View Full Version : Fat People and Cripple Carts

03-Jun-2009, 03:26 PM
An adventure yesterday made me think of getting everyone's opinion on this issue:

I'm sure you've all noticed that when you go to the grocery store, they've always got several motorized "wheelchair" shopping carts for the handicapped. Wonderful in theory, but abused in practice.

My father went shopping yesterday. Like a fool, he went to a Wal-Mart (the worst store in the world). Anyway, this is a guy who is half-blind, had triple-bypass surgery, neuropathy in both legs, and is generally a dying old man. In other words, he could have really used a cripple cart for his shopping.

But, luck was not with him. As he hobbled toward the one-and-only cart that was vacant, he was beaten to it by a fat woman and her 4 kids. Only thing wrong with her, is that she's fat.

And that's not the best part: she was already done shopping. Her 4 kids were pushing regular carts, loaded with groceries. She waddled onto the last cart just to make it from the door to her car. Leaving my father to hobble all over the fucking Wal-Mart without aid.

Now, many of you have to have seen something like this in action: some fat fuck using the equipment for the handicap, when there isn't a fucking thing wrong with them other than being fat. Leaving people who actually are handicapped out in the cold.

So, what are your stances on this issue? Should fat people be allowed to monopolize the shopping carts, or do you think their use should be more closely monitored, to make sure they are only being used by those who really need them?

03-Jun-2009, 03:30 PM
That's shitty, man. I'm not very good at keeping my mouth closed when someone pisses me off in public, so I probably would've told her that she needs to get her fat ass up and walk.

Of course, if you had said something to her she probably would've given you that whole "Obesity is a disease!" bullshit. No, It's not a disease lady. You just need to put down the fork.

03-Jun-2009, 03:45 PM
You do think to yourself, if she'd just made the effort to walk places she might not be as fat as she is...ironic really.

The thing is, you never know her reasons for being a balloon - could've been doses of steriods as a kid due to an illness, anything really...so to call her up on being fat is discriminatory in the extreme. Whilst on the outside it may just appear that an over indulgent relationship with food has caused her problems, the truth is you don't know and it's far more embarassing if she calls you up on that rather than you calling her up for being a fat wheelchair hog...

03-Jun-2009, 05:17 PM
The thing is, you never know her reasons for being a balloon - could've been doses of steriods as a kid due to an illness, anything really...so to call her up on being fat is discriminatory in the extreme. Whilst on the outside it may just appear that an over indulgent relationship with food has caused her problems, the truth is you don't know and it's far more embarassing if she calls you up on that rather than you calling her up for being a fat wheelchair hog...

Exactly. It does seem like there's a lot of abuse of those carts these days, and it annoys me too, but I would hesitate to judge any individual using one of them without actually knowing them and their background. Some people who may just appear to be obese do have legitimate disabilities.

04-Jun-2009, 12:25 AM
Speaking from the fat peoples side...I am overweight and the only time I used those carts is when I had been in a car accident and had a broken foot. I also have other medical issues and would use the cart if I HAD to, only if I have to.
You don't know what people are going through that might look healthy on the outside but have major problems on the inside.
The medical issues I have you would never guess in a million years anything is wrong with me. To someone looking on ,I am just a fat lady hogging the cart.
I am glad Walmart has them so disabled people can shop in their store.
Not that I want to give Walmart any kudos..(that is another discussion)
BTW: that lady that rode the cart out of the store was wrong to do that, you aren't allowed to take them outside. Anyway,if she was able walk through Walmart unassisted that wasn't fair of her to take the cart in the first place.
SRP,that is horrible your grandfather didn't get the cart. I have run into that myself on a very very bad day when I needed one and all them were being used.

04-Jun-2009, 02:45 AM
That is so messed up. Oh well, life.

04-Jun-2009, 02:48 AM
while i was in school, i worked at a grocery store that had four of those carts, and we could never keep them plugged in long enough to get a decent charge, then they'd die on the customers in the middle of the store, and they'd just sit there, then act as if they didn't know what to do...so, i'd have to go and push the fucking thing back all the way across the store, get them another one, and take it all the way back to them. pretty fun.

and yeah, the majority of the time, the people using them looked like they had a problem with motivation more than a disability that warranted them using a cripple cart....but as deb says, you can't always judge a book by its cover. i'm sure there were people with problems who needed to use them, but unless i saw any visual evidence of injury/ailment, i'd be a little suspicious of their reasons for needing to sit down while they did their shopping (for twinkies, cookies, ice cream, nacho cheese)

not to poke fun or anything, but i always got a kick out of that radio commercial on the GTA4 radio stations advertising personal scooters:
"are you in a motorized scooter because you're fat? or are you fat because you're in a motorized scooter? who cares? you're in a scooter, and they're not!"

04-Jun-2009, 03:09 AM
not to poke fun or anything, but i always got a kick out of that radio commercial on the GTA4 radio stations advertising personal scooters:
"are you in a motorized scooter because you're fat? or are you fat because you're in a motorized scooter? who cares? you're in a scooter, and they're not!"

:lol: good one!!:lol:

04-Jun-2009, 04:45 AM
The percentage of American fat,obese,and lazy people compared to European nations is astounding (Well next to Belgium).

I'm pretty sure you can judge this book by its cover.

She was fat enough to use a motorized cart.

Lazy enough not to walk from the store to her cart.

Her children were pushing carts(Plural) of food to the vehicle.

Thus, she is a fat lazy American.

Obesity is not a handicap. What your father had is a handicap. Fat people should have anti handicap spots placed on the furthermost possible point from the store entrance. If they are seen parking anywhere else, ticket them. The ticket keeps them from spending so much money on food, they eat less, and it helps the obesity crisis that way as well.

04-Jun-2009, 06:26 AM
I worked at walmart
so what i witnessed with my own eyes
doesnt even make it a debate.

yes they would run out of charge.
but these people would just get up and leave the
cart in the aisle and walk away.
not say anything, not tell someone that there is
a cart that needs charging, oh no.
they would just haul their gigantic asses out
and waddle off and continue shopping.
yes get up and walk off.
the lame walked when the battery died.

04-Jun-2009, 08:39 AM
Ugh i despise obese people,they make every excuse for being the way they are & they moan like hell about needing to lose weight but refuse to actually get off their lardy arses and do something about it!if you tell them to get some exercise they look at you like you've just asked them to solve some impossible riddle,or they reel off a load of medical conditions they supposedly have which stop them doing exercise!I run a few miles every couple of nights & i lift weights but nothing excessive,and im in good shape!its not exactly difficult! eat less,exercise more!
I see this all the time in UK supermarkets as well,fat jabbas hogging the disabled carts with their bloated red faces,traffic cone arms & scaly ankles!

04-Jun-2009, 12:10 PM
i used to see the sort in macdonalds all the time, the "she needs a second chair for 'support' " kind of chubster, granted i know some people cant help it, but plenty can, andif you get to the point where gravity starts to drag heavier portions of you to the ground and you need to sit for a breath after taking a shit you should have some incling that you need to do some exercise.

04-Jun-2009, 12:34 PM
It's important to remember that obesity can be symptom of other health problems, such as an arthritis or muscular syndromes or injuries that limit a person's ability to get exercise, or psychological issues and eating disorders. However, nothing pisses me off more than people with AVOIDABLE, self-inflicted health issues that they attempt to do nothing about but bitch and moan, when other people even those with unavoidable, incurable problems (SRP's dad) are forced to buckle down and struggle on regardless.

04-Jun-2009, 02:18 PM
American has a huge problem with obesity. I just got back from a 2 week trip to Europe and was amazed at how few overweight people I saw. I realize that some people cannot help their weight or other issues but I can only imagine what our country will be like in 20 years if our weight issues continue to expand.

04-Jun-2009, 02:55 PM
The percentage of American fat,obese,and lazy people compared to European nations is astounding (Well next to Belgium).

I'm pretty sure you can judge this book by its cover.

She was fat enough to use a motorized cart.

Lazy enough not to walk from the store to her cart.

Her children were pushing carts(Plural) of food to the vehicle.

Thus, she is a fat lazy American.

Well, as has been pointed out above, it's not always that simple. However...

Fat people should have anti handicap spots placed on the furthermost possible point from the store entrance.

Fat people parking is a pretty cool idea, though a bit nannyish for my taste. Gave me a chuckle, though :)

04-Jun-2009, 05:41 PM
fat jabbas hogging the disabled carts with their bloated red faces,traffic cone arms & scaly ankles!

I know, I'm going to Hell for this, but I can't help it...


"Traffic cone arms" just put it over the top. "Not supposed to make fun", but that was just funny.

04-Jun-2009, 05:46 PM
American has a huge problem with obesity. I just got back from a 2 week trip to Europe and was amazed at how few overweight people I saw. I realize that some people cannot help their weight or other issues but I can only imagine what our country will be like in 20 years if our weight issues continue to expand.

In twenty years all the kids that start out obese will either get their acts together or die in their thirties or forties, sounds harsh, but either way the problem is self correcting. We;re importing enough illegals to keep the country running and if Americans die out because they can't control themselves then we become Mexico Norte.


04-Jun-2009, 06:07 PM
I know, I'm going to Hell for this, but I can't help it...


"Traffic cone arms" just put it over the top. "Not supposed to make fun", but that was just funny.

Not forgetting the "batwing shirts" they wear :lol:

I went to KFC a few weeks ago (i dont eat it often,but every now and again is sweet) and while i was in the queue there was a spotty frizzy haired obese girl who was probably only in her late teens/early twenties sat there shovelling a family bucket into her mouth with such ferocity i thought she was going to eat her fingers as well!it was a disgusting sight to see & i couldnt help thinking to myself "i think you've had enough luv,look at the size of you!" :eek: do these people not care about their appearance?

05-Jun-2009, 03:25 AM
American has a huge problem with obesity. I just got back from a 2 week trip to Europe and was amazed at how few overweight people I saw. I realize that some people cannot help their weight or other issues but I can only imagine what our country will be like in 20 years if our weight issues continue to expand.

Have you seen Wall-E? That is what we will end up looking like if the weight issues continue to expand. http://blogs.nypost.com/movies/photos/obese-captain-from-wall-e-3-views.jpeg

05-Jun-2009, 12:14 PM
I remember when I was in Vegas, going into one of the hotel (all you can eat) buffets, a middle age (American) women was coming out...

She was very large and actually had in effect support braces down her legs, I assume to help her walk and support her mass...

Surely, at some stage in her life, maybe when she started to realise she was having mobility problems a little alarm rang in her head, "put less food in your mouth?"

05-Jun-2009, 12:56 PM
Have you seen Wall-E? That is what we will end up looking like if the weight issues continue to expand. http://blogs.nypost.com/movies/photos/obese-captain-from-wall-e-3-views.jpeg

This is the main thing that ruined Wall E for me. I didn't want to see a CG children's movie just to be repeatedly beaten over the head about how fat and stupid the human race is.

Easily the worst pixar film...

05-Jun-2009, 02:28 PM
This is the main thing that ruined Wall E for me. I didn't want to see a CG children's movie just to be repeatedly beaten over the head about how fat and stupid the human race is.

Easily the worst pixar film...

Didn't have a problem with that :)

Cars was my worse Pixar movie - Saying that, it was still a good flick :)

05-Jun-2009, 04:42 PM
This is the main thing that ruined Wall E for me. I didn't want to see a CG children's movie just to be repeatedly beaten over the head about how fat and stupid the human race is.

Easily the worst pixar film...

i didnt find it too bad, the humans in wall-e werent stupid, they were just many generations down the line of having everything done for them, wasnt the captain one of the heroes of the film?, he gave up a life of kooshy relaxation for a life of farming and recultivating the earth, thats not that much of a high and mighty message on how stupid we are is it?

09-Jun-2009, 05:34 AM
As I said before A LOT of overweight people can NOT help that they are overweight.
Everyone has the right to use those Walmart carts if they need them and it is up to that person whether they are overweight or not to decide if they need it or not.
When I needed one I used it, besides do you think in your wildest dreams a person likes to be overweight?
Maybe instead of judging these people everyone could try to understand where they are coming from, I understand for sure cause I am in the same boat. I am your friend would you judge me if you saw me in a restaurant?
I dunno you have touched a nerve with me with some of the things you have said, they are seem unkind to me personally.
I understand some people you see shoveling the food in seems gross but you have to try to understand that is because overweight people use food as comfort, something they aren't getting from anywhere else.
They take food as their love,companion,whateverthat is for some anyway.

09-Jun-2009, 05:47 AM
As I said before A LOT of overweight people can NOT help that they are overweight.
Walmart carts are no concern of mine but I do agree that not all cases of obesity are remedied by 'putting the fork down'. My mother is quite large and eats very little - anyone who tells her to 'put the fork down' in front of me will end up with a swift clump around the earhole! It is a simple fact that a lot of women pile on the pounds after squeezing out a few puppies.

I am not defending the hogs who jump on the carts because of lack of exercise but I think a line has to be drawn somewhere.

09-Jun-2009, 08:16 AM
Its frustrating to see people we percieve as not taking care of themselves, alcoholics, drug addicts, obese people...these things all follow a cyclical and addictive nature and it's very easy to judge people based on this kind of thing because we don't see ourselves as doing the same thing...

but ask yourself how many rituals and habits you have...tea, coffee, TV, binge drinking, eating etc etc....we're all the same and all follow these things without necessarily being aware of it, its just some people are easily affected compared to others - and visibly affected. None of us know how many people in this thread are crack addicts and thusly hypocrites!!

The truth is though, people don't like to see those who are overweight being victims to their misfortune - people admire positive and progressive efforts to improve oneself and nothing is more apparent than someone overweight shovelling food into their mouth, it's something you can instantly identify with being wrong or bad for that person, there's no politics and on the outside it seems black and white....but it never is.

09-Jun-2009, 11:24 AM
So true. Life is so complicated, sometimes it boggles the mind. Mmmm, Boggle. Now there's a fun game! Anyway, I thought WALL-E was awesome. Cars was worst only because it was... cars. Also all the shameless marketing put me off. But I digress. No matter what your views on the obese (kill McDonald's!), what that woman did was just plain rude and selfish. If humans would just watch out for each other more, maybe we wouldn't need so much comfort food. Society is changing, and maybe not for the better.

09-Jun-2009, 08:39 PM
yes some people can not help being overweight.
and that is unfortunate.
but for thier own good and the good of the people
that care about them they need medical help just
like any other person with a health issue.
And eating for comfort is wrong, its a subsitite that
is unhealthy. But I understand it.

But there are the people who are fat and lazy
and are gluttons in the true sense of the word:
"one given habitually to greedy and voracious eating and drinking"

These are the people who deserve no pity.
I had a friend who was like 300lbs.
One day I said 'lets get lunch'. so I went into
a place and got a sandwich and a drink.
His lunch was this: a full box of devil dogs,
a full box of ring dings, 2 big bags of salt and vinegar
potato chips and a 2 liter bottle of ginger ale.
Total Junk food. He told me there were 2 food groups:
sugar and sodium. his motto was 'eat, lie down-eat, lie down'

His whole family was like that. His uncle was so fat he ended up
looking like a weeble, his legs lost in his gut somewhere.
He was so fat his apnea was so bad he had to be hooked
to 2 machines at night, 1 to keep his airway open and the other
to actually push oxygen into his lungs so he wouldnt smother
from his own weight. there was no illness here, just being a

So don't be insulted Deb, I am aware of how some people
truly cant help weight gain, and others are just fat gross
beasts who only move fast when McDonalds is about to close.


09-Jun-2009, 08:46 PM
Wether or not people can help their weight, those auto-cart-things are not meant for overweight people. They're meant for disabled or nearly disabled people.

10-Jun-2009, 03:33 AM
When I see fat, lazy people using the motor cart thingees, I am always pushing stuff in their way. No sense in making life too easy for the lazy.

Eric J.
17-Jun-2009, 07:49 AM
I hate how they run you over.:rant: