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View Full Version : Spring Chiller guest-list. Not bad at all.

15-Feb-2009, 05:27 PM

Man, their April shows are better than their October shows now! :confused:

16-Feb-2009, 12:12 PM
How in the hell are they going to credit Romero for Creepshow 2 instead of the original??

16-Feb-2009, 05:38 PM
John Amplas will be there as well, though apparently his role in Day of the Dead doesn't deserve mention...

I'm trying to get a few additional never-before-seen Night of the Living Dead names added to the guest list.

Bombarding the convention's email (webmaster@chillertheatre.com)with requests for more NOLD guests can't hurt. :D

16-Feb-2009, 07:12 PM
Ritchie Scarlett? I know he's in Frehley's Comet but he also played in UFO and Mountain. Those people really don't know much about their guests.