View Full Version : Xbox Live membership question

11-Mar-2009, 07:37 PM
My kids and I recently bought an Xbox 360. We just hooked up to Xbox Live for the 1 month free trial. We each have our own gamertag. If I buy the 12 month gold membership, does that cover all the players on the box or does each player need to purchase a membership?


darth los
11-Mar-2009, 07:45 PM
My kids and I recently bought an Xbox 360. We just hooked up to Xbox Live for the 1 month free trial. We each have our own gamertag. If I buy the 12 month gold membership, does that cover all the players on the box or does each player need to purchase a membership?


Well, i created a gamertag for my son and he is able to log on and play on live with me in left 4 dead co-op. I'm not really sure if he would be able to do it on his own though. Try some live co-op action with them only have them log in under their gamertags and see what happens. You should have your answer right there.

I hope that was helpful to you. :)


11-Mar-2009, 07:48 PM
no, its £39.99, or the u.s equivalent for ONE gamertag, and therefore one account to be online, any others will remain silver and be able to download stuff off the live arcade, but the paying gamertag becomes a gold account that has online play capabilities for the next year.

darth los
11-Mar-2009, 07:52 PM

Well, if that doesn't clarify things... lol

I'm pretty sure he can have then on as guests on his account though. I do it all the time. The way the economy is nowdays it seems like the way to go.


11-Mar-2009, 08:03 PM
Well, i created a gamertag for my son and he is able to log on and play on live with me in left 4 dead co-op.

Dude, you bred your own playmate?

That's awesome! :thumbsup: I'll follow suit soon enough, then...someday: tabletop RPG campaign every Friday night at my house. Of course, it will turn into every Wednesday as soon as the kids get the desire to hang out at the mall with their friends...damned inconsiderate after you teach them how to min-max a dual-wielding warrior, if you ask me. ;)

darth los
11-Mar-2009, 08:09 PM
Dude, you bred your own playmate?

That's awesome! :thumbsup: I'll follow suit soon enough, then...someday: tabletop RPG campaign every Friday night at my house. Of course, it will turn into every Wednesday as soon as the kids get the desire to hang out at the mall with their friends...damned inconsiderate after you teach them how to min-max a dual-wielding warrior, if you ask me. ;)

Damn ingrates !! :mad:

But seriously, it is crazy when you think about it. I find that as I get older I'm turning more and more toward my family. I hardly have friends ( besides you guys that is ;)) I find that all I need is my family. I think most people are that way. Not to the point of being anti social but my family is the sun and everything else is just a satelite.

I have three boys. I can have my own pick up basketball and tennis matches if I wanted too. :hyper:

That is until they become too big and strong for me too handle. :lol:


11-Mar-2009, 08:17 PM

Well, if that doesn't clarify things... lol

I'm pretty sure he can have then on as guests on his account though. I do it all the time. The way the economy is nowdays it seems like the way to go.


you can but there piggybacking on yours, like i can have a friend as "phantom exe(1)" or something like that.

darth los
11-Mar-2009, 08:21 PM
you can but there piggybacking on yours, like i can have a friend as "phantom exe(1)" or something like that.

That's definitely true.

I was just saying that in today's economy he might not want to shell out 4 subscriptions at 40 bucks pop. So they could still be online just without their very own identity. I guess they're just like a clone of yours. lol


11-Mar-2009, 09:26 PM
Thanks for the info. This has really ruined what has been so far a great experience with the 360. Thanks Micro$oft.
This is almost the equivalent of buying a separate DSL line for each member of the family that needs internet access. It just doesn't make sense.

11-Mar-2009, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the info. This has really ruined what has been so far a great experience with the 360. Thanks Micro$oft.
This is almost the equivalent of buying a separate DSL line for each member of the family that needs internet access. It just doesn't make sense.

it makes perfect sense. ban someone for being a racist bigot and they cant just start up a new gamertag and carry on being a net troll.

11-Mar-2009, 10:29 PM
it makes perfect sense. ban someone for being a racist bigot and they cant just start up a new gamertag and carry on being a net troll.

Wise in the ways of the interwebz, you are.

11-Mar-2009, 11:14 PM
Wise in the ways of the interwebz, you are.

i learnt from the best:


11-Mar-2009, 11:45 PM
Dude, you bred your own playmate?

That's awesome! :thumbsup: I'll follow suit soon enough, then...someday: tabletop RPG campaign every Friday night at my house. Of course, it will turn into every Wednesday as soon as the kids get the desire to hang out at the mall with their friends...damned inconsiderate after you teach them how to min-max a dual-wielding warrior, if you ask me. ;)

Ahhhh. . It would be nice. unfortunately My daughter, who is 9, is starting to realize what a big dork I am. I've been somewhat successful in getting her to like horror movies and whatnot. But I can't see her ever gaming with me. We can play some Wii games together, but I'm sure D&D would be right out.

I dragged her into a comic book shop a few months ago so I could buy my own copt of Watchmen, and I got into a conversation with the shopkeep. We talked for about 5 minutes about the upcoming movie and other general comic stuff. When we left the store, by daughter was looking at me with an raised eyebrow. When I asked her what was up she said. . ."you are weird." I asked for clarification and she pointed her thumb over her shoulder back at the shop and said "It's like you guys were speaking another language in there." "What do you mean?" I said, starting to chuckle. She looked at me with incredulity and said "You said 'I wonder if they are going to go with the squid'. What does that even mean?" :lol::lol: "Ahhh sweetie. . that was just dorkanese. Maybe you will learn to speak it one day. At the very least, you'll be able to understand bits here and there I am sure."