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10-Mar-2009, 01:52 AM
... hurry before MSNBC deletes this poll. The B-Man ain't doing too good.


I gave him a "D", my honest opinion.



10-Mar-2009, 02:30 AM
I would give him higher than a D.

Maybe somewhere around a B-.

He got handed a very bad turnover from W in my opinion.

He is deescalating the war with Iraq. +1. He is moving troops to Afghanistan, again +1. He is continuing to push Pakistan to control their outlaw elements both in their government and populace. +1. Releasing restrictions on stem cell research, +1. Pushing the tax levels to tax the very rich at higher levels, +1.

He is continuing the bailout program and trying to float the economy with gifts of our tax dollars to people that took bad risks without doing enough research. -2. This is going to be a decision that history is going to have to decide if it was right or not.

He has not been in office long enough to really tell how good a job he is doing. Give him some time and then decide.

10-Mar-2009, 03:09 AM
I can't do it. I'm waffling between a C and a D, but I've been really off the media whirlygig the last few weeks, trying to not worry myself into an early grave.

10-Mar-2009, 04:21 AM
not a scientific poll, so take it for what it's worth..but it surprises me that a poll on the msnbc website has 57% of 34k voters giving him an F. i gave him a C.

10-Mar-2009, 02:02 PM
I'll give him a C. I realize he inherited a bad economy but he hasn't done a lot to reassure people it will get better. If I wanted to hear doom & gloom I'd watch or read the news...he is suppose to inspire and lead!

10-Mar-2009, 02:18 PM
I gave him a C, because he has only been in office for a very short time. I can only give an honest grade in about 2-4 years from now.

10-Mar-2009, 06:15 PM
F Closing gitmo, crashing the market, printing money we don't have, gov health care,and now the stem cells.

I was willing to give him a chance. He had one.

Why cant we cut capital gains tax?

10-Mar-2009, 07:19 PM
he gets big props from me on lifting the ban on stem cell research. thats great.

10-Mar-2009, 08:14 PM
My investments need him to succeed but he seems to be doing everyting in his power to ensure the market has zero faith in him or his plans. Tack on Gitmo and you have a total failure so far. Today finds him giving speeches about education. Uh....how about back to the economy Barack.

10-Mar-2009, 09:31 PM
Uh....how about, a person with a job as important as the President's needs to focus on more than one thing at the same time.

10-Mar-2009, 10:04 PM

10-Mar-2009, 10:54 PM
he gets big props from me on lifting the ban on stem cell research. thats great.

I agree with stem cell research. Weird, we agree on something.

11-Mar-2009, 05:13 AM
Gitmo Closing: Good
Stem-Cell Ban Lift: Good
Iraq War Ending Timeline: Good
Stimulus: We'll have to wait and see.

11-Mar-2009, 06:35 AM
I agree with stem cell research. Weird, we agree on something.

i dont know how anyone could disagree. why not take advantage of scientific advances that could help millions of people and save lives?

11-Mar-2009, 06:48 AM
Uh....how about, a person with a job as important as the President's needs to focus on more than one thing at the same time.

Or, perhaps, he is simply "overwhelmed".


Take a Xanax and chill out, Barry. You knew what you were getting into, didn't you?

At least you pretended you did during the campaign.

I guess you can always sit back and "blame Bush". :lol:



11-Mar-2009, 07:41 AM
Or, perhaps, he is simply "overwhelmed".


Take a Xanax and chill out, Barry. You knew what you were getting into, didn't you?

At least you pretended you did during the campaign.

I guess you can always sit back and "blame Bush". :lol:



but shouldn't we "blame bush"? i mean, he is the one who got us into the clusterfuck we are in today isn't he?

11-Mar-2009, 07:48 AM
but shouldn't we "blame bush"? i mean, he is the one who got us into the clusterfuck we are in today isn't he?

Bush, all by himself?



ps -- incidentally, if I were asked to grade Bush, he'd get a "D" also.

11-Mar-2009, 08:12 AM
i dont know how anyone could disagree. why not take advantage of scientific advances that could help millions of people and save lives?

Because some people mix religion and politics.

11-Mar-2009, 03:34 PM
Because some people mix religion and politics.

Are you saying political decisions should be free of convictions and morals? For some people their religion acts or helps act as their moral compass.

I think the problem lies in ignorance and the bullypulpit spreading thereof, but even still--some people will just not agree on the matter in the here and now. Hopefully enough people will support the work and it's dividends once it gets up to steam so that the option can't be locked away by an overweening politico again.

11-Mar-2009, 07:19 PM
Let's be clear, there was no ban on stem cell research. There was a policy against using federal funding to conduct embryonic stem cell reseach, and only where the embryo is destroyed. This only equates to a ban for statists, who believe that nothing can happen unless the government directs it. The policy meant that those who opposed destruction of embryos would not be forced to pay for it with their tax dollars, while those who supported such research could fund it to their hearts' content if they so chose. Moreover, so far only adult stem cells and cord blood stem cells -- not embryonic stem cells -- have been shown to have any therapeutic effect, and research into those treatments was not affected in any way by the policy Obama lifted.

11-Mar-2009, 07:28 PM
Because some people mix religion and politics.

and im sure those assholes will be first in line if they ever came down with a disease that can eventually be cured thanks to stem cell research.

11-Mar-2009, 11:16 PM
I belive it was the democrats that forced banks to give loans to minority and low income people who couldn't realistically afford to repay the mortgage.

11-Mar-2009, 11:33 PM
I belive it was the democrats that forced banks to give loans to minority and low income people who couldn't realistically afford to repay the mortgage.

The banks weren't exactly forced, and Bush and some Republicans share part of the blame (they thought opening home ownership to more minorities would lead to them becoming Republican) but you've identified a major issue. Private lenders sell most of the mortgage loans they make to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, giant Frankenstein-like government-created corporations. The government induced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to loosen their underwriting guidelines, and those looser guidelines became the basis for loans made by most private lenders, because all they care about is whether they'll be able to sell their loans TO Fannie/Freddie. At which point it's not the original lender's problem if the borrower defaults.

12-Mar-2009, 01:54 AM
I give him an honest F due to his Left Wing crap he is pulling.

Now when Ele crashes into the eastern seaboard, he won't have far to fall...


13-Mar-2009, 06:52 AM
he gets big props from me on lifting the ban on stem cell research. thats great.

But did he really lift the "ban"?


Is Barry confused, or what? Is he on drugs? Or does he just blindly sign whatever crosses his desk? :lol:

I'm going to have to downgrade the "D" I gave him to a "G".



ps -- what's up with Barry's hair? It gets grayer by the day. It's like he's seen the ghost of Abe Lincoln walking the halls of the White House.

19-Mar-2009, 09:07 PM
Uh....how about, a person with a job as important as the President's needs to focus on more than one thing at the same time.

like appearing on ESPN to fill out NCAA tournament picks, stopping by the tonight show with jay leno, and trying to cut funding to care for wounded veterans?

i'd change my vote to F if i could. not sure if the poll is still running, or if it only allows one vote per IP address or something. but somehow the celebrity in chief has 58% of respondents giving him an A as of right now...but it is an msnbc poll, so go figure.