View Full Version : Have a look at this!

29-May-2009, 02:29 AM
I'm not going to say anything, just have a look (http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/Hellivision/narnia.htm)...

:confused::lol: (I honestly don't know which smiley to go for)

29-May-2009, 02:48 AM
Worldly believers have become desensitized by Rock-n-Roll, late night shows, Hellivision, etc. It is tragic that sin is no longer recognized as sin!"
Yep, good Christians use Wikipedia as their main resource for information on satanism and ancient Greece. Damn, if this is Christian, I'd hate to see anything else! Wait, that sounded stupid. Oh who cares, so did that entire website. Pikachu is also devil-spawn.

29-May-2009, 03:40 AM
I'm not going to say anything, just have a look (http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/Hellivision/narnia.htm)...

:confused::lol: (I honestly don't know which smiley to go for)


Thanks for the laugh.

Guess they didn't realize the Narnia series did not originate w/ Disney, but was written by a devout Christian & is a thinly veiled Christian metaphor...http://files.boardgamegeek.com/images/shake.gif

29-May-2009, 11:44 AM
The last picture made me spit coffee onto my keyboard....

29-May-2009, 01:31 PM

Good old Walt. :D

29-May-2009, 01:48 PM
Clicked link, read title, closed tab, went back to listening too Barenaked Ladies.

How can people be so moronic? Also, a good percentage of Christians are not that loony- the writer of that is just....well..."special"

also, I guess Walt Disney must have given Valve the idea for the Head crabs in Half-Life...turn the D upside down and be in awe.

29-May-2009, 02:03 PM
I try and find the humor in this stuff, but mostly these sorts of people just piss me off.

darth los
29-May-2009, 03:46 PM
The guy who wrote that my be "off", but there is a dick hidden in the castle guys. Take that info. and do what you will. :lol:


29-May-2009, 05:24 PM
The guy who wrote that my be "off", but there is a dick hidden in the castle guys. Take that info. and do what you will. :lol:

Oh, there is no doubt that the animators at Disney were naughty little monkeys. They loved sticking little things like that in for a frame that's pretty much invisible to the naked eye.

Until someone w/ slo-mo & an agenda comes along...

No, the whole 1st half of the "article" is much more telling. The whole Pan/Satan/Wicca angle....I can picture the guy pounding furiously at his keyboard & foaming at the mouth whilst composing THAT epic manifesto...http://files.boardgamegeek.com/images/shake.gif

05-Jun-2009, 04:10 PM
Guess they didn't realize the Narnia series did not originate w/ Disney, but was written by a devout Christian & is a thinly veiled Christian metaphor...http://files.boardgamegeek.com/images/shake.gif

From the links further down, it's pretty clear that the author considers C.S. Lewis himself to be a heretic. Silly, but at least consistent.