View Full Version : Free NRA membership

26-Mar-2009, 01:08 PM
http://www.nrahq.org/nrabonus/ The NRA is currently offering a free 1 year membership to new members. Includes a subscription to their magazine (1st freedom, American Hunter, or American Rifleman). Figure there are several HPOTD members here who might be interested.

26-Mar-2009, 03:04 PM
Cool, thanks. I will definately consider it. How much is it usually for each year?

26-Mar-2009, 03:12 PM
Gross, but thanks for the offer i guess!

26-Mar-2009, 03:12 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I'm usually pretty careful about such memberships, but I'll definitely give it a look.

26-Mar-2009, 03:16 PM
done. thanks for the info. i've been meaning to do this forever.

26-Mar-2009, 05:04 PM
Wait, people actually pay money to be part of the NRA?


26-Mar-2009, 07:44 PM
I'm already a Lifer.



26-Mar-2009, 11:24 PM
Wait, people actually pay money to be part of the NRA?


What, you get magazine subscriptions for free? Where? I sure don't. I have to pay for them.

27-Mar-2009, 02:04 AM
Gross, but thanks for the offer i guess!

what is "gross" about this? it's not like he posted a pic of some fat ass kid eating his own boogers.:p

27-Mar-2009, 05:26 AM
The NRA in general in my opinion is silly.

I'm a gunner owner of a couple assault rifles and side arms. I just find the whole "we need guns to take out the government thing" a little silly. I'm also in the military, and while I haven't been over there the large majority of my comrades have.

8 years of Afghanistan and Iraq against semi professional trained insane suicidal assholes, and you think that you and your half inbred brother are going to stop martial law with a barret .50 cal and a Ak47.:annoyed:

There just a bit to extreme for me, hunting rifles are okay, pistols are fine too as long as you have proper safety and training courses. Theirs no need for fully automatic 90 round drum mags (Even though I'll admit I'm a bit of a hypocrite as I own a 90 round drum mag. Ha)

/End rant

27-Mar-2009, 05:45 AM
The NRA in general in my opinion is silly.

I'm a gunner owner of a couple assault rifles and side arms. I just find the whole "we need guns to take out the government thing" a little silly. I'm also in the military, and while I haven't been over there the large majority of my comrades have.

8 years of Afghanistan and Iraq against semi professional trained insane suicidal assholes, and you think that you and your half inbred brother are going to stop martial law with a barret .50 cal and a Ak47.:annoyed:

There just a bit to extreme for me, hunting rifles are okay, pistols are fine too as long as you have proper safety and training courses. Theirs no need for fully automatic 90 round drum mags (Even though I'll admit I'm a bit of a hypocrite as I own a 90 round drum mag. Ha)

/End rant

What does all of this mean?


27-Mar-2009, 05:54 AM
that the NRA is a gross :p

sorta like a fat ass kid eating his own boogers haha. But I have no intention of starting a flame war, Just pm me if that wasn't clear.

27-Mar-2009, 06:26 AM
The NRA in general in my opinion is silly.

I'm a gunner owner of a couple assault rifles and side arms. I just find the whole "we need guns to take out the government thing" a little silly.

I think you're mistaken here. NRA does not endorse "taking out the government".

It is primarily a lobbying group intent on protecting the pre-existing right of the people to keep and bear arms, which is recognized -- though not granted -- by the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

How is that silly?



27-Mar-2009, 10:29 AM
Fricking great, a guy who is supposedly military saying "we" dont need particular firearms but he delights in them. He further insinuates we can't use them to full and accurate effectiveness. Ok. No problem. I'll take a Ruger model 1 or a Remington 45.70 rolling block and see who hits who. Obviously, Im the underdog against such trained and well equiped forces. Bah.

Sorry if Im pissy but Im on the Texas and Mexico border and the middle of the bloody drug wars so a cock fight over who is badder ass is a bit boring.

War Stray and you other old farts!

Fricking great, a guy who is supposedly military saying "we" dont need particular firearms but he delights in them. He further insinuates we can't use them to full and accurate effectiveness. Ok. No problem. I'll take a Ruger model 1 or a Remington 45.70 rolling block and see who hits who. Obviously, Im the underdog against such trained and well equiped forces. Bah.

Sorry if Im pissy but Im on the Texas and Mexico border and the middle of the bloody drug wars so a cock fight over who is badder ass is a bit boring.

War Stray and you other old farts!

Is my other old Texas pal, Devil Dog, still around??

27-Mar-2009, 04:04 PM
I think that it is interesting that he is in the military, yet doesn't seem to understand the basic principle behind the people's right to keep and bear arms. I thought all soldiers were required to swear an oath to protect the US Constitution.

His statement that "hunting rifles are okay" is also way off the mark. The 2nd Amendment has absolutely nothing to do with hunting (or sporting shooting, or home defense for that matter).

I'm not "flaming" this guy but I'm wondering, in the unlikely event that martial law were declared, would he take joy in "mowing" half-inbred civilians down with his 90-round drum while "only following orders"?

As for Devil Dog: haven't seen him around here in years.



27-Mar-2009, 04:53 PM
Being a combat medic (68W) in the national guard, I am authorized to kill civilians if martial law is declared by the governor. Although I would never kill a fellow American unless my life was directly threatened, even though we all argue and have different opinions on politics, and whatever. Were all still brothers.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Being as I have had my full set of battle rattle in my house for a few months, I think I could handle it okay :p

Both my Ar-15 and the little .22 pistol I have were given to me as gifts for getting out of the military.

My Mosin Nagant I purchased myself for it's historical value (Used by the most effective sniper in world history Simo Hayha)

The 90 rounder I only fired a full one of it off once, It's really just quite unwieldy and drastically changes your accuracy. That and 5.56 is just fucking expensive as hell.

America has loose gun laws compared to most European states. I'm pretty sure that only Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan (Well okayy most of sub Saharan Africa) have looser gun laws then we do. What does Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sub Saharan Africa and America lead the world in? Gun related deaths!

If America is going to keep this Assault rifle ban off the books, At least have mandatory classes on gun safety before they are sold. Fuck You don't let someone go buy a car, and drive off with out having to take a license test, You shouldn't have someone come in, buy a FN2000 and shoot himself(or others) in the foot because he didn't know his way around a weapon.:annoyed:

27-Mar-2009, 10:32 PM
Thanks Eyebiter, I'll definately take advantage of this offer.

28-Mar-2009, 01:04 AM
Is my other old Texas pal, Devil Dog, still around??

devil dog stopped in at the end of december but hasn't been back since.

i asked him what he'd been up to and here is what he had to say:

Here and there. Here and there. Have been living in the land of the banking gnomes for quite a few years now. On holiday in the US at the moment.

Was a military man. Have been a, shall we say, free agent since '05.

30-Mar-2009, 06:32 PM
All I can wish is that everyone here with a gun uses it safely and not in anger and keeps them and their families out of harm....

01-Apr-2009, 01:10 PM
Dang, I miss DD and wish him great things in the private sector. May money rain down upon him. He did his duty and if he can make a buck, Im in full support. Anytime he wants to hit Texas again, the bbq in Austin in on me, plus the beer of course. :)

I do ask this question, how come the hard cores who had some semblance of training are gone? Trooper, Grim, DD?

04-Apr-2009, 12:29 AM
I do ask this question, how come the hard cores who had some semblance of training are gone? Trooper, Grim, DD?

I think DD was occupied with Iraq/A-stan, but IIRC Trooper got tired of flame wars, and Grim was either shown the door or just had a meltdown during his constant flamewars with dc burny.

04-Apr-2009, 01:31 AM
I think DD was occupied with Iraq/A-stan, but IIRC Trooper got tired of flame wars, and Grim was either shown the door or just had a meltdown during his constant flamewars with dc burny.

Yeah, I remember Trooper getting fed up with flame posts from Bedlam and Chaos.

I was taking a year, or so, break from the 'net when whatever happened to Grim happened so, I dunno.

