View Full Version : Shell Shock II

10-Apr-2009, 06:30 PM
Ever since I learned about Shell Shock II having zombies as the main adversaries, I have been itching to get my hands on this one (the original Shell Shock being so fun to play) however I have seen at least one negative review on line which gives me pause.

Has any of the zombie-heads here played this game? Is this one worth the price, or should I wait until I can pick it up used.

Same question for World At War, since that one has an achivement where you can fight off zombies.

11-Apr-2009, 01:59 AM
I have to played Shellshock 2 yet. As for World of War, the zombie horde feature is now playable out of the box (with the newest patch). That is definately something fun to play with your friends, because it's boring/impossible on your own.

11-Apr-2009, 02:06 AM
As for World of War, the zombie horde feature is now playable out of the box (with the newest patch). That is definately something fun to play with your friends, because it's boring/impossible on your own.
World of War - sounds like one I am going to have to check out. Thanks for the info, 3pidemiC!!!

11-Apr-2009, 04:55 AM
i think he's referring to world AT war, the new call of duty title...which has a lot of violence directed at members of your heritage, including flamethrowers...don't know if that would affect your decision or not, jimmyboy. but yeah, the nazi zombies mode is pretty fun with a good team who can work together well.

as for shellshock2, i saw it at a gamestop for 40 bucks new today, but i opted for skate2 instead. shellshock2 looks pretty cool, but i've read a handful of shitty reviews for it, so i may rent it one day, but not anytime soon.

11-Apr-2009, 07:02 AM
Yeah, I meant the At

11-Apr-2009, 06:13 PM
I was interested after reading about this game so i watched a few videos on youtube.....and i think il give it a miss!it looks like it could be any linear FPS game you've played in the past 10 years,with lots of zombie clones (there looks to be about 5 zombie designs for the whole game) constantly running at you while you mindlessly blast away with an M60 fired from the hip,as well as other weapons of course. The 'nam setting is interesting but it just doesnt look like they've gone where they could have with it,its more like "painkiller" in the jungle,fancy graphics but 1995 style gameplay!
At a time when FPS games are really starting to break the mould now due to the technology available,this could have been a lot better!granted i havent actually played it,but the videos ive watched are walkthroughs of the game so it gives me a fair idea.

13-Apr-2009, 04:44 AM
i think he's referring to world AT war, the new call of duty title...which has a lot of violence directed at members of your heritage, including flamethrowers...don't know if that would affect your decision or not, jimmyboy.

My grandfather on my mother's side - enlisted during WWII and proudly served his country (USA) in the Millitary Intelligence Service (MIS)- responsible for interpeting and handling intelligence reports about the Japanese National enemies of the Allies - and several of my other relatives also served in the famed 442 RCT (Go For Broke!) - where they fought against Nazis in Italy. While I am of an ethnic Japanese background, I am a fifth generation American (aka: "Gosei") which, in many circumstances, is more generations than most that call themselves American. (not that this makes me "more" of an American, just mentioned to show that my family was pretty far removed from Japan at the time of the war) Honestly, if I had been around at the time of WWII I too would have been proud to enlist to fight against any of the Axis enemies, including the Japanese soliders if ordered to do so.

And I am sure that there are American members here on the board that had Italian and German backgrounds who had family members who proudly served the USA armed forces during WWII who felt the same.

Therefore, given my family's history, I don't have a problem virtually killing soldiers in a game with whom I share a virtual ethnic tie, so I don't think I would have a problem with this game, as long as I wasn't forced in the game to kill off innocent civilians in a My Lai type frenzy.

13-Apr-2009, 09:52 AM
Interesting post Yoji! Makes me wonder how the call of duty games (among dozens of others) were received by the public in Germany, I dont know if NPC characters shouting "kraut bastards" during the game counts as racism or anything, and whether they mind playing as allied soldiers wiping their virtual grandparents out!

13-Apr-2009, 11:11 PM
If you do a search I did a short review here on Shellshock 2.

23-Apr-2009, 09:22 PM
This game is one of the worst I have ever played.

I am a huge zombie fan, as I am sure we all are here, obviously, and will pretty much give any game with them in a fair chance....and this failed, miserably.

There is one level that is actually rather creepy and atmospheric (a 28 Days Later style mansion in the deep recesses of vietnam's jungle, overrun with infected), but that and the premise are the only two good points I could think of.

The graphics are about the same level as early ps2 games, which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't such a mess to play. The gameplay is unsatisfying (and in a game where you only have to point and shoot, that part should be the easiest to get right), and the level design is some of the worst I have seen in any game not only of this generation, but of all my gaming years (and I go back to the nes days of yore).

Even the story, which is fairly interesting, still isn't compelling enough to make me want to ever play it again.

This game makes me sad, not only because it's from a usually reliable developer, but the idea of a bioweapon that turns you into a rage infected zombie, mixed in the horrific war that was vietnam, was a great idea, and that one mansion level does have real atmosphere , and is the only bright spot in a poor game on every level.

I know you will probably play it regardless, because I am that way too, in that I always think ''it's zombies, how bad can it possibly be?''. But let me tell you, this game is truly atrocious, and the only thing I was shellshocked about is that I paid full price for this garbage.

29-Apr-2009, 12:14 AM
The graphics are about the same level as early ps2 games,.

Not even close to accurate. People level these kinds of insults all the time... If you got a ps3 pop in a ps2 game... You memory is being FAR to kind to the last generation of consoles.