View Full Version : Zombie Dreams

16-May-2006, 02:43 PM
Ok, I had zombie dreams two nights in a row now. Tonight it started first with people having this gross skin disease, like leprosy, where their skin seems to be coming off and people begging from those that are immune like me. Then they turned into zombies. All I remember is me a nd a group of people running down a street looking for a place to hide then I woke up. yesterdays dream involved zombies and aliens taking over our bodies. I just love these dreams. They make the best nightmares:eek: :D

16-May-2006, 03:10 PM
Ok, I had zombie dreams two nights in a row now. Tonight it started first with people having this gross skin disease, like leprosy, where their skin seems to be coming off and people begging from those that are immune like me. Then they turned into zombies. All I remember is me a nd a group of people running down a street looking for a place to hide then I woke up. yesterdays dream involved zombies and aliens taking over our bodies. I just love these dreams. They make the best nightmares:eek: :D

Yeah, until you can't wake up from one. :)

16-May-2006, 03:20 PM
Here's a recipe for extremely vivid dreams. Get some Nicoderm patches and put one on before you go to bed.


16-May-2006, 04:04 PM
Here's a recipe for extremely vivid dreams. Get some Nicoderm patches and put one on before you go to bed.


Haha...never heard of that. If you have those patches because you're quitting, I advise you throw them away. They don't work. Cold Turkey is the way to do it. I tried everything and Cold Turkey was the last and final try:D .

But back on topic....I've never had a zombie dream. In fact, I think it's been abou 3 years since I last had a dream that I could remember....

16-May-2006, 04:08 PM
I usually end up having zombie dreams after watching or reading about zombies. And it was always slow, shambling GAr zombies and none of these Olympic-style sprinters. Even in my dreams I have my standards!

16-May-2006, 05:31 PM
Hey, I had nightmares of black and white zombies chasing me after watching Night of the living dead (60s version).

Hee hee hee

16-May-2006, 11:34 PM
Here's a recipe for extremely vivid dreams. Get some Nicoderm patches and put one on before you go to bed.


That is a known side effect that makes physiological sense. On an anecdotal level, I've heard the dreams are massively intense and frequent (just about every night while on the patch).

17-May-2006, 01:47 AM
Here's a recipe for extremely vivid dreams. Get some Nicoderm patches and put one on before you go to bed.


What I did is I watched the "thriller" video sunday and been having zombie dreams. lol

What really gets me to dreaming is when I took human anatomy diasection lab at the university of kansas. I was plagued with zombie dreams from that!

17-May-2006, 03:21 PM
What I did is I watched the "thriller" video sunday and been having zombie dreams. lol

What really gets me to dreaming is when I took human anatomy diasection lab at the university of kansas. I was plagued with zombie dreams from that!

When you were taking that class, did you start handling the organs like you were an extra in a GAR movie? :)

Zombie Dollie
18-May-2006, 12:23 AM
I had a creepy zombie dream and it scared the shizzat out of me it was so vivid!
I was standing in my friends house next door and talking to his grandmother in the living room it had been a nice day and this all seemed so real until I turned to the window and right across the road from my house to my neighbors is a huge field, Usually they fertilize it and stuff but never grow anything..., anyway I started hearing moaning and mummbling and out from the woods into the field shambled a bunch of yes you guessed it Zombies they just kept coming and walking closer to the road I was scared and my friends grandmother was all :eek: and then my friend walks in freaking out semi excited!? (Yes he was) And then I realized it had to be a dream of course so to myself I was saying wake up but I couldn't so I remember starting to cry and I sunk to the floor next to the computer desk I remember this part well and then I felt a really bad pain in my chest like sharp and finally I woke up I sat straight up and still felt that weird sharp pain, I think it was all just stress or something but it spooked me pretty bad.