View Full Version : Google Earth

20-May-2009, 03:06 AM
One word. Wow.

I've known about this program but finally decided to treat myself to it. I can't believe how awesome it is, with its street level pictures and high quality. The only thing that makes me sad is they have no data on Chernobyl :(. Anyone else poop them selfs over this? I also want to look at Area 51 but don't want the FBI knocking at my door tomorrow haha.

One of the best programs I've ever seen.:cool:

Edit: Oh anyone ever use this program to look at places where films have bee made?

20-May-2009, 04:20 AM
I have a buddy from Serbia who lives here now. He got on Google Earth one night & took us on a "walking tour" of the village he's from, pointing out his house, his parents house, where his friends lived, etc. It was a very cool way to get to know him a bit better & see some places that I'd otherwise never get to see.

20-May-2009, 12:03 PM
I also want to look at Area 51 but don't want the FBI knocking at my door tomorrow haha.

I've been using Google Earth and looking at Area 51 for years and so far, no problems.

It's not things alone that will piss off the government, it's combined elements. If you were looking at Area 51 on Google Earth, then searched for night-vision goggles and "how to evade security" and directions on how to hotwire a helicopter... then maybe they'd decide to give you a closer look.

Go ahead and check out Area 51. If they really didn't want people to see if from satellite imagery, they would have told Google to knock it off.

20-May-2009, 12:37 PM
dont worry they arent tracking your use of google earth :lol: anything respective governments dont want you to see is just pixellated out or the image is such that you cant zoom in without it going extremely bad quality.Out of interest i tried looking up camp bastion in afghanistan & that is blurred out for obvious reasons,as are a lot of other military installations around the world!although strangely some arent,like RAF fylingdales in the UK which is a huge early warning radar on the north york moors

20-May-2009, 01:57 PM
Yup, this totally rocks, but some of the imagery is (or maybe was) rather dated, iirc. I think there is imagery 4 years old up for my parents' place, the last time I checked what my family's old homestead looked like from on high.

It's an incredible program.

30-May-2009, 09:35 PM
Inspired by playing the game 'stalker' i looked up pripyat & the exclusion zone on google earth last night,its pretty interesting stuff & gives you an idea of how big an area is affected by the radiation!its like the entire county of east yorkshire where i live including the city of hull being completely abandoned,including all towns,villages,hamlets,farms etc,i bet its spooky as hell walking around there!

30-May-2009, 10:07 PM
if you use the satellite function you can see on street level on some places, my mates mum is walking past tescos in eternal internet anonymity.