View Full Version : Phenia Films Super 8 Film Archives (youtube)

Phenia Films
30-Mar-2009, 01:58 PM
hello fellow filmakers,
while putting togehter my Ghoul/Zombie short film 'Flowers for the DEAD' i recently went through my old film archives and have recently added them to 'youtube'
found the old master 3/4 inch tapes i made in High School.

this was my first zombie film i made back on New Years Day 1981 in New Jersey called 'The Union Cemetery'


Then later that year (on Halloween day 10/31/81) we attempted our version of 'Halloween'


will add more segment later on to 'Youtube' including some behind the scenes segments i filmed for 'Flowers for the DEAD' including some peeks from Evans City Cemetery

01-Apr-2009, 08:11 PM
Wow, these are pretty cool. Love the titles that were added.


01-Apr-2009, 11:18 PM
Wow! You know what, those were fucking ATMOSPHERIC. I know part of that is the deteriorated old super 8 film that flickers and saturates and blends together, like a memory of better days bleeding into a fevered nightmare, but you really did a great job for a kid. There's something really haunting about those movies, I could sit and watch this stuff all day.

Well done! :D

Phenia Films
02-Apr-2009, 12:26 PM
i appreciate your comment guys, made my day..:hyper:
i hope i get the same look feel for my zombie short 'Flowers' which im working on as we speak..
thanks again