View Full Version : BioShock 2 GAMEPLAY, bitch!

10-Apr-2009, 10:08 AM

Check that out - AWESOME, quite frankly.

I think I just "filled the cup", so-to-speak.


*waits for hellsing to come back online and respond with something along the lines of "meh"* :lol:

10-Apr-2009, 10:54 AM
He must be quite heavy being able to walk around on the bottom like that XD

Ah damn it, I need to play the first one... Or rather, see someone else play it. I can't handle first person ;_;

10-Apr-2009, 11:17 AM
so wtf do you play as a big daddy? what is the setting?

looks all right, nothing to cream your pants over by any means.

10-Apr-2009, 11:57 AM
The first Bioshock was the first "next gen" game i played when i got my new rig & it still looks gorgeous now!this looks just as impressive!

10-Apr-2009, 12:26 PM

Set ten years after the events of BioShock, a number of towns around the world have been reporting kidnappings of young girls by attackers described as "thin", with red lights often reported as either being worn by the attacker or spotted nearby in the sea. This single attacker, who is the Big Sister, one of the Little Sisters from the first entry in the series, has mechanised herself in a similar fashion to the Big Daddies — and has become the ruler of the underwater city of Rapture, which under her control has reached an equilibrium in which she "actively maintains the city's infrastructure, and viciously hunts anyone down who disrupts the balance of power"; Tenenbaum, discoverer of ADAM and original creator of the Little Sisters, states that the Big Sister has begun kidnapping girls and turning them "into creatures... like her".


The player will take the role of the first Big Daddy ever created in Rapture, who has seemingly survived the events of the first game. As such, the Big Daddy's drill and rivet gun will be weapons that the player may use, but will overheat if used constantly. Alternatively, the player may also use plasmids, and their effects have been changed, while "upgrade trees" will provide unique ways to upgrade plasmids. A new feature added is the ability to dual-wield plasmids and weapons at the same time. Further Big Daddy abilities found in the first game, such as performing a shoulder dash, will also be an option. The player will also be able to step outside Rapture into the ocean due to the diving suit they wear. The Big Sister also appears to be a very serious threat to the player. When a certain number of Big Daddies are killed she will attack. Unlike the Big Daddies, she is lightning quick and arguably more powerful, able to extract ADAM from her enemies through a harvesting needle on her left arm, straight into her bloodstream, which fuels "telekinetic abilities beyond anything previously thought possible".

Then there's a whole bunch of stuff involving other Big Daddies, the Big Sister, the Little Sisters and so on.

The bit in the video where the glass gets busted open was awesome I thought, it should be cool getting to lummox around as the first ever Big Daddy underwater.

As for the first game, I must replay it sometime, but I certainly took a good three weeks to pour over the entire game the first time around (literally this time last year, as I awaited the release of GTA IV).


10-Apr-2009, 02:19 PM
well that sounds silly.

10-Apr-2009, 05:01 PM
i borrowed the first one from a friend, but really didn't get into it. i got tired of all those hacks you had to do, and just put it down.

10-Apr-2009, 06:11 PM
Cool. Hopefully it will be as fun as the first. I've got to replay the original now...

07-May-2009, 01:32 AM
*waits for hellsing to come back online and respond with something along the lines of "meh"* :lol:

i do believe it was the other way round with the first one guy, bioshock rocks an exponential amount of cock, bar the final boss fight and i want to play this more than final fantasy 13 or ghostbusters

*bassman gasps and drops his monocle into his china cup of earl grey*

-oh yeah, the asterisk camera directions are back, THERE BACK PEOPLE!, NOT EVEN THE CHILDREN WILL BE SPARED THIS TIME AROUND!

07-May-2009, 10:07 AM
But the Their/There/They're and were/we're thing is also back...:p

Sorry, I just had to be a grammar & spelling Nazi for a moment.


Back on topic though, I was kind of expecting you to be "meh" about BioShock 2 because you'd been so moist for the original (which I agree, is a master of "exponential cock rocking", bar the last couple of levels).

Methinks I'll put BS2 on my Xmas list to Santa. It's a right bugger isn't it - why can't they release games more spaced out? Clumping them all together means people having to choose which one(s) to get first, and then they wait it out for the others - therefore getting them at a cheaper price - if they released them more spaced out, more people would get them at new release price...plus it'd be less annoying, and you'd get less people forgetting about some of the games they were going to "wait it out" for.

14-May-2009, 06:15 PM

Remember that gameplay footage from a while ago? Well this is the full version of the gameplay demo - 9 minutes, with commentary.

Methinks I'll be spending a LOT of time just wandering around the underwater parts gawping like a slack-jawed awe-superfan. :)

I do hope there's plenty of underwater stuff though, like they say, in the first one the ocean is right there, but not quite in the first one - now you get to be in it ... also, surely to goodness they must include the sight of the crashed plane from the first BioShock game, all wrecked on the seabed.

Also, hopefully, they'll make the last handful of levels better than in BioShock, the last 2 or 3 were a let down when compared to the rest of the game.

darth los
14-May-2009, 07:39 PM
Well, that's probably their motivation for putting you in a big daddy suit this time around. Yes there could have been a vehicle of some sort but this is infinitely cooler. :thumbsup:


15-May-2009, 10:02 AM
Vehicle? :rockbrow:


It was cool to dress up as a Big Daddy in BS1, but this time we're the Biggy-D, which is super-cool. I do hope that:

1) It's different enough from BS1 - i.e. things have moved on, and it's not just really BioShock 1.5
2) That you don't have to constantly do those "defend the girl" moments ... someone on ActionTrip pointed that out, and he's right - it would get well annoying very fast, especially if there's no difference everytime you do it.

Mind you, I suppose you could avoid it by just being a "bad Daddy" and harvest them from the get-go...but then I guess Tennenbaum would be pissed, bitching you out over her retro walkie talkie. :D