View Full Version : Swine flu more of a threat than first thought?

25-Apr-2009, 12:30 AM
Hey there guys, just thought everyone should be aware o this since I knew I wasnt till a little while ago.

Straight from the BBC.

Mexico bid to contain deadly flu

Residents of the Mexican capital are taking precautionary measures
Mexican authorities have closed schools and public buildings in the capital in a bid to contain a new flu virus suspected of killing up to 60 people.

Public events were suspended and residents donned face masks as concern grew over the outbreak.

Health experts say tests so far seem to link it with a new swine flu virus that sickened eight in the southern US.

US experts said they were taking the virus seriously and working to learn as much as possible about it.

But both the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) said that there was no need at this point to issue travel advisories for parts of Mexico or the US.

In Geneva, the WHO said an emergency committee would likely convene over the weekend. It said it had prepared "rapid containment measures" in case they were needed.

In the US, the White House said it was monitoring events.

US links

Mexican authorities suspect the virus may have been involved in the deaths of about 60 people, mostly in and around Mexico City, since mid-March.

A new swine flu strain has been confirmed in 20 of the deaths and 40 others are being tested, Mexico's health secretary said. More than 900 other people are thought to have been infected.

Swine flu is a respiratory disease found in pigs
Human cases usually occur in those who have contact with pigs
Human-to-human transmission is rare and such cases are closely monitored
Q&A: Swine flu

Officials said most of those killed so far were young adults - rather than more vulnerable children and the elderly.

On Friday, Mexican President Felipe Calderon cancelled a trip and convened his cabinet to coordinate a response.

Masks were being handed out to residents and reports said the streets were far quieter than usual.

Dr Richard Besser, acting director of the CDC, said that preliminary tests on seven out of 14 samples from patients in Mexico had matched the virus found in the US.

Eight people have fallen sick - six in California and two in Texas - with a virus that experts say is a new strain of swine flu. All eight have recovered and only one was hospitalised.

Dr Besser said more information was needed to determine the extent of the threat posed by the virus.

"We are not at the point - WHO is not at the point - of declaring a pandemic; we are at the point of trying to learn more about this virus, understand its transmission and how to control it," he said.

"In Mexico, other influenza viruses are circulating there, so sorting out which cases are caused by swine flu, which are other viruses and which are co-infections will be very important public health information."

Both the CDC and the WHO say they plan to send experts to Mexico to help investigate the virus.

Swine flu is a respiratory disease which infects pigs. It does not normally infect humans, although sporadic cases do occur usually in people who have had close contact with pigs.

There have also been rare documented cases of humans passing the infection to other humans.

Such cases are monitored very closely because of fears that a new strain of swine flu with the ability to pass from person to person could spark a pandemic.

LINK: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8017871.stm

A intresting video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Wae--Tp1OU

25-Apr-2009, 07:35 AM
Yup, just another reason to have an iron claw on border entry from any location including air ports. Its not enough we have drug cartel wars down south but now we have a super flu with avian/swine/Human flu going nuts. And for you Euros and Canadios, keep in mind its already spread to Califorinaville and Texasssssss. Enough is enough; time to put up an antibiotic and razor wire barrier between El Mejico and and Los Unitos del Estates.

25-Apr-2009, 11:44 AM
Woohoo i live on a pig farm! :eek:

25-Apr-2009, 03:25 PM
This is it! We're all gonna die!

25-Apr-2009, 05:55 PM

25-Apr-2009, 06:21 PM
A NYC prep school + Swine flu? Ah, the irony.

I don't know how reliable that report is, like they say, they're not sure. However, possible cases at a school in Texas raise much more concern...

I'm waiting for a certain someone to show up and tell us how we should have hated Mexicans while we all had the chance.

25-Apr-2009, 08:25 PM
Little update the flu is now in mexico, California and New York and Texas or at least some confirmed reports are. Not being a scaremonger just a heads up. Heres the infection on google maps, purple for a dead victim of the disease pink for suspected.


Edit: British airlines cabin crew have been taken to hospital with "flu-like syptoms" fresh from the BBC. No link yet but a few more developments. The number of new Yorkers hit by the disease is now seventy and Emergency meeting of international health officials to deal with the flu its labelled " international public health issue". Army brought in Mexico to help keep the peace and apparently France is bringing in devices to airports to scan crowds of newcomers for a raised temperature to be able to isolate those infected.

Just watching the news and meh. There have been a few threats of a pandemic with SARS and Bird Flu but nothing really developed, there were a few deaths but if the cases in the US are indeed the Mexican swine flu then bah. Probably just me being caught up by the scaremongering.

26-Apr-2009, 06:06 AM
http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/3/you_are_going_to_die.jpg (http://www.threadbombing.com/details.php?image_id=3881)

26-Apr-2009, 07:55 AM
*There is currently no vaccine for the new strain, but tamiflu, an antiviral drug used against bird flu, is said to be effective against the new strain.

* Eleven confirmed infections in the US

* In addition, eight suspected cases are being investigated at a New York City high school where about 200 students fell mildly ill with flu-like symptoms

* Twenty-two students and three teachers in New Zealand, some suffering flu-like symptoms, have been quarantined and tested for swine flu after returning from a trip to Mexico

* But a UK hospital conducting tests for swine flu on a British Airways cabin crew member admitted on Saturday said the tests proved negative.

26-Apr-2009, 08:21 AM
A NYC prep school + Swine flu? Ah, the irony.

I don't know how reliable that report is, like they say, they're not sure. However, possible cases at a school in Texas raise much more concern...

I'm waiting for a certain someone to show up and tell us how we should have hated Mexicans while we all had the chance.

You probably aren't talking about me, but if so its ok Im responding anyway. Without a doubt, I know more illegal Mexicans than any of you and some of them are really great people. The bottom line is that we have a crime and health problem in America that comes from an open border. The Mexican blame their drug wars on U.S. imported weapons. Lock the border down and we stop it all. Why is that so hard to understand?

26-Apr-2009, 03:28 PM

26-Apr-2009, 03:37 PM
So we should build a great wall of china between Mexico and the US?

26-Apr-2009, 04:42 PM
This wall will only be built of the finest concrete/titanium/steel in all of America. It will have enormous guard towers at 400 foot intervals, which will be approximately 75 feet higher then the wall they are built in. The wall be covered in spikes and barb wire, and stand 55 feet tall. Guards will be posted on it, and regularly patrol the wall. They will shoot anything that comes within 700 feet of the wall (only on the bad communist side though), and have a big moat dug 10 feet deep all along the border. However, it will clog up with bodies pretty quickly, so soldiers armed with acid canisters will continually douse the dead and melt them into a fine gelatin paste, which will serve as a quick sand type trap for any others that fall into the moat. also, pillboxes are to be placed at 200 foot intervals, and these pillboxes will come armed with 3 machine guns, and be made of high strength concrete. These pillboxes will also have large spikes mounted on them, which will be used to show off the latest kills of the heroes inside these freedom boxes.

The national Anthem will continuously be played from loud speakers, which are directed at the stain that is Mexico, slowly turning the population into freedom loving patriots that will being to wear the American flag wherever they go, and will instill in them a fervor unknown in their former degenerate world. Big screen tvs will be mounted along the wall, for its entirety. these tvs will only play Jerry Springer and Football games, maybe occasionally changing to fox news for all informative needs. Slowly, the amount of true Mexicans will grow, as they are slowly killed off as they try to enter the country, or are Americanized by the music and television shows which will permeate the airwaves. The remaining Mexicans will flee to France, where their putrescence is hardly felt, while the remaining are turned into an army of expendable meat shields which will act as a first wave in the invasion of Canada.

26-Apr-2009, 10:15 PM
You probably aren't talking about me

Nah, dude. I'm not talking about someone who is currently posting here regularly and I am down with border security. I've just seen people in the past trying to shove fear and hatred down others throats using alarmist tactics and that is not the way to rally everyone around a controversial topic. I mean, linking to a site with hate speech on it is immediately going to undercut the message for a lot of people and I've seen that happen here.

26-Apr-2009, 10:33 PM
Probable cases of swine flu in Scotland now :(:



27-Apr-2009, 07:51 AM
Am I right in saying still not a single death outside of mexico yet?

27-Apr-2009, 08:03 AM
I want to make one thing perfectly clear, I've personally been there and done that. I am on the border and have faced off with alot of this....short of the machine gun fire by drug lords. I personally know illegals who are great people who are hard workers and I have met scumbags who deserve no less than to be crab bait in traps in the Gulf of Mexico (drug gangs anyone??). Ive gone across the Rio Grande in ankle deep water in Big Bend to eat tacos and drink Cervezas at Boquillas (Flathead, you still got that wooden fetish I sent you?) . I've hunted doves at Cotulla when illegals were flooding in the fields looking for water. I've been in Nueva Laredo when it flooded the first time in 100 years and people were going nuts. What does this mean? Nothing. Other than I've been there face to face so when I speak its not from Canadia, Europa, Asiananica or the like. And yes, I've fed and watered most of them but that doesn't mean I can't support a goddamn big fence.

27-Apr-2009, 09:34 AM
This issue will go nowhere, it's post-budget distraction.

Sars, bird flur, CJD, all the same. Its bullshit.

27-Apr-2009, 09:49 AM
This issue will go nowhere, it's post-budget distraction.

Sars, bird flur, CJD, all the same. Its bullshit.
The MSM (main stream media) love a story like this, because they can absolutely rinse all their airtime on it while not telling us anything new, but they can show us endless pictures and video to inspire fear in the population at large.

Guaranteed we see something about this swine flu thing on the last episode of Newswipe on Wednesday.

27-Apr-2009, 10:23 AM
This issue will go nowhere, it's post-budget distraction.

Sars, bird flur, CJD, all the same. Its bullshit.

Possibly, but a 6% death rate - if the figures from Mexico are correct, is not something to be sneazed at! (excuse the pun!)

27-Apr-2009, 11:02 AM
Notice how there aren't any cases in Russia?

That's NOT a coincidence, my dear comrades...

27-Apr-2009, 11:09 AM
Possibly, but a 6% death rate - if the figures from Mexico are correct, is not something to be sneazed at! (excuse the pun!)

I'll give £100 to every active forum member if we're still hearing about this thing in two months...

27-Apr-2009, 11:29 AM
Well, iv just heard about this 'Swine flu', from this post (Yes I live in a hole and there isn't any contact with the out side world!). Iv also just had my din dins and had the chance to look at a news paper. It had a nice little segment that made me laugh.

The other bugs that were going to wipe us out

Bird Flue
H5N1 strain popped up in 1997, it cant jump from human to human....... SO STOP TOUCHING CHICKENS!!!!

Came up in China 2002, killed a few people (774) but nothing has came from this since 2005

FOOT & Mouth
Stay out of the mud!!!! THE COWS WILL BE PISSED!!!!

SymphonicX, how do I register for that £100, I just want to be in with a chance encase your wrong! lol

27-Apr-2009, 12:09 PM
encase your wrong! lol

How does one go about encasing their wrong?


27-Apr-2009, 12:12 PM
How does one go about encasing their wrong?


Doh!!! lol, off to good start then:p ............... but I believe it involves a moose, a rubber cat and a lot of sticky tape

27-Apr-2009, 12:16 PM
First case in Europe...


27-Apr-2009, 12:25 PM
Yo yO, I had a look around, and this isn't the first time that *Piggy Flu* has popped up. In 1976 500 soldiers were diagnosed with it in Jersey, apparently there was some sort of inoculation program but it was scrapped once they found out the Vaccine was supposedly deadly..... bugger :stunned:

27-Apr-2009, 12:51 PM
I am glad I am not the only one from Texas who has dealt w/ immigrants from south of the border. He speaks the truth, btw. They are a diffrent type of peope to deal with, probably unlike anything Europeans are used to. Or Canadians.

27-Apr-2009, 03:27 PM

£100 people, start counting the days :)

27-Apr-2009, 05:09 PM
I cant imagine it causing a huge amount of deaths over here if we get it on a large scale, but imagine the impact of it during this recession if it rips its way through offices & factories & half the workforce are off sick,scary!

27-Apr-2009, 07:09 PM
I cant imagine it causing a huge amount of deaths over here if we get it on a large scale, but imagine the impact of it during this recession if it rips its way through offices & factories & half the workforce are off sick,scary!

Don't know about you, but it seems to me over X-mas and New Year loads of people were off with flu (I had a terrible bout of it which I'm still recovering from) and the vomiting bug! The country managed... :)

27-Apr-2009, 07:27 PM
Here stateside none of the cases have resulted in death so far, and I am guessing that it will not get out of hand.

I do agree that the media is hyping this, however the situation is pretty dire over in Mexico and nothing to laugh at. They have closed schools, museums and the like for the next week.

My question is: Why is this causing deaths in Mexico but not with people infected with the same strain elsewhere?

Rancid Carcass
27-Apr-2009, 10:57 PM
My question is: Why is this causing deaths in Mexico but not with people infected with the same strain elsewhere?

It's probably because they're trying to cover up a large scale Solanum outbreak :D

I guess Mr Brooks was right all along...

28-Apr-2009, 12:36 AM
It's probably because they're trying to cover up a large scale Solanum outbreak :D

nice one...the same thought crossed my mind when i heard about this on the radio again today.

28-Apr-2009, 02:01 AM
My question is: Why is this causing deaths in Mexico but not with people infected with the same strain elsewhere?

maybe because lots of mexicans live in grinding poverty without access to state of the art medical care like you can get in the US, Canada or in Europe.

It's probably because they're trying to cover up a large scale Solanum outbreak :D

I guess Mr Brooks was right all along...

kudos to him for naming his virus after the nightshade family.

though the berries from Atropa belladonna will make you trip like you're at a ken russell film festival - unless you ingest too many that is...

28-Apr-2009, 02:34 AM
And yes, I've fed and watered most of them but that doesn't mean I can't support a goddamn big fence.

Personally, I think you're being very selfish here.

Don't you realize that an open border makes it easier for:

a) illegal drugs to enter the United States, thus justifying the DEA's glorious "War on Drugs" and the ensuing imprisonment of 10s of thousands of criminals to keep the corrections industry alive and thriving.

b) cheap labor for corporate America -- (why pay out a living wage when you can dish out pennies on the dollar to folks who respect "the man" and have to keep a constant eye out for him) Fear of "the man" is a good thing. It keeps people in check.

c) evil assault rifle exports, after all BATFE needs a budget also and the jobs created keep the families of jack-boots housed and fed.

d) potentially overwhelming numbers of Democratic voters to be created if some politician (:D) decides to declare amnesty for illegals. We can skip the election process in the future if we already know what the results will be, thus saving billions of dollars.

e) some crazy disease to spread like wildfire. Think of the crisis aspect of the whole thing. We need some kind of crisis to justify the Fed's intervention into our lives. Some folks in the current Administration (:D) believe that "no crisis should be wasted". Do you want to put them out of work?

f) general hatred for traditional American/Western values to grow and thrive.

g) totaliltarian Leftyism to rise and take its true place in American life. Of course, "Traditional American Values" are poo poo anyway and should have been gotten rid of long ago.

Building a fence would stop all of this and thus stymie our advancement into a new era of peace, love, and understanding.

Bear, you just need to settle down, slap on some John Lennon, and get mellow ... meeellooow ... and stop worrying about Rule of Law in a Constitutional Republic.

It is time for you to assimilate, my BBQing friend ...

Look at this picture. What do you see?



ps -- to get back on topic: the reason no one has died yet in the United States is because of our superior health care system. (Well, superior until the 'Borg gets through with it) ;)

28-Apr-2009, 02:50 AM
I remember the hub ub over SARS when it killed those people in Toronto..complete over reaction by the media..it was hardly the end of times for Canada or the world.

But I guess it garners the attention because of the fact that it was a relatively unheard of ailment at the time, and just up and killed 70 some people in the city, and infected a ton of others.

28-Apr-2009, 03:01 AM
It's all a bunch of bullshit that should be ignored. Right up until the second one of us gets it. Then, it's a big deal, and somebody should have done something sooner.

28-Apr-2009, 03:21 AM
It's all a bunch of bullshit that should be ignored. Right up until the second one of us gets it. Then, it's a big deal, and somebody should have done something sooner.

I think (*cough*cough*) that you're just (*hack*hack*wheeeeze*) just paranoid (*cough*cough*) ... Obama is (*cough*) gonna change it! (*hack*hack*hack*)



28-Apr-2009, 03:56 AM
Don't you realize that an open border makes it easier for:

a) illegal drugs to enter the United States, thus justifying the DEA's glorious "War on Drugs" and the ensuing imprisonment of 10s of thousands of criminals to keep the corrections industry alive and thriving.

b) cheap labor for corporate America -- (why pay out a living wage when you can dish out pennies on the dollar to folks who respect "the man" and have to keep a constant eye out for him) Fear of "the man" is a good thing. It keeps people in check.

c) evil assault rifle exports, after all BATFE needs a budget also and the jobs created keep the families of jack-boots housed and fed.

d) potentially overwhelming numbers of Democratic voters to be created if some politician (:D) decides to declare amnesty for illegals. We can skip the election process in the future if we already know what the results will be, thus saving billions of dollars.

f) general hatred for traditional American/Western values to grow and thrive.

my liberalism stops at the southern border. personally, i'd like to see all illegals shot on sight. they have no rights as far as i read the 14th amendment and yes, i've gone to an expert on grammar about it.

in response to a: the war on drugs is the biggest farce since prohibition. period. pansy ass folks need not weigh in. i don't really need to hear about your fucking mental problems.

b. wage slavery is alive and well.

c. all gun control advocates need to be hung from the nearest tree, beaten with sticks like a pinata to see if any candy drops out their ass and left there until they rot and fall apart.

d. fuck amnesty. they need to be thrown out on sight. they have zero rights as far as i am concerned.

f. as far as western values go: if you don't believe that the individual is the center of all and that any society that doesn't put the rights of the individual at its core is worthy of nothing but contempt, go fuck off and die, please do the world a favor.

28-Apr-2009, 04:22 AM
personally, i'd like to see all illegals shot on sight.

The beauty of it is that we wouldn't have to shoot any of them at all. (hey, I respect human life) We'd only have to fire warning shots over their heads at all of the major crossing points. Once word got around about the new American border policy, the potential illegal aliens wouldn't come within a mile of the border. Then they could take their place(s) in line and wait for their fair turn to become American citizens (after receiving proper vaccinations against various diseases, of course).

Then, consider all the job openings that would become available for able bodied persons on Welfare. Talk about jump starting the economy! (keep the Communist unions out and the price of a head of lettuce wouldn't go up all that much)

We could stop this Swine Flu crap and create millions of jobs.

Who could possibly think this unfair, or bad for America?



28-Apr-2009, 05:05 AM
Filthy Mexicans.
Only they could give a disease to a PIG.

Racial Characteristics: Resembling the Spanish in all their more loathsome characteristics except lazier, dirtier, and more thieving. A large percentage of American Indian blood in the average Mexican deprives him of any natural human sympathies or moral sense and makes him a wholly unmanageable drunk.
The principal industry of Mexico is the production of pornographic playing cards that depict their women corrupting the morals of donkeys.

Completely untrustworthy, the Mexican will make food out of anything that will hold still, feed it to you, and charge you for it besides.

An attempt to conquer and hence eliminate this pesky breed of miscegenators was launched by our government during the last century, but wholesale nausea on the part of our troops, when they'd witnessed Mexican home life prevented our doing as thorough a job as we should have.

Good Points:You can buy their twelve-year-old daughters.

Moderator Note: Even sarcastic characterizations of racism can be construed poorly. Be careful with this type of joke folks.


28-Apr-2009, 06:32 AM
Good Points:You can buy their twelve-year-old daughters.


This, made me giggle my ass off as the radio blurted out some shit about 'Piggy flue' and how to avoid it :D

28-Apr-2009, 07:59 AM
"mild flu" is what it is. Boring.

28-Apr-2009, 09:35 AM
Pandemic II (http://www.crazymonkeygames.com/jkf6Tr/pandemic2.swf)

28-Apr-2009, 09:53 AM
Pandemic II (http://www.crazymonkeygames.com/jkf6Tr/pandemic2.swf)
Will have to check that out later.


Coincidentally I'm writing a script that involves a sort of viral outbreak in the background to the main proceedings, so it's come as an unfortunate coincidence - this whole swine flu thing - that I've been able to use some of the words I've heard on the news in my script.

Kinda weird in a way ... I wrote a short script last year that ended up, by pure coincidence, to have a number of parallels to the Damian Green issue here in the UK.

28-Apr-2009, 09:58 AM
Kinda weird in a way ... I wrote a short script last year that ended up, by pure coincidence, to have a number of parallels to the Damian Green issue here in the UK.

Maybe being a psychic is a better career move for you lol
Or set up your own movie company: “Future films”..... get it???? god im funny :D

28-Apr-2009, 11:41 AM
Maybe being a psychic is a better career move for you lol
Or set up your own movie company: “Future films”..... get it???? god im funny :D
I could do a remake of "Downfall", but instead of being about the end of Hitler in 45, it's about the end of Gordon Brown in 2010. :lol:

28-Apr-2009, 11:55 AM
I could do a remake of "Downfall", but instead of being about the end of Hitler in 45, it's about the end of Gordon Brown in 2010. :lol:

Downfall implies that he was up somewhere to begin with :)

28-Apr-2009, 12:19 PM
I could do a remake of "Downfall", but instead of being about the end of Hitler in 45, it's about the end of Gordon Brown in 2010. :lol:

lol :D
Do it, and post it up, i want to read that one!

Downfall implies that he was up somewhere to begin with :)
Now thats comedy!

28-Apr-2009, 01:59 PM
So I just realized, I came back from Mexico at the end of February and promptly got sick as a dog with the flu (not Montezuma's revenge).

I think I started this whole Pig Flu pandemic =p

Lots of (mis)information going on about this thing.

Kortick, great post by the way. Gave me a good laugh :lol:

28-Apr-2009, 05:34 PM
Downfall implies that he was up somewhere to begin with :)
Excellent one there Symph, and I quite agree. :lol::D

28-Apr-2009, 06:12 PM
I predict that sometime soon, someone, somewhere is not going to get the obvious sarcasm and humor in a few of these posts and get very self righteous in their angry response. This will, of course, be promptly followed by a flame war and a subsequent locking of this thread. In addition to this, like sars, this current disease will run it's course and life will go on, and the media will find some other topic to glom onto and exaggerate about.

28-Apr-2009, 06:18 PM
First deaths outside Mexico? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2009/04/28/state/n105150D97.DTL&type=health

28-Apr-2009, 10:17 PM
What's really interesting to me is that 150 or so deaths world wide from Swine Flu, yet statistically 36000 or thereabouts Americans die of the "regular" flu every year, but you don't hear about that do we?


28-Apr-2009, 11:06 PM
What's really interesting to me is that 150 or so deaths world wide from Swine Flu, yet statistically 36000 or thereabouts Americans die of the "regular" flu every year, but you don't hear about that do we?


Bingo! Despite what the media is feeding us, no one even knows for sure that Swine Flu is really that much more dangerous statistically than regular influenza.

I read there was a less than 10% fatality rate with the disease, but that includes very young/very old sufferers as well as the fact that the majority of cases have been in a relatively poor country with a rather less advanced healthcare system than most western nations. Furthermore, you have to remember that it only includes people who've been so badly affected that they've gone to a doctor or hospital - how many more only suffered relatively minor "flu" symptoms, recovered naturally and didn't even bother to report it? So the numbers we're being given are statistically skewed.

28-Apr-2009, 11:09 PM
Will have to check that out later.


Coincidentally I'm writing a script that involves a sort of viral outbreak in the background to the main proceedings, so it's come as an unfortunate coincidence - this whole swine flu thing - that I've been able to use some of the words I've heard on the news in my script.

Kinda weird in a way ... I wrote a short script last year that ended up, by pure coincidence, to have a number of parallels to the Damian Green issue here in the UK.

Hmm, you can write scripts that shape events in the real world. :elol:

When you get the chance, write one about me winning insane amounts of moola in the lottery. :D

29-Apr-2009, 04:34 PM
Really, who the hell knows what is accurate information and B.S. hype in this entire thing?

I heard on the news this morning that Mexico has announced that they have only experienced 7 confirmed deaths from swine-flu, but I could have sworn that the other day ago the death count was double digits, like 30 or 80 or some crap like that.

I also heard that a lot of false rumors - some of them originating on Twitter - are being picked up by news outlets and then being reported as fact. Doesn't anyone fact check or verify sources anymore, or is this way too old fashioned in our Twitter obsessed world?

I am reminded of the broadcasts on NOLD where you hear the radio telling you to lock yourself inside and stay away from people, and then a conflicting directive to go to a rescue center. The image of Givens from DOTD also comes to mind from that scene where the idiot is demanding that the station continue to broadcast outdated rescue station information in order to keep his ratings high.

29-Apr-2009, 04:44 PM
I came to the conclusion long ago that the swine flu is nothing more than media bullshit, so they can print a damn story. And scare the crap out of people for nothing more than ratings & newspaper sales. There has only been one death in the U.S. and it is right next to my home town. Who did it take? A 2 yr old. This is not the same flu from the 1918's that killed millions of people and made you bleed from your eyes, nose, and mouth. Btw, the Spanish Flu killed more people in one year than those who died in WWI or from a 4 year period during the Black Plague of the 1340's.

29-Apr-2009, 04:53 PM
Good point, Yojimbo. It'll be interesting to see how the thing shakes out in the end. Obviously countries that depend on tourism (Mexico :shifty:) have a vested interest in keeping a lid on any apparent danger an outbreak centered on their country might be and conversely news shows have a vested interest in exacerbating the panic, but who knows how misrepresented any of the danger is at this point. Kind of exciting...you know, unless it bites us in the ass :p

I still think I started this whole thing by swimming in a sacred Mayan cenote and having some super flu bug stick to me while down there. But that's me at my self-aggrandizing worst. Why can't we circulate that as a rumor? Put that in your twitter and smoke it, I say :D

I am reminded of the broadcasts on NOLD where you hear the radio telling you to lock yourself inside and stay away from people

So, my usual post-workday routine?

29-Apr-2009, 06:23 PM
There has only been one death in the U.S. and it is right next to my home town. Who did it take? A 2 yr old.

And at that, a 2 year old from Mexico, who got the flu in Mexico, and only came to the U.S. for medical treatment.

29-Apr-2009, 09:00 PM
And at that, a 2 year old from Mexico, who got the flu in Mexico, and only came to the U.S. for medical treatment.

Bets on if the News services mention those facts or will the headline be "FIRST AMERICAN DEATH DUE TO THE PANDEMIC" ?


major jay
29-Apr-2009, 09:07 PM
The Happening.

29-Apr-2009, 09:07 PM
Bets on if the News services mention those facts or will the headline be "FIRST AMERICAN DEATH DUE TO THE PANDEMIC" ?

Too late. Already stated this to some degree:


"A twenty-three month old child in Texas is the first casualty of the swine flu epidemic in America."

Also at CNN.health:
(no where in the CNN article do they mention that the infant was brought to texas from mexico seeking healthcare)

29-Apr-2009, 10:27 PM
Have the bodies of the casualties of swine flu started reanimating yet?

29-Apr-2009, 10:35 PM
I heard that some ex-porn star has been jabbing victims with a penile shaped organ which projects from an opening in her armpit, and confidential CDC sources speculate that the infection seems to have originated from her contact with these victims.

I figure since the news is publishing rumors that they read online apparently without fact checking them, it will only be a matter of time before this piece of tripe gets on CNN.

30-Apr-2009, 06:42 AM
A 12yr old girl has it apparently in a town called Devon in the UK, why the hell dose it seem to be only kids who are getting it!?!? (That’s rhetorical; I understand why kids would be more susceptible to it).

Have the bodies of the casualties of swine flu started reanimating yet?
Soon, very soon :blood2:

30-Apr-2009, 07:13 AM
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Department of Homeland Security has sent out an alert to health care providers outlining how BATF, FBI, and U.S. Marshals will be called upon to impose mandatory quarantines in the event of a widespread swine flu outbreak in the U.S.

According to the report, “DHS Assistant Secretary Bridger McGaw circulated the swine flu memo, which was obtained by CBSNews.com, on Monday night. It says: “The Department of Justice has established legal federal authorities pertaining to the implementation of a quarantine and enforcement. Under approval from HHS, the Surgeon General has the authority to issue quarantines.

The memo states, “U.S. Customs and Coast Guard Officers assist in the enforcement of quarantine orders. Other DOJ law enforcement agencies including the U.S. Marshals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives may also enforce quarantines. Military personnel are not authorized to engage in enforcement.

However, a separate Defense Department planning document on dealing with pandemics states that the Pentagon will use the forces at its disposal to assist in “quarantining groups of people in order to minimize the spread of disease during an influenza pandemic” and aid in “efforts to restore and maintain order.

As we reported yesterday, so-called “involuntary isolation” is already being enforced in certain areas of the United States. The state’s health director in North Carolina, Dr. Jeffrey Engel, said that authorities were already involuntarily isolating patients who may have the swine flu virus. He refused to divulge the location of where the victims were being quarantined.


News reports such as this one from MSNBC are prevaricating around the contention that quarantines are a normal event that Americans should be comfortable with. In reality, there has only been one case of “involuntary quarantine” in the U.S. in the last 45 years.

“In 2007, Andrew Speaker, an Atlanta lawyer, was quarantined inside a hospital in Denver on suspicion of having extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. It turned out that the CDC was incorrect and Speaker had a milder form of the disease,” states the CBS report.

The MSNBC report also falsely claims that quarantines will solely be handled on a state/local level, when in reality, Bush’s executive order 13375 outlines a federal response, and the DHS memo lists numerous federal authorities that will have powers of quarantine.

In addition, the Bush administration’s National Strategy For Pandemic Influenza, released in November 2005, states that the federal government will impose “quarantines” and “limitations on gatherings”.

With Time Magazine busy preparing Americans to accept enforced mass vaccination programs and telling them to “trust” the government and “forgive” them when the vaccines cause death and injuries, the prospect of mandatory quarantines will likely be the precursor for any such nationwide vaccination program. The vaccine to supposedly combat swine flu is being manufactured by Baxter International, who were caught red-handed last month attempting to release bird flu vaccines which were contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus itself.

Swine flu has caused the death of one toddler in the U.S. and in fact only seven of the supposed 159 fatalities in Mexico have been confirmed as swine flu - meaning the other 152 could have been due to any number of infectious diseases that routinely kill Mexicans in the thousands on a yearly basis.

The comparative threat of swine flu does not correlate with the feverish reaction of authorities, who in the initial stages of the outbreak refused to take any measures to contain it, such as closing the border with Mexico, but after the virus had already begun to spread, they were quick to prepare draconian control measures while hyping the inevitability of a pandemic.

Meanwhile, the hysteria whipped up by the media has spread faster than the actual virus itself.


this was left for me in a bulletin on myspace. also research fema coffins and then put the two side by side. you tube is either the greatest tool in the world or the devil.

30-Apr-2009, 07:41 AM
Wow, thanks for posting the info Shadowofthedead. And your comment on the media spreading hysteria faster than the virus is spreading…… I agree 100%

30-Apr-2009, 10:44 PM
The memo states, “U.S. Customs and Coast Guard Officers assist in the enforcement of quarantine orders. Other DOJ law enforcement agencies including the U.S. Marshals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives may also enforce quarantines. Military personnel are not authorized to engage in enforcement."

this was left for me in a bulletin on myspace. also research fema coffins and then put the two side by side. you tube is either the greatest tool in the world or the devil.

The only aspect of this that I find curious is as to why agents of the Treasury Dept. (BATFE -- tax enforcement) would be used. You can't trust "F Troop" for much at any rate. Remember Waco? :stunned:

The FEMA coffin thing is a hoax. Those are actually burial vaults and they were photographed next to the plastic injection mold company that manufactures them.

Why use bulky "coffins"? Wouldn't simple body bags be more effective?

Just for the sake of argument: even if these are coffins, shouldn't an organization like FEMA at least have something in case of a massive natural disaster, or terror attack to contain the bodies of victims until proper burial could be arranged? Think of the public outcry if something did happen and FEMA's only contingency plan was to dig mass graves and bury victims en masse.



01-May-2009, 11:02 PM
Have the bodies of the casualties of swine flu started reanimating yet?


Media overhyping as usual. Sad to say but reality is people die from regular flu every year too.

Now it may not be as bad as they thought.

Wish they would make up their minds - another flu season or the end of the world.

02-May-2009, 12:57 AM
all this talk of burials and whatnot reminds me of this:


as for the swine flu - i am a bit nonplussed by it. my great aunt used to tell me stories about the great pandemic of 1918-19 (she was my grandma's oldest sister and was born in 1898 and lived until 2002!) that would've been a truly frightening time. no anti-biotics, just your immune system toe to toe with the flu.

02-May-2009, 01:07 AM
Swine flu? Pfft... a load of old grandad's cock, trying to line the pockets of doctors and hospitals...

02-May-2009, 10:16 AM
Swine flu? Pfft... a load of old grandad's cock, trying to line the pockets of doctors and hospitals...
One thing I've certainly been, is sickened by the media fascination with it - and, like pointed out on Newswipe, dropping the words "pandemic" at every given opportunity, but then turning round to say "but of course, we're not trying to make people panic" ... ... what-what-what?!

Of course they fucking are! They're like tabloid papers, they shout about everything to make you panic, just like the American news networks, and it's disgusting.

What's also annoying is the morons who can still afford - IN A BLOODY RECESSION - to be swanning off to Cancun, and then drag the flu back with them and promptly go about infecting their family and friends because they're morons.

There was a couple from Texas or something, who I heard about, who had been in Mexico when the thing 'came out', and they very sensibly drove back to their home - telephoned everyone they knew and said "don't come to our house, don't come to see us, avoid us completely until we know we don't have it" - very sensible thinking.

If only everyone else had been like that, it's not as if you'd not know about Swine Flu, what with the shockingly lurid headlines on The Sun and Express and so on about 'the whole of humanity is at risk!" - seriously - I mean what the fudge is with that?

Christ almighty.

It's no excuse to not take it seriously, because it could turn into something if you did sod all about it and just ignored anything was happening - but on the flipside, ranting about nigh-on-apocalypse in the news media is sickening ... ironically.

02-May-2009, 11:58 AM
Swine flu is treatable with Tamiflu.

Tamiflu is made by a pharmaco called Roche.

Roche has a very high proportion of shares owned by politicians and powerful media moguls (including Donald Rumsfeld and Donald Trump).

So, to a cynical bastard like me, it looks like certain powerful parties have a vested interest in making the panic over Swine Flu spread as far and as fast as possible.

The one inescapable fact in all this, and the one that the vast majority of the media are conscientiously avoiding, is something that came up in an interview with a UN disease expert on BBC radio the other day - in between all the panic-peddling, the interviewer asked her straight: is swine Flu quantitatively worse than seasonal flu. She answered simply: we don't know.

02-May-2009, 02:04 PM
let the back peddling begin:

the death toll in mexico is being revised downwards. this is probably the first in a long (and probably never ending) cascade of articles about how the flu wasn't as bad as first thought and blah, blah, blah.


02-May-2009, 02:17 PM
Click here to find out if you have swine flu: http://doihaveswineflu.org/

02-May-2009, 04:16 PM
Click here to find out if you have swine flu: http://doihaveswineflu.org/


Also - good comment about the Tamiflu business link - I can't help but be even more jaded about this whole thing as a result.

02-May-2009, 05:10 PM
Click here to find out if you have swine flu: http://doihaveswineflu.org/
Haha, excellent! :lol: My mum and brother both had a good laugh at that.

03-May-2009, 03:20 AM
2 confirmed cases in the county I live in. Hooray... :annoyed:

03-May-2009, 09:32 AM
2 confirmed cases in the county I live in. Hooray... :annoyed:

Bet your country already had flu! And that thousands of people were already dying from it...

03-May-2009, 10:50 AM
Bet your country already had flu! And that thousands of people were already dying from it...

Not Country, but county as in the few square miles I live in. But, its how it goes so I don't worry.

03-May-2009, 04:39 PM
Not Country, but county as in the few square miles I live in. But, its how it goes so I don't worry.

Doh! English is only my first language :)

The thing is about this virus is tens of thousands of people die of flu every year in the UK and US. And if you get the flu these days, the chance is its an H1N1 strain... So it's related to the exact one (an H1N1 strain) we're reading about at the moment.

So there's nothing super unatural about it really...

04-May-2009, 02:51 AM
Turns out the two confirmed cases in my county are actually right in my community being two school kids from the area so the school has been closed. That means the fungo is closer to me than previously thought. Yay.


05-May-2009, 12:56 AM
They have closed schools in the Dulwich area, which is super close to me. I think it's time to get out the surgical mask.

05-May-2009, 10:01 AM
They have closed schools in the Dulwich area, which is super close to me. I think it's time to get out the surgical mask.
If it comes anywhere near me, I have one of these at my disposal:


Got it for £15 - British Army S10 Respirator. :D

Was gonna use it for a film which is, as yet, unfilmed.

05-May-2009, 10:15 AM
If it comes anywhere near me, I have one of these at my disposal:


Got it for £15 - British Army S10 Respirator. :D

Was gonna use it for a film which is, as yet, unfilmed.

Heheheh, see if you can get a white suit too, then start knocking on random doors and scaring the shit out of everyone. :sneaky:

05-May-2009, 11:42 AM
If it comes anywhere near me, I have one of these at my disposal:


Got it for £15 - British Army S10 Respirator. :D

Was gonna use it for a film which is, as yet, unfilmed.

Come on! Let's hear the truth! I know what your bedroom antics are like!

05-May-2009, 11:54 AM
Just heard on the radio, piggy flue is now on the decline, GOD DAM IT! I was really looking forward to £100!
I thought there would have been a lot more deaths before it went on the decline, ya know, with it being a pandemic and all :rolleyes:

05-May-2009, 12:02 PM
Heheheh, see if you can get a white suit too, then start knocking on random doors and scaring the shit out of everyone. :sneaky:
Actually I do have a white suit (one of those coverall things for painting). :elol:

Now I just need one of those Carbine rifles and I've got my own version of The Crazies going on. :D

05-May-2009, 01:43 PM
MSN article today on Mexicans having hurt feelings since they were the first to report the outbreak and think they have been unfairly targeted as disease carriers. Country they are most mad at? China.

For all the school closings in Mexico and the U.S. everyone still seems to be wanting to celebrate Cinco de Myo though. Can stop school but not the party it seems.

Also, there was an article on a projected rebound in the winter more severe than the current outbreak since thats the hard core flu season, so its not over by any means.

05-May-2009, 05:38 PM
I know what your bedroom antics are like!

That reads like you're involved, ergo, self-pwnage. :lol:



And yes, sometimes it's sexy to rail some bewbage while pretending you're quarantining a rural town sent mad through infected water. :D