View Full Version : Warren Spector Calls For Cheaper Games

darth los
31-Mar-2009, 08:34 PM
"If I've got a 20 dollar bill in my pocket I can go buy a book, go to a movie, but I can't buy a game. I can buy a CD, I can do so much even now, but you cannot buy a game."
Those are some wise words from Junction Point Studios' Warren Spector, also known for his outstanding work on the Deus Ex games. Spector is convinced that pricing is one of the biggest challenges to the gaming business. While gaming is more mainstream than ever, there are still a few hurdles the industry needs to leap before it becomes as ubiquitous as movies, music, and books. In a recent interview with Gamesindustry.biz, he said:

"We need to get our price point down because we've been in competition with other media for years, it's nothing new. We've been a niche medium that over-charges for its product and therefore generates a lot of revenue which makes us a little bigger than Hollywood, which is crazy. The key is removing barriers to the creation of content and removing barriers to the consumption of content. Allowing people access to lots of it, at the lowest possible price where you can make a profit."
Spector certainly has a point about game pricing. Not many people make $60 impulse purchases. One of the reasons downloadable games have been so successful is that the price point is so attractive. For $10 to $15, gamers can quickly download a game to their console and enjoy it straight away. A lot of consumers won't think twice about parting with $10. $60, however, is another matter.

Of course, the larger problem is that games are expensive to make. As consoles have become more advanced, development costs have risen. Eat Sleep Play's David Jaffe pondered the situation, but wondered if gamers would be down with shorter games with less features at a lower price.

It can be argued that gaming is at a crossroads. Millions of consumers are fine with paying $60 for a game and $400 for a console. To get to the next level of mainstream penetration, Spector is right to say games have to get cheaper. That would require publishers and developers to drastically change their approach to the business. Then again, they might not have a choice in the matter. Cheap, downloadable games for consoles, iPhones, and other alternatives are keeping millions of people entertained. If traditional gaming gets more competition from newer sources, then cheaper games might be the only way to compete.

Obviously, you'd all love cheaper games, but do you think that's the future of the business? Will Spector's $20 dream come true? Would you buy games like the ones used in Jaffe's suggestion? Leave a comment and let me know (please!).


How do you guys feel about the price point of games and consoles?

Thinking back, new consoles have always cost an arm and a leg and prices for games have always been around 50-70 dollars. I can remember paying 50 bucks for Super mario 2 waaaaaaaaay back in 1989. :stunned:

I guess the dudes point is in order to compete with other media and the finite amount of disposable income consumers have the price has to come down in order for games to be mainstream and a viable alternative to other media entertainment.


01-Apr-2009, 10:53 AM
I remember Sonic 3 costing £45 in Woolworths - way back in my day that was.

As for gaming now - the games are definitely too expensive brand new.

Some titles I'm willing to stump up the cash for them - like GTA IV, got that straight away for £40, but I've invested something like 150 hours into it (seriously), so I got more than my money's worth out of that by a huge, vast, yawning chasm of a distance.

Other games, are they worth £40 brand new? Some are, some aren't. You can easily invest far more time in a game than a movie, but I do think prices should vary more, and come down faster.

Some games I just leave until they come down in price, like in a 2-for-40-quid deal, or 2-for-20-quid deal ... or, for example, I got Rainbow Six Vegas 2 the other day for £10.

You can get games cheaper, but you've got to wait for so long until they come down in price - but this can be helped by the fact, in a weird way, that because so many games get released at one point in time, you can't afford to buy them all at once - nor do you have the time to play them all at once, so you end up choosing what to play up front, and then wait for the others to be cheaper, then get them.

Some games are immediately worth the cash - COD4 for example, and the sure-to-be-awesome COD:MW2, but like I said, so many games at once, you often miss some titles - or just give up completely - I've still not gotten into Fallout 3, I got into BioShock after most people (and got it for £18)...etc etc etc.

As for consoles, I got my Core 360 for £200, then add £18 for another controller. The 360 broke within 9 months - not what you'd expect for so much cash - but that's already been talked about a lot, and you just know that MS' next console will be built like a brick shit-house after the palava they've been through with the 360 - which seems to be a hit or miss as to whether you get royally screwed, somewhat screwed, or not screwed at all.

Anyway - the PS3 - the price of that, what an absolute joke. The PS2 is now $99, and is still being sold with new games coming out - that's where the mass market lies - you won't find truly mass market gaming when you've gotta shell out £40 per game (brand new - or wait ages for it to drop in price), and at least £200 or more for the console itself.

Plenty to say on the subject really...I'm loving my 360 though. I named it "Mason". :cool:

01-Apr-2009, 12:06 PM
Warren, if Deus Ex 3 is s**t I'm blaming you.

01-Apr-2009, 12:56 PM
Yeah, well Mason needs an upgrade, bad.

Warren apparently needs a career change, because he appears clueless on the price of video games during the past 30 years. I remember Phantasy Star 4 priced around $80-$100 brand new around '94 or '95. How much as SF 2: World Warrior new? I remember $70 +. I also recall NES games priced under $50. Lets not forget N64. How many games over the past 10 years have been priced under $40 new? Quite a few. Even today. There are other option opposed to spending $60 on a game. Such as game rentals, borrowing it from a friend *doing that w/ Fallout 3*, or waiting for a price drop.

02-Apr-2009, 02:10 PM
or waiting for a price drop.

That's what I tend to do. By that point, though, if the game has online multiplayer all of my friends have finished their fun with it.

02-Apr-2009, 05:36 PM
That's what I tend to do. By that point, though, if the game has online multiplayer all of my friends have finished their fun with it.
A downside for the online gamers amongst us ... not that I'm one of them, but I can see that as a kick in the balls for those who do and wait for price drops.

darth los
02-Apr-2009, 06:33 PM
A downside for the online gamers amongst us ... not that I'm one of them, but I can see that as a kick in the balls for those who do and wait for price drops.

That's what happened to me with left for dead. I was working and going through finals when it came out so I decided to put it off for a while. By the time I got to play it all my friends were tired of it already.

I got online and teamed up with these 3 other dudes and decided to call the horde in order to get the body count up so I could get the genocide achievement. When I informed the others of this it was met with silence. It was something along the lines of "dude, you don't have that achievement by now!?!" I informed them that I just got the game so they played along.

Anyone else think that 20 points for the genocide achievement is kinda flimsy? I mean it takes a hell of a long time to get to 53,000+ bodies, all for 20 measly points. It should have been like 50 or something.


02-Apr-2009, 09:55 PM
I got online and teamed up with these 3 other dudes and decided to call the horde in order to get the body count up so I could get the genocide achievement. When I informed the others of this it was met with silence. It was something along the lines of "dude, you don't have that achievement by now!?!" I informed them that I just got the game so they played along.

Anyone else think that 20 points for the genocide achievement is kinda flimsy? I mean it takes a hell of a long time to get to 53,000+ bodies, all for 20 measly points. It should have been like 50 or something.

I don't have that achievement yet. I don't think I'm anywhere even near it. Although, I probably haven't played in over 2 months. But, yeah, that achievement should be far more points than just 20.

darth los
03-Apr-2009, 06:28 PM
I don't have that achievement yet. I don't think I'm anywhere even near it. Although, I probably haven't played in over 2 months. But, yeah, that achievement should be far more points than just 20.

Well, atleast the new DLC that's coming out for it wil freshen up the experience and you'll have a renewed interest in it. That should put you over the top.
