View Full Version : Doctor Who Anyone?

12-May-2006, 06:10 AM
Since the CBC (Thats the Main network here in Canada) in it's infinite wisdom has chosen NOT to show season two of Doctor Who this year, I've taken it upon myself to download all of the episodes from the web.

And must I say I'm very glad I have!! The new Doctor David Tennant is no Christopher Eccelstone (Last years Doctor), but he's growing into the role. He's a bit like my fave Doctor #5 (as played by Peter Davison) but also a bit quirky like my third fave Doctor Patrick Troughton! By far the best episode this year was "School Reunion" that featured the return of K-9!!!!

Anyone else watching one of the best things on TV?? Oh yeah Billie Piper is SOOOO HOT!!!

12-May-2006, 08:42 AM
hell yes! The Cyberman episode is broadcast Tomorrow and I can't wait! Also, I've heard rumours that an old enemy might be returning for episode 13! I'm not gonna say who it it (because I'm not even certain yet!) but if it is who I think it is, it's gonna be explosive!

12-May-2006, 09:07 AM
Well speaking of OLD enemies I was REALLY hoping Anthony Stewart Head was going to be The Master. Especially because there was that one shot of him standing in the doorway of his office and all you could see was him and part of the headmaster sign that read quite clearly "MASTER". *Sigh* ...oh well.

12-May-2006, 09:35 AM
I thought that too!

12-May-2006, 10:28 AM
Heck yes I've been watching (and downloading) it, I really liked this Tennant chap from the off when he rocked up in Dr Who and I prefer his Doctor to Eccleston's. I duno, although CE's Doctor was good, I felt he was too edgy and a tad rough - I guess it was the Manchester in CE's blood coming through.

Tennant feels much more like the Doctor to me and he can play a greater variety of moods than CE could I think. He can be stern serious, and then snap into fun-loving fun-lover and convince you in both moments even when they're back to back.

One thing I'd like to see though is more stuff done off of earth, alternate dimension or not, so far we've barely gotten our feet off our soil - even if it was 5 million (or was it billion?) years into the future in the first episode.

All in all the new Who is friggin' great and I think Tennant is a great new Doctor, I prefer him to CE personally. It's the return of the Cybermen this week too! Oooooooooh ... kinda funny that the bloke who played Trigger in Only Fools And Horses is going to be in it. I'm sure only us Brits will understand that sentence and get why it'll be weird, unless any of you Yanks are honed up on your British comedy.

12-May-2006, 10:50 AM
Maybe he will call the zombies Dave as well!

12-May-2006, 02:41 PM
....dave?, i dont get it. is he talking about papa lazarou or something?

-anyway, i do prefer tennant as the doctor and i also thought antony head was gonna be the master, im still expecting him to meet another timelord in these new series. but trigger building the cybermen?, now thats wierd.:rockbrow:

still hope rumors are right of darlek vs cyber men in the finale, thatd be cool.

12-May-2006, 03:03 PM
Only Fools and Horses... Trigger calls Rodney, Dave?

12-May-2006, 03:39 PM
oh, forgot 'bout that one.

12-May-2006, 04:17 PM
I've been watching UKTV Gold too much!

12-May-2006, 04:24 PM
Tennant feels much more like the Doctor to me and he can play a greater variety of moods than CE could I think. He can be stern serious, and then snap into fun-loving fun-lover and convince you in both moments even when they're back to back.

Well I kind of disagree. Tennant has a range to be sure, BUT Eccelstone is far more commanding and forceful in his range. But the beauty of different actors doing the Doctor is that they all bring something different to the character.... The Doctor is the same guy when he regenerates but is at the same time different. The single greatest idea in TV was making the lead character able to regenerate!

Here are my personal fave Doctors in order (Although I must say there is no doctor I have yet to dislike)

1. Peter Davison
2. Christopher Ecclestone
3. Jon Pertwee
4. Patrick Troughton
5. Tom Baker
6. William Hartnell
7. Sylvester McCoy
8. Colin Baker
9. Paul McGann (Would be MUCH higher but only ever did the one flick... love his BF audios however)

I'm going to leave Tennant out of my rankings until I can see all of this season... I do like him however!

By the way the 2006 Doctor Who annual has a cool little write up (By Russell T. Davies no less) on the "Time War".

12-May-2006, 05:19 PM
That is the one thing I would love to see in series 3: More info on the Time-War. So far, all we know is that it was the Timelords vs the Daleks..

Details People!!!

12-May-2006, 06:50 PM
That is the one thing I would love to see in series 3: More info on the Time-War. So far, all we know is that it was the Timelords vs the Daleks..

Details People!!!

Get the 2006 Annual there is more info in there...

12-May-2006, 07:11 PM
Get the 2006 Annual there is more info in there...
Gosh no!! Dr. Who/American bullsh*t for me!!! This makes me want to puke!
It's the design!!! WHY THAT?!?!?!?
It looks like George "I Rip Off Myself" Lucas designed it!

please,....someone throw me some gummi babies!!!!!

12-May-2006, 07:24 PM
why is the tardis on fire?:confused:

12-May-2006, 08:45 PM
Gosh no!! Dr. Who/American bullsh*t for me!!! This makes me want to puke!
It's the design!!! WHY THAT?!?!?!?
It looks like George "I Rip Off Myself" Lucas designed it!

please,....someone throw me some gummi babies!!!!!

With all due respect what the HELL are you talking about? Doctor Who/American???

13-May-2006, 05:31 PM
I have always been a Dr who fan

but i am confused about the time wars

in a novel written called "heart of the tardis"
that features the 4th and 2nd doctors
the 4th one is told by a member of the high council
"the time wars never occured"
he asked "are you saying it is being covered up
or did you actually go in and change the timeline?"
to which the response was
"the time wars never happened"

so if someone could tell me more info on it
i would dance at your wedding


13-May-2006, 07:15 PM
Well be prepared to dance! I don't think the Novels really affect the TV "Cannon". But Doctor Who Exectuive Producer Russell T. Davies does mention this in the 2006 annual ....

"There has been two time Wars before this (The last Time War) - The skirmish between the Halidons and the Eternals, and the brutal Slaughter of the Omnicraven Uprising - and on both occasions the Doctors people (The Time Lords) had stepped in to settle the matter..."

Hope that helps.... Davies also goes on to talk about Time Lord President Romana and a few other cool nuggets of info.

13-May-2006, 07:49 PM
Damn, you folks know a lot about Doctor Who ... it's been a long while since I watched it as a kid, only just picked it back up when the new incarnation came along. The Cybermen rocked today though, can't wait to see part two next week, ooh! Top Gear on tomorrow, with Richard Hammond ... who looks like a pint-sized version of David Tennant, it's scary in fact, lol.

13-May-2006, 07:57 PM
OOOO ERRRRR!!! Thanks for the reminder Minion... I'll start downloading the Cyberman Episode right now!

And by the way how long until we do who was the hottest Companion the Doctor ever had poll???

By the way I spent last Summer in England and went to the "10th planet" store in Barking everyother week just to look around! I love that store... and Barking was really kind of a cool area! http://www.tenthplanet.co.uk/doctorwho/index.htm check out this AWESOME store!

13-May-2006, 08:06 PM
You can set up a poll yourself you know, make a post and in there under the text field you select to do a poll, click post and it takes you to the poll configuring window and then sort it out, post it and bingo. You'll know a lot more about hot Doctor assistants than me, although I'd definately give Rose a poke ... and the one who wore a really tight, blue lycra type top in the 70s ... back then, not now :D.

13-May-2006, 08:16 PM
Well nothing to it but to do it!

14-May-2006, 08:59 AM
I bet those zepplins with rooms paved with gold will be the cybermens undoing...

14-May-2006, 04:07 PM
i am confused about the daleks and cyvbermen

both of them were destroyed in the mccoy era

the daleks were wiped out by the hand of omega
which the first doctor left on earth in the very first episode
it being a relic from the days of rassilon
the daleks took posession of it and it destroyed the home
planet of skaro and the entire dalek race

then the nemesis statue was activated by the cybermen
and it destroyed the remainder of the cyber fleets everywhere

it was in the 25 season loosely called "unfinished business"
where the doctor finally uses the devices he put in place many incarnations ago to destry his worst enemies when they got to the point they
needed stopping

so both the daleks and the cybermen shouldnt exist anymore
because they were both very clearly destroyed
by the mccoy doctor

how did the new people bring them back?

and i am practising my dancing for the wedding regarding the time wars
there were more than one i see now...

14-May-2006, 04:34 PM
The Daleks had left everything to fight in the time war, it was their ultimate goal to attain time travel, I guess some did and formed a more powerful and potent force to rival all time travelers.
The Cybermen are in fact from a parallel Earth where a business man has built them to achieve immortality and to serve his own agenda.

14-May-2006, 06:00 PM
in the new series only the darlek emporer survived, barley and not in pure darlek form he then used our dead bodies to rebuild the darlek race, adn yeah, like he said there parralel cybermen thats why they look different to the one in the museum in the last season.

14-May-2006, 06:51 PM
But the Cybermen thing is in another dimension or parallel universe, whatever they called it, so surely that allows it to happen? Because the Doctor said something about the ability to traverse universes was impossible or just really damn hard, because he was the only Time Lord left. So then when McCoy struck down upon them with great vengeance, that must have been in *our* universe/dimension?

I duno, I'm not so "up" on my Who-knowledge as I watched the old school Who when I was a kid. Then there was a huuuuuuuge gap and boom - nu-Who.

15-May-2006, 05:00 PM
the darlek empereror turned out to be davros
is his dinal stages of life

refer to the story rememberence of the daleks

mcoys doctor saw him destroyed by the hand of omega
and then he destroyed the supreme dalek
by telling it that it was the last of the dalek race
and he had no one left to rule

i am sure they came up with a way around all this
but i just dont know what it was

26-May-2006, 05:08 AM
Finally got to watch both Cybermen episodes!
LOVED these episodes. LOVED them!

I soooo wanted Rose's alternate universe Dad to go home with them and to Jackie. (Yes I'm a romantic)

Also loved Rose in a Maid outfit and Camille Coduri's cleavage! Nice work! (Yes I like Boobs)

26-May-2006, 01:02 PM
Get the 2006 Annual there is more info in there...

Hrrmm.....Looks more like "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure 2: Bill's Parents In Time"...


06-Jun-2006, 11:26 AM
anyone catch saturdays ep?, i mean come on adding the devil in was a pretty diefferent for doctor who, i would expect it of stargate but damn its wierd, so hes not n hell hes really in a dead planet orbiting a black hole.


so doctor vs the devil, whos gonna win?

06-Jun-2006, 11:49 AM
but this isn't the first time that the Doctor has faced off against the Devil. In the 1970's there was a story called "THE DAEMONS" in which the Master was trying to use the power of a Devil called Azal to take over the world...

06-Jun-2006, 11:52 AM
yeah A devill im talkin' about THE devil, we saw a red guy with horns and the ood called him satan when they gave out the names races knew him by.

06-Jun-2006, 07:29 PM
I liked it, I liked a LOT. But I have to say the "Idiots Lantern' may be my fave episode of the season so far, with the Cybermen two parter running close behind. In fact I don't really think there has been a clunker all season, truth be told.

I doubt this monster will actually turn out to be Satan though. Doctor Who never really has anything truly magic and always explains things in scientific terms. Even the in the Daemons story it turned out to be an alien. We will see however!

As far as I'm concerned Doctor Who is the best damn show on TV right now.

07-Jun-2006, 07:58 AM
yeah i agree especially since battlestar's finished. i cant stand lost myself its god aweful.

we all know the thing they "hid" about locke that they gave away at the start, which ive been tormenting my brother with ,what can i saw its funny to see him put his hands over his ears and act like rain man, thats how much he doesnt want to know what happens.

07-Jun-2006, 08:25 AM
"Don't look behind you, you'll die if you look."

Creepy, haunting, chilling, sadly in Radio Times RTD said it's not the devil.
What struck me about the episode was how much it was like 'Doom 3', on Gamecentral (Teletext C4 p.309) many are writing in saying the same observations.

The last two parter is called Army of Ghosts/Doomsday and features the Gelth from the last season, checking the credits at TV.com it has Mickey back, Lumic (perhaps he didn't die which would make sense as he's made of steel now) and a guy called Gareth, probably the one who was cybercized Sally's fiance.

Where Doctor Who wins out is, in recent years shows have went for a more dark, realistic look, Doctor Who has that but it hasn't lost sight of what TV's about entertainment. Some sci fi viewers just can't get past the notions of killer mannequins, farting aliens, homicidal pepperpots or any of the other craziness going on.