View Full Version : Lamest Resident Evil Moments

darth los
19-Feb-2009, 07:37 PM

There are some I agree with, some I don't and some i feel were left out.

What do you guys think?


19-Feb-2009, 11:53 PM
I agree with it all except Survivor (which wasn't a bad game I thought) and the remake on the Nintendo. My worst moments are:

1. When you had to play Nemesis ten times just to unlock a simple paragraph and a picture regarding characters from the game.
2. When zombies no longer appeared in the games.
3. When the enemies dissolve in Resident Evil 5.

darth los
20-Feb-2009, 02:58 PM
I agree with it all except Survivor (which wasn't a bad game I thought) and the remake on the Nintendo. My worst moments are:

1. When you had to play Nemesis ten times just to unlock a simple paragraph and a picture regarding characters from the game.
2. When zombies no longer appeared in the games.
3. When the enemies dissolve in Resident Evil 5.


That Nemesis one is classic dude. And So true.

I think that in RE 3 we started to see them significantly tinkering with the original formula. It didn't work for coca cola and it's not working here. I'm not pointing out 3 in particular but we start to see the beginnings of the shoot em up style that has all but taken over the series. In RE 3 there was definitely no shortage of ammo. And if you did happen to run out you could always make more.

Part of what made it survival horror is that ammo was so scarce and that you never knew what might leap out at you from around the corner because you couldn't SEE. Both of those elements have been stripped away.

What we have left is RE 5. :(


20-Feb-2009, 05:00 PM
They're criticizing the voice acting from the original RE?! I thought it was great and gave the game character. It seemed like it was intentionally bad, to give the game a slight campy feel to lighten up the horror of it all (gasp!).

"Blood... hope this is not Chris' blood! (http://www.audioatrocities.com/games/residentevil/clip7.mp3)"

20-Feb-2009, 05:14 PM
I haven't played a RE game since RE2, but I agree with the movie thing. Those sucked.:dead:

Like mike, I also enjoyed the campy dialogue of the first game. It did seem to give it something special. I'm glad they brought it down a notch for the sequel, though.