View Full Version : Max Payne 3 OFFICIAL!

23-Mar-2009, 01:26 PM


He's looking a bit rough these days though. :D

Here's hoping it's as awesome as the other two were. Methinks PC for this one, which is what I played the others on.

They'd better hurry up and get Alan Wake out there though, apparently Max Payne 3 is coming out Winter 2009! :eek: That's a bit quick, isn't it?

23-Mar-2009, 03:50 PM
Awesome!! I was wondering when Rockstar would get off their ass and announce it already. Here's the official site, too (not much there, but whatever):


24-Mar-2009, 05:47 AM
Great news! I'm psyched to see it's coming out this year, too. It's been far too long.

darth los
24-Mar-2009, 04:50 PM
Great news! I'm psyched to see it's coming out this year, too. It's been far too long.

And hopefully it can redeem the franchise from that god awful film. :hurl:


24-Mar-2009, 05:12 PM
Now I've got to go back and finally get through the 2nd one.

darth los
24-Mar-2009, 06:37 PM
Now I've got to go back and finally get through the 2nd one.

That's always a good strategy when you consider the bargain bin price you should be able to find it for.


24-Mar-2009, 11:28 PM
Right on, but I'd love some alan wake news to yknow?

24-Mar-2009, 11:42 PM
You know what was surprisingly awesome? Max Payne on the Gameboy Advance. I dunno if anyone here every played it but it came close to beating the actual game in terms of sheer entertainment value and playability.

The graphics are isometic 3D, and technically everything in the environments are 2D but all the characters were rendered using dozens of sprites for every conceivable angle so on the GBA's small screen they look as good as 3D models. The textures are really detailed and there are lots of nice little graphical details, like blood splatter on walls when you blow an enemy's head off. Basically everything that made the original game great is there - including bullet time (which if anything works BETTER on the GBA) and a fairly large whack of the voice acting too.

Sorry, got a little off-topic there...

25-Mar-2009, 10:58 AM
Right on, but I'd love some alan wake news to yknow?
Damn straight.

I want my Alan Wake!