View Full Version : Now this is 'ruff'

21-Mar-2009, 10:16 PM
Girl suspects her boyfriend is downloading child porn and hands her PC over to police for searching. She then gets arrested after they find two videos of her f**king a dog. :lol:

Click (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2009/0318091dog1.html) for article.

21-Mar-2009, 10:54 PM

That's hi-fuckin-larious!!!

22-Mar-2009, 12:01 AM
Dirty Dog Video ... for those of a different breed ...



22-Mar-2009, 01:25 AM
a first - i just laughed and threw up in my mouth at the same time.


22-Mar-2009, 10:53 AM
Good lord ... what a moron ... girls never seem to be able to operate the recycle bin on a computer. Not all, but it's like this time in first year uni and a girl in our res called me up to help her with a computer problem - a new rig with an 80gb hard drive was totally full - but why, she asked.

Because she'd not emptied the recycle bin. :rolleyes:

There was 74gb of garbage just sat there - not doggy porn, I hasten to add. :p Just random movies, music and tv shows.

Just from my experience anyway, girls are either useless at computers, or can at least work with them until something goes at all wrong. Lads on the other hand, are generally quite computer savvy and know the score.

It's not a complete, hard and fast rule, but it's what I've seen first hand ... ... again, not random doggy videos left in some girl's recycle bin, I hasten to add. :lol:

Damn - that girl sure is a computer numpty. Kinda like Gary Glitter - finally gets what's coming to him when he takes his broken, child-porn filled, computer into PC World for a fixin' ... geeeeez. :eek:

It's people like them that allow viruses to spread like wild fire.

22-Mar-2009, 12:36 PM
Fucking hell.

That girl is hot. Part of me wants to see said videos!


also I should add once I bought a second hand comp off this guy on gumtree, he brought it over and i paid for it, had a look through when he'd gone and he'd left over a gig's worth of that same stuff on there - DELETE!!!!!! Ugh!

22-Mar-2009, 01:53 PM

Poor dog.

22-Mar-2009, 03:43 PM
Great find, Cnut. *L* What a dumb bitch. Using the drunk excuse. She knew what she was doing. You know this was not the only couple of times she did this. Imagine what was not recorded.

22-Mar-2009, 04:20 PM
Oh, I just got the "ruff" reference...lol

22-Mar-2009, 05:42 PM
It truly is a 'dog-eat-dog' world out there.

22-Mar-2009, 05:49 PM
what a doofus. a guy i knew once had gigs upon gigs of porn on his hard drive, and one video was a of a girl and her dog. it was rather unsettling....i'm talking p in va-geee insertions between a dog and his "bitch".....yuck. some people have no sense of decency at all.:confused:

22-Mar-2009, 06:52 PM
Wow! A very stupid person!!!

22-Mar-2009, 09:26 PM
Wow! A very stupid person!!!
And a thoroughly dirty cow to boot.

Using the drunk excuse. She knew what she was doing.
Of course she did, she filmed it. That's an indication of sheer naughtiness right there.

Chic Freak
23-Mar-2009, 01:23 PM

This thread made me laugh so much I had to bring on the caps there.

a cop told Owen that he had found videos of her on the laptop and asked if she "knew what those files might be." Owen, pictured in the below mug shot, replied, "The one with the dog." Cops believe that the dog in question, Toby, is a beagle. After asking if she was "going to be charged with this," Owen said that the videos "were just something she did when she was drunk and barely remembers it," adding that she tried to "delete them the next day when she was sober."

^ That just cracked me up. Especially taking the time to mention the dog's name and breed, for some reason.

Good lord ... what a moron ... girls never seem to be able to operate the recycle bin on a computer.

I constantly empty mine, especially when borrowing other people's computers (which is often), for actually a similar reason of deleting any noodey pics I've needed to save for email attachments (none involving dogs, mind)! But before I started modelling I didn't actually realise that stuff was stored in the recylce bin, I thought once you dragged it in there it was gone :o d'oh.

That girl is hot. Part of me wants to see said videos!

You're wrong on both counts :p

It truly is a 'dog-eat-dog' world out there.

You win! :lol:

23-Mar-2009, 02:06 PM
If she was drunk I bet she felt "Ruff" in the morning. :D

Nothing like hair of the dog when you feel down. ;)

23-Mar-2009, 10:25 PM
It truly is a 'dog-eat-dog' world out there.

Or a dog eat cat world as the case may be....:lol:

(arggghh I can't believe I went there...se what hanging out with you pre-verts is doing to me...):stunned::eek:

23-Mar-2009, 11:41 PM
Nothing like hair of the dog when you feel down. ;)

I think good sir the phrase is "Hair of the dog that bit you". Which begs the question... Where did it bite?


24-Mar-2009, 12:45 AM
wait I dont get it, I know there is alot of other animal porn out there, but how is that made legaly and those "actors" not get arrested? and she does?

funny though

24-Mar-2009, 05:43 AM
wait I dont get it, I know there is alot of other animal porn out there, but how is that made legaly and those "actors" not get arrested? and she does?

funny though

Dude, that stuff isn't legal... it's not legal to own either, as far as I know.

So if you're hiding something... :lol:

24-Mar-2009, 04:46 PM
no no no haha

25-Mar-2009, 12:03 AM
In the first place ewwwwwwww!!!
How dumb can she be? oooh yeah she is a blonde ! jklol
Ok, why would she be filming herself doing that in the first place? DUMBASS!
Oh, yeah, I do empty my recycle bin regularly and I even go in further and delete history,files and other stuff from my comp. So, all of us women aren't that comp dumb.
Is she that hardup that she needs to go to animals? Geez, getting a mental pic and I do NOT want to go there..ewwwww!!!

25-Mar-2009, 12:12 AM
As for why she would do such a thing... well, this sounds like a pretty fucked up family. Considering the fact that the husband was clearly into some very exploitative, kinky shit (remember why she took the PC to the cops in the first place) and the fact that she is an alcoholic and probably emotionally and morally unstable, it's not hard to see one possibility: that she was cajoled into doing it for the camera by her pervy boyfriend.

25-Mar-2009, 06:05 AM
Poor doggie! There are all kinds of justice in this world, and this is a prime example of this. Again, poor doggie, though.

25-Mar-2009, 07:33 AM
Everyone says poor doggie, but doggie was probably the only one feeling good in the deal. :lol:

But eww, what a dirty 'orrible mingebucket!