View Full Version : April Fools Day

01-Apr-2009, 03:58 PM
I hate April Fools Day! I got caught already when I got up this morning! Dang it! I know lame thread but hubby p'd me off!!;)

So, how many of you got fooled today? How many of you fooled somebody and what did you do to fool them?

01-Apr-2009, 04:11 PM
No real pranks came my way yet, though the power did decide to go out briefly in the wee hours of the am rendering my alarm clock useless, so it felt like maybe the Powers That Be gave me a little poke this morning.

01-Apr-2009, 06:05 PM
I had a tantrum today... I'm working it off, I'll be all right. As for the Day of Fools... nothing yet, but I have my fingers in an "X" shape.

01-Apr-2009, 10:14 PM
Told my 9 year old school was canceled because of a water main break.:elol:

01-Apr-2009, 11:18 PM
Told my 9 year old school was canceled because of a water main break.:elol:

Ohhhh, Sylver...so cruel :lol:

01-Apr-2009, 11:46 PM
I hate April Fools Day! I got caught already when I got up this morning! Dang it! I know lame thread but hubby p'd me off!!;)

So, how many of you got fooled today? How many of you fooled somebody and what did you do to fool them?

My hubby fooled me by saying the internet was down cause of that virus supposedly gonna mess with our computers.
He told me the internet was down and the feds were looking into it. Then told me to turn on my comp and it would say GOTCHA!
All of that right when I got out of bed..c'mon I don't function until after my first cup of coffee. I was like crap..then he said "April Fools". I HATE April Fools day! lol
I don't fool anyone so dont fool me! I should get even with him shouldn't I?

02-Apr-2009, 12:19 AM
My hubby fooled me by saying the internet was down cause of that virus supposedly gonna mess with our computers.
He told me the internet was down and the feds were looking into it. Then told me to turn on my comp and it would say GOTCHA!
All of that right when I got out of bed..c'mon I don't function until after my first cup of coffee. I was like crap..then he said "April Fools". I HATE April Fools day! lol
I don't fool anyone so dont fool me! I should get even with him shouldn't I?

A kernel of truth buried in there: a worm by the name of Conficker was expected to go nuts today, but apparently is not going to do as much damage as initially feared.

Ohhhh, Sylver...so cruel :lol:

Wish I had a picture of the look it went from this:


To this:




Until I said "April Fools!" at which point it was:


While mine was:


02-Apr-2009, 01:11 AM
Excellent "smilie" usage. No fooling me today... reality can be harsh. Oh well, at least the worm wasn't bad. Snakes are worse, though.

02-Apr-2009, 01:37 AM
Oh well, at least the worm wasn't bad. Snakes are worse, though.

Depends on the type of worm & the type of snake...:elol:

(I suppose I have to agree with you in principal on snakes though, since when you looking for advice on your avatar I told you to use a pic of ME...)


"Snakes...why did it have to be snakes....?"

02-Apr-2009, 01:49 AM
April Fool's day was always ruined for me because my mother forbade any tricks on that day. Some relative who died before I was even born died on April 1st. So in the Irish Catholic family I come from, that day was of course off for any tomfoolery. Used to make me so mad. :mad: So great uncle McNevermethim died today? Someone dies everyday. :rolleyes:

02-Apr-2009, 02:16 AM
April Fool's day was always ruined for me because my mother forbade any tricks on that day. Some relative who died before I was even born died on April 1st. So in the Irish Catholic family I come from, that day was of course off for any tomfoolery. Used to make me so mad. :mad: So great uncle McNevermethim died today? Someone dies everyday. :rolleyes:

Maybe he's not really dead & has been waiting all these years to make a startling come back & yell "APRIL FOOLS!!!!" ;)

Now wouldn't THAT be the ultimate gag?:D

02-Apr-2009, 02:27 AM
It would indeed. I thought of that a long time ago though. No dice.

02-Apr-2009, 10:06 AM
Oh well. It's really not all that great of an idea, anyway. A day to trick people? Halloween isn't good enough? The way I see it, the people who are really good at playing pranks do it any day of the year, so why let everyone do it clumsily on just one day? I don't think it makes that much sense. I do hate snakes, though. "Oh, that's just my pet snake Reggie." A likely story, Jacques.... A likely story.

02-Apr-2009, 11:24 AM
Oh well. It's really not all that great of an idea, anyway. A day to trick people? Halloween isn't good enough? The way I see it, the people who are really good at playing pranks do it any day of the year, so why let everyone do it clumsily on just one day? I don't think it makes that much sense. I do hate snakes, though. "Oh, that's just my pet snake Reggie." A likely story, Jacques.... A likely story.

Yeah, it's a nasty idea when you think about it. Oh lets have a day when everyone plays tricks on each other and winds each other up! What next? October Fight Day? January Rape Night? :shifty:

02-Apr-2009, 11:32 AM
What next? October Fight Day? January Rape Night? :shifty:
February Barrymore pool party day?

02-Apr-2009, 07:13 PM
July Throw-the-Christians-to-the-Lions Day? Whatever, I do realize it's all in fun, but... I'd still like it better if there were presents or something. I bet Jack-in-the-boxes would be hot sellers.

02-Apr-2009, 08:40 PM
OI do hate snakes, though. "Oh, that's just my pet snake Reggie." A likely story, Jacques.... A likely story.

hahaha..."Geez I HATE Indy hogging the spotlight all the time! When are they gonna make that 'The Adventure of Jacques the Pilot' movie?!?! What could I do to get even with that guy? Hmmm..."

03-Apr-2009, 12:45 AM
That is a good idea.... What's his story? Y'know, nobody knows. It could very well be the best thing ever.

03-Apr-2009, 09:15 PM
I hate April Fools day, likely because I lost my father on the day before "April Fools Day" 1977 to a private plane crash, and was told about it early in the morning of April 1, 1977. My folks had been separated for a few years, and he was living in New York when he died (I was in Los Angeles with my mother and grandparents.) I didn't believe my grandparents when they told me the news - assuming that it was one big April Fools joke. Then finally they convinced me and sent me to school where no one, not even the teachers, believed me when I told them about my father. I guess this is why I have always hated April Fools day, and hate even more whenever I fall for someones' prank.

03-Apr-2009, 11:42 PM
wowww Yojimbo sorry you had that happen to you. Sorry for your loss too. You have very good reason to hate april fools day.

04-Apr-2009, 12:20 AM
wowww Yojimbo sorry you had that happen to you. Sorry for your loss too. You have very good reason to hate april fools day.

Same here Jimbo. Good reason to hate the day, as it SOUNDS like a gag (in poor taste) & no one takes your loss seriously.

As for all the other people who get pranks played on them, I feel kinda sorry for them. You might even say...


(Sorry, I really couldn't resist...)

04-Apr-2009, 04:06 PM
Thanks Debbie and Moon. It was a long time ago, but I appreciate your thoughts.

Regarding April Fools: Maybe I am just too serious, but I don't like the idea that for a whole day I have to question and be suspicious about the things that people I know - family, friends, co-workers - tell me. It runs contrary to the way I am to have to filter through suspicion everything that they do and say to me for one day out of the year, since I naively take it for granted that they would never lie to me or try to fool me. And since I pride myself on being an honest dude, I likewise find it annoying that they might question what I do or say for an entire day.

04-Apr-2009, 04:11 PM
Thanks Debbie and Moon. It was a long time ago, but I appreciate your thoughts.

Regarding April Fools: Maybe I am just too serious, but I don't like the idea that for a whole day I have to question and be suspicious about the things that people I know - family, friends, co-workers - tell me.

No, I agree with you. It's a day of lies when you can't trust anything anyone says, it sucks. Also, sorry to hear about your loss and the heartbreak it must have caused when no one believed you. My girlfriend just read your post and said it was probably the saddest thing she's heard in a long time. :(

04-Apr-2009, 04:25 PM
No, I agree with you. It's a day of lies when you can't trust anything anyone says, it sucks. Also, sorry to hear about your loss and the heartbreak it must have caused when no one believed you. My girlfriend just read your post and said it was probably the saddest thing she's heard in a long time. :(
Thanks Kraken, and thank your girl for me too for the good thoughts. Though it was a long time ago, your sympathies are very much appreciated.

EDIT: After looking over my posts on this thread, I realize that I probably bummed everyone out with my gloomy take on this holiday, so I would like to apologize to the board for not getting into the spirit of things. Sorry, folks!

05-Apr-2009, 12:43 AM
Sorry, Yojimbo. Even if it was a long time ago, it still stays with you.
I could have done without the holiday this year - one of the guys who lives in my neighborhood (we all evacuated together due to the Red River Valley flood) was keeping me up to date on the situation as he stayed in West Fargo and I was out in the country. He called that morning and said everything was still the same, 'except for the fact that your place burned down.' There was dead silence for a long pause as I tried to grasp THAT new development, and then all of a sudden he said, 'April Fools. Just kidding with you.' Absolute worst April Fool's Day EVER.....

05-Apr-2009, 01:15 AM
No Yojimbo you didn't bring us down, like I told ya I HATE Aprils Fools Day..it's a silly day.
wowwww Dawngrrl I bet you wanted to reach through the phone and shake your friend?
What also sucks on this day is for someone to get you some really really good news like "hey, I won a million dollars" then you get APRIL FOOL's grrrrrr makes you wanna throttle someone.
Believe me I have been "GOT" by a lot of people cause I tend to take people at their word even on that day. lol
Where did the days go when you were a kid when someone would say "Oh look you have a spider on your shoulder or ooh you have a spot on your shirt"? ok rant over!:rant:

05-Apr-2009, 01:47 AM
EDIT: After looking over my posts on this thread, I realize that I probably bummed everyone out with my gloomy take on this holiday, so I would like to apologize to the board for not getting into the spirit of things. Sorry, folks!

Eh, don't worry 'bout it. I don't think it's REALLY a day most people actyallt "celebrate" (if that's what you would call it....?)

Other than that spur of the moment gag I played on my oldest, it's usually just another day to me.

05-Apr-2009, 04:42 PM
Sorry, Yojimbo. Even if it was a long time ago, it still stays with you.
I could have done without the holiday this year - one of the guys who lives in my neighborhood (we all evacuated together due to the Red River Valley flood) was keeping me up to date on the situation as he stayed in West Fargo and I was out in the country. He called that morning and said everything was still the same, 'except for the fact that your place burned down.' There was dead silence for a long pause as I tried to grasp THAT new development, and then all of a sudden he said, 'April Fools. Just kidding with you.' Absolute worst April Fool's Day EVER.....

Thanks for the understanding, Dawngirl. And BTW, your neighborhood prankster's joke was not funny at all - I wouldn't blame you if you slapped that guy for being mean spirited, April 1st or not.

Where did the days go when you were a kid when someone would say "Oh look you have a spider on your shoulder or ooh you have a spot on your shirt"? ok rant over!:rant:
Thanks again Debbie! Yeah, the old days of innocent pranks are a far, far cry from the mean jokes like Dawngirl experienced. One of my coworkers once got a call from their soon to be ex-boyfriend on April Fools, in which the poor girl was reduced to tears after being told as a "prank" that her dog had been hit by a car and killed. Not funny at all, and it was a relationship breaker.

Other than that spur of the moment gag I played on my oldest, it's usually just another day to me.

Moon, your prank on your son was perfect (and perfectly harmless), and one of the few pranks that I actually think was funny, and classic in that. Cheers, brother!