View Full Version : creepy dream?

30-Apr-2009, 03:41 AM
Think I had a creepy deam this morning. I had a tossing turning night and I herd a voice ask " do you know who is haunting your house?"" I said no, then it replied "I am". Just a dream, but has anyone had that happen before? Creeped me out all day.

30-Apr-2009, 07:25 AM
Think I had a creepy deam this morning. I had a tossing turning night and I herd a voice ask " do you know who is haunting your house?"" I said no, then it replied "I am". Just a dream, but has anyone had that happen before? Creeped me out all day.

A creepy dream like that? I have had a few similar dreams, but then again, my house does have some kind of spirit in it (I could list the many reasons why I believe this, but it is not my thread to do so).

Have you experienced anything to make you think your house is possibly haunted?

30-Apr-2009, 08:58 AM
That is creepy. Reminds me of The Amityville Horror…….. “get, out”.
I’m not one that normally believes in the haunted house stuff, or ghosts etc, every ‘spooky’ thing that has happened to me has had a logical explanation, plus, I don’t like the idea of somebody who has been dead for some time watching me when it’s my ‘special’ time!

Regardless of it is or isn’t poltagoooosts, it’s still creepy

30-Apr-2009, 01:40 PM
I had a tossing turning night and I herd a voice ask " do you know who is haunting your house?"" I said no, then it replied "I am". Just a dream, but has anyone had that happen before?
I've had many creepy dreams. Once I was sitting up in bed and nodding off in the dark, and in a semi dreamstate, I noticed a silouhette seated at the end of my bed. This would be enough to freak anyone out but then suddenly it's 'eyes' lit up pure red (like two laser pens) and I just screamed my bollocks off, forcing myself awake.

Slept with the TV and the light on that night. ;)

30-Apr-2009, 02:03 PM
Once had a "Shinning" dream in which I walked room-to-room killing my family.

And this thread reminded me of it. Yeah.:dead:

30-Apr-2009, 02:32 PM

30-Apr-2009, 04:58 PM
Have you experienced anything to make you think your house is possibly haunted?

At my folks house: Sounds of someone walking up and down the stairs, and the sound of doors opening and closing in my house when there is no one else home but me. The family that lived there before me had an elderly woman who passed in master bedroom. My uncle passed from cancer in one of the rooms, and later my grandfather too passed. So I like to think it's my relatives spirits walking around checking things out. We have also had some electrical problems in the master bedroom and the room where my relatives passed, but it's an old house so it could be attributable to that.

I have heard of folks having a similar dream to Caps - red glowing eyes, demonic look, waking up to see it standing next to your bed or straddling your chest, staring at you. There are those that think that this is a visitation from the devil, but I guess you would have to be a Christian to believe that it was actually Satan.

What about Shadow people? Anyone here have any experience with them?

30-Apr-2009, 05:10 PM
Think I had a creepy deam this morning. I had a tossing turning night and I herd a voice ask " do you know who is haunting your house?"" I said no, then it replied "I am". Just a dream, but has anyone had that happen before? Creeped me out all day.
This sounds more like you telling yourself that you're haunting your own house.

30-Apr-2009, 07:47 PM
Look up Hynagogia chap,that can make healthy people have all kind of weird experiences when half asleep,voices,images,odd trains of thought etc

30-Apr-2009, 10:32 PM
At my folks house: Sounds of someone walking up and down the stairs, and the sound of doors opening and closing in my house when there is no one else home but me. The family that lived there before me had an elderly woman who passed in master bedroom. My uncle passed from cancer in one of the rooms, and later my grandfather too passed. So I like to think it's my relatives spirits walking around checking things out. We have also had some electrical problems in the master bedroom and the room where my relatives passed, but it's an old house so it could be attributable to that.

I have heard of folks having a similar dream to Caps - red glowing eyes, demonic look, waking up to see it standing next to your bed or straddling your chest, staring at you. There are those that think that this is a visitation from the devil, but I guess you would have to be a Christian to believe that it was actually Satan.

What about Shadow people? Anyone here have any experience with them?

Given your line of work, I'd figured you might have a better chance at this sort of thing, or at least a different perspective than most of us on here.

Once had a "Shinning" dream in which I walked room-to-room killing my family.

And this thread reminded me of it. Yeah.:dead:


30-Apr-2009, 11:56 PM
Given your line of work, I'd figured you might have a better chance at this sort of thing, or at least a different perspective than most of us on here.

Funny thing, you'd think that - since I spend most of my time in my funeral home or at various cemeteries - I would actually have a lot of haunted experiences, but it is not the case. Since I actually believe that there might actually be ghosts out there, I am open to the experience, but nothing has happened to me while on duty.

My wife and I once spent an evening at the hotel onboard the Queen Mary, a ship which apparently has a long history of sightings and spirits and poltergiests, and we wanted to see something supernatural. We even went poking around "Personnel Only" areas of the ship hoping to be scared by ghosts or the like. While the ship is pretty creepy (especially some of those off limit/closed to the public areas that we went tromping though) we did not see anything more frightening than roaches and rats.

Want to know what is really scary? Getting stuck at a red light late at night downtown los angeles and noticing someone walking up to your car and wondering whether or not it is just an agressive panhandler, or one of those window washing beggars, or if you are about to get robbed and carjacked. Much more frightening that a piddly ghost, let me tell you.

30-Apr-2009, 11:57 PM

I think I would have used another word but Messed up is fitting ;)

01-May-2009, 12:18 AM
I had a dream when I was a kid that was so weirdly scary that it stuck with me to this day.

I was in my bed, the lights are on in my room and it is daylight outside. My parents are standing next to my drawers and discussing something while my mom is folding my socks and putting them in the drawers. There is a witch in bed with me, a real old school hag with green skin and warts and all. She has a bowl of potato chips. She is holding my wrist and using my hand to get chips and put them in her mouth. I am completely paralised aside from the ability to grab chips. And I know intuitively that when the chips are gone, the Hag is going to start eating my hand. My parents are like 10 feet away from me, but neither seems to notice me or the witch. I cannot scream or speak, every time I try it comes out as a tiny raspy "help"

So yeah doc. . . . what do you think that one means?

01-May-2009, 01:36 AM
Once I had a nightmare where I was in a completely white background, really boring and bright like heaven or something, and suddenly groups of 5 to 10 zombies started chasing me around. It went on for hours. Another time I thought I saw a large dark mass at the edge of my bed glide through the air toward my face with two large yellow slits for eyes.

01-May-2009, 04:56 AM
Funny thing, you'd think that - since I spend most of my time in my funeral home or at various cemeteries - I would actually have a lot of haunted experiences, but it is not the case. Since I actually believe that there might actually be ghosts out there, I am open to the experience, but nothing has happened to me while on duty.

Mmmm. Makes sense though, I guess. If you're a ghost, you're probably off buggering about where you used to live or someplace important to you, not hanging about your dead corpse, in a place that has no connection to you I guess.

Want to know what is really scary? Getting stuck at a red light late at night downtown los angeles and noticing someone walking up to your car and wondering whether or not it is just an agressive panhandler, or one of those window washing beggars, or if you are about to get robbed and carjacked. Much more frightening that a piddly ghost, let me tell you.

I knew there was a reason I live in the sticks...;)

I had a dream when I was a kid that was so weirdly scary that it stuck with me to this day.

I was in my bed, the lights are on in my room and it is daylight outside. My parents are standing next to my drawers and discussing something while my mom is folding my socks and putting them in the drawers. There is a witch in bed with me, a real old school hag with green skin and warts and all. She has a bowl of potato chips. She is holding my wrist and using my hand to get chips and put them in her mouth. I am completely paralised aside from the ability to grab chips. And I know intuitively that when the chips are gone, the Hag is going to start eating my hand. My parents are like 10 feet away from me, but neither seems to notice me or the witch. I cannot scream or speak, every time I try it comes out as a tiny raspy "help"

So yeah doc. . . . what do you think that one means?

The imagery is different, but overall VERY similar to a pair of dreams that I had as a child. 35 years later & I can still describe every detail. Two of the most vivid, realistic dreams I've ever had (up there with a few others I had in recent years when I started experimenting w/ Lucid Dreaming)

I have my own theories on what these kinds of dreams mean that I may get around to posting one of these days.

01-May-2009, 11:05 PM
Think I had a creepy deam this morning. I had a tossing turning night and I herd a voice ask " do you know who is haunting your house?"" I said no, then it replied "I am". Just a dream, but has anyone had that happen before? Creeped me out all day.

As long as you don't dream about Abe Vigoda it can't really be that creepy of a dream.


02-May-2009, 01:44 AM
"harvey's dream" by stephen king can be found in his latest collection of short stories titled "just after sunset". it gave me goosebumps the first time i read it.

02-May-2009, 06:16 AM



02-May-2009, 09:38 AM
The OP reminded me of a dream I had many moons ago. I was sitting in front of the TV when, all of a sudden, the sofa I was sitting on moved violently forward towards the TV. I then felt very sick as if something or someone was trying to take over my body. I then got up and tried to leave the apartment. As I approached the door to leave, a chorus of demonic voices were singing "We're going to kill you" over and over.

Needless to say, at that point, I woke up. :eek:

02-May-2009, 07:56 PM
Wow, reminds me of Amityville... that's pretty weird. Once I dreamt that my arms turned into giant sausages and started twisting into strange shapes. - 2D
Shut up. - Murdoc

12-Oct-2009, 11:22 AM
It was so crazy that when I woke up at 4am, I went to the fridge, opened up a beer and spent fifteen minutes writing it down. It's a bit 'out there' so do forgive me. ;)

In the dream it was night time and I was observing a small saucer-shaped UFO flying around the local park opposite my house from my bedroom window. It was totally friendly-looking so I left my house and followed it with a camera. It was putting on quite a display for me but when I held my camera up, it veered out of control and crashed, dropping a strange yellow ball (kinda like a football). I could hear noises of more UFO's nearby so I put away the camera, took the ball and ran back home before I was spotted.

I put the ball in my bath tub and got ready for bed until I began to hear gunfire outside. Looking out of my bedroom window again I saw a much larger UFO this time, which was rectangular in shape. It was fighting it out with a hovering futuristic military vehicle that was so close to my window a marine looked at me and shouted, "get back inside, you crazy bastard!"

I continued to watch the fight through the curtains and the military somehow fought off this huge UFO.

In the morning I went to the kitchen for coffee and discovered that there were strange well-dressed people searching for something in my garden and all the neighbouring back yards. The guy in mine was a scary looking tanned dude with a glass eye and a massive scar down his left cheek that went from forehead to chin. Guessing they were looking for the ball, I opened the back yard door and said, "looking for this?" He didn't walk towards me but disappeared from his spot and reappeared in front of me, which was startling. Ushering me inside, he said, "Give me that! Do you know what that is?"

"No", I replied.

"This is a very dangerous object. I will only tell you what it is because your DNA is all over it, there's nothing I can do to help. The elite will surely find this DNA and come looking for you."

I was like WTF. He continued, "We call this 'The Lycanthrope Seed'. When this comes into contact with soil, extremely dangerous things happen. This was supposed to remain in the crashed disc in the park next to you."

"What is it?", I asked.

"Intergalactic religious war is at it's worst now. Elder races are deciding the fate for other species, we are one of them. Instead of just obliterating us outright, like they could easily do so, they are dropping these things all over the world. A few of these 'plantings' have been succesful. When this thing comes in contact with the soil, it pollutes everything in it's radius for a mile or two with an incurable virus. Food, water, everything. We have observed people feeling sick, then growing a mass of hair, turning crazy and then finally ripping everything apart. Kind of like a werewolf but much, much worse. This is why we call it 'The Lycanthrope Seed'. Basically they are designed to wipe the earth out, these vicious animals will eventually have to eat each other when there's nothing left and the last few will starve."

This strange guy was just about to tell me of the 'elite' when suddenly the windows in my kitchen blew right out. I looked through the broken glass and saw a War Of The Worlds-esque tripod lumbering in the distance. This was much, much taller though and I vividly remember how I was utterly impressed with the size and scale of the machine - it was almost beautiful. The guy grabbed me by my arm and said, "Shit, they must be getting desperate, let's go!"

We left via my front door but he said that I was on my own and that he could not help me anymore. He spoke into a wrist receiver device and this tiny craft flew overhead and he just disappeared into it. I got into the car and drove away. In the rear view mirror, I could see a lazer cutting through my house and a second tripod assisting with the job. I drove around some local areas for what seemed like hours but did not want to leave my hometown.

I eventually returned home in the night and, as I pulled up outside, the tripods were gone. The house wasn't in too bad shape either so I got out of the car, opened the gate, approached the door, turned the key and...

...I fucking woke up! :mad:

12-Oct-2009, 02:03 PM
Damn, son, that is pretty cool. Nothing like a dream that has a ton of the fantastical, but enough sense to it and linear feel to make it seem like a pulp serial you're actually living.

I was observing a small saucer-shaped UFO flying around the local park opposite my house...It was totally friendly-looking so I left my house and followed it with a camera...

Well, sometimes you have to go looking for adventure, but damn...you're definitely going to get collared if the intergalactic zoo sends a safari to your corner of earth ;)