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17-May-2006, 09:56 AM
Here is a question for you:

If "The Da Vinci Code" is a work of fiction, why is the church so fearful of it that they would try to boycott, block and shorten screenings of the movie?

What have they got to hide???

17-May-2006, 10:27 AM
It's the catholic church man... the real questions is WHAT DON'T THEY HAVE TO HIDE?

17-May-2006, 02:14 PM
I heard that the Catholic church is not doing anything like that I saw an interview on TV. But I know my local churches, the protistant ones are flipping out over it. I mean it is only a book and it is only a movie. geeez

17-May-2006, 03:15 PM
Here is a question for you:

What have they got to hide???

their ongoing support and assistance to an organizational system that protects and conceals child molestors for one.

as for the divinvchininin code?

here's how it works.

Dan Brown is a ****e author. he's not making any money, so he makes a plotbale goulash but stealing little story snippets here and there, and adds in his own arcane BS. Viola a book is born!

stupid people then buy it, oprah (i think) adds it to her book list. and eventually a movie gets made.

the movie not supprisingly is even more filled with drek, and features Tom hanks with a mullet.

as for the anti-catholic tie in, who the hell cares? anyone thinking this is a legitimate complaint and not a cheap way for the vatican to both appear stern and allow for localized church based fund raisers(which trickle a percentage back to the vatican), should have their reporductive organs removed, forcably, with fire.

there is not covert action to hide some BS truth from us all. it's just a candy drive for more donations.

the reality, yes there more than likely was a jesus.

yes he was more than likely black or arabic.

yes Joseph would ahve had children after Jay-zus was fired out.

yes all orgainzed religon is dumb.

that's about it. :rolleyes:

17-May-2006, 03:37 PM
Of course they're hiding stuff from its members and the world. Everyone who knows where to look knows that Jesus was the source of vampirism. I mean look at the facts. He rose from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights. The same rule most vampire folkore hold to. He believes that blood is the source of life. Hmmm, where have I heard that before.

17-May-2006, 04:01 PM
Jesus as a Vampire... Never heard that one before!!!

17-May-2006, 04:07 PM

The author of the DaVinci code said his book is a book of fiction.

A story to entertain.

And as usual everyone goes into a crazy uproar.
-The christains damn the movie to hell.
-Other people believe it did happen that way.


Jesus, this is as bad as the christains protesting Harry Potter.

I always fingered Jesus as a Zombie rather a vampire.

17-May-2006, 04:09 PM
I know the book is fiction, but if I am not mistaken, in the intro pages there's something saying that the ideas and themes within the book were based-off real theories and studies about Opus Dei and the Priory of Scion conspiracy.

17-May-2006, 04:10 PM
Yeah and about as much as Ed Gein's life was like the Texas chainsaw masscre.

Idea was the same. that's it.

17-May-2006, 04:13 PM
Yeah and about as much as Ed Gein's life was like the Texas chainsaw masscre.

Idea was the same. that's it.

And there will be people naive and just gullible enough to actually believe what Brown is basing his ideas off of. Really, the book and the story is old news to me. I've read about Opus Dei and the theories about Jesus and the Priory of Scion a full decade before the book even came out. If any, Dan brown actually dumbs it down.

17-May-2006, 06:58 PM
And there will be people naive and just gullible enough to actually believe what Brown is basing his ideas off of. Really, the book and the story is old news to me. I've read about Opus Dei and the theories about Jesus and the Priory of Scion a full decade before the book even came out. If any, Dan brown actually dumbs it down.

Thats EXACTLY why the Church is in an uproar about the movie...they know that most people will be idiotic enough to take the whole story as truth.

Humanity isnt as smart as we make it up to.

I am sure that the Church has many things it hides...but I do not think that anything from Dan Brown's crappy book is what they are hiding...I think they are just causing a stir to just remind people that the book is a work of fiction.

17-May-2006, 07:18 PM
The following is taken directly from the book, and comes before the novel starts. Anyone who read this and didn't understand that it's a work of fiction needs to learn how to read and comprehend...

The Priory of Scion-
a European secret society founded in
1099- is a real organization.
In 1975 Paris's Bibliotheque Nationslr
discovered parchments known as Les
Dossiers Secrets, identifying numerous
members of the Priory of Scion, including
Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo,
and Leonardo da Vinci.

The Vatican prelature known as Opus
Dei is a deeply devout Catholic
sect that has been the topic of recent
controversy due to reports of brain-
washing, coercionm and a dangerous
practice known as "corporal mortification."
Opus Dei has just completed construction
of a $47 million national Headquarters at
243 Lexington Avenue in New York City.

All descriptions of artwork, arcitecture,
documents, and secret rituals in this novel
are accurate

Copied fromthe Da Vinci Code Hardcover novel. Copyright 2003 by Dan Brown

17-May-2006, 08:02 PM
I voted no. I just can't think of anything they could be hiding.

17-May-2006, 11:47 PM
The following is taken directly from the book, and comes before the novel starts. Anyone who read this and didn't understand that it's a work of fiction needs to learn how to read and comprehend...

The Priory of Scion-
a European secret society founded in
1099- is a real organization.
In 1975 Paris's Bibliotheque Nationslr
discovered parchments known as Les
Dossiers Secrets, identifying numerous
members of the Priory of Scion, including
Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo,
and Leonardo da Vinci.

The Vatican prelature known as Opus
Dei is a deeply devout Catholic
sect that has been the topic of recent
controversy due to reports of brain-
washing, coercionm and a dangerous
practice known as "corporal mortification."
Opus Dei has just completed construction
of a $47 million national Headquarters at
243 Lexington Avenue in New York City.

All descriptions of artwork, arcitecture,
documents, and secret rituals in this novel
are accurate

Copied fromthe Da Vinci Code Hardcover novel. Copyright 2003 by Dan Brown

Even much of this part, which Dan Brown explicitly claims to be "fact," is untrue. The Priory of Sion was *not* founded in 1099, as "Les
Dossiers Secrets" are the work of a couple of 20th century French con men. And many of his descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals are far from accurate.

Yeah it's a work of fiction, but what's objectionable is the way it grossly misrepresents *real* people, organizations, and historical events. What if a major Hollywood studio decided to make a motion picture version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion - a notorious antisemitic forgery from the early 20th century that purported to reveal a Jewish conspiracy to achieve global domination? Would the media be saying "oh, come on - it's only a work of fiction! And what are those sneaky Jews afraid of anyways?" Of course not! The outrage would be universal. What's the difference here? The fact is that anti-Catholicism is the last respectable form of bigotry. And I'm not now and never have been a Catholic.

17-May-2006, 11:56 PM
the reality, yes there more than likely was a jesus.

That part is not being debated by anyone. And it's certainly not the contention of the book.

18-May-2006, 12:37 AM
I love the "my mythology is more accurate than your mythology" "debating" that is going on.

18-May-2006, 04:46 AM
Sure the Church has a lot to hide and does hide a lot from us, but I don't think it is anything that is in the book or movie as they are fiction, not fact.

18-May-2006, 08:18 AM
As a christian myself (I can hear you groaning now!) I have nothing against the book, however, I do have a problem with people having a go at the church for standing up for what it believes in...I mean if we complain about anything we're moaning but if its a muslim complaining the world gets on its knees and begs for forgiveness!...nice

People are far too ready to believe in conspiracies then the truth!

Women on their red eh! :D

18-May-2006, 03:13 PM
As a christian myself (I can hear you groaning now!) I have nothing against the book, however, I do have a problem with people having a go at the church for standing up for what it believes in...I mean if we complain about anything we're moaning but if its a muslim complaining the world gets on its knees and begs for forgiveness!...nice

People are far too ready to believe in conspiracies then the truth!

Women on their red eh! :D

True, but then there's no fun in just believing in the truth! Conspiracies are more fun and timewasting. :D

18-May-2006, 03:34 PM
I love the "my mythology is more accurate than your mythology" "debating" that is going on.

should i throw in the fact i worship the flying spaghetti monster? i think that would in serve to improve this already "epic" debate.

19-May-2006, 04:04 AM
should i throw in the fact i worship the flying spaghetti monster? i think that would in serve to improve this already "epic" debate.

I love the flying spaghetti monster!