View Full Version : Any of you guys been hit with "Your Windows is not Genuine" yet?

16-May-2006, 08:53 PM
Microsoft have beefed up their verification system :rolleyes:

16-May-2006, 09:03 PM

...is yours geniune?:rockbrow:

16-May-2006, 09:33 PM
My windows is genuine, so Nope.

16-May-2006, 09:37 PM
Well my windows is genuine....but I cant use any of their updates and all of their benefits because my computer does not have a Windows installation disk...

My computer, when first started, prompts the user to make their own start up disk from a single DVD or multiple CDS (if you needed to reinstall stuff)...

So if I resinstalled everything on my computer I would still get windows...

But I cant use Windows updates because they say I need to put in my windows installation disk....and my startup DVD will not work in this capacity....damn Microsoft can be annoying...

16-May-2006, 10:11 PM
Microsoft have beefed up their verification system :rolleyes:

Indeed. Recently I was prompted to download an "authentication tool" to verify that my copy of windowsxp is genuine. If you have automatic updates activated, and you don't have a "genuine" copy of windows xp, I'd reccommend either disabling automatic updates, or be sure your copy is the genuine article.

I have a genuine copy of the OS, but soon it will be obsolete anyway, what with Vista coming.

16-May-2006, 10:54 PM
I refuse to download that update on principle, mine is genuine, nuff said Microsoft, you nosy bastards. I'm all up-to-date, except that bloody thing. It'll probably open up your computer to another virus or malfunction or something, give it a month or less and you'll see some article about it probably, I'd larf if I saw that alright.

17-May-2006, 01:27 AM
...on my newer system. (I've been using my older computer to get online with Windows ME.) My newer system has XP and ever since it automatically downloaded the so-called 'Hot-Fixes', it didn't allow me to open any website! So now, I reinstalled the OS and turned off auto updates to prevent that. It seems it must think I have a bootleg or something, when it is what came with the freaking system from Sony!!

With that, I have regular crashes of different programs such as Paint Shop Pro, Opera and sometimes Windows. But, Windows always reboots (it is set to do this instead of the bluescreen of death) when there is a problem, which seems routine.


:dead: Dawg

17-May-2006, 10:37 AM
Microsoft have beefed up their verification system :rolleyes:

you must be way behind on your updates Neil. That has been around for at least 4 months. If you need a work around just type in Windows Genuine Advantage Crack in google. There is a work around tool.

17-May-2006, 12:49 PM
Heh, look like i'll be the first to admit it: No, never had a problem with the Genuine Advantage crap from M$, and no, my copy of windows is not legit - and I get all my updates (with the exception of certain software updates I'll never need - new WMP, .NET stuff, etc).

I do have a legit copy of WinXP Home, but I use WinXP Pro Corporate (for it's easy network configuring and additional options) and I see no reason why I should have to buy the software a second time. I'm especially ticked ("p.i.ssed" is censored? c'mon!!) that I bought a computer with WinXP Home on it and I was NOT supplied with the original Windows XP Home disc. Whether that's the fault of the mfgr of the computer or microsoft, I don't really care. My XP Pro Corp. edition updates fine, thanks to many little 'utilities' that are floating around out there. Screw MS.


17-May-2006, 12:52 PM
Screw MS.


:D :D :D :D :D :D

Oh yeah I also wanna say :lol:

To Bill gates: :moon:

and to LC don't ya mean M$ not MS

17-May-2006, 12:55 PM
Ok, ok, ya got me on a technicality.. yeah, M$. :)

17-May-2006, 06:25 PM
you must be way behind on your updates Neil. That has been around for at least 4 months. If you need a work around just type in Windows Genuine Advantage Crack in google. There is a work around tool.

Sure you're not thinking of the first version of that? They've just beefed it up!

18-May-2006, 07:19 PM
Yeah, I believe they did that on what, the 16th of may?

FYI - if you DO manage to get the 'nag screen' from MS about your XP not being legit, there are plenty of workarounds...

But none of us should need that since we all have legit copies of XP, right? :elol:

My quick little message to Microsoft: Your "Windows Genuine Advantage" is like putting a band-aid on cancer. Good luck, bozos. :D

18-May-2006, 07:35 PM
My quick little message to Microsoft: Your "Windows Genuine Advantage" is like putting a band-aid on cancer. Good luck, bozos. :D


Are you guys talking about the Microsoft GDI + Detection Tool? I was just prompted to install that and I told Windows update to get bent (I clicked No). Isn't bill gates rich enough? Why does he freaking need more money? the guy is worth $90 billion dollars.

I run a legit Windows OS, but goddamn, stop with all the Genuine Advantage stuff Bill. It is a moot point. It takes you months to develop and 10 minutes for a 15 yr old hacker to destroy.

19-May-2006, 12:04 PM
Are you guys talking about the Microsoft GDI + Detection Tool? I was just prompted to install that and I told Windows update to get bent (I clicked No). Isn't bill gates rich enough? Why does he freaking need more money? the guy is worth $90 billion dollars.

No, the GDI + Detection Tool is something that has to do with a loophole in Office or something.. What we're talking about is the "WGA" verification. If it turns out you don't have a legit copy of windows, once this is installed you get a nag screen when you boot saying "THIS IS NOT A LEGIT COPY OF WINDOWS" and you have to wait 5 seconds or something then either click "address later" or "fix now" or something like that. Then you can actually get to your desktop.

To top it all off, they put a little "blue star" in your taskbar reminding you every so often your copy is not legit.. AND.. when you shut down you get the "NOT A LEGIT VERSION OF WINDOWS" nag thing again.

...and the work around takes 2 minutes and requires deleting one file and renaming 2. That's a pretty hefty verification system for windows, isn't it?

19-May-2006, 12:23 PM
Michael Jackson
My genitals
William Shatner's hair and acting ability
Iraq's weapons of mass distraction
Uwe Bolle's talent
the truth on Lost
Tricia Helfer's telephone number and favorite pickup line
All those flash banners offering me a free Xbox 360 or PS3 (which I don't even think is available yet)
the opportunity to win Project Greenlight
15 minutes of fame in a lifetime (I'd settle for 15 quiet moments)
the importance of horror movies (fun, but important?)
the content in Mike Wallace's coming expose
last but not least, the notion that GAR has another solid living dead movie in him (I defy him to prove me wrong)

general tbag
22-Aug-2006, 11:41 AM
Heh, look like i'll be the first to admit it: No, never had a problem with the Genuine Advantage crap from M$, and no, my copy of windows is not legit - and I get all my updates
Screw MS.

yea i have never had a legit copy ever, i refuse to pay for crap . and now with live care and all that crap, it makes me laugh they are charging to fix something that should be free.

hopefully apple osx goes the way of a stand alone os on any system. people need more choices.