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02-Mar-2009, 05:24 AM
this interview, in three parts on youtube, with aldous huxley will be well worth your time.

aldous huxley was an intellectual titan from a family of intellectual giants. two of his brothers, julian and andrew(who believe it or not is still alive), were nobel prize winners in biology and medicine respectively, his father leonard was a well known biographer and academic and his grandfather thomas was probably the second greatest biologist of the 19th century after darwin.

huxley wasn't simply an author, he was a prophet and the power of his intellect could frizzle fry any ten pundits at work today.

in this interview, which was done in the late 50s when huxley was advanced in years, covers everything from overpopulation to advertising to drugs to over organization. fascinating stuff.

huxley is, without a doubt, my favorite writer and thinker ever. if you fancy yourself an individualist, then huxley is your dude. one of his main ideas is that the group is never more important than the individual and that any system/society that isn't built on the freedom of the individual is worthy of nothing but contempt - he talks about this in part 3 of this interview.

note: America has a claim on huxley. even though he never became a citizen, he lived the last 27 years of his life in America.




02-Mar-2009, 11:04 AM
Wow, thanks for posting this. Very enlightening. Seriously.

02-Mar-2009, 02:30 PM
Top vids, Mike. Thanks for sharing, mate.

04-Mar-2009, 01:57 AM
Great find, Mike! Huxley's comments are relevant, especially these days.

