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16-Mar-2009, 06:59 PM

Saw this posted on Iain Dale's blog (he's a Conservative Party UK blogger), and took the quiz myself - it is from an American stand point, but still worth doing even if you're not living in Americaland. :cool:

My score was 253/400 - "very progressive".

The average score is 209.5/400.

0 is most conservative, 400 is most liberal.

As such it's accurate for me. I'm socially liberal, financially conservative.

Some questions were hard to scale, so I settled for a mid-range 5, which I thought of as my "yes and no" answer to a question.

Anyway - enjoy and let's see what you chaps and chapettes get, but please - let's not turn this into a dick swinging, insult-laden turd festival...mmkay?

Good. :)

16-Mar-2009, 07:12 PM
356/400 - Extremely Progressive. Oh my.

16-Mar-2009, 07:34 PM
Your ideological score is:
This makes you very conservative
The average score for Americans is

Hardly surprising.:D


16-Mar-2009, 08:27 PM
256/400 Apparently very Progressive, although most of my answers are very middle of the road.

16-Mar-2009, 10:23 PM
i scored a 139/400, which seems about right.

some of those questions i felt strongly about, but a large number of them i was stuck picking 5's for.

16-Mar-2009, 10:40 PM
247/400, but some of those questions were vexingly open-ended.

16-Mar-2009, 11:24 PM

Very Progressive -- which surprised me since I thought I was much more moderate to conservative. Kind of an unscientific study if you ask me since many of the questions begged for further clarification. Also had always thought of myself as more on the conservative side, and this puts me to the left of the extremely liberal folks out there.

Of course, my stance on gun control could not be determined by this set of questions, so I imagine that if they went there I would have appeared to be more of a redneck and less progressive.

16-Mar-2009, 11:49 PM

I honestly thought that I answered suprisingly liberally, but no.. I'm not.

17-Mar-2009, 12:12 AM
103/400. I was thinking I'd be the first to break the two-digit barrier. ;)

17-Mar-2009, 12:16 AM
No suprise, 340/400. But I would agree this is somewhat unscientific, although it is fun.

17-Mar-2009, 12:28 AM
It lists me as Progressive. 202/400. I guess I'm about as middle of the road as one can be.

17-Mar-2009, 04:10 AM

I knew I was conservative, but the questions were a little vague for scoring somebody's ideology. A fun waste of time, but still a waste.

17-Mar-2009, 04:33 AM
I was 125/400 - very conservative. I don't really think of myself as very conservative. On certain issues I fall under the liberal umbrella, such as abortion for example. Oh well, that was interesting.

17-Mar-2009, 06:36 AM
112/400 Very Conservative



17-Mar-2009, 07:01 AM
178/400. Conservative. And proud of it. :clown:

17-Mar-2009, 09:27 AM
i prefer not to take quizzes which try to tell me who i am.

17-Mar-2009, 11:09 AM
i prefer not to take quizzes which try to tell me who i am.
Ugh ... :rolleyes:

17-Mar-2009, 03:45 PM
338/400. no real surprise there.

Chic Freak
17-Mar-2009, 05:25 PM
i prefer not to take quizzes which try to tell me who i am.

why not? it's funny.

I got 340/400: "extremely progressive." I wouldn't really describe myself as "extreme" but then who would?

17-Mar-2009, 06:37 PM
332 myself.

Sounds about right.

17-Mar-2009, 06:42 PM
My score is... ADHD. I surfed to another site after question 16.

17-Mar-2009, 06:43 PM

I knew I was conservative, but the questions were a little vague for scoring somebody's ideology. A fun waste of time, but still a waste.

Right. "The war in Iraq has proven that the U.S. cannot impose democracy on other nations." That statement could be strongly agreed to by groups from MoveOn.org to the John Birch Society, but the conclusions they would draw from it are very different. "America's economic future requires a transformation away from oil, gas, and coal to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar." What's a "conservative" response to that statement? Plenty of conservatives would strongly agree, confident that market forces will spur the development of technologies based on renewable energy as fossil fuels become more scarce and costly.

17-Mar-2009, 08:06 PM
My score is... ADHD. I surfed to another site after question 16.


I got 340/400: "extremely progressive." I wouldn't really describe myself as "extreme" but then who would?

Well, an extremely cool HPOTD poster. :)

17-Mar-2009, 08:11 PM
why not? it's funny.

I got 340/400: "extremely progressive." I wouldn't really describe myself as "extreme" but then who would?

Extremists never think they're extreme.:lol:

17-Mar-2009, 09:20 PM
My score is... ADHD. I surfed to another site after question 16.

I only made it to question 10,before getting bored and giving up.

Chic Freak
20-Mar-2009, 06:50 PM
Well, an extremely cool HPOTD poster. :)

flattery will get you everywhere ;)

Extremists never think they're extreme.:lol:

Exactly, that's what I was saying! lol

20-Mar-2009, 06:59 PM

does...does this make me American now?

20-Mar-2009, 09:45 PM

does...does this make me American now?
Yes. :D


flattery will get you everywhere

Blimey!! :eek:

*tugs at hot collar*


20-Mar-2009, 11:15 PM
The labels crack me up. They're solely out there to make you think one way is the only right way.

"Progressive". If you're not, you must be against "progress". Therefore, you are a barbarian, and the enemy. Love how they use the name to make people think they're the shit.

But what really made me laugh is some of the questions and answers that determine whether you "like progress".

The one about life in the womb. Obviously an abortion question. Why not come right out and ask it? But, anyway, the point is that you can only be "into progress" if you favor abortion.

Now, think. Just what "progress" is being made there? How is an abortion "progress"?

What, the fetus "progresses" from the womb to a dumpster?

Many such things are like that. They need to come up with a name that more accurately reflects the agenda.

21-Mar-2009, 12:24 AM
I scored a 285/400, making me Very Progressive. I probably would have scored higher, but some of the conservative questions struck a chord with me and I agreed with quite a bit.