View Full Version : Night Watch

14-May-2006, 02:13 PM
Dont know if this has been posted before, cant be bothered to look coz I need a wee but anyhoo, has anyone seen it?

Its a Russian film about Dark and Light, the Dark take the day watch to make sure the Light behave and the Light take the night watch to keep an eye on the dark....

I heard there was 3 Night Watch films but at the end of the 2nd it kinda finished with nowhere to go....just wanted to know if anybody knows?

Am I making sense? why is it you can never think straight when your teeth tingle with wee pressure!!!

14-May-2006, 03:43 PM
Nochnoy Dozor (2004)

Dnevnoy dozor (2006)

Nochnoy dozor 3 (2007)

14-May-2006, 08:24 PM
I didn't care too much for Night Watch. It just seemed like a Russian Michael Bay vampire movie. I heard Daywatch is a lot better so I'm definitely going to see it.

14-May-2006, 10:52 PM
I'll watch the whole series I'd imagine, I downloaded the first movie, but wasn't overly impressed. Personally I couldn't really understand what the fudge was going on - the subtitles rattled by far too quick, which meant I missed all the onscreen action (I HATE reading a film!). The effects were good, especially for a Russian flick, but far too frequent.

Overall I felt the film was shoved really far up it's own ass, perhaps taking too many ques from the writing style of the Wachowski brothers. I wanted to know what the hell was going on and I didn't get answers, it just seemed like a bunch of random stuff with silly writing to me. It wasn't all bad, but nowhere near the so-called masterpiece it was trumped up to be. Again - I go in expecting something and I'm disappointed, it's like a curse or something.

16-May-2006, 08:45 PM
havent seen it but heard good things, though to be fair havent seen much coverage in the uk.:|