View Full Version : Gitmo to NOT close after all?

03-May-2009, 11:40 PM

This is one of Barry's biggest promises, to close Gitmo. Now he's considering keeping it open? Was Barry wrong and Bush right, after all, or is Barry just an unqualified, wishy-washy, pantywaist chump?




04-May-2009, 03:11 AM
He never should have wanted to close it in the first place so a reversal is fine with me. We have enough trouble with Mexican drug cartels here without importing these guys.

04-May-2009, 03:13 PM
Well, if he refines how it's being used and the place isn't used to assfuck the rights of people, sure...

04-May-2009, 07:27 PM
He never should have wanted to close it in the first place so a reversal is fine with me. We have enough trouble with Mexican drug cartels here without importing these guys.

That is the issue. He used Gitmo to bash his opposition over the head during the campaign and now he might "waffle" on the decision. Perhaps he should have just admitted that he didn't have enough "inside" information to take a stance and would get back with us after the election. Ah, heck no, that very well might have cost him the election. Big talker, no substance, gutless, weak.

I do agree that we should not tangle up our court system with these guys. You are very correct about that.

Well, if he refines how it's being used and the place isn't used to assfuck the rights of people, sure...

He should also refine the "rendition" process which he left intact (again after using it to bash Bushie Tush (who now has got to be LHAO)).

And what about the War Crimes trials O said he would not pursue -- then said he would -- then said he wouldn't?

Geez, this cat flip-flops more than a fish out of water.



05-May-2009, 03:08 AM
It appears that Obama operated on theory and now that he is in the hotseat getting the inside intel he is backing up on prior stances. Some of this stuff shouldn't have been such a surprise to him though.

05-May-2009, 03:19 AM
He should also refine the "rendition" process which he left intact (again after using it to bash Bushie Tush (who now has got to be LHAO)).

i am perfectly fine with renditions. people who are not US citizens (or in the country legally) or who are outside of the borders of the US have zero rights under US law as far as i am concerned. plus, i am a firm believer that we have the right to enforce US law planet wide when it concerns crimes against US citizens or crimes on what can be construed as american soil - embassies, ships,etc. or if a crime is committed against a US citizen in a country that won't or can't prosecute. bring that little fucker back here and stick him in the dock.

05-May-2009, 03:27 AM
It appears that Obama operated on theory and now that he is in the hotseat getting the inside intel he is backing up on prior stances. Some of this stuff shouldn't have been such a surprise to him though.

Yeah, not too many of us (here anyway...though there were a few) were convinced Obama's rhetoric could live up to the practical necessities of reality. All too common in politics, but always disappointing when the politician in question ran primarily on a populist platform.

05-May-2009, 01:48 PM
Yeah, not too many of us (here anyway...though there were a few) were convinced Obama's rhetoric could live up to the practical necessities of reality. All too common in politics, but always disappointing when the politician in question ran primarily on a populist platform.

I always had the thought that even though candidates are briefed on security things while they are running, that once elected they are given the full blown poop of whats really going on in the world and thats the point they go "oh sh*t, why did I want this job"? They usually age 10 years in that first week too.

05-May-2009, 02:22 PM
They usually age 10 years in that first week too.

ain't that the truth. look at clinton and bush, they both looked young for their ages when they were elected but 8 years later both looked like they'd aged about 20 years.

05-May-2009, 07:18 PM
i am perfectly fine with renditions. people who are not US citizens (or in the country legally) or who are outside of the borders of the US have zero rights under US law as far as i am concerned. plus, i am a firm believer that we have the right to enforce US law planet wide when it concerns crimes against US citizens or crimes on what can be construed as american soil - embassies, ships,etc. or if a crime is committed against a US citizen in a country that won't or can't prosecute. bring that little fucker back here and stick him in the dock.

The problem is that these "suspects" can be transferred to countries who might not be as squeamish about torture (and I don't mean sissy water boarding, or sleep deprivation) as we are here in the US.

The torture issue was another thing Mr. O harped on constantly during the campaign and yet he "kinda" left that door cracked open when he took office.

This is all still up in the air. At this point Gitmo is still to be closed within a year. We'll have to wait and see ...



05-May-2009, 10:13 PM
I would consider him a chump no matter what.

Having been stationed in Gitmo (92-93-- Marine Barracks GDSF/Rifle Security Co {Leeward Militia}), and having dealt with the flood of Hatian and Cuban refugees, I am ashamed that Obango would try o shu he detention camps down.

It is isolated and away from the public-- and if the terrorists escape, where are they going to go--CUBA? Yeah, the Cubans would be harsher on them than us.

Research what the Cubans did to the Hatians that "missed" Gitmo---


06-May-2009, 01:13 AM
people who are not US citizens (or in the country legally) or who are outside of the borders of the US have zero rights under US law as far as i am concerned.

Other than the basic human right to not be killed unjustly, or tortured, I fully agree with you.



ps --

George W. Obama -- Change You Can't Believe In.



06-May-2009, 09:00 AM
I never felt Alcatraz should have been shut down and turned into a tourist site. Then again, I didn't think Devils Island should have either.

06-May-2009, 02:06 PM
I never felt Alcatraz should have been shut down and turned into a tourist site

The rock izh a tourisht attracshun?!

Yeah, the decision was largely bean-countery, if I recall correctly. That and a concern about the sewer pipes of the island emptying right into the bay area waters with no filtration.

06-May-2009, 08:33 PM
more evidence of massive levels of chump coming from camp obamarama: the nyc fly-over incident....first they wanted to take great majestic photos of barry's chariot, then fucked up by failing to use their greatest asset (the ever-loving media) to notify citizens of their intention. then they decided not to release photos after the uproar, but since that caused more people to be upset, they've decided to release them after all...pretty fucking lame.

07-May-2009, 11:58 PM
more evidence of massive levels of chump coming from camp obamarama: the nyc fly-over incident....first they wanted to take great majestic photos of barry's chariot, then fucked up by failing to use their greatest asset (the ever-loving media) to notify citizens of their intention. then they decided not to release photos after the uproar, but since that caused more people to be upset, they've decided to release them after all...pretty fucking lame.

Hey, lets not forget this ...


Bows to the Saudi king?


Hmmm ... one wonders why he didn't bow to torturer Bush (who merely kissed the king and held his hand in a manly way :lol: ).

I'll have to give President O a +10 on the chump meter for this one.




12-May-2009, 12:10 AM
Haven't you guys figured it out yet? Belief in change = suckers.

12-May-2009, 02:04 AM

Just for chuckles, I think I might buy one of these things, modify it to look like O and let it bow, bow, and bow perpetually.

I think it would make a good addition to Chia Obama.

