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View Full Version : well if this isn't out of line...

02-Mar-2009, 01:14 AM
take a gander at this cop beating the piss out of a 15 year old in a jail cell for the way she kicked her shoes off.

crazy and disturbing.

note: let's not turn this into an I-hate-all-cops thread. this guy's actions are clearly way, way beyond what is acceptable and giving that the fact that he had to know he was being filmed, unfathomable.

guy is real tough beating up on a 15 year old girl, isn't he? if there was any real justice in the world, this girl's father would get some alone time with this guy and a baseball bat.


02-Mar-2009, 02:12 AM
if there was any real justice in the world, this girl's father would get some alone time with this guy and a baseball bat.

I don't know about all of that. For all we know, this girl's father might already be in jail for something similar. From what I've read in other articles, these cops patrol some pretty rough neighborhoods. I'd imagine that this little 15-year old pinhead wasn't on her way to an ice cream social when she was picked up for joy riding in a "borrowed" car.

In spite of that, I agree with you. This cop's actions are unacceptable. The girl was confined and unarmed. No threat.

Until more information is made available, I can't venture to say what should happen to him.



02-Mar-2009, 02:29 AM
I don't know about all of that. For all we know, this girl's father might already be in jail for something similar. From what I've read in other articles, these cops patrol some pretty rough neighborhoods. I'd imagine that this little 15-year old pinhead wasn't on her way to an ice cream social when she was picked up for joy riding in a "borrowed" car.


i have a terminal optimism about people, which growing up in cincinnati should've knocked out of me but didn't.

still, no one in custody deserves to be treated like that.

02-Mar-2009, 02:33 AM
Yeah, saw this the other evening. The footage was damned rough. Here's hoping for a fair hearing and swift, true justice, as needed.

02-Mar-2009, 02:38 AM
icecream social?

02-Mar-2009, 03:26 AM
still, no one in custody deserves to be treated like that.

Except in cases where the subject poses a true threat to the safety of the officers. I didn't see that in the video.

icecream social?


Kick off your shoes and raise some Hades.



02-Mar-2009, 03:53 AM
Except in cases where the subject poses a true threat to the safety of the officers. I didn't see that in the video.

yeah, that goes without saying. but i agree, a 15 year old girl who is kicking off her shoes hardly qualifies as a threat to two cops who are both very much bigger than her.

02-Mar-2009, 04:18 AM
yeah, that goes without saying. but i agree, a 15 year old girl who is kicking off her shoes hardly qualifies as a threat to two cops who are both very much bigger than her.

Right. Even if that shoe hit him in the PP (which it didn't, it looks like it hit him around the lower thigh, kneecap area) ... sometimes you just have to "bite the bullet".



02-Mar-2009, 05:05 AM
Cops disgust me, I have yet to meet one that wasnt full of himself and an utter bully in nature.

This cop needs to be put into gen pop prison.

02-Mar-2009, 07:35 AM
Evil sack of shite.

Makes the whole nobility of "serve and protect" a joke.

02-Mar-2009, 08:36 AM
Cops disgust me, I have yet to meet one that wasnt full of himself and an utter bully in nature.

This cop needs to be put into gen pop prison.

Wow, we agree on something! :D

In all fairness, I do have total respect for the job cops have to do, and they're not all assholes, but yes - a lot of them are the sort of power-hungry people who, if they weren't cops, would be criminals themselves.

02-Mar-2009, 10:54 AM
And some cops are both! But not my uncle... he's the real kind of popo. A man who does his job and supports his family. Plus he's really tall, so that probably helps.

02-Mar-2009, 06:03 PM
In all fairness, I do have total respect for the job cops have to do, and they're not all assholes, but yes - a lot of them are the sort of power-hungry people who, if they weren't cops, would be criminals themselves.

this dude must've slipped through the psych evaluation somehow. anyone with that much trouble containing anger over something so damn trivial has no business being a police officer.

02-Mar-2009, 06:15 PM
I know two or three a few people who went on to be cops who were bullies and vandals in high school. In fact, of all the thugs I knew in school, the only ones who actually went on to be successful in a career were those who joined the police.

However, I also know one cop, a detective actually, who is the kindest, most level-headed, "good guy" I can think of.

02-Mar-2009, 06:18 PM
All cops are horrible! Fuck all cops! The world would be better off without em!


Just like with all of these police brutality videos, there could be more to the story.....BUT....right now it seems like this guy's cheese slid off his cracker...

02-Mar-2009, 11:06 PM
Just like with all of these police brutality videos, there could be more to the story.....BUT....right now it seems like this guy's cheese slid off his cracker...

yeah, this guys seems to be a few fries short of a happy meal. he might be missing the toy too.:D

03-Mar-2009, 09:01 PM
Dudes, this cop was way, way out of line, and needs to be pulled off the force in the interest of public safety.

04-Mar-2009, 01:12 PM
whats the betting the cop gets away with it...

04-Mar-2009, 05:52 PM
I'd imagine that this little 15-year old pinhead wasn't on her way to an ice cream social when she was picked up for joy riding in a "borrowed" car.
Perhaps she was just following the 31 year-old pinhead police officer's lead seeing as he was previously busted for DUI (mixing alcohol while on prescription meds) (http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/401779_schene28.html).

Is a "deferred sentence" with probation typically handed out to all DUI criminals in Seattle, or only to their criminal police officers? It should certainly be listed as a perk on their next recruiting billboard (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2008/04/04/2008-04-04_seattle_police_department_scheming_to_st.html).

04-Mar-2009, 06:59 PM
whats the betting the cop gets away with it...
Yeah, it would be typical, but still not fair. Nothing short of terminating the officer would be fair, and I think it should go as far as criminal charges against this knucklehead.

Just think, this idiot has a license to carry a concealed weapon when out of uniform, but you can't!

04-Mar-2009, 07:56 PM
Just think, this idiot has a license to carry a concealed weapon when out of uniform, but you can't!

Techincally....I believe anyone without a recorded felony can get a concealed weapons permit. I could be wrong about what makes you eligible for one, but I know a few citizens that have the permit.

04-Mar-2009, 08:06 PM
Techincally....I believe anyone without a recorded felony can get a concealed weapons permit. I could be wrong about what makes you eligible for one, but I know a few citizens that have the permit.

From a technical standpoint, you are correct, but some jurisdictions are notorious for refusing to issue CCW. In Los Angeles where I live, for example, it is nearly impossible to get a permit to carry, even if you have a spotless record and have a justifiable reason to carry. But I have heard that there are other states where it is rather easy to get a CCW provided your record is clean.

Certainly, the Los Angeles Police Department would prefer that no one gets a CCW, since they are able to carry off duty and not having everyone else likewise being able to pack gives them an advantage.

04-Mar-2009, 09:27 PM
This dude should look up the definition of 'excessive'.

04-Mar-2009, 10:50 PM
This dude should look up the definition of 'excessive'.
Probably learned everything he knows from these asshats: State Torture of Hope Steffey (http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2008/03/10/the_state_torture_of_hope_steffey)

And speaking of carrying concealed weapons: since self-defense and protecting one's family from home invasion, rape, assault, etc. are the reasons commonly cited by gun proponents, would one be justified in shooting these thugs posing as officers of the law before they're able to take you or your loved one away?

Ted Nugent, for example, calls for "justice" at the scene of the crime: "Get a gun, learn to use it and do the right thing. Bad guys should be shot dead, not Christmas shoppers."

Is there any doubt that we're looking at the "bad guys" in these video clips?

04-Mar-2009, 11:01 PM
Probably learned everything he knows from these asshats: State Torture of Hope Steffey (http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2008/03/10/the_state_torture_of_hope_steffey)

And speaking of carrying concealed weapons: since self-defense and protecting one's family from home invasion, rape, assault, etc. are the reasons commonly cited by gun proponents, would one be justified in shooting these thugs posing as officers of the law before they're able to take you or your loved one away?

Ted Nugent, for example, calls for "justice" at the scene of the crime: "Get a gun, learn to use it and do the right thing. Bad guys should be shot dead, not Christmas shoppers."

Is there any doubt that we're looking at the "bad guys" in these video clips?

Your post was right on the button until you invoked the unholy name of Ted fucking Nugent. I'm sorry, but it's really hard not to disagree with everything Ted fucking Nugent says. :moon: :D

Ted motherfucking Nugent... :rolleyes::lol:

04-Mar-2009, 11:27 PM
Oh, well. It's not the last beating she'll ever take. She'll get over this one.

...there's a little dose of compassion.:lol:

05-Mar-2009, 01:14 AM
Oh, well. It's not the last beating she'll ever take. She'll get over this one.

...there's a little dose of compassion.:lol:

I didn't see a "beating" taking place in the video, just some rough treatment. A couple of shots to the melon does not a beating make (that is if those punches landed at all).

But, you're right. She has a lifetime of "beatings" ahead of her. From boyfriends, half-a-dozen future ex-husbands, maybe a from a son, or two when she's a 30-year-old single "mom" and living on welfare. The possibilities are endless ... ;)

Incidentally, does anyone know where Khardis lives? Is he possibly a member of the Seattle PD?



05-Mar-2009, 01:39 AM
Really messed up that, but what I want to know is. . did she get her sister's license back?

05-Mar-2009, 02:23 AM
Really messed up that, but what I want to know is. . did she get her sister's license back?

Who? Hope "Psycho" Steffy, or the unnamed 15-year-old pinhead?



05-Mar-2009, 04:20 PM
Incidentally, does anyone know where Khardis lives? Is he possibly a member of the Seattle PD?


:lol::lol: I actually miss Khardis and his posts!:lol::lol:

darth los
05-Mar-2009, 04:27 PM
Techincally....I believe anyone without a recorded felony can get a concealed weapons permit. I could be wrong about what makes you eligible for one, but I know a few citizens that have the permit.

Nope, our dictator of a mayor would never have that. He's even banned transfats. :stunned: He's an awesome babysitter though. Too bad us adults don't need one.


05-Mar-2009, 04:36 PM
Nope, our dictator of a mayor would never have that. He's even banned transfats. :stunned: He's an awesome babysitter though. Too bad us adults don't need one.

Yeah, I complain about Los Angeles all the time, but you New Yorkers have some of the most restrictive laws on the books for the whole nation, so I guess us Los Angelenos are not that bad off, even though our mayor is a narcisistic, used-car salesman mannered self aggrandizing punk.

05-Mar-2009, 07:45 PM
Who? Hope "Psycho" Steffy, or the unnamed 15-year-old pinhead?



Hope. . .

Really biased story that was but still disturbing.

05-Mar-2009, 11:53 PM

Oh, Nehemiah's friend. I don't know if she got her sister's license back. I'm not even sure if she was supposed to have it to begin with.

And, yes, it was very unpleasant to see that video. Her constant shrieking grated on my nerves so much, I had to shut it off.

Here is another video, biased in its own right, that alledges to be a phone call Hope made to her husband after the incident. It has been heavily edited.




06-Mar-2009, 02:30 AM
Yeah, I complain about Los Angeles all the time, but you New Yorkers have some of the most restrictive laws on the books for the whole nation, so I guess us Los Angelenos are not that bad off, even though our mayor is a narcisistic, used-car salesman mannered self aggrandizing punk.

I am glad I live in Texas. None of that crap here.

06-Mar-2009, 04:53 AM
Incidentally, does anyone know where Khardis lives? Is he possibly a member of the Seattle PD?




khardis is from new england and he enjoys pina coladas, getting caught in the rain and random acts of brutality.

07-Mar-2009, 02:23 AM
acts of brutality.

Kinda like helping old ladies across the street -- by kicking them in the butt every few paces while shouting obscenities at the top of his lungs?

Or climbing a very tall tree to rescue a stranded kitten, then climbing even higher and throwing it off, laughing dementedly as it plunges, writhing in abject terror, to the ground below?

:lol::lol: I actually miss Khardis and his posts!:lol::lol:

Yes, yes. Khardis. THE Khardis. He left a Khardis-shaped hole when he departed. And he took ultimate truth with him.

