View Full Version : Assisted suicide bill turned down...

12-May-2006, 10:22 PM
...yes, Britain, one of the few European countries still outlawing this sensible law is still languishing in the stone age.

Assisted suicide is not designed to be there so that everyone who is terminally ill will be forced into suicide, it's there so that people who WANT to end their suffering and endless pain can do so. The folk against this - many of them religious types who believe that God gives life and should only be allowed to take it - WHAT THE F*CK ABOUT TERMINALLY ILL ATHIESTS WHO WANT TO DIE!!!???

I can say most certainly that if I was terminally ill, or braindead and being kept alive I'd want to be allowed to die and end the suffering of myself but more importantly that of my family. I'd not want to drain the health service further by staying alive. That's my take if I was ever in a terminal condition.

This bill should have been passed so that people would be able to CHOOSE themselves or state in their living will, that they want to end their suffering. As an athiest I am deeply insulted that the anti-movement (with a strong religious following) managed to push the bill over. It's not like they'd be forced to agree to assisted suicide afterall. It's a choice, not a requirement. By all means live by your faith, but don't cut off the rights of people who want to die and end their endless pain and the burdon on their family and the system itself.

I'm really steamed up over this, I find it utterly disgusting and am further ashamed of this so-called country. This bill gets turned over easily, meanwhile Labour are trying to shove through a scheme which would charge motorists £1.34 per mile and spy on them wherever they go - a clear infringement of human rights as well as utter nonsense - paying for your car and travel TWICE no less. This country is f*cking sickening I tell you, two twisted baby-rapers get a pathetic jail sentece, animal rights protesters dug up a corpse and Labour are still in power.

Sorry for being so angry and whatnot, but I am seriously sickened by this country now and this bill getting overturned is absolutely preposterous.

12-May-2006, 10:27 PM
could be worse ,it could be intelligent design.

12-May-2006, 10:31 PM
Christians in control, man.....*picks nose*...they creep me out.

12-May-2006, 11:46 PM
Good point, especially the beggining. Why should religion govern what is law nowerdays, we gave that up in the middle ages (apparently).

People have no right to tell others when or how to die. Religion or no, a persons death is theirs and theirs alone.

In the ende, we all die alone.

13-May-2006, 12:14 AM
well to be fair if you end the word err...end with an e you ARE still living in the middle ages, just kidding:D .

i really think ,though many people believe in it, religion is bad, how many wars, terrorist attacks, hell just court cases take place becuase of religion?.

now my own personal view is that were much more likely to find a sentient life on another world than finding the 'san gral' and the idea of people worshipping something they have no proof of appears kinda creepy to me ,but if it gives hope to people its good, but many people use it to put themselves ini positions of power from world leaders to school principals.

you want a better alternative, just set up speakers in towns constantly playing bob marley, queen and iron maiden, that'll sort out all the wolds problems.:D

that said HMV would still be run by rip-off merchants:lol:

13-May-2006, 04:27 AM
I agree, i see no reason for religion to have an opinion on anything dealing with politics. But sadly this same song and dance will continue even after our deaths, they may pass this bill eventually but there will be something else for them to cling on too and complain about. Band: "Napalm Death" album: "Harmony Corruption" (1990) song: "suffer the children" says it all.:elol:

13-May-2006, 04:31 AM
I'm starting to think now.

If religion was never founded, would we be better off?

I know that religion pulled us out of the stone age, but if we didn't have it to start with and let ourselves work it out from BC, I think we would be better off now than we are now. I mean, 2006 years is a long time without the infulence of god, anything could have happened.

I agree, i see no reason for religion to have an opinion on anything dealing with politics. But sadly this same song and dance will continue even after our deaths, they may pass this bill eventually but there will be something else for them to cling on too and complain about. Band: "Napalm Death" album: "Harmony Corruption" (1990) song: "suffer the children" says it all.:elol:

Listening to the song. :confused:

Sounds like Rhamstein(sp) to me

13-May-2006, 11:18 AM
There'd be a lot more grumpy and dejected people walking around the streeets having given up on life probably. That's the good thing about religion, gives people something to believe it and it gives them something to help them out in hard times. That's one thing I feel I miss out being an athiest - I don't have anything to really feel a part of or something to go to in hard times, you just have to lump it really.

Although I'd rather lump it than put up with all the other stuff that I clearly don't believe in, being athiest and all. Indeed, religion and politics should always be separate and government should work for the few as well as the 'many'. What about the agnostics and athiests and other folk who'd want to be put out of their misery? Well they're fudged now ain't they.

This country's foot in the stoneage p*sses me off no ends. Yep, time for a sensible government to come in and sort sh*t out.

13-May-2006, 11:32 AM
I guess the fact that the church has a place in the House of Lords proves one thing: The Church and the State SHOULD be separated like they should have been hundreds of years ago....

13-May-2006, 01:28 PM
Hmm, I didn't realise the church had a footing in the House of Lords. Indeed, no wonder this bill got turned down. And how can we ever truly achieve freedom for all and equality if the church is in any way involved in national politics. It's like that bitch Ruth Kelly getting shoved into the role of equality manager - she's a devoted CATHOLIC. Oh yeh, smart move Blair, you f*cking idiot. She refuses to say that being gay isn't a sin - fair enough, it's her belief, it's part of a free society - but that means she shouldn't be in that job. Get someone who is free of any such commitment, an athiest who appreciates the rights of other's religions perhaps.

Equal society? Bollocks. If an athiest is not entitled to choose death when they're terminally ill, then how is that an equal society?

13-May-2006, 01:32 PM
MinionZombie for Prime Minister!!!

13-May-2006, 01:42 PM
sure but if he made a mistake id go all miechal moore on his ass.:D

13-May-2006, 02:05 PM
And I'd slam my Super Modding powers upon thee...:rockbrow:

Now that is some sensible thinking there Cykotic, some sensible thinking. You show distinction and taste...and that penguin gif rocks...

If I was a political party I'd be the "common sense" party. I'd get tough on crime, re-instate the death penalty for clear-cut cases - or an "eye for an eye" arena where victims can exact revenge on their persecutors ... I'd tighten the borders, lower taxes, sack screeds of these useless red-tape-mongering civil servants to free up our institutions ... erm, what else? I duno, a lot of cool stuff ... in case you think I'm a tad hard-line, I certainly don't vote BNP, I'm a Conservative, but a cool Conservative, none of that old fart Conservatism junk, I move with the times and watch excessively violent films and play gory videogames :D And I don't read the Daily Mail, :p.