View Full Version : Doctor Who Fans: I need your help!!

13-May-2006, 11:03 AM
Ok, the cyberman episode "Rise of the Cybermen" is on tonight on BBC1 and I've just found this website for the Cybus Corporation (http://www.cybuscorporation.com/). When you click on the click to enter logo, you will see an option called RESTRICTED FILES. I've tried every password I can think of to get in but I can get into it.

Can anyone else succeed where I have failed???

13-May-2006, 11:31 AM
The password is apparently "delete".

The old password was apparently "nemesis".

That's from wikipedia, haven't tried it myself yet. Hope this helps.

13-May-2006, 11:59 AM
yep, it works....

It's got some pretty good stuff in it..

13-May-2006, 12:00 PM
it doesnt unlock anything really, but damn those new cybermen look cooler than the t-1000.:p