View Full Version : Got a MacBook!!!

30-May-2009, 05:01 PM
I finally got myself a MacBook Pro. I got a student discount as well as a FREE iPod touch! I love this computer!!! I plan on buying Final Cut Express ASAP.

2.66 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor
4GB of DDR3 Ram
320GB hard drive
15.4 inch display
Nvidia GeForce 9400M

Just felt like sharing my excitement with you guys.

31-May-2009, 01:16 AM
is this your first mac? if so congrats for stepping up and believe me you will never go back to greasy kids stuff (windows PCs) ever again.

i got a mac for the first time about 6 or 7 years ago and wouldn't even dream of using any other kind of computer. once you go mac, you never go back.

31-May-2009, 04:55 PM
once you go mac, you never go back.
Perhaps once you went mac, you'd never go back but the rest of the world is a bit more sensible.

I have a friend in IT that is very pro-Mac and has now built a PC that can run both Mac and Windows. I'm now putting together a PC just like it.

31-May-2009, 05:01 PM
mate of mine got the same model last week adn he's a mac newbie too and he loves it, but still keeps texting me about crap like "omg!, you can right click and control and scroll to zoom in!"

ive been using an imac for a year now, mac pro's for a couple and got the white macbook model the phasing out for £300 form curry's and im digging it, actually my first laptop computer and nothing beats sitting by a lake in the current heatwave typing up a storm.

and all my mac's have bootcamp and XP on them, but it's mostly for gaming, pc's re far more customizable but i just prefer the mac OS myself.

plus apple got me a swankass discount on the adobe cs3 suite last year so im happy with there customer support.

31-May-2009, 05:14 PM
Perhaps once you went mac, you'd never go back but the rest of the world is a bit more sensible.


31-May-2009, 05:56 PM
is this your first mac? if so congrats for stepping up and believe me you will never go back to greasy kids stuff (windows PCs) ever again.

Yeah, this is my first Mac. After only a few days, I'm already in love with it. I've been putting up with PC's bullshit for way too long, this is a nice breath of fresh air.