View Full Version : Complete lack of effort on the Wii

19-Feb-2009, 04:13 PM
Incredible that Factor 5 made this back in 2001 as a Gamecube launch game and yet developers still struggle with the Wii.

Update: Rebel Strike pics

19-Feb-2009, 04:45 PM
I'm not following you. I know that Wii doesn't have the capabilities of the 360 and PS3, but i've seen some damn fine looking games on it...

19-Feb-2009, 06:21 PM
Be patient. They are putting the entire RS trilogy on one disk w/ Wii controls & enhanced graphics. Its going to be cool.

darth los
19-Feb-2009, 07:18 PM
I think he's pointing to the fact that the nintendo has made no significant strides to speak of in the graphics dept.

Meanwhile Microsoft and sony have left them in the dust.

The result imo: is that they have been reduced to making gimmick games that where thin quickly and either aren't very good or are ports of already existing games.

Don't get me wrong there are some really good games for the wii but it's not something i'd pick over the other two.

In every generation I've always had all the consoles. As a matter of fact if I Didn't have one it would bother me immensely. It didn't matter if i could get the same game on the play station, I Needed the Saturn and nintendo 64.

It's not like that with this gen for me. I have the 360 An ps3 and the fact that I don't have a wii doesn't even bother me. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything big/big games which is the whole reason you buy a console.


19-Feb-2009, 07:26 PM
It's also how they use it's other assets:
For example:
Star Wars the Force Unleashed lacked 1:1 lightsaber motion, people say to do that you need Wii Motion Plus, so what was the 1:1 motion with the baseball bat in Wii Sports then? a glitch?

Dead Rising Chop Til You Drop
Swarming video:
I read they 'fade in at a distance' but that is just rediculous!

The Incredible Hulk
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (Gamecube)

Be patient. They are putting the entire RS trilogy on one disk w/ Wii controls & enhanced graphics. Its going to be cool.
After a session of Halo 3 on the 360 I threw in Star Wars: Rebel Strike and was taken completely by surprise by how it has stood up. I can hardly imagine how they'd enhance it, maybe they'll add the motion blur effect but what else is beyond me.

darth los
19-Feb-2009, 07:41 PM
On a side note, while it is amazing how far graphics have come there has to be a ceiling. How much better can these games look? What will the next gen be like? Holograms?


20-Feb-2009, 12:17 AM
You are forgetting that the first game was on the Nintendo 64. I was a big fan of that game back in the day. I would like to see a graphic enhanced version of that game. The other two maybe polished up.

20-Feb-2009, 09:38 AM
On a side note, while it is amazing how far graphics have come there has to be a ceiling. How much better can these games look? What will the next gen be like? Holograms?


Well, the software companies will continue to find new ways of making games and applications eat up more and more system resources, and hardware manufacturers will continue in the race to keep up. That's how they make their money, if games hit a technological ceiling you'd be looking at a total crash in the electronics industry, as no-one would have any reason to upgrade or buy new consoles.

You might start to notice the visual changes between generations becoming finer and more subtle, but the gamecos will keep telling people their next system is a "quantum leap" and a "new milestone" and they'll convince developers that they have to stop supporting the current systems and move on to the next generation and we'll all be forced to upgrade like suckers. :D

darth los
20-Feb-2009, 03:02 PM
And upgrade we will.

That's the genius of it though. We know the scam that's being run and we willingly submit none the less.

I guess that's why they're rich and we're not.


20-Feb-2009, 05:48 PM
Graphics be damned, gameplay is what's important.

21-Feb-2009, 11:21 AM
I remember around 4 years ago discussing with my friend about how graphics were reaching their ceiling,now we have visuals like those seen in far cry 2 & graphics will still carry on getting better!i think this global recession will slow down progress though,if things get as bad as they say they will then we wont have the money to splash out on games & the industry will suffer for it

21-Feb-2009, 12:03 PM
Developers may go for unique visual styles for future games, ones which look like were playing comic books or cartoons.
For this recession they may have to survive on ports and cheap crap about horses and stuff.