View Full Version : most unfortunate names in the UK...

27-Feb-2009, 01:24 AM
i came across this article on the BBC and thought i'd share it. to be honest, i find this both funny and sad at the same time. i mean, how would you like to go through life with a name like stan still, justin case, mary christmas or bill board?

for the life of me i cannot figure out what people could be thinking to stick such names on their own kids. it's ridiculous and is almost like their parent's wanted these folks to be mocked.

Retired airman Stan Still, 76, from Cirencester, Gloucestershire, said his name had been "a blooming millstone around my neck my entire life".

"When I was in the RAF my commanding officer used to shout, 'Stan Still, get a move on' and roll about laughing," he said.

"It got hugely boring after a while."


the only person i've ever known with a nutty name like this had a doozy of one - his name was Dick McPhail.:stunned: the number of times he was laughed at when introducing himself to people, folks who thought he was kidding about his name, was quite sad.

27-Feb-2009, 01:59 AM
the only person i've ever known with a nutty name like this had a doozy of one - his name was Dick McPhail.:stunned: the number of times he was laughed at when introducing himself to people, folks who thought he was kidding about his name, was quite sad.

If I were him I think I would have been happy being called Richard.

27-Feb-2009, 02:06 AM
Robin Banks
Wayne Kerr
Crystal Ball
Faith Christian
Jack Hoff

Oh, and I just found this (http://www.b3ta.com/features/realnames/).

27-Feb-2009, 02:16 AM
Robin Banks
Wayne Kerr
Crystal Ball
Faith Christian
Jack Hoff

Oh, and I just found this (http://www.b3ta.com/features/realnames/).

lisa minge, gynecologist. :lol: that is rich on several levels.

If I were him I think I would have been happy being called Richard.

i believe that he eventually broke down and began insisting that he be called rick. a name is a hard thing to break away from.

there was an insurance agent in the township i grew up in named dick burns. he had a big sign out in front of his office that read "dick burns insurance." the amount of giggling that induced every time our school bus went by it was incredible and it never seemed to get old.

27-Feb-2009, 07:18 AM
Mike Hunt.

'nuff said.

27-Feb-2009, 04:17 PM
Do parents think when they saddle their kids with some of these names? Seriously, do they?

28-Feb-2009, 01:36 PM
Mike Hunt.

'nuff said.

you've actually known someone named michael hunt aka mike hunt? if so, that is priceless.

Do parents think when they saddle their kids with some of these names? Seriously, do they?

i don't know what could possibly be going through someone's head to stick a name like stan still on their own child. i guess the fact that the child is going to grow up and have to bear an idiotic name for life never crosses their minds. parents that try to get cute with the names they stick on their kids are annoying as hell too. what is "adorable" on a baby is most likely going to inappropriate and embarrassing on a 30 year old adult.

when my son was born and we were going about choosing a name, we said all the candidates out loud in both their full and short versions, so we could hear what they'd actually sounded like. two of the names we both really liked, martin and malcolm, were rejected because coupled with my last name they sounded ridiculous. nothing like stan still, they just sounded funny. we narrowed it down for 4 names (nicholas, kevin, grant and dorian) and went from there.

28-Feb-2009, 02:56 PM
Dick Cheese. *L* My favorite.

28-Feb-2009, 03:16 PM
Peter Cox.




28-Feb-2009, 03:26 PM
I just remembered. I knew a guy in school named Bobby Dick. His last name fit him, because he was a dick. Too bad we never fought.

Chic Freak
28-Feb-2009, 03:44 PM
My great-great-grandmother, Mrs Long, insisted she was going to call her first son Miles for the first two days of his life, to wind up her husband.

01-Mar-2009, 01:58 PM
i would ratehr be named wayne kerr then something stupid like Llyod, Webster, Isador, Dawn, jasmine....Malachi....I even went to school with a girl named patty. Not Patricia, not Pat. Patty.

uggh...I'd rather be Kris then Llyod.

02-Mar-2009, 02:01 AM
My grandfather's name is Dick... actually, it's Robert.... anyway, some of these are really sad, and hilarious... excellent work, everyone.

03-Mar-2009, 09:10 PM
Do parents think when they saddle their kids with some of these names? Seriously, do they?

My schizophrenic uncle (may he rest in peace) named my cousin, Ion, and I think it gave him somewhat of a complex. This of course was back in the early 70s, and you would occasionally come across some kids who were given some strange names by their hippy parents, like "Sky", "Rainbow", "American", and I often wonder how they are doing now that they are all grown up.

And what about being named Blanket or Lexus?

On a side note, I have often tell my wife that if we have a son that I will name him "Jesus" so that when he goes to public school in Los Angeles and the teachers - assuming the spanish pronounciation of this name which is common among the kids of Latin-American descent - call him "Heh-Soos" he can correct them and say "No, ma'mm, it's 'gee-zeus'"

04-Mar-2009, 12:30 AM
Cool idea. If I ever had a kid, I'd name it Zimzimzeee!, or something wild like that. I figure if you're going to have a name, make it really memorable and fun. Kids need that, especially in the early stages of their education. Maybe Blarg...

04-Mar-2009, 12:40 AM
I took a call the other day from a customer trying to dispute a whole series of Extenze transactions on his account. The guy's name? Willie Johnson.


Took all of my professional ability to keep from cracking up.:hyper:

04-Mar-2009, 12:51 PM
Took all of my professional ability to keep from cracking up.:hyper:

if i remember correctly, you have a self defecating (sic) sense of humor. :D

04-Mar-2009, 12:59 PM
I'll name my kid Bruce Willis.

05-Mar-2009, 01:58 AM
if i remember correctly, you have a self defecating (sic) sense of humor. :D

thanks for reminding me. . . :( ;)