View Full Version : Organizing for America ...

22-Mar-2009, 06:52 AM
... or the cult of pushy, glassy-eyed Obamazoms staggering up your driveway to hassle you on an otherwise pleasant afternoon.


Geez, the election is over, you can stop campaigning now, Barry. Stop sending your creepazoids out to trespass on private property.

Or, maybe their motives are more sinister. If you don't sign the "Pledge" will you be black listed, perhaps for a visit at a later date? :evil:


Heck, who am I to judge? If you're into this kind of "in your face" harassment, you can find an event near you!


Guess it's time to start feeding my hounds raw, bloody meat.



ps --

"I think a lot of people just hope these people will die."


22-Mar-2009, 07:12 AM
i really hope that one of these loons doesn't arrive on my doorstep. what a bunch of pretentious and contrite little kool-aid drinkers. i'll give them the same message iran gave us after obama tried to kiss their ass and make nice: thanks, but no thanks.

stuff like this makes me optimistic about our next round of congressional elections, however. i doubt that the dems will be able to be in control for more than a handful of years.:), and i seriously doubt the celebrity in chief will be elected to a second term.

22-Mar-2009, 09:06 AM
gathering "YOUR" information. Scary stuff. Spray lemon pledge in their face and admininster a lit match to seal the deal.

22-Mar-2009, 11:15 AM
Urrgh,although Obama is clearly nothing like adolf hitler,the effect he's had on the vast majority of the public is just like it was when hitler was elected,complete cultish worship :rolleyes:

22-Mar-2009, 04:23 PM
Meh. I can't agree with Obama's plans for the economy thus far, but a lot of what I saw in the first video was couched in ridiculously histrionic fashion. "Accosting" people by...shock, horror...talking to them about politics :rolleyes:

This seems more like part-of-the-problem partisan antics, to me.

The second video, the 'MTV Martial Law' commercial, is interesting, but I'm not quite sure why it was included in this post. Stray, did I miss something (is it sponsored by Obama dollars or something, for example) or are there conclusions you want us to jump to? I looked at it twice, but didn't see. Shit, I even went to think.mtv.com to see what horrifying ideas they may be spreading there and in between the flip ads calling for attention to such matters as 'World Water Day' ", 'Dating Abuse' and the like I didn't see anything that was too crazy. This isn't some big, media conspiracy crap, is it?

The Onion video was funny, however.

22-Mar-2009, 06:58 PM
that last video was a howl. great stuff.

i am a very left leaning democrat but i will give these door-to-door idiots the same bums rush i give to morons, er excuse me, mormons: an unfriendly "fuck off. go away and never come back here."

22-Mar-2009, 10:03 PM
The MTV video was created about the holocaust.

For you to use it to try to further you're own political dogma is really rather scummy.

Did you even watch it all, or just go OMGS LOOKS LIKE I CAN USE IT FOR AN ARGUMENTS ON THE INTENRnets. (Caps add for emphasis on ignorance and shock value. Just like this whole thread)

Did I mention Scummy?

22-Mar-2009, 11:08 PM
The MTV video was created about the holocaust. For you to use it to try to further you're own political dogma is really rather scummy.

Really? Since it came out before the last election I figured it was MTV's way of warning young people to vote Democrat (Obama), or else. Now THAT is scummy.

As for the context of it in my particular post:

If you don't sign the "Pledge" will you be black listed, perhaps for a visit at a later date? :evil:


Do you see the little "devil grinning" smiley at the end of my comment? Do you understand "tongue in cheek" humor?

Actually, the MTV vids sucked. The only way Americans could be rounded up en masse in such a fashion is if the feds first disarmed us. And doesn't MTV take a Leftist anti-gun position politically? So, in a way, they're not warning the Left of an "impending" round-up, they're warning the Right.



23-Mar-2009, 01:31 AM
"Education is good for your brain". Out of the mouths of babes... :)
Great videos, though. The Onion rock ten point two levels of super socks.

23-Mar-2009, 01:44 AM
"Canvassing for support". Bullshit. They're just trying to sell you Amway, and using this as a cover.

23-Mar-2009, 01:54 AM
gathering "YOUR" information. Scary stuff. Spray lemon pledge in their face and admininster a lit match to seal the deal.

When they come at you in large groups, the Lemon Pledge doesn't work.


Send lawyers, guns and money ... the end is nigh upon us ...


23-Mar-2009, 01:59 AM
I haven't seen any door-to-door Obama worshippers around here. They must be targeting specific areas, in the cities. They must feel that rural-dwelling citizens don't count.

23-Mar-2009, 02:28 AM
I haven't seen any door-to-door Obama worshippers around here. They must be targeting specific areas, in the cities. They must feel that rural-dwelling citizens don't count.

Using your location of Gainesville, Florida, I note several Obamazom events.


You might want to try the April 30th Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer meeting in Palatka. Maybe you can sell them some Amway laundry detergent to scrub their minds and make them squeaky clean.



23-Mar-2009, 02:32 AM
We already had our Day of National Humiliation. It was January 20.

23-Mar-2009, 02:47 AM
We already had our Day of National Humiliation. It was January 20.




23-Mar-2009, 09:05 AM
When they come at you in large groups, the Lemon Pledge doesn't work.


Send lawyers, guns and money ... the end is nigh upon us ...


Well.....Warren Zevon is a fav of mine with Lawyers guns and money. My fav of his cancer ridden years is My Ride's Here but fav of all time....Splendid Isolation. A masterful song crafter. God bless WZ,