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View Full Version : Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day?!?!?!

05-May-2009, 06:13 AM
First off: I have a big raging boner for this movie. I just do. Second, I've been hearing that there was going to be a sequel for YEARS now. Couldn't but it for a second. Kind of like Romero making another zombie movie seemed impossible in those long years between Day & Land. Should have learned never to say never though. After surfing teh interwebz out of idle curiosity I find that the sequel as ALREADY FINISHED SHOOTING, IS IN POST PRODUCTION, & IS DUE OUT BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR?!?!?! WTF?!?!?





"And Shepherds we shall be
For thee, my Lord, for thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand
Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."


"And when I vest my flashing sword And my hand takes hold in judgment I will take vengeance upon mine enemies And I will repay those who haste me O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand And count me among Thy saints ."

"Whosoever shed last blood. By man shall his blood be shed. For immunity of god make he the man. Destroy all that which is evil. So that which is good may flourish. And I shall count thee among my favored sheep. And you shall have the protection of all the angels in heaven."

"Never shall innocent blood be shed. Yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The three shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeful striking hammer of god. "

05-May-2009, 11:48 AM
Yeah, BS is fucking great.

I've been wondering what was happening with this sequel. I saw a video from the set about 1 year ago, but haven't seen anything since.


05-May-2009, 02:40 PM
Wow, decentish cast and they got both actors back to play the brothers, and most everybody else returning too, except Dafoe...which is a damn shame!

As someone who came to the table late, after hearing how good the movie was on the web, I wasn't as impressed as I thought I might have been, but the movie was definitely decent and pretty fun. I'll certainly pick up the sequel if I miss it in the theaters...if it makes it to the theaters in the first place.

06-May-2009, 05:04 AM
Wow, decentish cast and they got both actors back to play the brothers, and most everybody else returning too, except Dafoe...which is a damn shame!

It is, but I'm ok w/ it.

As someone who came to the table late, after hearing how good the movie was on the web, I wasn't as impressed as I thought I might have been, but the movie was definitely decent and pretty fun. I'll certainly pick up the sequel if I miss it in the theaters...if it makes it to the theaters in the first place.

Fortunately, I picked it up knowing nothing about it based on the back of the DVD, so I dodged any hype letdown. Going into it cold it really blew my mind.

03-Sep-2009, 02:20 AM


This is just a trailer, but to me it really looks like they "got it" again....

03-Sep-2009, 05:02 AM

This is just a trailer, but to me it really looks like they "got it" again....

Sweeeeet....good find Bass. I'd heard the trailer was premiering at the San Diego comic con & had been looking for it ever since.

EDIT: the more I watch it, the better I like it!

24-Oct-2009, 05:12 AM
Official release date: Next weekend Oct 30th I would SO be there, but apparently it's only going into limited release (67 theaters) WTF?!?!?! Maybe a wider release later...?:(

Here's hoping there's one near you:



<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ue0rmWo6JdA&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ue0rmWo6JdA&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

15-Nov-2009, 03:52 AM
It's not very often that we see a sequel worthy of the original. This is the exception.:hyper:

I've just returned from seeing All Saints Day and man was it awesome! I was afraid that this sequel was just a cash in, but it proves itself to be much more than that. It's a true continuation of the brother's story and it doesn't miss a fuckin beat!

This flick had EVERYTHING that was great about the original. And on top of that....it had even greater things! The original film wasn't for everyone, but I can tell you that if you liked the original, this sequel is a must.

I can't say much as it will give the story away, but let me just say that this is a MUST SEE for any Boondock Saints fan. I seriously doubt that you'll be let down. Honestly....I was surprised at how well put together this sequel is. I can only hope that it makes enough money so that a second sequel roles along.

This is a laugh-out-loud good time. And if you liked the characters from the original....they're ALL back. Even if you don't enjoy this film(which I highly doubt), it is defintely worth the ticket price. And this coming from a guy that had to drive well over 45 minutes to see it.


"Veritas Aequitas" :sneaky:

15-Nov-2009, 03:57 AM
Oh. My. God.

15-Nov-2009, 07:17 AM
It's not very often that we see a sequel worthy of the original. This is the exception.:hyper:

Bass, you are my hero. I'm so fucking jealous of you. They keep showing promos on TV & it's pissing me off. WHY keep running ad's if you ain't gonna open that bitch up WIDE son?!?!? ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

I just checked the updated theater listings & they've added a BUNCH more as of Nov 13th...in every state AROUND me! Indiana, Pennsylvaina, Michigan, West Virginia & more....NO OHIO!!!!:mad: Oh well, waiting for the DVD...:(

(MAYBE they'll do the roadshow like they did with "Diary"...)

17-Nov-2009, 02:05 PM
Thanks for posting and reposting the trailer, as it was the second one was able to actually watch.

Looks damn fun! In fact, it looks better than I had hoped :cool:

24-Nov-2009, 03:09 PM
FUCK YES!!! BD2 opening on a bunch more screens tomorrow, including Columbus, Ohio! I am SO there....:hyper::hyper::hyper:


24-Nov-2009, 04:35 PM
Awesome! It looks like this flick is doing quite well for itself. Hopefully that means a third film will follow. And trust me....after the ending to Saints 2.....it MUST follow.:cool:

24-Nov-2009, 10:33 PM
Awesome! It looks like this flick is doing quite well for itself.

$3,552,730 in 24 days of release, only playing on 69 screens. Ranked as high as #14, so yeah, pretty good for a sequel for a movie 10 years old & in limited release. And as long as they keep opening it around the country like they've been doing the revenue should stay steady until it makes the rounds I'd guess. Cost $8 mil to make, so it's 1/2 way to recovering its cost (again, limited release, plus, I'd assume they're planning on the big score being the DVD release)

[QUOTE=bassman;208848]Hopefully that means a third film will follow. And trust me....after the ending to Saints 2.....it MUST follow.:cool:

That's what I hear. I know the 1st one ended in a way that left you wanting more & open to a sequel, but also worked fine on its own, & I hear kind of the same here (no spoilers PLEASE! :) ). But yeah, if it's as good as I hear, I'd love another one.:D[COLOR="Silver"]

Here's what Wikipedia has to say on the subject:

In an October 27 article, director Troy Duffy and actor Billy Connolly mention details regarding a possible sequel. They maintain that it is slowly in the works and is still just an idea. Duffy insists that he wants to get a few more of his films done before returning to the Boondock Saints. The article also mentions a possible comic detailing events preceding the first film, such as a more in depth exploration of Il Duce and his rise to prominence. The proposed third installment would be titled "The Boondock Saints III: In Nomine Patris".

25-Nov-2009, 12:31 PM
Cost $8 mil to make, so it's 1/2 way to recovering its cost (again, limited release, plus, I'd assume they're planning on the big score being the DVD release)

DVD and BR is where this flick will soar, I think. DVD sales are what made the first film a cult hit. It basically didn't get a theatrical release because of the Columbine killings, but on dvd it made a killing. Enough so to make this sequel, so let's hope it happens again.

That's what I hear. I know the 1st one ended in a way that left you wanting more & open to a sequel, but also worked fine on its own, & I hear kind of the same here (no spoilers PLEASE! :) ). But yeah, if it's as good as I hear, I'd love another one.:D[COLOR="Silver"]

Don't worry...I won't spoil it for you. The ending to Saints 2 has that sort of "FUCK YEAH!" feeling like you get in the courtroom at the end of the first movie, but then ends on that "FUCK YEAH!" instead of going into something slower like the news broadcasts.

So basically it could go either way. It's a great ending on it's own, but it REALLY sets itself up for an awesome third film.

Now get your ass out there and see it so I'll have someone to talk to about it!:lol:

26-Nov-2009, 12:48 AM
DVD and BR is where this flick will soar, I think. DVD sales are what made the first film a cult hit. It basically didn't get a theatrical release because of the Columbine killings, but on dvd it made a killing. Enough so to make this sequel, so let's hope it happens again.

Exactly. Opened on 2 screens IIRC, so already this is a "bigger release". And hopefully translates to DVD as well.

Don't worry...I won't spoil it for you. The ending to Saints 2 has that sort of "FUCK YEAH!" feeling like you get in the courtroom at the end of the first movie, but then ends on that "FUCK YEAH!" instead of going into something slower like the news broadcasts.

So basically it could go either way. It's a great ending on it's own, but it REALLY sets itself up for an awesome third film.

Cool. Here's hoping there IS one then.

Now get your ass out there and see it so I'll have someone to talk to about it!:lol:

Had to work today, Thanksgiving w/ the folks tomorrow, Saturday Thanksgiving with my best friend & Sunday have to go in to work (ugh), so it's looking like FRIDAY is my window of opportunity. Text'ed the wife who's almost as big a fan as I the day I found out & she asked if I wanted to go on Friday, so as far as I'm concerned, IT IS ON!!!:hyper:

27-Nov-2009, 10:15 PM
It's not very often that we see a sequel worthy of the original. This is the exception.:hyper:

I've just returned from seeing All Saints Day and man was it awesome! I was afraid that this sequel was just a cash in, but it proves itself to be much more than that. It's a true continuation of the brother's story and it doesn't miss a fuckin beat!

This flick had EVERYTHING that was great about the original. And on top of that....it had even greater things! The original film wasn't for everyone, but I can tell you that if you liked the original, this sequel is a must.

I can't say much as it will give the story away, but let me just say that this is a MUST SEE for any Boondock Saints fan. I seriously doubt that you'll be let down. Honestly....I was surprised at how well put together this sequel is. I can only hope that it makes enough money so that a second sequel roles along.

This is a laugh-out-loud good time. And if you liked the characters from the original....they're ALL back. Even if you don't enjoy this film(which I highly doubt), it is defintely worth the ticket price. And this coming from a guy that had to drive well over 45 minutes to see it.


"Veritas Aequitas" :sneaky:

Just got back from seeing it & I'm trying to let it percolate & sink in more, but the above echoes my thoughts. Not a direct rip off of the first, in some ways very different than the first (in that it doesn't slavishly follow the exact same pattern), but a lot of similar "touches".

Pretty much ALL of your favorite characters make a return appearance in one form or another & are all great. The new recruit Romeo is awesome & works well.

A LITTLE more story driven than the first in some ways, and the ending, while unambiguous, definitely leaves you wanting more & wanting to see what happens next.

If you are a fan of the first one you will not be let down & owe it to yourself to see this.

15-Jan-2010, 04:47 PM
All Saints Day coming to DVD and BR in March. I'll have it on release day....can't wait. Party and viewing at my place! :p


15-Jan-2010, 10:28 PM
All Saints Day coming to DVD and BR in March. I'll have it on release day....can't wait. Party and viewing at my place! :p


Good find. I've been checking periodically for the release date. I was hoping for February, but I figured it'd be out before St. Pat's for sure.;)

Thanks Bass!:)

15-Jan-2010, 10:53 PM
When I went to see Avatar two days ago they still had All Saints Day playing on a screen. One of the employees said it's still doing awesome business. :stunned:

I was shocked and after hearing this news I figured it would be a long time until it's released on DVD. So I'm also shocked to now hear it's going to be released in two months.

With business like this, The Brothers McManus should be returning in another sequel.:hyper:

18-Jan-2010, 10:19 PM
When I went to see Avatar two days ago they still had All Saints Day playing on a screen. One of the employees said it's still doing awesome business. :stunned:

Last time I checked a week or two ago, it had made about $1 mil over it's budget IIRC, so yeah, not bad at all for limited release

I was shocked and after hearing this news I figured it would be a long time until it's released on DVD. So I'm also shocked to now hear it's going to be released in two months.

As limited as the release was, I figured they'd act pretty quick. & my gut just told me before St. Pat's. They seem to like to coincide the releases w/ dates (like All Saints Day...);)

With business like this, The Brothers McManus should be returning in another sequel.:hyper:

One can only hope!:D

08-Mar-2010, 01:51 PM
Just a reminder that Saints II is out on dvd and BR tomorrow, March 9th.

01-Apr-2010, 03:52 AM
So finally saw this. It was pretty good. . . not nearly as good as the original. . .but very watchable.

I have to say this tho. . . what the fuck is wrong with Sean Patrick Flannery's face?!??! Why would any man do that to himself. His obvious plastic surgery was distracting and annoying. Damn man. . .age gracefully like the rest of us you pussy!! . . . . . . . .unless he had an accident and required facial recronstructive surgery. . . in which case I take it back.

01-Apr-2010, 11:59 AM
I have to say this tho. . . what the fuck is wrong with Sean Patrick Flannery's face?!??! Why would any man do that to himself. His obvious plastic surgery was distracting and annoying. Damn man. . .age gracefully like the rest of us you pussy!! . . . . . . . .unless he had an accident and required facial recronstructive surgery. . . in which case I take it back.

Really? I didn't notice that at all. In fact....I thought he looked like he had aged ten years since the first film.


I love Saints 2.