View Full Version : Behind The Mask; The Rise of Leslie Vernon

14-Feb-2009, 04:31 AM
So I was watching this retrospective on cable about the Friday The Thirteenth movie series when this modest little film came after.

Behind The Mask; The Rise of Leslie Vernon.

This 2006 slasher pic is Jason Vorhees meets Blair Witch as a documentary film crew goes about recording the planning and preparations behind a killing spree, a la your favorite slasher character. As the title villain explains, it's nothing personal, it's just a job like any other.
While this sounds fine and good and fun for all Horror fans, we've seen this all before. Even the presence of Robert Englund as a Dr. Loomis clone doesn't quite raise this Scream wanna-be to the level it could have been, which gets mired in the very same conventions it claimed to skewer early on.
Some moments were nice, like a retired serial killer who waxes nostalgic about his time as a movie style mass murderer while his adoring wife happily cheers the presence of an Ahab( a good guy with a grudge )for our rising star.
Unfortunately, by the third act Behind The Mask loses alot of steam, and some supposed revelations were telegraphed ahead of time.
Still, it's worth a look see with some fun to be had, and a final punchline by Englund( a deliberate rip on Halloween )which was pretty good.

Wayne Z

Doug Johnson: What kind of a survivor girl passes out in a pinch?
Todd Best: Passes out? What kind of survivor girl hops on the nerdy kid's johnson like it's a pogo stick?

14-Feb-2009, 12:38 PM
I thought that this was the best horror film of last year. Everyone who likes slasher films should see this at once. Independent gold I tell ya!

14-Feb-2009, 05:11 PM
I've had this on my XBOX's Netflix since the day the Netflix service started, but still have yet to watch it. It looks pretty damn good to me, though.

PS - Wayne, you're a pretty good writer. Do you happen to write reviews for a website or anything?