View Full Version : Mexican drug war is tearing up Texas and beyond

23-Mar-2009, 09:16 AM
For those not aware the Mexican drug cartels war has decimated Mexico and has turned U.S./Mex border towns into a Tarantino movie of gory death. Recently, the Mex approved drug cartels rolled into town in a small Mex town and massacred the entire police force.

I have family and friends on the border and they are literally being run off their land by military machine gun fire and explosives.

You want evidence of Mexican military/drug cartel incurrsion...how about this South Texas Sheriffs testimony. http://www.click2houston.com/news/18951615/detail.html They showed this clip on tv tonight and I saw with my own eyes the foreign gov vehicle coming to help the drug runners with machine gun fire driving back the U.S. sheriffs dept. The fact that both the U.S. and Mex govs say this didnt happen when its on film means they should be damned to the 6th ring of Dantes hell.

You foreigners dont believe it? Come down and let me take you for a drive on the borders.

23-Mar-2009, 12:37 PM
sounds like you need to be deploying the army down there!:eek:

23-Mar-2009, 02:33 PM
Crazy article and as shocking as something like this is at first glance it all makes sense and is the sort of thing I expected always went on around such a corrupt and porous border anyway. Can't watch the footage till later, but thanks for sharing the article.

"If people in Washington actually knew the truth, that means they would have to do something about it and right now I think we're just playing games," said Poe.

What this dude means to say, is if Washington admitted this was going on to the general press and public they'd get tons of pressure to actually do something.

23-Mar-2009, 03:54 PM
sounds like you need to be deploying the army down there!:eek:

i'll second that.

even though i'm a foreigner (since i'm not from texas most texans would probably regard me as such) this irritates me, to say the least.

a couple of cavalry squadrons need to be deployed in the trouble spots along the border with orders to open fire on anyone on the american side who won't stop when ordered to do so and with the authorization to fire into mexico if they are fired upon by people on the mexican side.

the problem in washington is that bush was all buddy-buddy with the bigwig politicians in mexico and obama is probably too much of a pussy to do anything about it. he'll probably try to "reach out" to them or attempt to "reason" with them. even though i am a liberal, this exposes one of the main flaws in some liberal thinking - you can't reason with or reach out to people who by their very nature are unreasonable.

23-Mar-2009, 06:46 PM
This has been going for a while. Why is it recent news? Little late Channel 2? I have known about this for years. This is one of the reasons I do not watch Channel 2 News.

23-Mar-2009, 09:50 PM
Yeah I've known about this for 2 years, but you never see it on the news. I reckon the border will be militarised

24-Mar-2009, 06:43 PM
the govt. announced today that security on the US/Mexico border will be beefed up considerably. in addition to deploying more agents from customs, the border patrol and the ATF, the govt. is considering an option to use the national guard if things get much worse.

finally and about time. the one thing i really don't want to hear anymore of is the whining from some circles that the US needs pass more gun control laws (which in light of the recent supreme court decision can't really happen anyway) because mexican cartels are obtaining guns here. fuck that. i am not going to have my rights trampled on because of dorks in fucking mexico and i am reasonably sure that the vast majority of americans feel the same way. people that are breaking the law and helping these idiots smuggle guns into mexico need to be prosecuted. regular citizens who are not involved in criminal activity shouldn't have to pay the price for the greed and stupidity of others.

interesting bit from the article:

Earlier this year, a study by the US Department of Defence warned that Mexico was in danger of becoming a failed state because of the drug gangs.

Ms Napolitano said she had not ruled out sending National Guard troops to the border region, and said she would meet Texas Governor Rick Perry to discuss the possible deployment.


24-Mar-2009, 06:52 PM
Yes since American's need fully automatic weapons.

Fuck, the weapons in my units armory aren't even full auto. (And you are never authorized to use 3 round burst)

Anyway, The border needs to be tightened up, but we should probably extend some effort to help the Mexican government, well whats left of it.

24-Mar-2009, 09:17 PM
I'd let the Mexican government deal with it themselves, within their own territory. Simply kill anything that crosses the border. And I do mean anything.

24-Mar-2009, 10:23 PM
Yes since American's need fully automatic weapons.

i didn't say anything about automatic weapons. i'm talking about the gun control freaks who want to use mexico as an excuse for restrictions on guns. whether or not anyone "needs" an automatic weapon is beside the point.

I'd let the Mexican government deal with it themselves, within their own territory. Simply kill anything that crosses the border. And I do mean anything.

or at the very least anyone who tries to cross the border with weapons gets shot. period.

29-Mar-2009, 12:33 AM
Have no fear! Prez Barry to the rescue!


$700 million and an additional 100 BATFE agents to tackle the Mexican gun runners ... NOT!

To hassle Texas gun store owners and, by proxy, Texas gun owners? Yep!

"A “large majority” of 100 federal gun agents being transferred to the border region in the next 45 days will be assigned to monitor purchases at the 1,500 gun stores in the Houston area, a federal official confirmed."

That crazy Barry ... LOL ... whadda a maroon ...



29-Mar-2009, 10:52 PM
I'm wondering when the refugee crisis starts down there. Refugee camps on this side of the border, as people flee the fighting with gun fights between Mexican Army/Police and the drug cartels and eventually between US military and the cartels with US and Mexican citizens getting caught up in it all.

If some of the shit that's happened on that side of the border happened on this side, we will see active US Army units stationed on the border, I'll bet, and probably see some form of cross border operations by those units.

On and the cartels are really getting hand grenades, belt fed machine guns, and other military ordnance at Jimbo's Guns and Ammo.

30-Mar-2009, 09:14 AM
On vacation this week and toying with the idea of running down to Matamoras or Piedras Negras just to see whats happening. To hell with El Paso and Juarez since thats Cambodia these days. Sorta sad I can't go down and drink a cool Dos Equuis and listen to some cojunto music on the south side of the border, but thats life with Shorty being the power broker down there. And here.

02-Apr-2009, 12:24 AM
On and the cartels are really getting hand grenades, belt fed machine guns, and other military ordnance at Jimbo's Guns and Ammo.

Na, they're getting them from their own porous southern border.


"Most of these weapons are being smuggled from Central American countries or by sea, eluding U.S. and Mexican monitors who are focused on the smuggling of semiauto- matic and conventional weapons purchased from dealers in the U.S. border states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

The proliferation of heavier armaments points to a menacing new stage in the Mexican government's 2-year-old war against drug organizations, which are evolving into a more militarized force prepared to take on Mexican army troops, deployed by the thousands, as well as to attack each other.

These groups appear to be taking advantage of a robust global black market and porous borders, especially between Mexico and Guatemala. Some of the weapons are left over from the wars that the United States helped fight in Central America, U.S. officials said."

Wonder if President Barry is aware of all of this?



ps -- UPDATE: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/2009/04/02/myth-percent-guns-mexico-fraction-number-claimed/

17% total, vs 90% traced. How misleading of the Lefties. (and, of course, Che Obama will use these numbers to press forward with is socialist agenda).


03-Apr-2009, 10:14 PM
i didn't say anything about automatic weapons. i'm talking about the gun control freaks who want to use mexico as an excuse for restrictions on guns. whether or not anyone "needs" an automatic weapon is beside the point.

Gun control freaks will use anything - the phases of the moon, even - to attempt to further their agenda that all guns be banned.

04-Apr-2009, 12:26 AM
Na, they're getting them from their own porous southern border.

Sarcasm doesn't work too well on the Internets, but yeah, that's where a lot of the stuff is really coming from. I wouldn't be surprised if Pres. Hugo Chavez, the wanna-be Fidel Castro of Venezuala is funneling the stuff to the cartels in some type of proxy war against the US-create chaos on our immediate backdoor so we have no choice but be occupied and let him run around in S. America.

04-Apr-2009, 12:55 AM
Gun control freaks will use anything - the phases of the moon, even - to attempt to further their agenda that all guns be banned.

"The moon only has craters because of gun-toting Republicans shooting at it. We have to save our moon 'for future generations to enjoy'."

04-Apr-2009, 01:35 AM
"The moon only has craters because of gun-toting Republicans shooting at it."


(raises hand)

That would be me ... ranks right up there with "howling at the moon and shooting out the lights".



04-Apr-2009, 02:31 AM
Of course not, because everyone in America needs guns! So we can be like everyone in Sudan, Somalia, Congo, Afghanistan, Gaza, and Iraq! How dare those liberals try to protect our children. They don't realize that the only way to prevent school shootings is for every child to be armed! To busy hugging tree's I say.

For them to even suggest I take a class on how to load and properly clean my FN P90 is offensive. I ain't got no licence to drive neither, but I only hit a couple 'fore now. Like rudding no book or takin a test at the DMV would have taught me how a fo way stop worked.

I mean I've been hunting deer since I was knee high to my pa! Yeehaa F250! Nah scause me while I beat my wife and fuck this sheep!

Whats funny is, more Americans died from Guns in Chicago last SUMMER then then Iraq


04-Apr-2009, 02:34 AM
It amazes me how entire governments are so weak that they let some drug cartel jackasses storm across their entire country, powerless to stop them.

Seems that they don't want to end things. Real simple: no drugs, no drug cartel. Nobody - nobody - wants to take that step. And it's the only thing that will ever work.

04-Apr-2009, 02:36 AM
It amazes me how entire governments are so weak that they let some drug cartel jackasses storm across their entire country, powerless to stop them.

This is one of them glass house moments :shifty:

04-Apr-2009, 02:46 AM
This is one of them glass house moments :shifty:

Not quite. Nobody's running across my backyard shooting at things. And they certainly wouldn't be doing it without meeting any resistance. And I'm one guy, on a normal salary. A government is hundreds of thousands with billions in funds.

Of course not, because everyone in America needs guns! So we can be like everyone in Sudan, Somalia, Congo, Afghanistan, Gaza, and Iraq! How dare those liberals try to protect our children. They don't realize that the only way to prevent school shootings is for every child to be armed! To busy hugging tree's I say.

History calls you a liar.

04-Apr-2009, 03:20 AM
Another gun shooting in Binghamton. New York
14 dead

Would not have happened if we MADE all our kids take guns to school. More ammunition flying around a school would have helped the situation, don't you agree?

04-Apr-2009, 09:12 AM
Of course not, because everyone in America needs guns! So we can be like everyone in Sudan, Somalia, Congo, Afghanistan, Gaza, and Iraq! How dare those liberals try to protect our children. They don't realize that the only way to prevent school shootings is for every child to be armed! To busy hugging tree's I say.

For them to even suggest I take a class on how to load and properly clean my FN P90 is offensive. I ain't got no licence to drive neither, but I only hit a couple 'fore now. Like rudding no book or takin a test at the DMV would have taught me how a fo way stop worked.

I mean I've been hunting deer since I was knee high to my pa! Yeehaa F250! Nah scause me while I beat my wife and fuck this sheep!

Whats funny is, more Americans died from Guns in Chicago last SUMMER then then Iraq


Another gun shooting in Binghamton. New York
14 dead

Would not have happened if we MADE all our kids take guns to school. More ammunition flying around a school would have helped the situation, don't you agree?


"The killing began around 10:30 a.m. and was over in minutes, witnesses said, but the ordeal lasted up to three hours for those trapped inside the American Civic Association as heavily armed police officers, sheriff’s deputies and state troopers threw up a cordon of firepower outside and waited in a silence of uncertainty ... About 1:30 p.m., police SWAT teams moved into the building ..."

I agree with you, Ex, someone inside that building should have been armed as it took police THREE HOURS before entering. By then it was long over, of course, which goes to show that the police cannot be relied on to protect us from such killers.

You mentioned something about licensing?

"But the official said Mr. Wong had a New York State pistol license that listed two handguns, apparently the weapons he used at the immigration services center: a .45-caliber Beretta and a 9-millimeter Beretta. The authorities matched the serial numbers of the two weapons found with the gunman’s body to the serial numbers on the pistol license. Officials said they were trying to trace the histories of the guns. Other public records indicated that Mr. Wong had also lived in California in recent years."

Glad this character wasn't using an evil assault rifle. That would've really gave the Leftiies something to squawk about (not that they're not going to squawk about it anyway). The anti-gun crowd love it when this kind of thing happens.

Isn't it interesting how these creeps always choose places where they know no one is armed to commit their dirty deeds? Wonder how long "Mr. Wong" would have lasted at an NRA convention?



04-Apr-2009, 10:59 AM
Would not have happened if we MADE all our kids take guns to school. More ammunition flying around a school would have helped the situation, don't you agree?

because the average kid is reeeeeeaaaal sensible with a gun right?

04-Apr-2009, 03:05 PM
The only answer is to liquidate 3000 gun supporters, and 3000 anti gun freaks. Or just equip all kids with Katanas, cus like, they can deflect bullets and cut continents in half rite?

04-Apr-2009, 03:58 PM
Another gun shooting in Binghamton. New York
14 dead

Would not have happened if we MADE all our kids take guns to school. More ammunition flying around a school would have helped the situation, don't you agree?
I understand what you are saying, but had one properly armed and properly trained adult been there, perhaps the situation could have been minimized.

Funny thing, the population in Switzerland is awash in firearms, yet they do not have the problems with crime or gun violence that we seem to have, and their crime/violence rate is no where near that of Sudan, Somalia, Congo, Afghanistan, Gaza, and Iraq. So an argument that it is the proliferation of guns in our society that is responsible for incidents such as this is not entirely accurate.

Bottom line: A crazy lunatic determined to kill as many people as possible will do so with a gun, with poison, with a car or tractor, with a bomb, with a knife, with his hands, with a rock, and if forced to he will find a way to do it with a makeshift shiv made out of paper and spit. Perhaps we spend too much time looking at the means by which the killer kills, when we should spend our time focusing on the killer himself.

04-Apr-2009, 08:53 PM
Wow another multiple killed shooting this week.

So much for the ammo shortage!


Richard Poplawski was wearing a bulletproof vest when he opened fire on Officers Paul Sciullo III and Stephen Mayhle in the doorway of his Stanton Heights home at about 7 a.m., Harper said.
Officer Eric Kelly, who rushed to the scene on his way home after finishing his shift, was fatally shot as he attempted to assist his fallen colleagues, Harper said.
The shootings led to a standoff outside the home lasting nearly four hours, in which two more officers were injured, Harper said.
Poplawski, who was armed with an AK-47 and a .22-caliber long rifle, fired about 100 rounds during the standoff, Harper said.
Harper described the incident as the most deadly in the force's recent history.

Crazy huh? Good things he didn't use an assault rifle or the liberals would sure have something to get him for!


A bulletproof vest, because every American knows that the right to body armor falls under the second amendment, you need an IBA to protect your house, its great for hunting elk too!

But those liberals were wrong! If he didn't have An AK-47 and a .22 long rifle he would have use a bulldozer or a knife to kill those three cops.

Funny thing, the population in Switzerland is awash in firearms, yet they do not have the problems with crime or gun violence that we seem to have, and their crime/violence rate is no where near that of Sudan, Somalia, Congo, Afghanistan, Gaza, and Iraq. So an argument that it is the proliferation of guns in our society that is responsible for incidents such as this is not entirely accurate.

As is Israel, however they are TRAINED on how to use those weapons, and those who have no TRAINING are not allowed to carry weapons.

Could also be the fact that you can't show a tit on American prime time TV, but can show gross acts of violence.

04-Apr-2009, 10:18 PM
I've got a proposal for the anti-gun people. Real simple. You want to take away my rights. You want my guns? Fine, you can have them. In return, you cannot have abortions, flag burnings, gay marriages, marijuana, alcohol, or state financial aid.

What? You mean you're willing to take someone else's rights, but don't want to give up your own? Now we see who's selfish.

04-Apr-2009, 10:26 PM
As is Israel, however they are TRAINED on how to use those weapons, and those who have no TRAINING are not allowed to carry weapons.

Could also be the fact that you can't show a tit on American prime time TV, but can show gross acts of violence.

As a gun owner, I totally agree that folks should be forced to undergo safety training in order to own guns. But with that safety training, folks should then be able to own and carry ANY gun they want, including assault rifles and concealed carry.

And along those lines, there is another fundemental difference between the USA and Switzerland/Israel: Even with the extensive training that the FBI or the Armed Forces provides, there are states here that will still forbid these TRAINED individuals from owning weapons let alone carrying them concealed.

But regarding your other point: I wouldn't mind more breasts and less violence on TV either!:)

04-Apr-2009, 10:40 PM
Wow another multiple killed shooting this week.

What is your fixation with these "bad" gun stories? Hows about some "good" gun stories for a change?




04-Apr-2009, 10:46 PM
Nothing against the poster, but bad gun stories further the agenda better than good gun stories. If you want guns banned, then the evil gun stories are the ones you want to focus on.

04-Apr-2009, 11:48 PM
Of course, there are always Jethros like this ...


I think we should require licenses to breed using strict genetic standards ...



05-Apr-2009, 12:02 AM
Nothing against the poster, but bad gun stories further the agenda better than good gun stories. If you want guns banned, then the evil gun stories are the ones you want to focus on.

It only works with people who don't have a clue, but love to use the soapbox.

In reality (where they never seem to dwell), it has been legal to own and carry firearms in the United States for well over two hundred years. Point me to the gun crime, massacres, and school shootings that happened before 1970. Good luck.

If firearms were "causing crime and violence", they sure as hell took about 150 years to do so. Which means, to anyone with any kind of sense, that the problem isn't that firearms are legal; it's that we have bred far, FAR more dirtbags and shitheads than generations past. Lack of discipline, lack of responsibility. That leads to this. Guns or no guns.

05-Apr-2009, 01:57 AM
we have bred far, FAR more dirtbags and shitheads than generations past.

Add to that 18-20 million illegal aliens, not all of whom work hard for a living ... throw in a dumbed down education system, a soft on violent crime justice system, a failed psychiatric system and it all adds up to a rather successful Liberal/Socialist/Communist "revolution" in the 1960s.

I think Joe McCarthy was right in some respects.



05-Apr-2009, 04:31 PM
Of course, there are always Jethros like this ...



Darwin Award candidate, for sure. Idiots like these fools make me cringe- even more so since this is exactly the kind of behavior that the anti-gun contingent uses as propaganda - but as long as there are people walking this earth, there are likely to be stupid people doing everything they can to kill themselves.

05-Apr-2009, 09:27 PM
A bulletproof vest, because every American knows that the right to body armor falls under the second amendment, you need an IBA to protect your house, its great for hunting elk too!

But those liberals were wrong! If he didn't have An AK-47 and a .22 long rifle he would have use a bulldozer or a knife to kill those three cops.

Fail. You do realize that lots of people own body armor for completely legal and moral purposes. Cab drivers, gas station clerks, pizza delivery guys, all work in dangerous professions with a high risk of being robbed and assaulted/murdered, and I've seen all of them on a gun board or another asking about body armor, or talking about the armor they own and use.

If I chose work in such a profession I damn sure would drop the couple hundred bucks for at least a surplus police vest for the edge it'd give me in a confrontation with one of the subhumans that infest our planet these days.

And you do realize there have been mass killings carried out with cars, blades, poison, and bombs, right?

On May 3rd, 1999, Steven Abrams runs over and kills 2 children, and wounds 4 more with his car, on purpose.

A Japanese man runs over 5 people with a truck, killing 2, before jumping out with a blade, and going on to murder 4 more, and injure 8.

Another nutjob in Japan stabs 8 to death, with another 15 wounded, with an ordinary kitchen knife.

German nut kills 10 and wounds 22 with a FLAMETHROWER and a LANCE before offing himself with an insecticide.

Someone laces Tylenol with cyanide, killing 7.

Wanna know something fun? In my searches on improvised weapons, I've found out how to make cyanide (flamethrower too), and it's not hard at all, requiring no hard to get chemicals, or lab apparatus. Cyanide is what's used in the gas chamber, and becomes cyanide gas when mixed with acid. Like battery acid. You don't think someone with ill intentions couldn't figure out how to whomp up a few pounds and mix them in front of an air intake for the HVAC system of their place of work, school, or other target, turning the building into a giant gas chamber?

Happy Land fire. 87 dead with less than 2 dollars worth of gas.

And since you're in the military, I'm sure you're aware of the Iraqi insurgents love of setting off IEDs with cell phones. Don't you think someone here intent on mass murder could rig a few pounds of black powder, using materials available at any US hardware store for completely legal and moral purposes, surrounded with a few more pounds of shrapnel in the form of nails or segmented wire, and detonate them at the right time via phone? They could also rig additonal bombs using motion sensors or infared sensors, also like Iraqi insurgents to cause further casualties among people fleeing the scene or among first responders. Videos for making both black powder and cell phone detonators are available on Youtube.

And do I even have to go into the assaults and murders committed inside prisons? If gun control made people safe, where only the 'authorities' had weapons, why wouldn't prisons be among the safest places in the world?
Reason-weapons do not cause violence, they are only the tool by which violence is carried out.

To make 80 million law abiding gun owners responsible for the actions of a few, is tanamount to making every man responsible for the actions of rapists by virtue of having a penis.

05-Apr-2009, 09:41 PM
To make 80 million law abiding gun owners responsible for the actions of a few, is tanamount to making every man responsible for the actions of rapists by virtue of having a penis.

Thank you Wooley, for your well written response and especially for the very informative link regarding the Abrams case which stands as a good example of how media organizations tend to overemphasize attacks involving firearms at the same time not paying the same level of attention or devoting the same sort of coverage for those cases that do not involve firearms, regardless of bodycount.

If firearms were "causing crime and violence", they sure as hell took about 150 years to do so.
Don't give them the idea, brother. They might just comb through the historical archives and find some obscure mention of some settler or colonial dude that went postal with a musket, or a cap 'n ball, and then use that to further their argument, and then there will be all kinds of noise about banning flintlocks to save the children and the trees.

06-Apr-2009, 01:32 AM
colonial dude that went postal with a musket

That brings up a hell of an image.:lol:

11-Apr-2009, 12:01 AM
Last nights local NBC news had a story on the Mexico to Houston drug connection and a bit of what has been going on. Operation 3 star by the Feds has been going on since 2005 and resulted in 110 people being charged and the breakup of 3 cells in Houston who were the local arms of the drug cartels. The route was mostly from Laredo to Houston where Mexican tourist bus companies would come across the border loaded with cocaine and off load the coke in Houston and then carry cash back to Mexico. The trafficers even knew when the border crossing x-ray machines were in use and when not and thats when they moved the buses across. In one bus alone, when busted on the return to Mexico, it had 3 million dollars in cash on board. A minimum of 10Houston murders have been linked to the Mexican cartels primarily killing off each other as competition but they sometimes killed the wrong people by mistake. Jaime Zamara was busted and charged with being one of the local cell leaders.

I see these Mexican tour buses all the time on highway 59 going back and forth from Houston to the border. Tonights tv report was only about the Houston connection but its pretty well known San Antonio, El Paso, Dallas/Ft Worth are other route destinations and then its distributed across the country. Officials think there is alot more crime and violence scattered across the U.S. thats directly tied to the cartels in turf battles than previously though or attributed to just your run of the mill gangs.

11-Apr-2009, 09:45 AM
In reality (where they never seem to dwell), it has been legal to own and carry firearms in the United States for well over two hundred years. Point me to the gun crime, massacres, and school shootings that happened before 1970. Good luck.


That being the case then it shows that society has obviously changed & the rules should move with that. Im not anti-gun by any means but there should be tighter restrictions on who can have one, take that story this week about that woman who went down a firing range with her son,then shot him in the back of the head before shooting herself because "god had told her to do it" :eek: it says she had a history of mental problems so why the hell was she able to own a gun??
Also as you rightly say there werent many incidents involving guns & casual violence pre 1970, but very shortly after that you started getting gangs like the crips forming & using guns on each other,fast forward to now & that gang/gun culture has been completely glamourised & can only be adding to the problem in my opinion! Im giving my UK opinion though so its not something i have a vast personal knowledge of.
As for constitutions, we had some in the UK too (not firearms based) but Tony Blair tore them up in his crusade of modernisation,and from what i can see your new leader is very much a tony blair type figure...

12-Apr-2009, 05:10 AM
That being the case then it shows that society has obviously changed & the rules should move with that. Im not anti-gun by any means but there should be tighter restrictions on who can have one, take that story this week about that woman who went down a firing range with her son,then shot him in the back of the head before shooting herself because "god had told her to do it" :eek: it says she had a history of mental problems so why the hell was she able to own a gun??

A lot of the individuals involved in the various mass shootings were known mental patients. My question has always been "why were they allowed to walk the streets?" Shouldn't we place tighter restrictions on mental cases before we trod on everyone else's rights?



12-Apr-2009, 05:54 AM
A lot of the individuals involved in the various mass shootings were known mental patients. My question has always been "why were they allowed to walk the streets?" Shouldn't we place tighter restrictions on mental cases before we trod on everyone else's rights?



Taking away their right to vote would be a good step. People want to put all kinds of restrictions on gun owners, but let any fucking Manson choose the lawmakers. Makes no sense to me.

12-Apr-2009, 06:01 AM
I got ran off the boards for talking like this, glad it became trendy.

12-Apr-2009, 07:25 AM
People want to put all kinds of restrictions on gun owners, but let any fucking Manson choose the lawmakers. Makes no sense to me.

If you understand the totalitarian agenda of the far Left (and of the far Right, for that matter), it makes perfect sense. It is as cunning and ingenious as it is creepy.

Create a problem, offer a "common sense" solution.



ps -- Bear, sorry this thread got "hi-jacked" from its original intent. I believe that if the Feds got their noses out of the "War on Drugs" and let the States deal with their own affairs (as the Constitution dictates), the problems in Texas would end rather quickly.

12-Apr-2009, 08:59 AM
Or just let the private citizens protect their property. None of this, "oh, if you shoot some cartel fuck that's being chased across your back forty by some Federalis, we'll prosecute you", and "we're just here to make sure you can't buy guns to shoot at the Mexicans in your yard" bullshit. Just make it open season. If they know it's okay to exercise their rights for once, the problem will get solved in a hurry.

12-Apr-2009, 10:16 AM
So does this mexican thing have the potential to escalate into an Iraq style insurgency or will it be nipped in the bud before it gets to that stage?

12-Apr-2009, 11:28 AM
So does this mexican thing have the potential to escalate into an Iraq style insurgency or will it be nipped in the bud before it gets to that stage?

It's already there. Cartel clowns are simply running across Mexico, supplied by people hiding safely south of their border, and the Mexicans can't seem to do shit about it. Getting their cops shot up, and so forth. And they can't go straight to the source without going to war with the countries these drug empires are located in.

13-Apr-2009, 11:34 PM
Have to love my stumble toolbar
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13-Apr-2009, 11:57 PM
Have to love my stumble toolbar
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vHD1uxujnFQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vHD1uxujnFQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




15-Apr-2009, 04:35 AM
Obama is about to name a new border czar with the violence being the main priority. Read an article on the msn main page today about it and the Mexicans are making demands of the U.S. saying there would be a problem if we would ban assault weapons and stop the demand for drugs. In other words, the Mexican drug wars are our fault, not theirs.

I give Obama credit for reinstating the border czar position as its needed. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a b.s. job with no positive effect but at least Obama is doing something. Bush was horrible at border control.

15-Apr-2009, 05:01 AM
Read an article on the msn main page today about it and the Mexicans are making demands of the U.S. saying there would be a problem if we would ban assault weapons and stop the demand for drugs. In other words, the Mexican drug wars are our fault, not theirs.

The Mexicans need to go fuck themselves. And take their leghumping borderjumper illegals back into their own country, while they're at it.

It was the stupidest idea in the world to even associate with Mexico. The U.S. should have installed a Korea-style border a hundred years ago, and leave them to hang with the other Spanish lands.

15-Apr-2009, 08:01 AM
Obama is about to name a new border czar with the violence being the main priority. Read an article on the msn main page today about it and the Mexicans are making demands of the U.S. saying there would be a problem if we would ban assault weapons and stop the demand for drugs. In other words, the Mexican drug wars are our fault, not theirs.

I give Obama credit for reinstating the border czar position as its needed. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a b.s. job with no positive effect but at least Obama is doing something. Bush was horrible at border control.

Isnt it always the case that those in these kind of jobs fall into either corruption or intimidation from the cartels though?whoever gets the job needs to stay above all that!

15-Apr-2009, 11:36 PM
Isnt it always the case that those in these kind of jobs fall into either corruption or intimidation from the cartels though?whoever gets the job needs to stay above all that!

Well, its either that or death. There have been some amazingly brazen assassinations in Mexico of judges, mayors, police chiefs, police officers, military soldiers who were really trying to uphold the law and nail them. Not too long ago the cartels rolled into a small town in the drug corridor and basically killed the police force and shot up the town. So, you have officials joing the cartels for the money, ignoring them out of fear or getting killed if they persevere. Its pretty nasty. If I was a Mexican police chief, I'd demand rpgs, machine guns and a 5 man security detail; then I'd move my family into hiding far away.

15-Apr-2009, 11:43 PM
Have to love my stumble toolbar
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vHD1uxujnFQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vHD1uxujnFQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Radness, brother!:lol:

18-Apr-2009, 12:02 AM
How mainstream is the Mexican cartel war when PARADE magazine does a story on it explaining who they are? PARADE being the weekly fluff mag tucked in newspapers. Its beyond light and for them to cover this would be funny if it werent so sad.