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View Full Version : How am I supposed to feed my kids tonight?!?

14-May-2009, 01:04 PM
This is what civilization has become. Check out these reactions....over some Popeye's Chicken....


"No chicken? Or are ya'll just out of chicken?":lol: As if the cashier is saying he can't have any.

14-May-2009, 01:57 PM
the melodrama that can ensue once a person has noticed there is a camera around never fails to amaze me.

darth los
14-May-2009, 04:49 PM
Since I'm THE minority around here I'll just come out and state the obvious. ( yes, I realize there are a couple of others but that ruins the effect.)

Did ya notice that everyone in that commercial was Black!! I sure sure did.
I'll just leave it at that.

But anyway...people are rediculous. What the hell would happen if supermarkets shut down? WAAAAAAh, Who's going to feed me? No one you idiot.

What the hell ever happened to self reliance? if there was ever a major pandemic calamity people would be totally screwed. People nowdays feel as if they are entitled to virtually everything.

For example, I work for an attorney and part of my job is to screen potential clients. When it comes time to discuss fees and they can't afford them they come out with lines like " well who's gonna help me". Like it's it's someone's duty to do so.

People have become waaaaaaaaay to reliant on outside help, such as gov't to get through their everyday lives. Things like this show how weak Americans in particular and humans in general have become. Truly sickening. Our forefathers and pioneers who grew thier own food and literally had to eat dirt and live in cars in lean times are rolling over in their graves right about now.

Rant ova. :rant:


14-May-2009, 04:57 PM
Did ya notice that everyone in that commercial was Black!! I sure sure did.
I'll just leave it at that.

Ha! I actually didn't notice that. It makes sense when you think about it. It IS Popeye's chicken, after all:


NOTE: I am in no way racist. But that shit's funny...

14-May-2009, 07:22 PM
I got an answer for the chick who was complaining about not being able to feed her kids.

Go to KFC instead, you stupid bitch.

14-May-2009, 07:41 PM
What the hell ever happened to self reliance? if there was ever a major pandemic calamity people would be totally screwed. People nowdays feel as if they are entitled to virtually everything.

Do you have to ask? The answer is: Liberals. ;)

Like it's it's someone's duty to do so.

Who created that impression? See above. People now assume that "freedom from want" is one of their basic rights. If they have trouble providing for themselves, that means someone else is obligated to provide for them.

People have become waaaaaaaaay to reliant on outside help, such as gov't to get through their everyday lives.

Whose interest is served by keeping people reliant on government? Politicians. Betcha thought I was gonna say liberals again. ;)

darth los
14-May-2009, 08:03 PM
Do you have to ask? The answer is: Liberals. ;)

Who created that impression? See above. People now assume that "freedom from want" is one of their basic rights. If they have trouble providing for themselves, that means someone else is obligated to provide for them.

Whose interest is served by keeping people reliant on government? Politicians. Betcha thought I was gonna say liberals again. ;)

No way. My money was on "liberal politicians" as your response, but hey, that's why I don't gamble. :p

Imo, there are a whole lot of republicans from whos cold dead hands you would have to pry their social sucurity and medicare benefits from, so it's not only a liberal thing. The mind set of NO gov't involment inour everyday lives is a thing of the past. Those issues are 3rd rails on both sides of the isle for a reason( pardon the typos, i'm @ work) So there's always going to be some gov't interference in our lives.

However, people literally bitching and moaning about not having the brand of chicken that they want sufficient to make a news story out of it is truly pathetic and is a sobering look in the mirror of what most of this nation has turned into. :hurl:


14-May-2009, 08:05 PM
I don't think I've ever heard the word chicken so many times in my life.

Fuck it... processed meat gives you colon cancer anyway. These people should go and choke your own chickens.... for eating, I mean. :lol:

15-May-2009, 12:58 AM
Ugh. It takes me back to my days in the food service industry. It's been the same with customers FOREVER. They think they own you, the company, the industry and they think they are owed everything.

And during that time, it only made me feel one thing - I HATE CUSTOMERS.

And I still do. Whenever I'm in line at a fast food joint or sitting down at a restaurant, I generally find myself annoyed with every customer around me who can't seem to just deal with the fact that SOMETIMES, IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK IN YOUR FAVOR!!!!

Like someone said above - go to freaking KFC!


15-May-2009, 01:15 AM
But anyway...people are rediculous. What the hell would happen if supermarkets shut down? WAAAAAAh, Who's going to feed me? No one you idiot.

What the hell ever happened to self reliance? if there was ever a major pandemic calamity people would be totally screwed. People nowdays feel as if they are entitled to virtually everything.

For example, I work for an attorney and part of my job is to screen potential clients. When it comes time to discuss fees and they can't afford them they come out with lines like " well who's gonna help me". Like it's it's someone's duty to do so.

People have become waaaaaaaaay to reliant on outside help, such as gov't to get through their everyday lives. Things like this show how weak Americans in particular and humans in general have become. Truly sickening. Our forefathers and pioneers who grew thier own foo and literally had to eat dirt and live in cars in lean times are rolling over in their graves right about now.

Ugh. It takes me back to my days in the food service industry. It's been the same with customers FOREVER. They think they own you, the company, the industry and they think they are owed everything.

And during that time, it only made me feel one thing - I HATE CUSTOMERS.

And I still do. Whenever I'm in line at a fast food joint or sitting down at a restaurant, I generally find myself annoyed with every customer around me who can't seem to just deal with the fact that SOMETIMES, IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK IN YOUR FAVOR!!!!

Can I seize control of a major television network & beam the above into everyone in the country's homes, please?

I have ranted at great length in the past about my hatred of the public at large thanks to my years in retail. Dealing with the public at large make you realize that 99% are spoiled, moronic children...and assholes to boot.

Good thing the 1% are here on these boards....:p

15-May-2009, 09:01 AM
Bingo. People seem to have an impression that the service industry, and access to fast food and fast entertainment, is a birthright and the removal of such services is an infringement of their human rights. As far as I'm concerned, that's bullshit - it's a privilege and a luxury of Western life that can be withdrawn at any time. The moral of the story is: be self reliant as much as you can.

15-May-2009, 12:59 PM
Since I'm THE minority around here I'll just come out and state the obvious.

You're black?

People like to bitch and complain as if there is always an endless supply. It does not matter if it is food or retail. "how dare you run out of freight"

Seriously though, if I was running the franchise. I would take note on how much inventory is sold each month and season. And try my best to make sure I have extra backstock. But you cannot satisfy everyone.

15-May-2009, 02:20 PM

You mean that you are supposed
to feed your children EVERY day?

But if you spend all
your money on stuff like that
how will u be able to go out drinking?

You see how silly doing something
like that would be?
Now I know why so many kids are

15-May-2009, 02:50 PM
I rushed right into this thread, as soon as I saw Kortick had replied and you did not disappoint. Not as out there as some of your responses, but solid. :)

darth los
15-May-2009, 04:01 PM
You're black?

No. I'm Puerto Rican. :D

I just felt it incumbent upon myself to state an obvious fact that if it was pointed out by one of our white members might have been construed as racist.

I never understood that. How is making a true statement racist? I don't know how it is in other countries but here it's very P.C.

Many in this country talk about how we have to have an honest discussion about race but that will never happen until people stop being so damn sensitive.


15-May-2009, 06:40 PM
Imo, there are a whole lot of republicans from whos cold dead hands you would have to pry their social sucurity and medicare benefits from, so it's not only a liberal thing.

That just shows that "Republican" does not equal "conservative." ;) In a sense (the sense of having more-or-less generally accepted the New Deal and Great Society programs) the majority of both parties are liberal now. And this also gets to the the reason why my final answer was "politicians." Even for many conservative politicians, the "politician" part (devoted to preserving their own power and influence) outweighs the "conservative" part (devoted to conservative political principles) when it comes to liberal programs that a majority of voters have come to accept as their entitlement.

darth los
15-May-2009, 06:56 PM
That just shows that "Republican" does not equal "conservative." ;) In a sense (the sense of having more-or-less generally accepted the New Deal and Great Society programs) the majority of both parties are liberal now. And this also gets to the the reason why my final answer was "politicians." Even for many conservative politicians, the "politician" part (devoted to preserving their own power and influence) outweighs the "conservative" part (devoted to conservative political principles) when it comes to liberal programs that a majority of voters have come to accept as their entitlement.

It's funny you should say that because that was my Biggest problem with President Clinton. He sold out many liberal/democratic ideals in order to maintain his grip on power, so I know where you're coming from on that one.

To your first point: that should be exhibit A on why we need more than 2 major political parties in this country. Both the reps and dems are comprised of such broad coalitions and factions whos respective interests often contradict one another.

Ultimately, these factions get conflated to where the core principles that are so important to them get compromised/homogenized. And when you try to please everyone you end up pleasing no one.

The end result? You have republicans trying to defend far right positions that they don't really agree with but they can't afford to piss off their constituency no matter how crazy their beliefs are.

The same goes for dems who have to support a far left agenda no matter how impractical it might be, such as ending the two wars we're in, which President Obama is finding that out as we write this.
