View Full Version : Operation flashpoint 2..

15-Apr-2009, 08:22 PM
After much teasing with pre-rendered trailers,finally something that i think is in game footage!i seriously cant wait for this game,it'll be creamy muck muck time!



sorry its in foreign but there doesnt seem to be any english trailers kicking around on 'tube

16-Apr-2009, 01:24 PM
That first trailer looks like this game is going to do for me what Delta Force 2 did wayyy back in the day. :hyper:

17-Apr-2009, 06:43 PM
Ive been waiting for a "proper" military game since my mid teens but until the last couple of years when open worlds & seriously realistic looking graphics came along,nothing has come close barring the original flashpoint which had the atmosphere & immersion but looked like a dog! ( i REALLY loved it though)
Everything i read about this one seems positive so far so i hope it can live up to expectations!
I like games such as call of duty,brothers in arms,delta force etc but as much as they talk about realism,they cant quite escape that arcade like feel...

18-Apr-2009, 01:07 AM
It does look very nice indeed, however, they're trying to make a super-realistic and tactical shooter and put it on consoles? Will it work? This fact alone makes me cautious of this one. I never played the original OFP but I understand it's an FPS classic and one of the defining tactical shooters... it also has a lot of fans who'd be pissed off if it were dumbed down, like how Rainbow Six was.

18-Apr-2009, 07:05 PM
Needless to say i wont be buying the console version because it will be dumbed down,im hoping that the PC version has been developed with the PC gamer in mind & doesnt feel like a console port like too many games do at the moment!

18-May-2009, 12:28 PM
Aaaargh delayed till autumn now!!:mad:

05-Oct-2009, 06:55 AM
Game Informer has a preview on Op Flashpoint 2 in this month's issue. Sadly, all they do is pretty much bash what they've seen so far and say it can easily be a last-gen game.

05-Oct-2009, 03:44 PM
Game Informer has a preview on Op Flashpoint 2 in this month's issue. Sadly, all they do is pretty much bash what they've seen so far and say it can easily be a last-gen game.

Yeah I rapidly lost interest in this game when actual gameplay trailers were released, its basically a cross between Brothers in arms & CoD4, both of which were good games but not exactly realistic simulations.
Im getting all the military sim kicks I need from ArmA 2 which is the true sequel to flashpoint anyway, Codemasters own the name "Operation flashpoint" but Bohemia interactive own the technology the original game was built on which they carried over into the ArmA series. Bohemias game engine is also the same as used in VBS1 & 2 which the real military use for training!