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21-Feb-2009, 01:46 AM
I am sentimental so, I am going to ask this question...ok, things have got really really bad and you can no longer stay in your home so you decide to hit the road, what prized possession would you take with you to remember your life before the zombies?

21-Feb-2009, 03:33 AM

21-Feb-2009, 06:01 PM
My 2 Cats.



21-Feb-2009, 09:20 PM
awwwww cute kitties!
I would take my animals and photos.
I love Christmas I would probably take something that reminded me of that holiday like a favorite ornament.
If I could I would take painting stuff with me.I love to paint!
I didnt say in my question whether I was on foot or had a truck. lol

22-Feb-2009, 12:15 AM
Well I have been writing my life adventures in a diary since 2002. I'm on my fith book now. So I know I would be taking those with me.And I would be writing about all the end of The World stuff going on. No I would not be running around with a video camera like in Diary of The Dead,and The Zombie Diaries.
Not sure what else I would grab? Yeah of course old photos. But gush never realy thought about what I would take in case there was an emergency and I had to abandon my home.
Gush this website realy makes me think about things that I never realy thought about before. Yeah I'm sure some day in the future something bad will happen? Of course my Church family thinks it's going to be like those Left Behind novels. Jesus coming for his people and the none believers left behind will experence Hell on Earth.

22-Feb-2009, 12:51 AM
If it occured in the summer, I'd bring a car door. Should it become hot, I could always roll the window down.

22-Feb-2009, 01:23 AM
If it occured in the summer, I'd bring a car door. Should it become hot, I could always roll the window down.

FF will be here all week! Don't forget to tip your waitress & try the fish, it's great...;):p

22-Feb-2009, 03:28 AM
Probably my old baseball bat (ol' reliable), a couple of maps and my two "how to survive..." books. I wouldn't need pictures or anything like that.

22-Feb-2009, 09:57 AM
Granted, I would be piling in my family and pets. I assumed this thread was for "stuff" thus my pic of familly pictures. I've already got the survival gear in place so this is more of remembrances.

23-Feb-2009, 12:01 AM
My 2 Cats.



Awwwwwwwwww, thats so sweet, cute kitties

My cat and two pictures, one of my children and one of my mother and sisters, they have gone everywhere I've with me.

23-Feb-2009, 02:31 AM
Photos, Bible, Tech Deck...... and my 2D figurine.

23-Feb-2009, 02:37 AM
1. My SHTF bag which is filled with medicine, cash, a knife, tools, some dried high protein food and vitamins. Along with about 50 rounds of ammo for my 9mm, and about 100 rounds of ammo for my .38. Oh and about a 1/2 pound of weed for trade.

2. My dog and girlfriend/family

3. My guns, my 4 hand guns to be distributed to my father and brothers, my shotgun for myself and my ar-15 for my gf.

4. My 28 oz construction hammer and belt loop. Forget machetes, if you want to survive a zombie hand to hand encounter you need a hammer.

5. my range rover with extra cans of gas, stocked with a radio, some jugs of water and other odds and ends.

23-Feb-2009, 03:26 AM
1. My SHTF bag which is filled with medicine, cash, a knife, tools, some dried high protein food and vitamins. Along with about 50 rounds of ammo for my 9mm, and about 100 rounds of ammo for my .38. Oh and about a 1/2 pound of weed for trade.

2. My dog and girlfriend/family

3. My guns, my 4 hand guns to be distributed to my father and brothers, my shotgun for myself and my ar-15 for my gf.

4. My 28 oz construction hammer and belt loop. Forget machetes, if you want to survive a zombie hand to hand encounter you need a hammer.

5. my range rover with extra cans of gas, stocked with a radio, some jugs of water and other odds and ends.

You list good stuff, but is pot really something reliable for trading purposes? For example, I don't smoke (anything), so it would be worthless to me. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.
Your not the first person I've heard mention pot for trading purposes over the years and I've always been meaning to ask.

23-Feb-2009, 04:03 AM
You list good stuff, but is pot really something reliable for trading purposes? For example, I don't smoke (anything), so it would be worthless to me. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.
Your not the first person I've heard mention pot for trading purposes over the years and I've always been meaning to ask.

Its one of the only things that will be valuable in the short term and the long term. Money might be valuable along with gold in the initial phases of outbreak, but as people settle into survival mode and the government falls, money will lose its value. Things like pot will not because it is still useful. You may not be a smoker but in my experience for every 1 or 2 non smokers there are 3 smokers. I would be glad to trade with them, maybe for extra ammo, or medicine.

The reason why pot is going to remain valuable is because it is useful not only medicinally for sick people or people suffering chronic pain. Plus its entertaining. Can you imagine how boring life would be post apocalypse? No tv, no sports, no nothing just people sitting around campfires, well might as well break out the doobies and forget about the end of civilization for a hour anyway.

23-Feb-2009, 01:28 PM
I am sentimental as well, but to be honest I do not think sentimental things would enter my mind too much at that point. Knowing me and my personality I think I would be very much in the moment and taking only what I needed to take then and there.

Items would be restricted to survival type gear, or necessities to ensure I was traveling light and I could accomplish what it was I was setting out to do.

Later I would kick myself for not taking pictures of my daughter I am sure but at that time I do not think I would even think about it.

Odd right?

24-Feb-2009, 03:40 AM
Pot will work as a trade good,
It worked for a variety of cultures for many years in one form or another, and it would work again, for all the reasons mentioned. Plus, you've got those bleeding heart types that want to make those who get infected comfortable, and let them live right until the last moment when they keel over and turn. Those kind of people would trade for it.

Anything that makes you feel better will have value in an apocalyptic environment. There may be some who abstain, but there will be more than enough who don't to merit peeking your head in the liquor store if it doesnt look like it's infested/been looted bare as you travel through. If nothing else high-proof booze is an excellent antiseptic, as well as crude painkiller/sedative for medical procedures.

Just my .02

Me, I take my Apocalypse Backpack (which includes a small photo album), and my dog. I've always had a feeling when I look at the third dog I've owned that in some manner I don't know this dog is going to save my butt some time. Can't explain it, at all, but it's a solid feeling. Plus he's useful/well-trained enough to merit the little bit of effort to keep him fed. Even if I'm on my own I could sleep in an unsecure location if absolutely necessary, because of Gabriel's habit of tugging hard on my shirt/pouncing on me if anyone gets within 20 feet of me he doesn't know REALLY well. He also wakes me up when he hears stuff outside of his usual routine (which can be damned annoying, let me tell you, but is a quirk I've always found wise not to chastise him for, just in case)

24-Feb-2009, 02:56 PM
Anything that makes you feel better will have value in an apocalyptic environment. There may be some who abstain, but there will be more than enough who don't to merit peeking your head in the liquor store if it doesnt look like it's infested/been looted bare as you travel through. If nothing else high-proof booze is an excellent antiseptic, as well as crude painkiller/sedative for medical procedures.

Just my .02

That is a really good point items that help people escape reality, or provide you with pleasure would definitely become more valuable in my opinion. So alcohol, drugs.

Further to that I think barter would replace money really fast in most situations, I could not defend myself with money. But I could with a gun. So if I have a case of whiskey, and you have two guns. I am sure we could work out a trade... of course with guns if you wanted to you could just take it all if I was unarmed. But you seem like a good fella to me.

27-Feb-2009, 02:07 PM
I'd take my 3 cats but truth be told, none likes to travel, and if I can't out here, then my chances as a refugee are pretty slim indeed.