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26-Feb-2009, 08:34 PM
Obama Plans to Slash the Federal Deficit in Half

I really want to know how the man who spent nearly a trillion dollars we don’t have earlier in the week thinks he can cut the deficit in half along with “plans to broaden health care coverage to eventually insure everyone. Moving the country toward greener energy sources. Expanding education opportunities. Overhauling financial industry regulation“.

I want to know how a man who a few short months ago said deficits don’t matter can now say “We can’t generate sustained growth without getting our deficits under control,” with a straight face.

It will all be just a lot of hot air, I’m sure since the plan rests “on the assumption that the economy recovers from the current slump” and does not consider “additional spending on economic stimulus or bailouts of the financial or other sectors“.

Where will the money come from? “Winding down the war” in Iraq, eliminating Bush’s tax cuts on families earning more than $250,000 a year (raising their tax rate from 35% to 39.6%), increasing the capital gains tax by 5%, closing corporate tax “loopholes” and taxing the earnings of hedge fund managers as normal income rather than as capital gains.

Not mentioned, of course, is that while “winding down” in Iraq, Obama is “winding up” in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Obama authorized 17,500 additional troops to Afghanistan just a few days ago and The Raw Story reported yesterday that Obama is expanding military operations in Pakistan.

There is also no mention of how businesses - especially small businesses - might be able to create jobs when suddenly faced with a much higher tax bill. Common sense says higher taxes will lead to more layoffs and more businesses closing down completely.

Obamanomics. It will make you laugh till you cry.

26-Feb-2009, 08:47 PM
I try to avoid politics because all they ever create is arguments and childish bickering....but I would like to point out that I find it hilarious when people blame everything on the president as if he's the one and only person calling the shots. Not so.

And Usumgal....AWESOME avatar.:thumbsup:

26-Feb-2009, 08:50 PM
Obama Plans to Slash the Federal Deficit in Half

I really want to know how the man who spent nearly a trillion dollars we don’t have earlier in the week thinks he can cut the deficit in half along with “plans to broaden health care coverage to eventually insure everyone. Moving the country toward greener energy sources. Expanding education opportunities. Overhauling financial industry regulation“.

I want to know how a man who a few short months ago said deficits don’t matter can now say “We can’t generate sustained growth without getting our deficits under control,” with a straight face.

It will all be just a lot of hot air, I’m sure since the plan rests “on the assumption that the economy recovers from the current slump” and does not consider “additional spending on economic stimulus or bailouts of the financial or other sectors“.

Where will the money come from? “Winding down the war” in Iraq, eliminating Bush’s tax cuts on families earning more than $250,000 a year (raising their tax rate from 35% to 39.6%), increasing the capital gains tax by 5%, closing corporate tax “loopholes” and taxing the earnings of hedge fund managers as normal income rather than as capital gains.

Not mentioned, of course, is that while “winding down” in Iraq, Obama is “winding up” in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Obama authorized 17,500 additional troops to Afghanistan just a few days ago and The Raw Story reported yesterday that Obama is expanding military operations in Pakistan.

There is also no mention of how businesses - especially small businesses - might be able to create jobs when suddenly faced with a much higher tax bill. Common sense says higher taxes will lead to more layoffs and more businesses closing down completely.

Obamanomics. It will make you laugh till you cry.

I honestly believe the guy doesn't know what he is doing. And he has a staff of cronies with no real experience in anything they are doing. So they're all winging it and destroying the machinery at the same time.

26-Feb-2009, 09:00 PM
I try to avoid politics because all they ever create is arguments and childish bickering....but I would like to point out that I find it hilarious when people blame everything on the president as if he's the one and only person calling the shots. Not so.

i'm going to steal the pic you put up a bit ago because it fits and because obama's election has left some people on the brink of insanity.


it's a madhouse! A MADHOUSE!

26-Feb-2009, 09:43 PM
Remember when the Bush administration ruined the possibility of actually having a surplus after the Clinton administration? Good times.

The Iraq War is the biggest contributor to the current deficit that we have.

26-Feb-2009, 11:12 PM
The "surplus" people talk about has nothing to do with the national debt. It's just money spent below the executive budget. The national debt is enormous, and it has always (for all intents and purposes) been there, and won't be paid in our lifetimes. The only time there was no debt was when Andrew Jackson was President. Since then, it has just been deeper and deeper into the red.

It takes awhile to dig yourself out of a 180-year-old hole.

27-Feb-2009, 01:30 AM
You sir are a sage. Anyway, give the kid a break. He's only been in the game a few years, and... I don't know, maybe politics should be done away with completely. Anarchy for all!

27-Feb-2009, 05:10 AM
, and... I don't know, maybe politics should be done away with completely. Anarchy for all!

I have to agree. In some ways, it might be for the best. The stupid would die, the smart thrive. The way of nature.

27-Feb-2009, 08:00 AM
Sounds like you've got yourselves a "Tony Blair" government chaps, that feckin' eejit blasted similar hot air for years & now the UK is in a real mess, made even worse by the fact we now have Gordon Brown as PM, with the dark lord mandelson pulling all the strings!
On the plus side the "obamania" seems to have subsided very quickly over here now,theres barely a mention of him in the UK barring the usual world news events

Edison Carter
27-Feb-2009, 09:58 AM
17,500 more than Bush's lame duck increase
of 20,000 each soldier costs $800,000 a year
according to last years DOD outlays do the math.

27-Feb-2009, 03:48 PM
Sounds like you've got yourselves a "Tony Blair" government chaps, that feckin' eejit blasted similar hot air for years & now the UK is in a real mess, made even worse by the fact we now have Gordon Brown as PM, with the dark lord mandelson pulling all the strings!
On the plus side the "obamania" seems to have subsided very quickly over here now,theres barely a mention of him in the UK barring the usual world news events

Well he managed to take our and your economy from the pan to the fire. The Dems will be out with good reason in 2010, if the Pubs get their veto-proof majority expect impeachment charges to start. Obama clearly doesn't know what he is doing and if he does then he is a criminal.

27-Feb-2009, 05:14 PM
I love it when people say that he has no idea what he is doing. Who are you comparing his performance to? I hate to keep backtracking, but just look at George Bush and his record. There is a reason that he will be referred to as one of if not the worst president in our history. And your mention of impeachment is laughable. If Bush/Cheney did not get impeached over their many ACTUAL CRIMES (Torture, Wire tapping, Constitution-burning, etc.) then there is no way Obama is going anywhere. Honestly, I highly doubt the Republicans will get a majority in the house for quite some time. The country is moving blue, and it shows. But if you have the desire to live in a theocracy, then I am sure there are some places in this world that would love to take you in.

27-Feb-2009, 09:06 PM
Well he managed to take our and your economy from the pan to the fire. The Dems will be out with good reason in 2010, if the Pubs get their veto-proof majority expect impeachment charges to start. Obama clearly doesn't know what he is doing and if he does then he is a criminal.

:rolleyes: good luck with that there buddy.

27-Feb-2009, 10:15 PM
Man these politics threads are going into hyperbole overload lately :bored:

It makes having an actual conversation impossible when people are chicken-littling, chest puffing and punditing to their partisan's content all the time.

27-Feb-2009, 10:24 PM
chest puffing and punditing to their partisan's content .


27-Feb-2009, 10:28 PM


Quiet youuuuu!

27-Feb-2009, 10:47 PM
Well he managed to take our and your economy from the pan to the fire. The Dems will be out with good reason in 2010, if the Pubs get their veto-proof majority expect impeachment charges to start. Obama clearly doesn't know what he is doing and if he does then he is a criminal.

While I do question he judgement from tiem to time, trust me, his 30 days in office didn't do crap. It takes 2-4 years for whatever economic actions take place to take effect. Everything you are experiencing now is mostly from the Bush Administration. The housing crisis started in his term because he encouraged Fannie Mae to give loans to the questionable, while Clinton did ask them to loan to people with lower credit scores, his requests let people who had no BUSINESS period owning homes going out and buying shit they could not afford.

Nothing Obama has done since January 20th, 37 days ago, is effecting us at the moment. The $787M stimulus has even been spent yet, or even tapped into, this is still Bush policies in effect, and him trying to undo the huge amount of damage the Bush administration did over the course of 8 years.

You expect a miracle in 37 days? DAMn dude, the man ain't god ya know.

Edison Carter
27-Feb-2009, 10:51 PM
Easy to cut it in half when you
hit it right off the bat with a one time (2 months in) 800% increase then shrink the increases to nothing for a little while.
Christ a small non-free range 1 person smorgasbord non-organic chicken is more than double what it was 9 months ago.
Summer of rage indeed (where did I leave my pitchforks and torches?):stunned:.
Odrama's Sub-Saharan blue lipped behind has upped the WH
thermostat to 87 degrees.Keeps Meechelle +Momma +Auntie Z
and all and sundry other relatives now
living there comfy.
Wondered how they can tolerate sleeveless in February?

28-Feb-2009, 01:31 AM
The Dems will be out with good reason in 2010, if the Pubs get their veto-proof majority expect impeachment charges to start.

what in the hell are you talking about? the republicans have a long way to go to even get a simple a majority. veto proof? again you have proven you have very little idea about what you are talking about. read the constitution and find out how an impeachment works. you can't impeach a president because you don't agree with his policies, he has to be have committed treason, bribery or another high crime/misdemeanor. the house has to vote to impeach by a simple majority, then the senate conducts the trial. it takes 2/3 of the senate to convict. getting a 2/3 vote is not easy (it isn't meant to be easy as a matter of fact). the power of veto does not figure into the proceedings.

Easy to cut it in half when you
hit it right off the bat with a one time (2 months in) 800% increase then shrink the increases to nothing for a little while.
Christ a small non-free range 1 person smorgasbord non-organic chicken is more than double what it was 9 months ago.
Summer of rage indeed (where did I leave my pitchforks and torches?):stunned:.
Odrama's Sub-Saharan blue lipped behind has upped the WH
thermostat to 87 degrees.Keeps Meechelle +Momma +Auntie Z
and all and sundry other relatives now
living there comfy.
Wondered how they can tolerate sleeveless in February?

does this style of post remind you folks who have been around here for a bit of anyone? it sure reminds me of someone.

also, can anybody figure out what the hell this guy is babbling about?

28-Feb-2009, 01:54 AM
does this style of post remind you folks who have been around here for a bit of anyone? it sure reminds me of someone. also, can anybody figure out what the hell this guy is babbling about?

I dunno, but I sure hope he's not on my side.



28-Feb-2009, 03:08 AM
I agree that these politcal rant threads really need to be done away with. Discussion is one thing, but making a thread just to rank will never turn out good. It invites arguments.

28-Feb-2009, 03:24 AM

Quiet youuuuu!


Ohhhh. . .now Archie. . .alliteration is a poifectly acceptable literary tool.

Here. .I can derail this thread!!!

Put this in your spank bank everyone!!


28-Feb-2009, 03:00 PM
Everything you are experiencing now is mostly from the Bush Administration.

Mostly true. However, Bush did ask for some sort of regulation early on in his first term in office. Mr. Barney Frank assured us that there was no problem.

http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E06E3D6123BF932A2575AC0A9659C8B 63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=print

The housing crisis started in his term because he encouraged Fannie Mae to give loans to the questionable, while Clinton did ask them to loan to people with lower credit scores, his requests let people who had no BUSINESS period owning homes going out and buying shit they could not afford.

Again, kinda sorta. But it is good to take a giant step back to the pre-Bush era.


Nothing Obama has done since January 20th, 37 days ago, is effecting us at the moment. The $787M stimulus has even been spent yet, or even tapped into, this is still Bush policies in effect, and him trying to undo the huge amount of damage the Bush administration did over the course of 8 years.

The Bush administration did not do the damage on its own. It is silly to blame the Republicans. It is silly to blame the Democrats. Both are equally guilty. Ultimately, we ourselves are to blame for their actions. They are creatures of our own making.

Until we muster up the courage drag these culprits down from their podiums, tar and feather them, set them adrift on "Gilligan's Island" style rafts with nothing to drink or eat but flat Diet Pepsi and stale Pop-Tarts, floating away on turbulent seas in the general direction of the Bermuda Triangle, well, we really have no room to complain. Unless, of course, we want to whine like that ponytail guy: "You are our parents, we are your children ... " :lol:

You expect a miracle in 37 days? DAMn dude, the man ain't god ya know.

You got that right! LOL!




Edison Carter
01-Mar-2009, 04:21 PM
Nothing Odrama has done since January 20th, 37 days ago, is effecting us at the moment.

Nothing unless you fail to count almost the entire segment of western finance
fleeing the markets ever since the skittle shitting unicorns "selection"
in November.
Odrama & Rahmbo/AIPAC
never letting a crisis
