View Full Version : What Game Are You Currently Playing?

21-May-2009, 06:40 PM
Just thought what game we are currently trying to get through. Share your thoughts and opinions on one an others posts and what not.

I'm currently playing:

Super Paper Mario (Wii)

This is my first Paper Mario game that I've played and I'm enjoying it so far.

21-May-2009, 06:45 PM
I recently re-played Gears of War 2 (still superb), and I'm gearing up to get myself hot & bothered enough to give BioShock another run-through.

21-May-2009, 06:56 PM
while im off work on sick ive been dipping into a few games,playing one till i get bored before firing another up for a couple of hours!ive started far cry 2 again as a different character because its a top game,ive also been playing brothers in arms hells highway,operation flashpoint,silent hunter 2,company of heroes & ground control 2,i also completed "new super mario bros" on the DS yesterday!ive got another week off work yet as well so i may try & complete stalker next week just to say i have,i bought it around a year ago but never really got captivated by it!

darth los
21-May-2009, 07:01 PM
I'm currently working my way through silent hill homecoming.

You know, the atmosphere/camera/controls in that game totally blows RE 5 out of the water. Capcom should really consider adopting it.


21-May-2009, 07:42 PM
UFC Undisputed 2009 - simply amazing. Easily the best UFC game ever. The fighting system is deep and the controls are intuitive without being overly complicated. The best grapple/brawler I've played since WWF No Mercy on N64.

Also playing through Mass Effect again, I didn't know I missed so many quests on the Citadel the first time around!

21-May-2009, 08:01 PM
I'm currently working my way through silent hill homecoming.

You know, the atmosphere/camera/controls in that game totally blows RE 5 out of the water. Capcom should really consider adopting it.


It is really good? If so, then I definitely regret not picking that up at Best Buy for $20.

22-May-2009, 12:09 AM
fallout 3 is about all i've been playing over the past month.

this weekend, however, my brother is getting the punch-out remake for the wii, so i'm looking forward to having a go at that.

22-May-2009, 12:15 AM
I am playing UFC *360* & the new Punchout!! *Nintendo*.

22-May-2009, 11:57 PM

Excellent game (so far) in my opinion.

23-May-2009, 12:45 AM
Got two games on the go. Currently have a save just over the halfway mark of Halo 3 as I'm trying to do it on Legendary. I also have a save in Oblivion and hope to finally have every mission in the bag soon.

Saying that, I've always got others that I play on rotation. I've been playing Tony Hawks American Wasteland ever since it was released in 2006 and will continute to do so until Ride drops. Shenmue on the Dreamcast is a game I will complete at least once a year for the rest of my life.

I'm getting Deus Ex urges too.

23-May-2009, 05:28 PM
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories - PS2

i swear the character building in this game should be taken on by all companies. I've not been bothered about my 360 gamerscore for so long...

Just concerned that my Thiefs level is not high enough to nick an Excalibur blade from a level 250 something Pirate in the Item World...

23-May-2009, 05:41 PM
I pulled BioShock - the box for it anyway - out from the other boxes so it sticks out, thus reminding me I'll have to play that one (for a second time) next.

I've still not built up enough fire in my belly to replay it yet though...

23-May-2009, 08:35 PM

I am a sucker for Diablo clones, and this one is beautiful.

25-May-2009, 04:34 PM
Spyro: Year of the Dragon.

26-May-2009, 05:32 AM
Saints Row 2 has got me addicted; been virtually the only game I've been playing for the past few weeks. I find it twenty times more entertaining than GTA4 was, although the "world" is not nearly as well-done/detailed as GTA4's.

26-May-2009, 09:55 AM
Saints Row 2 has got me addicted; been virtually the only game I've been playing for the past few weeks. I find it twenty times more entertaining than GTA4 was, although the "world" is not nearly as well-done/detailed as GTA4's.
And it's technically flawed in various ways - glitches, crashes, freezes - and the balancing is HORRIBLE. Some side missions are PISS easy, while others are LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

Then the story isn't much cop, because you don't really care for any of the characters (they're just a bunch of gang-banging thugs), the graphics are plain (seemingly down a step from Saints Row 1, or maybe it's my imagination), the music selection is so-so, the satire is pretty blunt and generally it's not amazing.

I've still had many hours out of it, and enjoyed most of it quite a bit. But GTA IV is the clear winner for me ... even if GTA IV really did need far more side missions and things to do after you'd done the story, as well as more opportunities to just HAVE FUN and go crazy. I had a lot of fun with GTA IV, but you can never really just go on a massacre or anything because you'll get the cops on you in a split second and get rinsed - there needs to be proper cheats for GTA IV - that'd really help with the fun side of things, albeit not enough to give us side missions galore etc.

Oh, and the environment was all a bit samey, great as it was.


I'd hope that the next GTA game will take the general lump of awesome that was GTA IV, and then re-inject the silliness and fun of previous games. It did get a bit serious in GTA IV - although, on a plus side, I was emotionally invested in the characters who were all compelling, and I was really into the story (although all the mafia wank towards the end was a bit tiring and 'seen before').

SR2 provides one thing with a number of flaws (some large), while GTA IV provides another thing in a far more skilled fashion with a few flaws (of small-to-moderate size).


I think I'm getting closer to wanting to give BioShock another run-through ... no idea why it's taking me so long to get playing it again.

26-May-2009, 10:12 AM
For some reason, GTGhey IV and Gheynt's Row are gheymes I never seem to be able to finish. I get all geared up, I batter the granny out of it for three days and then I just lose all interest before the end.

26-May-2009, 11:48 AM
For some reason, GTGhey IV and Gheynt's Row are gheymes I never seem to be able to finish. I get all geared up, I batter the granny out of it for three days and then I just lose all interest before the end.
Not got enough story staminia I guess.

I suppose there does come a time in the story mode where you get a bit "come on, come on", kinda like a really, really, really lazy naff version of "the wall" that marathon runners witness - they either crap out, or push on ... same with GTA IV ... but without all the physical exersion. :p

26-May-2009, 11:53 AM
For some reason, GTGhey IV and Gheynt's Row are gheymes I never seem to be able to finish. I get all geared up, I batter the granny out of it for three days and then I just lose all interest before the end.

the last GTA game i played was san andreas,but it had the same effect on me,absolutely hammered it for about a month & a half,then just lost interest & never played it again!

26-May-2009, 04:37 PM
...My story with every GTA game that I've played. I seriously do not have the time or patience to sit through a game like that.

darth los
26-May-2009, 04:47 PM
For some reason, GTGhey IV and Gheynt's Row are gheymes I never seem to be able to finish. I get all geared up, I batter the granny out of it for three days and then I just lose all interest before the end.

Damn, I never said anything until now but it seems as if i'm not alone on this one after all. I can never finish them either. And don't give me that it's just too big crap. A game like oblivion is massive and I've explored every cave and side mission.

I just think that GTA games are too repetetive and not as open ended as it's advertised to be. You're always going out on the same missions over and over again. Oh sure, they'll call them different things. For example the thing that absolutley drives me insane insane are driving missions. I absolutely suck at them. And it pisses me off that the game is so linear that I can't progress throught ot the next area if I don't beat this annoying ass mission.

One time they'll have you in a race in order to win street cred and cash. In the next you have to get a a certain spot or pick up 5 hookers in two minutes. (shit, cap does that in real life :lol: :p :D , just kidding dude. lol)
Call it want you want but it's still driving and it's annoying.

The same can be said about assasination missions, etc...


26-May-2009, 05:43 PM
Damn, I never said anything until now but it seems as if i'm not alone on this one after all. I can never finish them either. And don't give me that it's just too big crap. A game like oblivion is massive and I've explored every cave and side mission.

I just think that GTA games are too repetetive and not as open ended as it's advertised to be. You're always going out on the same missions over and over again. Oh sure, they'll call them different things. For example the thing that absolutley drives me insane insane are driving missions. I absolutely suck at them. And it pisses me off that the game is so linear that I can't progress throught ot the next area if I don't beat this annoying ass mission.

One time they'll have you in a race in order to win street cred and cash. In the next you have to get a a certain spot or pick up 5 hookers in two minutes. (shit, cap does that in real life :lol: :p :D , just kidding dude. lol)
Call it want you want but it's still driving and it's annoying.

The same can be said about assasination missions, etc...

GTA IV didn't really have any annoying missions - there were a handful of missions where I had to retry them once or twice, but other than that I could get through them first time.

There was one mission involving a race in GTA IV as I can remember, but it was so easy that you left everyone behind for dust in about a minute and they never caught up.

There were a number of car chase missions though, which for the most part were good fun, but some were a little annoying - but then some were really cool, like following an overhead train by car underneath (like in The French Connection), and then shooting up the targets at the station when they arrive.

The bank job mission was fucking fantastic - I've replayed that a bunch of times specifically.

I do know what you mean though, once you get onto the third island most of the missions become quite samey - although the whole thing involving you kidnapping that mafia dude's daughter was fun - ringing up to view her car for sale, test driving it, then kidnapping her on the road test and having to wrestle for the steering wheel, then getting a picture of her, then the exchange for the diamonds.

Some missions were simple, but fun - like driving the dust bin lorry to pick up the diamonds.

Various shoot out missions were also fun, but occasionally I made a mistake - shooting the car and then it explodes and that wasn't what I should have done - so I have to go back again and restart the mission and then follow the car, then have a shoot out.

They could probably do with making the GTA games a little bit shorter in terms of the main story - which would cut down some of the same-ness setting in towards the end, and then they could use that left over time and effort and disc space for side missions and extra stuff you can do after the game is over.

I think the next GTA will re-introduce a lot of the fun side-stuff and so on, as that's probably the strongest and most common complaint about it that I've read.

I still thought GTA IV was awesome though, and as such I've invested over 150 hours into it, and played the story mode for a 2nd time through earlier this year! :eek:

I never re-played the San Andreas story (which was pish), but Vice City is still the mac-daddy, I played that story mode like 4 times.

26-May-2009, 09:32 PM
Damn, I never said anything until now but it seems as if i'm not alone on this one after all. I can never finish them either. And don't give me that it's just too big crap. A game like oblivion is massive and I've explored every cave and side mission.
The only one I finished was San Andreas but golly was that a chore. I really enjoyed it but I think it's epicness soured the whole GTA thing for me.

As for Oblivion, I'm almost with you there Carlos. Trying to unravel that big map is a serious challenge. But I'll get there one day.

I'm a total contradiction in this thread btw. :D

27-May-2009, 10:39 AM
The only one I finished was San Andreas but golly was that a chore. I really enjoyed it but I think it's epicness soured the whole GTA thing for me.

As for Oblivion, I'm almost with you there Carlos. Trying to unravel that big map is a serious challenge. But I'll get there one day.

I'm a total contradiction in this thread btw. :D
You never completed Vice City? Dude - that's the best game in the series!

27-May-2009, 12:14 PM
You never completed Vice City? Dude - that's the best game in the series!
Started having some proper Barney Rubble with it early into the game. It was those remote control car bombs - must have done that mission fifty times with no joy.

27-May-2009, 12:31 PM
Barney Rubble? Anyway, I've been playing Guitar Hero II for some time now... I've almost got all songs 100% on Medium!

27-May-2009, 12:34 PM
Started having some proper Barney Rubble with it early into the game. It was those remote control car bombs - must have done that mission fifty times with no joy.
Can't remember that one so well ... but I do remember having trouble with the helicopter and plane remote controlled bomb missions, they were a right pain in my arse at the time, but I fought past them.

And here's you, Mr "Sick on everything Tony Hawk", and you can't complete a GTA game. :p

27-May-2009, 12:51 PM
The mission that really got my goat on vice city was the one where you have to fly the plane dropping porn everywhere,its fucking solid!and theres one with the speedboat that really ground my gears as well,great game but i bought my first gaming pc when i was about halfway through & just lost interest,the along came san andreas which i bought,played up to the stupid FBI/alien missions in the desert,lost interest because of that & never touched again!

darth los
27-May-2009, 01:46 PM
Can't remember that one so well ... but I do remember having trouble with the helicopter and plane remote controlled bomb missions, they were a right pain in my arse at the time, but I fought past them.

See that's my point. In order to progress with the main storyline you have to complete a mission that might very well be difficult for you. So, After about 50 attempts you feel like breaking the damn controller. Being challenging is one thing, but when something is that difficult is ceases to be fun and feels more like a chore.


27-May-2009, 02:25 PM
See that's my point. In order to progress with the main storyline you have to complete a mission that might very well be difficult for you. So, After about 50 attempts you feel like breaking the damn controller. Being challenging is one thing, but when something is that difficult is ceases to be fun and feels more like a chore.

Aye, it's a fair point - but I think with GTA IV they sorted out a lot of those problems, I never really had a mission that was too hard - I only ever had to do a mission twice at most to get past it, and it was usually because I'd do a silly fuck up - like shoot up a car when I should have followed it (although that instruction could have been clearer).

San Andreas had a pish story, I didn't care for any of the characters, and the plot was rubbish - especially all that FBI bullshit, but also a lot of other parts - I got most play after doing the story and just fucking around in it.

But I know what you mean darth, it can be a right pisser if you get stuck - I've fortunately always been able to get to the end, but while I can manage that, not everyone will be able to (like Capn being amazing at Tony Hawk games, and me sucking at them - although I did complete Project 8 ... with a bit of fuss).

I only got past the flying license part of San Andreas by cheating - getting a save file from ActionTrip which put me right past the point of getting my flight license - that whole flying school wank was my BIGGEST complaint with the game, it was retarded, and if you couldn't get past it - and didn't have that save file from online - you were royally screwed to a halt.

darth los
27-May-2009, 02:35 PM
Well, I guess the GTA games aren't as open ended as they first appear then. I think that's the next step for them.

I know I'm doing all this bitching but I still think it's a great game.


27-May-2009, 06:54 PM
So ive got back into playing stalker now,and im finding it quite difficult,not because the gameplay itself is too hard,but just because half the characters you meet in the game want to give you various jobs to do!most of which involve traipsing halfway across the map,picking some object up,then traipsing all the way back!those who have played the game,does it pay to go on all these little quests or is it best to just stick to the main story?i keep accepting all these missions,then getting sidetracked with other missions & losing track of what im actually meant to be doing!

27-May-2009, 07:21 PM
So ive got back into playing stalker now,and im finding it quite difficult,not because the gameplay itself is too hard,but just because half the characters you meet in the game want to give you various jobs to do!most of which involve traipsing halfway across the map,picking some object up,then traipsing all the way back!those who have played the game,does it pay to go on all these little quests or is it best to just stick to the main story?i keep accepting all these missions,then getting sidetracked with other missions & losing track of what im actually meant to be doing!
I just ignored those side missions quite quickly actually, and stuck to the main story.

I think it's perfectly fine to just do the story mode, as most of the side missions are just "go here get/kill this", the main story is where it's actually at.

27-May-2009, 09:12 PM
Barney Rubble?
Rhyming slang for 'trouble'. Sometimes I spew them without thinking. :D

And here's you, Mr "Sick on everything Tony Hawk", and you can't complete a GTA game. :p
Well I did clock San Andreas and I've been about five missions away from finishing GTAIV for a few months now. I will get around to it though. One day. :sneaky:

See that's my point. In order to progress with the main storyline you have to complete a mission that might very well be difficult for you. So, After about 50 attempts you feel like breaking the damn controller. Being challenging is one thing, but when something is that difficult is ceases to be fun and feels more like a chore.

28-May-2009, 03:38 AM
Just beat Super Paper Mario. I'll give it an 8/10. A tad easy for my taste, and when a game is that easy it can get pretty drawn out. Especially since it's a good 18+ hours of gameplay. Still an enjoyable experience though.

Not sure which game to start next....Dead Rising?.....Resident Evil Zero?......hmmmmmm....

28-May-2009, 09:47 AM
I've been about five missions away from finishing GTAIV for a few months now.

Slaaaaaack - get on with it. :D

28-May-2009, 01:55 PM
I just ignored those side missions quite quickly actually, and stuck to the main story.

I think it's perfectly fine to just do the story mode, as most of the side missions are just "go here get/kill this", the main story is where it's actually at.

Im actually starting to get quite into this one now,especially as ive got some scopes to clip on my weapons & some decent-ish body armour & a science suit so i can waltz through anomalies!last year when i bought it i played it for a couple of days before losing interest & havent touched it since,so im finally getting my moneys worth!im currently at some half built factory trying to find the second key to a science lab,and after rescuing a stalker from a bloodsucker,he's just told me theres a gauss rifle for sale at the pig farm which im interested in!

28-May-2009, 06:04 PM
Im actually starting to get quite into this one now,especially as ive got some scopes to clip on my weapons & some decent-ish body armour & a science suit so i can waltz through anomalies!last year when i bought it i played it for a couple of days before losing interest & havent touched it since,so im finally getting my moneys worth!im currently at some half built factory trying to find the second key to a science lab,and after rescuing a stalker from a bloodsucker,he's just told me theres a gauss rifle for sale at the pig farm which im interested in!
See, I knew you'd get into it eventually, and with all your talk of deep WW2 shooters, this should surely be right up your street.

Great atmosphere in the game too, isn't there? :cool:

28-May-2009, 06:51 PM
just popping in damnation, an underlooked "vertical shooter" which has a steampunk meets wild west art style that has you racing along the walls of scyscrapers in the desert on steam powered motorcycles, plus online co-op should be fun indeed.

29-May-2009, 12:38 AM
I've made a pact with myself to finally play all the way through


I've been playing it since it was first released on and off, but have never dedicated enough time to beat it. This time....it's war.

29-May-2009, 11:33 AM
See, I knew you'd get into it eventually, and with all your talk of deep WW2 shooters, this should surely be right up your street.

Great atmosphere in the game too, isn't there? :cool:

I found Gordon Freeman of half life fames PDA & remains in the X18 lab as well,his story about having to sell his crowbar etc is quite amusing :lol:
As for those gits at the pig farm,i went there & gave them the money for the gauss rifle,then one of them said they were like robin hood & started pointing guns at me!i ended up having to take 'em all down!

@ 3pidemic - Quake 2 is awesome,i loved it back in the day!watch out for the makon at the end,he's a real bastard!

29-May-2009, 01:52 PM
Dawn of War Dark Crusade

Can't help it, Game is wayyyyyyy too fun. also, Diablo 2, and Duke Nukem 3d.

29-May-2009, 04:11 PM
I found Gordon Freeman of half life fames PDA & remains in the X18 lab as well,his story about having to sell his crowbar etc is quite amusing :lol:
As for those gits at the pig farm,i went there & gave them the money for the gauss rifle,then one of them said they were like robin hood & started pointing guns at me!i ended up having to take 'em all down!

@ 3pidemic - Quake 2 is awesome,i loved it back in the day!watch out for the makon at the end,he's a real bastard!
Ah yes, I remember that PDA now. X18 and those other underground sections were scary as fook when I played the game originally, and aye yeah, now I remember the pig farm thing - I too rinsed the fuckers after they screwed me over.

29-May-2009, 06:17 PM
Ah yes, I remember that PDA now. X18 and those other underground sections were scary as fook when I played the game originally, and aye yeah, now I remember the pig farm thing - I too rinsed the fuckers after they screwed me over.

Im now in the X16 lab which is infested with zombified people & those scurrying mutated soldiers!ive also only just realised that you can break those small blue boxes open to get supplies!

29-May-2009, 10:30 PM
been playing inFAMOUS all day, i fucking love this game, imagine crackdown, only switch guns for electrical powers, zoom along train rails, returning missiles with a shock wave and resuscitating the hapless bystanders you accidentally kill by standing in a puddle and sending a current to a nearby car and making it explode.

needless to say its badass, its in a gta style world, only your fucking thor!

31-May-2009, 06:12 PM
Finally beat Quake II! After all these years!

Great game.

Hmmmm....where to next?

31-May-2009, 07:12 PM
Finally beat Quake II! After all these years!

Great game.

Hmmmm....where to next?

half life if you havent.

31-May-2009, 07:57 PM
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories.

Fantastic game. I'm on 90 hours and looking for the best items of the lot, and trying to earn my way into fighting in the Land of Carnage.

10/10 for gameplay.

But I love games where I can build up the items I use. This is it.

31-May-2009, 08:04 PM
The original Metroid for my NES emulator. Even after 20+ years, it's still a great game.

31-May-2009, 08:31 PM
half life if you havent.

Went through my second run of HL a few months back. One of the greatest games ever made.

31-May-2009, 08:50 PM
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories.

Fantastic game. I'm on 90 hours and looking for the best items of the lot, and trying to earn my way into fighting in the Land of Carnage.

10/10 for gameplay.

But I love games where I can build up the items I use. This is it.

currently playing Disgaea 3: absence of justice dood!

31-May-2009, 09:36 PM
DOOD! Etna lost levels dood!

But i have no PS3 DOOD, and it looks like the graphics ain't a big step up dood! If it was on a 360 it'd be a different case dood!

Those friggin sewn up penguins >.>

04-Jun-2009, 04:51 AM
I'm playing Fatal Frame and Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly for PS2. They're kinda old, but have excellent story and scare the hell outta me. Even if the second one shares too many similarities to the first game, they're both good in their own way.

04-Jun-2009, 06:03 PM
I finally got off my arse this afternoon and started up BioShock for a second play-through, and damn - I'd forgotten how beautifully atmospheric this game is! I've just gotten into the Medical Pavillion, but that "Welcome To Rapture" opening level is just an astonishingly well produced introduction to a deeply atmospheric game, you really feel entirely enveloped by it.

I loved it the first time I played it (in April 2008 - as something to fill the gap before GTA IV came out), and I'm loving it again now that I'm on my second run-through.

04-Jun-2009, 07:40 PM
Well, I'm back in the saddle with regards to my XBox, so that means actually getting to catch up on all the Left 4 Dead action I've been missing out on lately :thumbsup:

I also grabben Fallout 3 and Gears 2. I feel so behind the times ;)

04-Jun-2009, 08:51 PM
Just started Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. I hope it actually holds my interest for what seems like a very long game.

darth los
04-Jun-2009, 08:52 PM
Well, I'm back in the saddle with regards to my XBox, so that means actually getting to catch up on all the Left 4 Dead action I've been missing out on lately :thumbsup:

I also grabben Fallout 3 and Gears 2. I feel so behind the times ;)

Dude you have GOT to send me a friend request. Just look under the x box live rankings and you'll see my gamertag. I'd be honored to battled the undead hordes with you and my son.

You have any little ones yourself that would like to join us?


04-Jun-2009, 08:56 PM
Dude you have GOT to send me a friend request. Just look under the x box live rankings and you'll see my gamertag. I'd be honored to battled the undead hordes with you and my son.

Sounds like great fun to me. I'll definitely add you!

You have any little ones yourself that would like to join us?

Shhhh, the Girlfriend might hear you. :shifty: All things in due time ;)

01-Jul-2009, 02:38 AM

Finally going to beat it....after all of these goddamn years.

01-Jul-2009, 03:06 AM
am i the only person that hates doom?, in particular i hate doom 3 that game, regardless of aging is and always has been utter shite. its not scary, its stupid and makes me feel stupid for playing it, i can only imagine the scariness was meant to be ironic, like a guy with a d20 earing listening to dragonforce (reference form a guy in my old a level class), no one can be that much of a douche, but this may just be that rare douche in game form.

Doom 3 is the jhon edwards of games.


01-Jul-2009, 03:40 AM
I am going as oldschool as is possible. . well nearly,

Wizardry I : The Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord

I get the wild hair up my ass to play some of my old C64 favorites every once in a while.

01-Jul-2009, 04:18 AM
I'm still playing Left 4 Dead on the PC and just started playing Duke Nukem 3D on Xbox Live Arcade.

01-Jul-2009, 04:55 PM
am i the only person that hates doom?


Heh. I'm sure there are a few others out there that feel the same way.


01-Jul-2009, 06:29 PM
Ive got very fond memories of doom in my teens, but i couldnt play it now & get any enjoyment out of it!

Anyway im now playing ArmA 2 all the time,its pretty great despite being loaded with bugs in its present state!the modding community are going mad over it though so its improving all the time!the other night i downloaded a mission pack where someone had converted all the old operation flashpoint single missions over to the ArmA 2 engine :D

06-Jul-2009, 06:16 AM
I just bought a playstation so now I am going to play the Valkyria chronicels and Killzone 2.
For the pc I play city of heroes and a little civilization.

am i the only person that hates doom?, in particular i hate doom 3 that game,

I like the original doom's a lot but doom 3 was very bad. Is like they took all that made doom a good game and removed it. So your not alone. Infact I would not be suprised if most gamers in the world thought doom 3 was a piece of crap.

06-Jul-2009, 10:33 AM
I really enjoyed Doom 3, played it like 4 or 5 times. :)

And Doom is a pure classic.

06-Jul-2009, 10:36 AM
am i the only person that hates doom?, in particular i hate doom 3 that game, regardless of aging is and always has been utter shite. its not scary, its stupid and makes me feel stupid for playing it, i can only imagine the scariness was meant to be ironic, like a guy with a d20 earing listening to dragonforce (reference form a guy in my old a level class), no one can be that much of a douche, but this may just be that rare douche in game form.

Doom 3 is the jhon edwards of games.


Go back to reading your JRPGs then. :p

Nobody who played Doom as a youngster can say they weren't scared. And if they do, they're lying. But Doom's strength isn't that it can be creepy. It's the flawless, fun, simple gameplay. Playing Doom is just plain ol' fun. And simple. And addicting! I love Doom, and somehow it just makes me feel as if the FPS world just "Got it right", right there. No other FPS is as addicting or enduring as Doom.

Sure Half-Life had it's day. But I'm not playing it anymore. But I'm still playing Doom!

06-Jul-2009, 01:51 PM
I am going as oldschool as is possible. . well nearly,

Wizardry I : The Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord

I get the wild hair up my ass to play some of my old C64 favorites every once in a while.

That is old school. I remember that shit. *L*

I am juggling around Fight Night Round 4 for 360 and Valkria Chronicles for the PS3. Btw, there are some add-ons for VC now.

06-Jul-2009, 01:59 PM
That is old school. I remember that shit. *L*

I am juggling around Fight Night Round 4 for 360 and Valkria Chronicles for the PS3. Btw, there are some add-ons for VC now.

tried playing valkyria chronicles but it needs an update and my ps3 doesnt like my new router so its unplayable right now, same for noby noby boy and folklore.:mad:

06-Jul-2009, 04:23 PM
Any Heroes of Might and Magic fans out here? I was a big fan of the series but I layed off a bit after number 4 (which I loved, by the way, so that's not it). Just discovered Part 5. With all the expansions it's amazing! 8 teams, and two upgrades for every creature! Oh hell yeah!

06-Jul-2009, 06:49 PM
tried playing valkyria chronicles but it needs an update and my ps3 doesnt like my new router so its unplayable right now, same for noby noby boy and folklore.:mad:

I do not know what is going on with the update. I haven't played VC since the 1st week of January. But I had to update the game, before playing it. Maybe, it is for the add-on content. 3 add-ons: 2 new chapters & a very hard mode. I just downloaded the 2 chapters only.

06-Jul-2009, 08:42 PM
Been playing Battlefield Bad Company in preparation for 1943 on Wednesday, can't wait! I just picked up Gunstar Heroes on Xbox Live Arcade with some leftover points, too. Never played the original Genesis version, apparently it's one of the best on the system.

07-Jul-2009, 12:59 AM
Been playing Battlefield Bad Company in preparation for 1943 on Wednesday, can't wait! I just picked up Gunstar Heroes on Xbox Live Arcade with some leftover points, too. Never played the original Genesis version, apparently it's one of the best on the system.

There is a Sega Genesis collection for the 360 for around $30. It has over 40 games. Including some Sega arcade ports a bonus. All these Genesis titles being released on XBL are on the disk. All 4 Phantasy Star games are on there, also.

07-Jul-2009, 01:03 AM
Any Heroes of Might and Magic fans out here? I was a big fan of the series but I layed off a bit after number 4 (which I loved, by the way, so that's not it). Just discovered Part 5. With all the expansions it's amazing! 8 teams, and two upgrades for every creature! Oh hell yeah!

Oh yes indeed, I used to play the hell out of some Heroes of Might and Magic. Great turn based strategy game. Used to waste hours on it.

07-Jul-2009, 01:14 AM
There is a Sega Genesis collection for the 360 for around $30. It has over 40 games. Including some Sega arcade ports a bonus. All these Genesis titles being released on XBL are on the disk. All 4 Phantasy Star games are on there, also.

I have that collection, and although it's the a damn good set of games, Gunstar Heroes isn't on it. Treasure's other Genesis effort, Dynamite Headdy, is included.

07-Jul-2009, 03:00 AM
Still playing Custom Robo........ damn.

darth los
10-Jul-2009, 05:11 PM
I'm almost done with Dead Space.

And the award for blandest game of the year goes to.....?

Seriously though, do these people even know what a soundtrack is?

And how many saw guns does a man need? :shifty:


19-Aug-2010, 06:17 AM
Guess I resurrected the wrong thread as I posted this in the one that was in the lounge...

So Im reposting here.

Picked up Kane and Lynch 2 dog days last night... It's pretty good. The improved many of the weaknesses the first one had and it still has the dark cinematic flavor of the first game.

19-Aug-2010, 08:36 AM
Theme park & Cannon fodder! I got my new smartphone (HTC desire) about a month ago, and have put SNES & Megadrive emulators on it, and I'd forgotten how damned addictive those games are! the screen size is decent & the games are in really clear resolution so im enjoying going back to my childhood with these :cool:

19-Aug-2010, 09:52 AM
Theme park & Cannon fodder! I got my new smartphone (HTC desire) about a month ago, and have put SNES & Megadrive emulators on it, and I'd forgotten how damned addictive those games are! the screen size is decent & the games are in really clear resolution so im enjoying going back to my childhood with these :cool:
Ooh, Cannon Fodder! What a kick ass game ... still got my copy for Mega Drive 2 stored away (with the console :)).

Cooper - what's the cover system and hit detection like on K&L2? I've seen in reviews that the hit detection is weak and the cover system is still problematic.


Game wise, I recently did Splinter Cell: Conviction, and then I replayed Ghostbusters ... now I'm just waiting for Mafia 2 to arrive.

19-Aug-2010, 12:41 PM
I'm going to start Batman: Arkham Asylum again. Last time I played it (on PC), my save file got corrupted and I could not load it.....and I was at least half-way through the game. That was about a year ago. Now I'm ready to start over.

19-Aug-2010, 01:20 PM
Playing StarCraft 2 online and having fun with protoss and zerg.

also playing through Alan Wake, again. i swear i've beaten the game like 12 times now and its still fun, its the first supernatural horror type game to do that since silent hill 2 or resident evil 3.

19-Aug-2010, 03:10 PM
I played the trial of the new Lara Croft game on XBL, and it's really, really impressive. It's like Geometry Wars meets Diet Mirror's Edge, very refreshing gameplay. I'll definitely buy it when I get some more points in my account.

19-Aug-2010, 03:30 PM
Ooh, Cannon Fodder! What a kick ass game ... still got my copy for Mega Drive 2 stored away (with the console :)).

Cooper - what's the cover system and hit detection like on K&L2? I've seen in reviews that the hit detection is weak and the cover system is still problematic.


Game wise, I recently did Splinter Cell: Conviction, and then I replayed Ghostbusters ... now I'm just waiting for Mafia 2 to arrive.

Well the hit detection system is WAY better then the first game... The problem is not so much the system it's self but more in the actual weapon you have... The small smg's spit bullets everywhere if you hold the trigger down... Cover system is good... But the cover can be destroyed so most spots you can camp at for too long. Over all the mechanics of the game are vastly improved over the 1st.

darth los
19-Aug-2010, 04:04 PM
Guess I resurrected the wrong thread as I posted this in the one that was in the lounge...

So Im reposting here.

Picked up Kane and Lynch 2 dog days last night... It's pretty good. The improved many of the weaknesses the first one had and it still has the dark cinematic flavor of the first game.

Just recieved it from gamefly, but i got home late last night from a ball game and let my son play it. By the time i Got home he had completed 2 levels and gotten like 6 achievements so it doesn't seem all that difficult.

However, the first thing i noticed is that, well let's just say the graphics aren't triple A caliber.

Or, as an 11 year old would put it: "Daddy, this game looks cheap." :lol:

From the mouths of babes indeed!.


19-Aug-2010, 04:21 PM
I am taking a break from Heavy Rain. I am at the end of the game and know who the killer really is. Quite a shocker. I am currently playing Final Fantasy 13, since I have not beat it. I am looking forward to the new Metriod game.

darth los
19-Aug-2010, 05:27 PM
I am taking a break from Heavy Rain. I am at the end of the game and know who the killer really is. Quite a shocker. I am currently playing Final Fantasy 13, since I have not beat it. I am looking forward to the new Metriod game.

Oh yes. Nintendo is coming out with a few games that I'm dying to play.

Donkey Kong Country Returns, NBA Jam ans well as the one you mentioned.


19-Aug-2010, 06:19 PM
Well the hit detection system is WAY better then the first game... The problem is not so much the system it's self but more in the actual weapon you have... The small smg's spit bullets everywhere if you hold the trigger down... Cover system is good... But the cover can be destroyed so most spots you can camp at for too long. Over all the mechanics of the game are vastly improved over the 1st.
Interesting. Perhaps I'll try it out when it's cheap ... there's just too many games ahead of it on my to-do list right now.

19-Aug-2010, 08:28 PM
Just recieved it from gamefly, but i got home late last night from a ball game and let my son play it. By the time i Got home he had completed 2 levels and gotten like 6 achievements so it doesn't seem all that difficult.

However, the first thing i noticed is that, well let's just say the graphics aren't triple A caliber.

Or, as an 11 year old would put it: "Daddy, this game looks cheap." :lol:

From the mouths of babes indeed!.


That might have something to do with the intentionally stylized security cam/internet stream filter they are using... I actually like the look of the game...

darth los
19-Aug-2010, 08:36 PM
That might have something to do with the intentionally stylized security cam/internet stream filter they are using... I actually like the look of the game...

I heard about that as well. That it was supposed to make it look grittier.

Imo, i have seen no indication of that and the graphics look on par with an arcade or budget title.

Me thinks the whole cell phone camera thing is just to cover up the fact that the game looks cheap.

I saw their runing animations and the only thing i could think was "wow".

And not a good wow either. :stunned:

And it's light on content as well with a seemingly short campaign. Thank god for gamefly because there's no way that should be a 60 game, imo.

If i had paid retail, I'd be pissed.


19-Aug-2010, 09:49 PM
'Sim City 4'.

God knows why.

I was supposed to start 'Alan Wake' :confused:

19-Aug-2010, 09:53 PM
Finally playing Dragon Age Origins. . .not a bad little game. . .

19-Aug-2010, 10:17 PM
I heard about that as well. That it was supposed to make it look grittier.

Imo, i have seen no indication of that and the graphics look on par with an arcade or budget title.

Me thinks the whole cell phone camera thing is just to cover up the fact that the game looks cheap.

I saw their runing animations and the only thing i could think was "wow".

And not a good wow either. :stunned:

And it's light on content as well with a seemingly short campaign. Thank god for gamefly because there's no way that should be a 60 game, imo.

If i had paid retail, I'd be pissed.


hmmm... It looks pretty good on my tv... But have you given the multiplayer or co-op a try yet... I think there is a ton of value there... But if neither of those options I would see how you might feel gyp'd.

Also I almost always play a game through on it's hardest difficulty from the start.... Games have gone really soft over the last gen and most have become shorter so it seems the only way to get the most bang for the buck for me... With a few exceptions games these days are 5-7 hours long if you play em on "normal" which is really comparatively speaking super easy.

19-Aug-2010, 11:07 PM
Just finished lost planet 2 on Hard and unlocked the extreme mode, got my character to lvl.61 and unlocked a bunch of crazy new weapons that should make replays more fun.

20-Aug-2010, 12:25 AM
Just finished Alan Wake the other day. Been playing Bad Company 2 like a muphucka for the past month. Just got back into Just Cause 2 to finish getting all the achievements.

darth los
20-Aug-2010, 02:09 PM
hmmm... It looks pretty good on my tv... But have you given the multiplayer or co-op a try yet... I think there is a ton of value there... But if neither of those options I would see how you might feel gyp'd.

Also I almost always play a game through on it's hardest difficulty from the start.... Games have gone really soft over the last gen and most have become shorter so it seems the only way to get the most bang for the buck for me... With a few exceptions games these days are 5-7 hours long if you play em on "normal" which is really comparatively speaking super easy.

I haven't given co-op a try but I plan to do so with my son tonight.

I'm at a thousand cuts right now and I must say I'm enjoying the story more than anything. Those guys have really gotten themselves into some deep shit.

In the first chapter Kane ansks lynch, "who's that girl with him?" Lynch replies "I don't care."

I see they're regretting that now.


21-Aug-2010, 04:17 AM
Pokemon Diamond on the DS... argheeee! Don't judge me!
I just beat the E4, actually. I thought everybody in my party would have to be lv. 65 at least, but I won without using any items and half my party was lv. 63 and the other lv.64! Super lucky, thank God for Giga Drain! The games' pretty boring now, though... just getting items, legendary guys, training, battles... it's meh. Now Pokemon Gold! That's a game! 16 gym battles! Kanto and Johto! Definitely worth it.
Also, THPS 4 (as if you didn't know... oh, you didn't? Sorry.). Yeah, it's kinda my game. Ooh, and space invaders. I love that shit.

22-Aug-2010, 01:41 AM
Beat ordrak in torchlight. floor 35, i was told there is 100 floors in total, if so fuck that i got SO bored by the 10th floor, getting to 35 in 9 hours was a nightmare.

I AM DONE.:lol:

22-Aug-2010, 10:19 AM
I'm re-playing Modern Warfare 2 for the fourth time ... now in HD 1080p.

I notice the difference from SD to HD quite a bit in this game, having played it three times in SD last year. A good old slab of action adrenaline ... just like I'm expecting to get from The Expendables this afternoon at the cinema. :)

darth los
23-Aug-2010, 02:37 PM
Just finished Kane and lynch. I got way more achievements than I thought i would out of it, so that's a big cup of awesome.

It's an extremely short campaign at around 4 or 5 hours butthere are a ton of multiplayer modes to get into as well.

I was going to just get the achievements and send it back but it's growing on me. Plus when there's a new game out there are oodles of players online checking it out so there are no shortages of games to participate in.


23-Aug-2010, 02:50 PM
Yesterday I finally finished off Mass Effect 2 including all character and story oriented DLC. It was pretty damned good! Loved the storytelling and how use of the squad mechanics kind of integrated into that last drive of the game.

For a game that has, essentially, very shallow game-play mechanics, it was a great and satisfying run. I really hope they bring interactivity to the next level in the sequel.

darth los
24-Aug-2010, 06:27 PM
Just about to pop in mafia 2. I was under the impression that it was a gta/RDR style game but apparently it's not and there's no multiplayer so let's see.

It's got a good rating so my hopes are high.


24-Aug-2010, 06:36 PM
Really enjoying 3v3 starcraft 2 matches right now. My forte still seems to be protoss but i have a little promising flair with terran and zerg too.

24-Aug-2010, 08:10 PM
Just got done playing "Limbo" on the 360 - it was a cheap, but fun platformer to play. Well worth the $ if you're into that kinda thing. ;)

24-Aug-2010, 08:18 PM
fuck yeah, lou. limbo is a good one. just got it the other day myself.

also picked up a wii, super mario bros wii, and a handful of old castlevania games along with zombies ate my neighbors and river city ransom. the wii is way more fun than i thought, solely for the nostalgia factor alone. haven't really messed with wii sports yet, but i'm gonna bust that one out soon too.

darth los
24-Aug-2010, 08:19 PM
Just got done playing "Limbo" on the 360 - it was a cheap, but fun platformer to play. Well worth the $ if you're into that kinda thing. ;)

I've purchased it and I'm sure I'll get to it one day. I probably fit it in that timeframe where I just beat a game and waiting on gamefly to send me the next.


24-Aug-2010, 08:43 PM
Just got done playing "Limbo" on the 360 - it was a cheap, but fun platformer to play. Well worth the $ if you're into that kinda thing. ;)

Played the demo and its the arty kind of game i love so i should be picking up that and scott pilgrim tomorrow.

24-Aug-2010, 09:19 PM
My friends and I dug the Hell out of Limbo.

Atmospheric, moody, Expressionist B&W film lighting, simple but challenging puzzles.

Wanna see more by this developer.

Is it me, or does the kid look like a silhouette of Jacob Two-Two?


25-Aug-2010, 01:05 AM
I figure that New Vegas is coming out. So I made a new char on Fall out 3. Bad ass girl named Sarah Connor, trapped in vault sent out to save the world from Skynet and shit...

Level 17 with Dogmeat and Charon, running out of things to do.

Also doing some Bad Company 2, Counterstrike Source, Starcraft 2, and midevil total war 2.

25-Aug-2010, 10:05 AM
I'm waiting for Mafia 2 to arrive, should be here tomorrow or the day after ... but said "day after" is when I'm going away on holiday, so I'll have to wait until early September to really play it, hehe.

28-Oct-2010, 08:32 AM
well, been a while since this thread was active, thought i'd kick it back into gear. i'm all about the older games lately, as most of the shit out right now is just that, shit. looking forward to getting my copy of RDR back this weekend to play "undead nightmare", but till then:

currently playing:

ultimate spider-man
the thing
(both for original xbox)

also working in RE's 1,2,3,&4 for the wii/gamecube.....still playing through the REmake a 2nd time to unlock costumes, bonus modes, etc

just traded in dead rising 2 for a copy of CoD 4, i miss the MP aspect of that game, that was a great time before they got ri-fucking-diculous with their shitty killstreak system.

28-Oct-2010, 08:45 AM
Im currently mostly playing Anno 1404 which is hellishly addictive & eats up hours without you realising! I'm also dipping into Arma 2, L4D2, Aliens vs Predator (latest one), Classic Doom 3, and even booted up Call of Duty 2 last weekend for a few missions :)

28-Oct-2010, 11:37 AM
Rome- Total War


28-Oct-2010, 02:42 PM
Rome- Total War


I hope it's a modded version!

28-Oct-2010, 03:05 PM
I am juggling around Fallout: NV, Jackal, and EA MMA.

darth los
28-Oct-2010, 03:25 PM
just traded in dead rising 2 for a copy of CoD 4, i miss the MP aspect of that game, that was a great time before they got ri-fucking-diculous with their shitty killstreak system.

Well everyone i talk to says the same thing. They got it right with MW1. Most can't stand the MP in MW2 so it will be interesting to see what the upcoming black ops will be like. If they listen to the gamers they will change things back.

I'm about to get into fable 3 (very time consuming) I also just finished off reach and still have to finish DR2.

Hopefully in time for the November releases. It's going to be a busy month when i expect to get Black ops, AC2 , DK country returns, Splatterhouse and NBA Jam for the 360. :D


28-Oct-2010, 03:29 PM
I was playing a shit-ton of Borderlands multiplayer. I originally hated that game but gave it another shot like 6 months after my initial attempt and ended up loving it. Until I got Fallout: New Vegas... I think I'm gonna be playing that one for a while.

Also, I still do a bit of squad deathmatch on Bad Company 2 once or twice a week with some friends.

28-Oct-2010, 10:39 PM
I hope it's a modded version!

Yep, total realism mod.

29-Oct-2010, 01:39 AM
Hey, so I got a N64 a couple months ago... (more like one), and today I played Pokemon Snap on it. Took around 1 1/2 hours, start to finish. Too bad there's no multiplayer/live option, so I could beat all y'all at it. Not that you guys play Pokemon games anyway... And I think my Mischief Makers cartridge is having issues... sigh... Yep, once you've played it a few times, Pokemon Snap is real easy, but still great fun. Rainbow Cloud still gives me chills... am I crazy?

05-Nov-2010, 02:25 AM
Currently playing Fist of the North Star *PS3*. It is a gory Dynasty Warriors clone with a FotNS theme. So far, pretty good.

05-Nov-2010, 01:26 PM
Some SC II, Waiting on Fable 3 for the PC, been considering trying Fallout 3 on digital download now that its cheap and I have enough blue coins to get it free.
You're SO right that 90% of everything put out in the last 8-9 months is pure crap. Depresses me regularly, but trying to stay sane by getting older games, like original Mass Effect and Deadspace for cheap. Won't pay more than 20$ for an action play-through-once type game.

darth los
05-Nov-2010, 04:20 PM
Just beat Singularity on hard mode.

Great game, not perfect by any means but if they tweaked things here and there the sequel will be something to be reckoned with. I actually like it better than bioshock.


05-Nov-2010, 05:48 PM
Playing Fallout 3 again. Just bashing through the main story really, but this time being an utter bastard throughout. I've just been "The Pint Size Slasher" on Tranquility Lane. :elol:

05-Nov-2010, 07:38 PM
So, you guys like your games huh? :)

I'm not a gamer myself, but make an exception for the "FM" series...just ordered "FM 2011". :cool:

Mr. Clean
07-Nov-2010, 04:06 AM
Finished Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper. It had a pretty bad ass ending. They do need to work on puzzle/point and click games for Consoles though. You should have been able to interact with EVERYTHING rather than just the things you needed to interact with. Pretty much my only bitch about it.

07-Nov-2010, 01:19 PM
Been playing through Fable III..some things disappoint me, it's been dumbed down yet again, yet there are some things that are surprisingly cool, like every single NPC I've met can give you a quest..sure it's just "go here and fetch this and bring it back" or "take this and come back" kinds of things, but it's kinda neat..

30-Nov-2010, 10:29 AM
Finished 'GTA IV' and moved onto 'Dead Rising' yeh, I know. I'm way behind.

However, is 'Dead Rising' the most annoying game in the world or what? Really, I'm as frustrated as a grumpy teen. Horrible, horrible game. But, a great idea! I love whacking the zombies, but those convicts are a PITA! I've lost count of how many times I've killed that fecking clown and then got moved down by those cunts in the jeep. Only to have to start the ENTIRE mission over again from a save point miles away! The weapons are shit, they break FAR too easily and often you're fucked. As for the much maligned save system...the less said about that, the better.

As said, great idea and somewhat addictive in a number of ways, but a terrible execution.

BTW, does anyone have "Dead Rising II". If you do can you tell me if it's the same format. Cos if it is, I'm steering clear.

30-Nov-2010, 10:37 AM
Dead Rising 2 does have many of the same frustrations as DR1, but it's executed in a better fashion generally (such as aiming guns), and the saving system is improved, but not super-friendly at the same time (but better than DR1).

As for the convicts, if you don't want to deal with them outside in that little park area, do what I always did and stick close to the walls - they don't come near you if you do that, so you just skirt around the perimeter of that little park and they won't notice you.

I never bothered with the missions, I just ran around killing zombies, and it was ideal for that. In DR2 it's easier to kill the zombies in some respects as you can now do combo weapons (which last longer generally than normal weapons), but yeah, some weapons are ridiculously weak, while others last a decent amount of time. If anything you could have skipped over DR1 and just gone straight to DR2.

How did you find GTA IV, out of interest? What did you make of it?

30-Nov-2010, 12:10 PM
I'm really losing patience here with DR1. It's ridiculously punishing on the player. As for avoiding the convicts. I can avoid them on the way from the warehouse to the mall, but on the way back they get me every time, even when I hug the walls. It's silly. I just spent 15 mins getting the UZI and killing tons of zombies and I get outside and those fuckers come flying over with their 50 cal. I can't compete with that. It's rapidly looking like it's going to be a dust collector, like 'Assassin Creed II'. I haven't the time to keep replaying the same old turf over and over again. It might be a little more enjoyable if the weapons lasted 3 times as long as they do. Half way through killing a boss and you have to run off looking for another weapon. It's a farce.

'GTA IV' ended up being a great little game. It took me a long time to get used to it's "look" though. I had serious problems with all the bloom used in the graphics and the colour palette is an awful shade of shitty brown. But, it all comes together in the end. After I finished it kate was dead and I killed the Italian guy, I played out the other ending Roman dies and you kill Demitri.

30-Nov-2010, 01:39 PM
I been playing fist of the north star kens rage and its lots of face-punching fun.

30-Nov-2010, 03:20 PM
Oh fuck this. To hell with dead rising. What a poxy fucking game.

I'm currently playing Fifa World Cup South Africa.

30-Nov-2010, 03:49 PM
dead rising isnt actually that good dude, we just played it because its the closest we could get to sandbox zombie outbreak good times as we could get. Havent played 2 but its still holding its price whilst others like new vegas are dropping quick so i assume its good enough to have a demand for it.

Personally i am having a hoot with world of warcraft right now, since the last update that broke the world and moved it on a decade timewise its great to go into an area and have no idea what the hells going on after knowing the place by heart for 6 years. Seeing places that were ruined by the plague of undeath back in warcraft 3 being recultivated into green pastures now the lich kings dead really made it fel like beating the big bad of the last expansion actually did something other than drop some items yknow?

darth los
30-Nov-2010, 03:51 PM
DR is definitely not for everyone.

I'm plating NBA jam right now. It's a cool throwback game with tons of new features and unlockables. You have to play through it about 6 times in order to get them all and the achievements though which is a bummer.


30-Nov-2010, 03:52 PM
as I've said before, maybe even in this thread....Dead Rising sucks. I tried to like it. I really did. It seemed right up my alley being zombies and all, but the controls and gameplay are just horrid.

After trying several times, I've never been able to make it more than a few hours into DR. How this game made it to a sequel is beyond me....

30-Nov-2010, 04:14 PM
who has 2 thumbs and loved the first dead rising game?

this guy!

currently playing castlevania: lords of shadow, which is actually much better than i anticipated. demo's on XBL for those interested.

30-Nov-2010, 04:33 PM
Been playing a lot of Reach multiplayer lately, and was able to play 1 round of Team Slayer with hellsing. Notched up 20 kills!

Other than that, my friend gave me his copy of Fifa 11. Even though I suck at it, it's still pretty fun.

darth los
30-Nov-2010, 04:44 PM
I also have terminator : Salvation I'm trying to get through. It's a pretty sucky game actually there just a ton of achievement points at stake, so.... :shifty:


30-Nov-2010, 05:58 PM
I also have terminator : Salvation I'm trying to get through. It's a pretty sucky game actually there just a ton of achievement points at stake, so.... :shifty:


Sucky game. Sucky movie. :elol:

In terms of Dead Rising, with a sequel out, you shoulda just gone straight for the second game. DR1 rightly had a reputation for being punishing ... I on the other hand didn't play any of the story mode, or took on any psychos, I just rescued a couple of survivors and otherwise ran around killing zombies - for that it worked - but you do have to work around DR1's nuisances.

DR2 isn't a walk in the park by any stretch of the imagination, but it was generally a better game than DR1. I actually managed to do several story missions (and I'm shit at DR story modes), but the weapons aren't muchs stronger than before (some are, some aren't), and again I just go around slaying zombies.

HOWEVER - DR2 is on the PC, unlike DR1, so if you have a rig that'll handle it (make sure you update your gfx card drivers though), get it for the PC and use a trainer (which gives you a range of options to choose from - including invincible weapons, infinite ammo, god mode etc), so you could choose invincible weapons only if you wanted and play it that way ... perhaps give that a go, Shoot.


As for GTA IV - Aye I got the ending you did with Roman staying alive.

Visually I really dug GTA IV, and I've never had a problem with the bloom effect - which, yes, is overused in games these days - but I never noticed it as so overbearing personally, I was probably too busy paying attention to thieving cars and driving them wildly ... speaking of which, initially I had such a hard time with the driving mechanics, but once I got into them I loved them, they just felt so much more realistic (so later on when I played Saints Row 2, the car physics were nothing short of laughable) and I could powerslide my way around a corner nicely.

30-Nov-2010, 06:50 PM
If you want some zombie slayin' MZ pick up a copy of Left 4 dead 2, I think its going dirt cheap now! Its not a game you can play for hours on end as its quite repetitive, but its damned good fun when your in the mood for it, and I've never seen damage models so good in a game even if it is somewhat stomach churning!

30-Nov-2010, 07:04 PM
If you want some zombie slayin' MZ pick up a copy of Left 4 dead 2, I think its going dirt cheap now! Its not a game you can play for hours on end as its quite repetitive, but its damned good fun when your in the mood for it, and I've never seen damage models so good in a game even if it is somewhat stomach churning!

left 4 dead 2 is one of those games were on your own its good for 3 or 4 replays, but the more friends you have the more fun you have with it at an almost exponential rate.

01-Dec-2010, 09:44 AM
left 4 dead 2 is one of those games were on your own its good for 3 or 4 replays, but the more friends you have the more fun you have with it at an almost exponential rate.

I would have bought either of them by now - however - Steam. Fuck Steam. In the butt and everything. Twice.


However I am playing STALKER: Call of Pripyat at long last, so that's something. I'm still running DX9, so unfortunately the graphics aren't as good as those on Clear Sky (no doubt to try and force people into getting the latest OS' which support DX10 and 11 :mad:), but nevertheless I'm enjoying it and getting back into the swing of being a STALKER in "the zone". :cool:

I've just gone to Yanov station for the first time, but haven't set foot outside of it yet.

I had a dummy moment yesterday though, as I've been playing it for a few days without using the "Run" key. So I've been walking everywhere (weirdly there is another option which makes you walk even slower) - then I thought "hang about" and checked the controller set up and found the "Run" key, so now I'm mercifully flying around the zone at a reasonable speed. :p

Guess my head wasn't screwed on. :p

01-Dec-2010, 02:13 PM
In terms of Dead Rising, with a sequel out, you shoulda just gone straight for the second game. DR1 rightly had a reputation for being punishing ... I on the other hand didn't play any of the story mode, or took on any psychos, I just rescued a couple of survivors and otherwise ran around killing zombies - for that it worked - but you do have to work around DR1's nuisances.

DR2 isn't a walk in the park by any stretch of the imagination, but it was generally a better game than DR1. I actually managed to do several story missions (and I'm shit at DR story modes), but the weapons aren't muchs stronger than before (some are, some aren't), and again I just go around slaying zombies.

HOWEVER - DR2 is on the PC, unlike DR1, so if you have a rig that'll handle it (make sure you update your gfx card drivers though), get it for the PC and use a trainer (which gives you a range of options to choose from - including invincible weapons, infinite ammo, god mode etc), so you could choose invincible weapons only if you wanted and play it that way ... perhaps give that a go, Shoot.

If it's on the PC then I'll get for that platform. Never been too big a fan of the XBOX controller for shooting games. It's like tryng to aim a gun with a lead weight attached. I'll have to wait until my new GFX card arrives though, which mighn't be soon. We have 3 or 4 inches of snow here in Ireland at the moment. That means the whole country will shut down :)

Visually I really dug GTA IV, and I've never had a problem with the bloom effect - which, yes, is overused in games these days - but I never noticed it as so overbearing personally, I was probably too busy paying attention to thieving cars and driving them wildly ... speaking of which, initially I had such a hard time with the driving mechanics, but once I got into them I loved them, they just felt so much more realistic (so later on when I played Saints Row 2, the car physics were nothing short of laughable) and I could powerslide my way around a corner nicely.

XBOX games overuse it cos there's no option to use anti-alias and its a cheap way to hide jaggies. But sometimes it looks terrible.

Yeh, the cars were great, once you got the edge n them. I nearly always use a bike though.

Can't play Saints Row 2 anymore. Had enough of it. Really gets shown up by the better cousin.

01-Dec-2010, 04:12 PM
XBOX games overuse it cos there's no option to use anti-alias and its a cheap way to hide jaggies..

This is not true. Almost every 360 games uses at least 2xAA, with the Xbox 360 version of GTAIV running at full 720p (1280x720), whereas the PlayStation 3 code natively renders at 1152x640 before being software-upscaled.

With a good PC, you can make it look way better than the console versions, of course.

Mr. Clean
02-Dec-2010, 03:52 AM
What the hell is up with Stalker? I was eye-balling that game like 2 years ago and for whatever reason never looked into it and now since I've been playing Metro 2033 I hear all kinds of things about it. Is it good and what's it about???

02-Dec-2010, 10:21 AM
What the hell is up with Stalker? I was eye-balling that game like 2 years ago and for whatever reason never looked into it and now since I've been playing Metro 2033 I hear all kinds of things about it. Is it good and what's it about???

STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl came out in 2007, and after it was appropriately patched it was a decent game - with atmosphere that was second-to-none. In terms of atmosphere, STALKER had 2007 all sewn up. Certain aspects were flawed, and it can be an unrelenting experience if you're not using cheats (like I do :D).

Then came STALKER Clear Sky, a prequel which polished some elements, but again needed several patches to scrub it up to par, but it wasn't as good in my opinion - the whole "factions" element wasn't worked in properly, and the latter portions of the game were disappointing, but it had some good bits - but again it was rather unrelenting if you're not using a trainer.

Now we have STALKER Call of Pripyat, a sequel to Shadow of Chernobyl. The English language version came out a few months after the German and Russian release, so it's patched right out of the box, so it's the most stable version of STALKER around. Nothing much has changed, but the story is less focussed - in a good way, I think - but the DX9 graphics have been unfortunately toned down compared to their counterpart in Clear Sky (no doubt to sell people on newer operating systems which support the flashy DX10 and DX11 graphics). The "factions" element makes more sense here (like, if you get into a fight with a gang of bandits and kill them all, you won't find yourself magically an enemy of all bandits). It's often been said that Call of Pripyat is the most complete version of what they set out to do in Shadow of Chernobyl, and I think the first and third games are the best ones.

They're RPG FPS games, and while they're certainly not overtly polished experiences, if you want to go traipsing around Chernobyl, Pripyat, and the surrounding environs fighting mutants and taking care of yourself and your equipment, avoiding radiation (of multiple types) and anomalies, then you won't find the experience elsewhere.

It often gets compared with Fallout 3, and there's an element of truth in that, but it is its own thing. Apparently there is a STALKER 2 in development, which would also be coming to consoles, and there's rumour of a STALKER television show (in Russian) ... the franchise has a loyal fanbase. If you're into it, you're damn well into it, if you're not, you're damn well not. It's not a casual game by any stretch of the imagination, but like I said, if/once you get into it, you're fascinated by it - such as I was.

Check out some gameplay footage and reviews of the series on YouTube and have a think about it.


Interestingly some of the guys behind Metro 2033 were originally involved with the original STALKER, but they left part-way through development (STALKER had a notoriously long and convoluted development time, with an original release date of 2004/2005, only to finally come out in Spring 2007).

02-Dec-2010, 04:45 PM
This is not true. Almost every 360 games uses at least 2xAA,

cool. didn't know that. Still looks rubbish next to my PC.

04-Feb-2011, 01:17 AM
I am taking a break from earning achievements on Dead Space 2. I am currently playing Samurai Warriors 3 for Nintendo. I bought the game today new for $14.11 with a $40 Best Buy gift card.

04-Feb-2011, 02:09 AM
I used to hate Steam but now I'm a total Steam junkie. If I cannot buy a game with just a few clicks and have it automatically download to my computer without ever leaving my chair there is a good chance I'll just find a different game.

L4D2 is a fun game, and does get better with better coop players.

I'm still playing Starcraft 2

04-Feb-2011, 08:30 AM
Got a PS3 for X-mas, so I've been neglecting my seXBOX and playing a lot of MLB The Show '10 and Uncharted 2. Both are incredible.

04-Feb-2011, 10:23 AM
Played Crackdown 2 at the moment. Got it on sale, rather cheap too, no way was I paying full price for it.

More of the same, but if you wanted more of the same - as I did - then you're in luck. The mutant angle is a bit "meh", and the "tactical locations" aren't tactical - not like in the first game where you could cripple their weapons, or vehicle houses so that further camps of baddies had worse weapons, or didn't have vehicle capabilities - not so in #2, which is bizarre. It's just so you have a place to touch down, get weapons, and help clean up the city ... so barely tactical.

Also - the aiming is fucking annoying at times - more than several times have I growled "stop locking onto the car!" or "stop locking onto my own cops!" - seriously, the fucking autolock should just lock onto bad guys and leave it at that. Plus, the auto lock seems to prefer to lock onto a car door rather than Cell soldier who is standing right next to it fucking shooting at me. Seriously - their testers must have been high not to notice the annoying auto lock system which is annoying half the damn time. But then the autolock was a bit of a nuisance in the first ... but I think it's gotten worse, to be honest. Not sure.

Even still, it's a decent game, especially on sale price. It's all about the orb collecting in the end and leaping around from rooftop to rooftop.

22-Feb-2011, 10:38 PM
I just beat Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. What an ending. Who would have thought Gabriel was really Dracula. It was revealed during a cut scene after the ending credits when it moves forward to modern day. Satan is the end boss, btw, and he's a bitch to fight. Too bad the dlc comes out later, because I rented this game. Maybe it will explain how he became a vampire. I also read somewhere a sequel is in the works. 8/10 score

23-Feb-2011, 07:41 PM
Just picked up Killzone 3. It's every bit as good as advertised, and it's certainly a better product overall than Bulletstorm. Hopefully it will keep me busy until Resistance 3 comes out in June.

23-Feb-2011, 09:11 PM
'Member the Gameboy Color? Yeah, best handheld ever, save maybe GBA. I just started up playing Warioland II on it again. I forgot how fun it was! Damn bee boss though... kicking my ass...

03-Mar-2011, 05:02 AM
I rented Fight Night Champion. Too early to give a review, since it arrived 12 hrs ago.

03-Mar-2011, 05:56 AM
just beat dragon age again and the dlc for the first time, the golems of angarrack. its neat 90 minutes, like a game version of a wierd fantasy tales short story. You head out alone one day during your grey warden campaign to investigate a lost dwarven thaig with a man looking for his brother and find people were trying to recreate the golems you encounter in the orzammar story, only without the anvil they used a tevinter mage to summon spirits from the fade into a construct of blood and bone and flesh instead of iron and a dwarven soul. I t turns into something called a harvester, it kills people adn uses there bodies as raw materials to build up its own larger core flesh golem body, which it acts as the head for, walking on human sized arms like a tadpole changing into a frog.
At the end you beat it, destroy the thaig and leave, but the camera lingers on the exit of the thaig and the sight of hundreds of harvester heads crawling from the ruins into the deeps roads....

Which sets up them appearing in dragon age 2. its neat, maybe not worth playing now since the sequels so close and its not really worth the fiver or so it costs but it was neat, just not great value for money.

darth los
03-Mar-2011, 06:16 PM
Just finished Dead Space 2. Very high production value. Great game over all. Very eerie amosphere. It gave me that same feeling of dread that Alan wake did. And what's more they've already comeout with Dlc that includes another 2 chapters worth of mission. :hyper:

On to bulletstorm now.


03-Mar-2011, 06:28 PM
Just finished Dead Space 2. Very high production value. Great game over all. Very eerie amosphere. It gave me that same feeling of dread that Alan wake did. And what's more they've already comeout with Dlc that includes another 2 chapters worth of mission. :hyper:

On to bulletstorm now.


Perhaps I'll get around to Dead Space 2 at some point (although I've never played DS1) ... but fuck me do I hate all this DLC shit. PUT THAT SHIT ON THE DISC AND SHIP IT WITH THE GODDAMNED GAME! :mad:

03-Mar-2011, 06:40 PM
Since seeing the Elder Scrolls 5 trailer, I've been back plugging away at Morrowind for the first time in a couple of years. Started a new character and added some graphical overhaul mods, and configured correctly the game actually looks and plays better than Oblivion does: the sea has chopping waves with foaming breakers on the shore, light dapples and twinkles in golden rays upon the surface of water, the early-morning fog glows spectrally in the rising sun, stunning godrays break through the smoky hills and forests around the Ashlands, the Grazelands finally become a true, rolling grassland of gold, green and brown. Ragdoll physics are really the only thing that doesn't seem to have been added). Check this out:


darth los
03-Mar-2011, 07:50 PM
Perhaps I'll get around to Dead Space 2 at some point (although I've never played DS1) ... but fuck me do I hate all this DLC shit. PUT THAT SHIT ON THE DISC AND SHIP IT WITH THE GODDAMNED GAME! :mad:

My brotha. DS2 is one of those sequels that's so far ahead of the original that you might as well just skip straight to part 2. It even gives a pretty lengthy recap of the story so far.

It reminds me alot of the gap between Assasin's Creed and and 2.


03-Mar-2011, 08:57 PM
My brotha. DS2 is one of those sequels that's so far ahead of the original that you might as well just skip straight to part 2. It even gives a pretty lengthy recap of the story so far.

It reminds me alot of the gap between Assasin's Creed and and 2.


Plus the DLC, DS2: Severed, is actually a continuation of Dead Space: Extraction rather than part of Dead Space 2's content. I'm usually right there with the crowd calling for blood when downloadable content comes out almost immediately after the game itself, but this was different enough that I was willing to pay for it.

I will say, though, that I really don't feel that Dead Space 2 lives up to all the hype. It's very good, don't get me wrong, but some people are calling it one of the greatest PS3 games ever and that's just wrong.

Just finished Killzone 3. It was miles ahead of Bulletstorm in terms of keeping me entertained. I haven't had that much fun with a FPS since Resistance 2 came out. Now I'm kind of in limbo as to what to play until Resistance 3 comes out this summer. The wife and I are also waiting on F3AR to be released.

03-Mar-2011, 11:22 PM
Pac Man CE DX is on sale for 400pts this week on Xbox Live so I grabbed it - and WOW! I can't believe I didn't download this game earlier. Great music, excellent gameplay and retro-themed graphics make this one of the best pure, arcade style games found on the service. Had to pry myself away after telling myself about a dozen times, "just one more game."

Definitely check it out while it's still on sale!

04-Mar-2011, 01:07 AM
Perhaps I'll get around to Dead Space 2 at some point (although I've never played DS1) ... but fuck me do I hate all this DLC shit. PUT THAT SHIT ON THE DISC AND SHIP IT WITH THE GODDAMNED GAME! :mad:

dead space 2 is not an easy game dude, not easy at all. just saiyan.

04-Mar-2011, 06:17 AM
killzone 3
loud, very pretty and utterly brilliant. Fantastic design and intense shooting. Love it.
Ambiguous good guys who are every bit as morally corrupt as the Helghan whose planet they are invading makes for interesting subtext. Reminds of how 'earth' was depicted in Starship Troopers.

04-Mar-2011, 02:07 PM
killzone 3
loud, very pretty and utterly brilliant. Fantastic design and intense shooting. Love it.
Ambiguous good guys who are every bit as morally corrupt as the Helghan whose planet they are invading makes for interesting subtext. Reminds of how 'earth' was depicted in Starship Troopers.

Without getting into spoilers, my favorite part of the entire game is the sniper fight in the streets. On the harder difficulty levels, it's incredibly intense as your trying to get a bead on the snipers while they're doing the same to you.

04-Mar-2011, 03:05 PM
through a freind i got pokemon black for free. interesting to see in the modern games the 'villains' are campaigning for humans to not enslave pokemon and stuff them in tiny balls. i feel like a nazi in a mitchell and webb sketch "our uniforms are black with skulls on...are we the baddies?" :lol:

04-Mar-2011, 06:17 PM
through a freind i got pokemon black for free. interesting to see in the modern games the 'villains' are campaigning for humans to not enslave pokemon and stuff them in tiny balls. i feel like a nazi in a mitchell and webb sketch "our uniforms are black with skulls on...are we the baddies?" :lol:

So your friend's a robber then? ;):p


I've gone back to PGR4. Just playing some one-on-one races with the AI so I can play a bunch of the cars you never really ever get to play in the main game (or, well, you could have - but a Cortina isn't much use against a Ferrari Enzo is it? :p) ... so that's what I'm doing right now. A nice change of pace as I've been playing shooters and sandboxers almost exclusively for more than a year now, in fact, not far off two years now (it's just the way it happened, I guess, a lot of games I wanted to play ended up being sandboxers or shooters for the last 18 months) ... I think I got the vibe for having a race around from videos of Dirt 3 (which I think I'll get sometime in the future).

04-Mar-2011, 10:54 PM
well, i was planning on beating castlevania: LoS this weekend, but since it's double xp weekend in black ops, looks like i'm all booked up for the next few days...