, let alone bring that much home after taxes are deducted.

seems like the system, put in place to help single parent families and families that have fallen on hard times, is getting beaten with a stick by some people.

tell me about it,inner city areas & rough towns/estates are absolutely rife with this breed of scumbag who will drop at least 2 kids before they're even out of their teens,they will never work & will milk the system & live quite well for the rest of their lives while the taxpayer picks up the tab!I work in Hull which is one of the roughest cities in the UK & the sheer amount of single teenage mums around the place is shocking,i see them all on a morning taking their kids to school,or during school holidays letting their unruly future thug ratkids run amok in the supermarkets & newsagents,while they buy their 40 cigs,microchips & scratchcards with their dole money!Presumably the fathers of these kids are the chav scrotes hanging round outside the betting shops drinking cans of lager at 8 in the morning with their raggytaches,waiting for them to open so they can put some of my wages on the dogs or whatever,then they spend all afternoon in the pub,before going out on the rob or selling drugs at night.
I know i sound a snob,but i just cannot stand these kind of people & their numbers are rapidly increasing due to them all having so many kids that grow up just like their parents.Hopefully the next government (cos lets face it,it wont be this one) will put some serious effort into sorting this out

14-Feb-2009, 06:45 PM
tell me about it,inner city areas & rough towns/estates are absolutely rife with this breed of scumbag who will drop at least 2 kids before they're even out of their teens,they will never work & will milk the system & live quite well for the rest of their lives while the taxpayer picks up the tab!I work in Hull which is one of the roughest cities in the UK & the sheer amount of single teenage mums around the place is shocking,i see them all on a morning taking their kids to school,or during school holidays letting their unruly future thug ratkids run amok in the supermarkets & newsagents,while they buy their 40 cigs,microchips & scratchcards with their dole money!Presumably the fathers of these kids are the chav scrotes hanging round outside the betting shops drinking cans of lager at 8 in the morning with their raggytaches,waiting for them to open so they can put some of my wages on the dogs or whatever,then they spend all afternoon in the pub,before going out on the rob or selling drugs at night.
I know i sound a snob,but i just cannot stand these kind of people & their numbers are rapidly increasing due to them all having so many kids that grow up just like their parents.Hopefully the next government (cos lets face it,it wont be this one) will put some serious effort into sorting this out

damnation and people bitch about welfare over here. in ohio, where i live, there is a 5 year lifetime limit on welfare benefits, you have to be working within 2 years of receiving benefits, if you are an immigrant (legal or otherwise) you are most likely going to be refused (in fact, stripping immigrants of the ability to claim welfare right off the boat was one of the major components of the reform act of 96), funding is super restricted for any parent under 18 - so teens know that having a child is not going to net them any cash or any free housing, and you have to sign up for job training and make a serious attempt at learning a skill that will get you a job.

back to something in your quote: if you are drinking beer at 8am in front of a betting shop, you've got some serious fucking problems and need a swift kick in the dangly parts.

14-Feb-2009, 09:03 PM
I agree with the education, education, education approach to sex... but it's a bit harsh to call them morons. They're just irresponsible children- most of us were, at that age.

Irresponsible people are morons, and morons are irresponsible - you can see my logic. :p

Agreed- which is again why it should be less terrifying for an underage girl to get contraception other than condoms from her doctor. I first visited a GP to go on the pill when I was 15 and got an excruciating lecture about how I should have waited until I was "at least in my twenties" and married!!!

1) Indeed, at the very least they should be encourage to bag it, and pill it. At the very least. But preferably also encouraged to really engage their brain when it comes to sex - make them think about the consequences of sex, the ethical situations around it, and would you really want some greasy, squeaky-voiced boy whose only role models come from MTV Cribs to be your first deep-dicking?

2) I think that's ridiculous you got a lecture, especially one so prudish and backwards - I see no problem with unmarried people fucking at all, but I don't understand all this random shagging between strangers at all - for me, it's gotta be someone of meaning, or no thanks - if I want a meaningless spunk-off, I'll shake hands with myself ... ... :lol: ... sorry to gross anyone out there, but every dude does it, and if they say otherwise they're a fucking liar. :D

So basically, I think people should only shag when it's with someone they actually care about - it's a nice common ground between not being a prude, but also not being a dick-or-minge-obsessed fiddler.

What am I saying? All that's needed is for you to go on a tour round schools giving talks on sex. Your expressions to describe sex acts and genitalia are so stomach-turningly vile you could kill even the most insistent of hormones dead

"Bloated Mouth Sex, and Other Lectures - by MinionZombie" - coming to an awkward-aired classroom near you!

Other lessons include:

"What to do with that left over goo"
"How deep is necessary?"
"Oral Etiquette: How to deal with queefs, mid-way-goo, and everything in between"
"The wonderfully eclectic array of noises your toilet parts make"


14-Feb-2009, 09:06 PM
Click (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2233878.ece).

Scroll down one tad to the pic of Alfie's missus.

Then click this:

Jane Seymour lives!!! :lol:

15-Feb-2009, 10:50 AM
Click (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2233878.ece).

Scroll down one tad to the pic of Alfie's missus.

Then click this:

Jane Seymour lives!!! :lol:
ha! history is coming alive!!!


And history is horny for 12 year old children ... ... eww ... ...

15-Feb-2009, 11:18 AM
Would i be right in saying that what these kids have done is actually illegal? If so what are the police actually doing about this?

Chic Freak
15-Feb-2009, 01:52 PM
But preferably also encouraged to really engage their brain when it comes to sex - make them think about the consequences of sex, the ethical situations around it, and would you really want some greasy, squeaky-voiced boy whose only role models come from MTV Cribs to be your first deep-dicking?

Love is blind MZ ;) Personally, I don't think it is the school's place to inject ethical overtones into sex education- their goal should be to make using contraception second nature to kids. It needs to not be something you need to think about too much to do, because let's face it, your rational, logical mind isn't particularly engaged when you're at the stage where you need to put a condom on anyway. & there's nothing wrong with being dick or minge-obsessed as long as you use condoms, everyone needs a hobby ;)

"Oral Etiquette: How to deal with queefs, mid-way-goo, and everything in between"

Wtf are queefs?!

Would i be right in saying that what these kids have done is actually illegal? If so what are the police actually doing about this?

I don't think the police prosecute unless one of the partners was 16+, and even then, the younger partner would need to formally make a complaint against them.

Oh... the father might actually be 16 (so presumably 15 at the time of conception):

*link (http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/article.aspx?cp-documentid=14199521)*

But two other teenagers believe they may have fathered six-day old Maisie, whose mother Chantelle Steadman is herself just 15.
Richard Goodsell, 16, told a Sunday paper that he also shared a bed with the teenager at her home in Eastbourne, East Sussex, at around the time she became pregnant.
Richard, a trainee chef, said: "I know I could be the father. Everyone thinks I am. My friends all tell me that the baby has my eyes - even my mum thinks so.
"Even Chantelle's mum asked me if I was the father."
He added: "If I am the father, I have the right to know."
Richard, who told the paper he slept with Chantelle with the consent of her parents and without using any contraception, said he plans to demand a DNA test is carried out to find out the truth.
Chantelle lives with her mother, Penny, and father, Steve, in a council house on the Old Town estate.
Tyler Barker, 14, also told the paper he could have fathered Maisie, born at the Eastbourne District General Hospital last week.

15-Feb-2009, 02:14 PM
Wtf are queefs?!

the latin word is fannius fartius :lol:

15-Feb-2009, 03:49 PM
the latin word is fannius fartius :lol:

Also - that girl is a right slag already at the age of 15 - and yes, I believe male slags exist too.

Also - Chic - you don't think sexual ethics should be taught in schools? :rockbrow::confused:


Incidentally, last year I shot & edited an educational DVD all about the subject, with topics up for discussion including:

* Rape
* Prostitution
* Lying to someone by saying "I love you" simply to get them into the sack
* People using sex in the context of being a spy in World War 2 (true story)
* People using sex to get themselves out of a situation (e.g. a prison camp in WW2 - again, true story)

And many other issues relating around the ethics of sex - which is NOT "you shouldn't fuck before you're married, and only for babies" or anything else that backwards-ass - it's about trying to teach the consequences of sex and issues related to/involving sex.

All very important lessons that need to be taught, on top of the more practical stuff like "for goodness sake, just wrap a johnnie on it!"

So people can fuck around if they wish - it's not for me to judge, but nor is it for me to support - but for crying out loud, at least have the common decency to have safe sex so you stop polluting the sex pool of life! :rant:

Getting off on one ... but still ...

Chic Freak
15-Feb-2009, 04:02 PM
Also - Chic - you don't think sexual ethics should be taught in schools? :rockbrow::confused:

Nope! :)

So people can fuck around if they wish - it's not for me to judge

Exactly ;)

They should concentrate on teaching the facts at school and then leave the individuals to make up their own minds about their ethics.

* the biological facts (e.g. how to not get pregnant/ infections)
* the legal facts (e.g. rape, in a variety of forms, is illegal)
* the emotional and social facts (e.g. having sex with someone is likely to alter the way in which you treat each other afterwards)

15-Feb-2009, 05:48 PM
the emotional and social facts

That's "sexual ethics" - and like in the DVD I helped produce, it's about putting the theories as well as the practicalities of sexual ethics out there, to the students themselves, to then discuss afterwards (we did group discussion work after each topic) - it provides a forum in which students can have these discussions, because would they ever bother on their own?

Probably not.

Also - it's not for me to judge fucking around like a sex-obsessed rabbit, but I don't support it either ... young miss chop-off-a-quote. :p;)

Chic Freak
15-Feb-2009, 07:02 PM
Ah okay, I would have called that stuff something along the lines of "psychology of adolescent sex" rather than "ethics" as to me it is not about "good and evil"/ "right and wrong", but rather objective scientific facts with plenty of experimental and field reaearch to support it (or at least to support that particular claim I made in my previous post about feeling difficult about people).

But if the psychological impact of sex does indeed come under the heading of "sexual ethics" then yes I do think some sexual ethics should be taught in schools- as long as they don't have moral overtones (e.g. "it is wrong/ evil to have sex with someone in this particular situation")!

... young miss chop-off-a-


Now you're making no sense at all :p

Eagle Eye
15-Feb-2009, 07:59 PM
This makes me sick.

16-Feb-2009, 12:06 PM
And I thought having my child in my twenties was too early....

This is just....ugh. I just threw up in my mouth a bit.:dead:

16-Feb-2009, 12:31 PM
Other lessons include:

"What to do with that left over goo"
"How deep is necessary?"
"Oral Etiquette: How to deal with queefs, mid-way-goo, and everything in between"
"The wonderfully eclectic array of noises your toilet parts make"


Stop it MZ, your making me laugh out loud at my work! :p

Also - that girl is a right slag already at the age of 15 - and yes, I believe male slags exist too.

True dat! Apparently the baby could be any or a number of boys in the area, including the older brother of the 13 year old.

16-Feb-2009, 03:33 PM
Oh my god the mother looks like a mini-karen matthews....says a lot really!!!

16-Feb-2009, 07:03 PM
Oh my god the mother looks like a mini-karen matthews....says a lot really!!!
More like Bernard Matthews...

Oh and there's a couple of new teenage fathers that have come forward since the story broke so a DNA test is on the cards.

Clicky (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jLBIy0ws-r2RSa6rGWovUifGCZjgD96CRNT00).

27-Mar-2009, 01:25 AM
He's not the dad.

http://news.aol.com/article/british-boy-isnt-father/398888?icid=main|hp-laptop|dl1|link2|http%3A%2F%2Fnews.aol.com%2Fartic le%2Fbritish-boy-isnt-father%2F398888

27-Mar-2009, 01:41 AM
And neither are the other suspects, LOL.

27-Mar-2009, 01:49 AM
That just shows you how big of a slut she is. It is very bad when you cannot find the dad.

27-Mar-2009, 11:05 AM
That just shows you how big of a slut she is. It is very bad when you cannot find the dad.
And it's not as if she's a proper looker either ... Jane Seymour as Capn pointed out. :p

It's people like this that prove sexual education in schools is sub-par, and that the parents are doing jack shit all to educate them either.

Plus, the cycle of people with nothing much to do in their lives but "be a kid, drop out of school, have a kid, get council house, become grandmother, become great grandmother, become great-great grandmother, die" needs stopping, if you ask me.

Stedman's daughter Maisie was allegedly conceived when Alfie was 12. Chantelle's parents said they let the lad spend the night with their daughter, who was 14 at the time, at their public housing unit near Eastbourne, 70 miles southeast of London.


Alfie's father, who reportedly has nine or 10 children of his own, gamely promised to have a "birds and the bees" chat with his son.


Says it all quite frankly.


As far as sex education in schools go, I remember what we got - Year 7 biology, a few weeks of spread out lessons where we learned anatomy, the basic operations of how sex works (i.e. the ins and outs of it - enough to figure out how to have a kid anyway), and then a few years later there was a sex ed 'day', where we sat around and got told bugger all about jack shit, and a condom was randomly passed around a male-only classroom so we could all laugh about it - nothing about how to put one on, what happens if you don't use one, nothing for the girls about other modes of contraception, nothing to tell them how "shit gets real" when they get up the duff ... fuck all about that stuff.

Like I said, sub-par.

27-Mar-2009, 01:29 PM
When I saw this thread was resurrected I knew immediately "Alfie isn't the Dad!"


21-May-2009, 06:08 PM
The real father is 15 (http://news.aol.com/article/alfie-patten-teenage-father/492682?icid=main|main|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fnews. aol.com%2Farticle%2Falfie-patten-teenage-father%2F492682).

So......at least he's the same age as the slut?


darth los
21-May-2009, 06:51 PM
Not only is the slut hard on the eyes, I thought she was the boy's mom for Christ's sake !!!! :stunned:


21-May-2009, 07:45 PM
Not only is the slut hard on the eyes, I thought she was the boy's mom for Christ's sake !!!! :stunned:

And incest is the only slab of rank that's missing from this whole story. :lol:
