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View Full Version : Horrifyingly Rnadom Spam Email of the Day

10-Mar-2009, 05:24 PM
From the inbox of my gmail account and an email entitled "Working for same company?" (read below portion to completion :eek:):

Looking for a new choice? Then dial the telnumber below to hear how upto 3k can be yours.

<Phone number removed for your safety>

Any tornado can give lectures on morality to a wedge related to the vacuum cleaner, but it takes a real sheriff to operate a small fruit stand with a light bulb near an inferiority complex. Any plaintiff can hardly figure out a paycheck, but it takes a real cough syrup to thoroughly secretly admire the ball bearing. A minivan related to a mastadon, a diskette, and a spider are what made America great! A stovepipe living with the fundraiser bestows great honor upon a polygon from the insurance agent.

Gotta love random sentence generators :|

10-Mar-2009, 10:51 PM
but it takes a real sheriff to operate a small fruit stand with a light bulb near an inferiority complex.

for some reason that cracked me up.

20-May-2009, 11:24 AM
^^ blind irony? Or a spambot with a sense of humour?

We may never know.

20-May-2009, 04:30 PM
A Minivan Related To A Mastadon

That would be a cool but totally twisted album title. :D

20-May-2009, 05:28 PM
for some reason that cracked me up.

Me too. When I read those I feel like I'm trying to decipher a code, or that there's some profound nugget of zen wisdom in there somewhere if I could just figure it out....:lol:

02-Aug-2009, 03:35 PM
Here's the text from an (unsolicited) viagra email.

"Al apple regions of North America are in Canada and the northern United States, comprising about two or three tiers of States, with important extensions southward into the mountains and in special parts. The Southern States are not known as apple-growing country, except in special restricted elevated areas, although there are considerabl

broad splashed stripes and relieved by light dots. Yet when I raise the leaves or when I lift the apples apart, I find the burrows of insects. They know that these apples are good. It is astonishing how nature covers up the wounds, how she conceals the sore places, and how fair she makes everything look. Were it not that she covers the depredati

The occupant of it is minded in fruits rather than in other things. Every observant traveler has noted cases in which good results in the rearing of plants and animals have been attained in places that no one would choose for the purpose: the man has overcome his obstacle"

I'm still puzzled over the apple/erection connection.

02-Aug-2009, 04:09 PM
"broad splashed stripes and relieved by light dots. Yet when I raise the leaves or when I lift the apples apart, I find the burrows of insects. They know that these apples are good. It is astonishing how nature covers up the wounds, how she conceals the sore places, and how fair she makes everything look. Were it not that she covers the depredati

The occupant of it is minded in fruits rather than in other things. Every observant traveler has noted cases in which good results in the rearing of plants and animals have been attained in places that no one would choose for the purpose: the man has overcome his obstacle"

That's... beautiful. That guy shouldn't be running email scams, for he has the heart of a poet! :D

02-Aug-2009, 06:30 PM
If you get an e-mail that says you can get Swine Flu from tinned pork, delete it - It's Spam.