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View Full Version : Ever refer to forum members as people you actually know?

19-Mar-2009, 12:39 PM
Sometimes I'll be in a conversation with somebody and I'll be able to use one of you as a reference point and I'll find myself saying "I know this one dude..." before realizing (wait, no I don't really know them). Anybody else do the same?

This post really only applies to those of you that have also been around for a while. I guess because this website is part of my day-to-day life, a lot of you feel like people I actually know.

19-Mar-2009, 01:26 PM
Yeah, i've done that before. I often talk to my wife about discussions we've had here and mention names like we were actually talking to each other.:confused:

19-Mar-2009, 01:58 PM
hehe, I do it quite often too.

Often when referencing a discussion or whatnot that us lot have had on here that relates to one I'm having with my mates, or reference things people on here have said, or whatever. I'll often say "it's like what this dude online was saying the other day..." or such like.

I think people can know people without having to meet them - it's kind of like pen pals. You won't truly know someone, but you'll know them to a good degree.

Perhaps like with family members you don't see too often, you know them, but you don't see them often, let alone live with/near them, so ... aye, I believe there are varying degrees of "knowing" people.

19-Mar-2009, 02:13 PM
Sure, I do. I refer to a lot of people on HPOTD, all the time, as a matter of fact. Primarily because so many of you recount something so interesting about various things, it's worth bringing up in conversation.

I'll usually say something like: "This guy I know" or "This friend of mine", quickly followed up by "well, this dude I know online."

Frankly, I enjoy the stories, commentary and back and forth from so many fellow forumites and other people I know online, I certainly do think of them as, not only real people, but friends of a sort. I think establishing a real, human connection online is pretty natural for anyone who actually strives to be genuine in their back and forth exchanges (as opposed to being a gen-u-wine asshole, which we thankfully don't see much of around here ;)).

19-Mar-2009, 02:22 PM
Yeah, i've done that before. I often talk to my wife about discussions we've had here and mention names like we were actually talking to each other.:confused:

i do the same thing. if there is a lively discussion or if someone is acting like a dick, i will often talk about it to my wife.

i will also talk about people i've known for a long a time on here (esp. if i know their real first name) and will discuss what they are up to and any news about them with her.

I think people can know people without having to meet them - it's kind of like pen pals. You won't truly know someone, but you'll know them to a good degree.

totally agree. you don't have to meet up with someone to be friends. hell, in this day and age things like MSN let you interact with someone in real time, enabling you to really get to know someone without the pain and burning itch of a long distance telephone bill.

19-Mar-2009, 02:35 PM
i do the same thing. if there is a lively discussion or if someone is acting like a dick, i will often talk about it to my wife.

:lol: A number of months ago I was using my GF's laptop to check the boards while over at her place (yes, I know...hpotd addict...I'm hopeless) and she was looking over my shoulder. "Khardis?" She read aloud curiously. And I replied in a matter of fact fashion, "Yeah. He's an asshole." ;)

19-Mar-2009, 08:30 PM
yes, i've been guilty of this a couple of times. once with capn and the lack of reese's peanut butter cups in his neck of the woods and once when i was showing some cool pieces of dead memorabilia sent to me by my (online) friend paul.

darth los
19-Mar-2009, 08:43 PM
:lol: A number of months ago I was using my GF's laptop to check the boards while over at her place (yes, I know...hpotd addict...I'm hopeless) and she was looking over my shoulder. "Khardis?" She read aloud curiously. And I replied in a matter of fact fashion, "Yeah. He's an asshole." ;)

I'm guilty as charged. I think one of the reasons it has happened to us all is that the fact that we're all even congregated here in the first place suggests that we have alot in common in the first place. The bond only gets stronger when we interact with each each other for literally years on end.

Also, some people have their my space pages and we have this. For the record, I'll take hpotd over that crap any day. :thumbsup:


19-Mar-2009, 09:14 PM
Wait a second here. . . . You people are. . .real? :shifty:

19-Mar-2009, 09:40 PM
I've definitely done this... and I've only been here for a year or so now! Love this place... definitely became a part of me. Y'all rock, and I'm lucky to talk to ya.

19-Mar-2009, 09:56 PM
I am also guilty as charged you are friends and people too. lol
I often will say "I was talking to this person in chat or replied to this persons comment." To my husband or others like I know you all personally. You know that is ok cause we talk to each other mostly everyday and you get to know people when you talk to them a lot.
I have a lot of friends here and wouldnt trade any of you, I love to talk zombies cause you all understand about it.
We are "Deadheads" to the end!!
In my life I don't have very many people that love the zombies like I do,so, this place is my outlet.
We can talk nonstop about this zomb movie or that zomb movie and understand each other and that is sooo cool!
I am glad you guys are here. It's a cool place to be so bring on the zombs!!
For me you are all my friends.:)

19-Mar-2009, 10:18 PM
Wait a second here. . . . You people are. . .real? :shifty:

I'm not sure, still waiting for confirmation on that.

Wayne Z

"I'm kinda fucked up in general so it's hard to gauge. "
Rainbow Randell; Death To Smoochy.

"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it. "
Elwood P Dowd; Harvey

19-Mar-2009, 10:26 PM
I've found myself many times saying that someone from the Homepage started an interesting thread, showed a cool video clip, directed a video, etc. When you visit the forum almost daily, it becomes a large part of your life, and those involved in the community, do too.
We come together due to a common interest in GAR and zombies, but stay around because of all the other topics, as well, and the diverse personalities around us. We learn from one another, share with each other - do similar things with the friends we interact with face to face.
You guys rock! ;)

19-Mar-2009, 10:35 PM
Totally. I'm constantly referring to things I've read, that people have said, pic's, funnies, conversations I've had etc.

Due to work, kids, lifestyle changes, friends moving or their own lifestyle conflicts etc, this is the most non-work/family human contact I have on a daily basis (is that sad? I can't tell anymore...). Folks I can just hang out with, shoot the breeze, & talk about topics of similar interest.

Wait a second here. . . . You people are. . .real? :shifty:

Nope. I'm your own personal Tyler Durden..you just haven't realized it yet...:cool:

20-Mar-2009, 12:45 PM
Whether I personally know you or not, I still refer to everyone on the boards as friends when in conversation about a topic we may have discussed here. I have been a member here since 2003 steady and a lurker prior to that. So in 6 years and 5000+ post on just this new forum alone, yeah you tend to refer to everyone from as... "This buddy of mine..."

Not ashamed of it, in fact I am proud to do it.

20-Mar-2009, 03:14 PM
I think we're all guitly of it at one time or another. Can't really say I'm ashamed or anything...the discussions are just too much fun you have to mention them to people you see every day!

darth los
20-Mar-2009, 04:04 PM
Totally. I'm constantly referring to things I've read, that people have said, pic's, funnies, conversations I've had etc.

Due to work, kids, lifestyle changes, friends moving or their own lifestyle conflicts etc, this is the most non-work/family human contact I have on a daily basis (is that sad? I can't tell anymore...). Folks I can just hang out with, shoot the breeze, & talk about topics of similar interest.

And you can do so in your underwear without fear of being arrested. Now where else are ya going to find a sweet deal like that? :p


20-Mar-2009, 06:40 PM
i never leave my house. my 500pound frame both disgusts me, and gets me all riled up.

but whenever i get into really good discussions with myself i go yea, well, this one guy i know said otherwise so i am right. But then I realize i am talking to myself and I cry.

20-Mar-2009, 07:49 PM
Mo. . I love you man.

And yes to add my tuppence to this convo. I do indeed refer to youse guys as friends. "This friend of mine online" or I will even refer to some of you by name.

Nope. I'm your own personal Tyler Durden..you just haven't realized it yet...:cool:

Come on Moon. . I am totally your Tyler. :)

actually, we appear too much alike to either be the other's Durden.

Chic Freak
20-Mar-2009, 08:15 PM
Liam and I refer to people on here in our everyday conversations. Never really considered it weird. It would be weird to meet everyone in real life though.

20-Mar-2009, 08:22 PM
I have done this and continue to do this.

darth los
20-Mar-2009, 08:34 PM
Come on Moon. . I am totally your Tyler. :)

actually, we appear too much alike to either be the other's Durden.

Wait a minute. I thought that this was never to be spoken about !?! :p


20-Mar-2009, 09:16 PM
Wait a minute. I thought that this was never to be spoken about !?! :p


Nah. .that's only the first. . and second. . and . . um. . .third . . oh crap. I feel there is something important I am forgetting. . . .

20-Mar-2009, 09:39 PM
honestly only with this forum, instead of something with 1000's of people a minute this place is like cheers, only for people who are dealing with subconscious emotional damage with horror movies and not binge drinking;)

20-Mar-2009, 09:50 PM
honestly only with this forum, instead of something with 1000's of people a minute this place is like cheers, only for people who are dealing with subconscious emotional damage with horror movies and not binge drinking;)
So which one of us is Norm, then?


20-Mar-2009, 10:14 PM
Why do I have the feeling I'd be this guy:


20-Mar-2009, 10:48 PM
And you can do so in your underwear without fear of being arrested. Now where else are ya going to find a sweet deal like that? :p

Uh...you mean I'm supposed to have underwear on...? :stunned::eek:

Come on Moon. . I am totally your Tyler. :)

actually, we appear too much alike to either be the other's Durden.

I literally LOL'ed at this.:D:lol::hyper::D:lol::hyper::D:lol::hyper:

So which one of us is Norm, then?

That's not a bad question, Burt...

23-Mar-2009, 10:00 PM
Yeah I just say "This dude on a board" or whatever. It's no different to meeting someone in a pub, just cos you didn't walk there doesn't mean you didn't have a conversation