View Full Version : "Fire in the Hole"

04-Jun-2009, 12:40 AM
They were filming in my town again yesterday on a pilot for a tv series on FX.
I got a call to be an extra and I just got my 1 or 2 seconds of fame.
I was there all day for filming, it was so cool!
A lot of hurry up and wait, definitely interesting day!
If I make it on the film and not on the cutting room floor, lol you can find me at the outside the courthouse. I am the lady standing and walking right before you go in the doors. You can't miss me I am the only one in the middle of the walkway.
They filmed one day here and moved on to the next town. This time our town is in Kentucky.
Woww our costumes were "FUGLY" we had to take clothes with us and wardrobe picked out what they wanted us "extras" to wear. Some people the wardrobe lady said looked to "urban" and they had to dress "down". lol
They wanted cowboy hats and cowboy boots(nobody wore them). Like I said a very interesting day.
The only star I have heard that is in the pilot is Timothy Olyphant and he plays a US Marshal.
I saw him and the lead actress but from my pov I couldn't get a good view of their faces.

04-Jun-2009, 03:01 PM
Sounds cool, Debbie!

Did Olyphant still have his head shaved still? He had it shaved for some press shots I saw when we were all talking about his role in The Crazies remake (unrelated to that movie, I think).

If I make it on the film and not on the cutting room floor, lol you can find me at the outside the courthouse. I am the lady standing and walking right before you go in the doors. You can't miss me I am the only one in the middle of the walkway.

My fingers are crossed that your debut makes it through post-production intact ;)

04-Jun-2009, 07:10 PM
Sounds cool, Debbie!

Did Olyphant still have his head shaved still? He had it shaved for some press shots I saw when we were all talking about his role in The Crazies remake (unrelated to that movie, I think).

My fingers are crossed that your debut makes it through post-production intact ;)

Olyphant has a full head of hair! lol

I think most people don't make it in the movie when they are extra's...I don't know tho...after we left, they were doing scenes with Olyphant and lead actress inside the courthouse.
When you are a little peon extra you are kept in a place they call "extra's holding" and you can't leave so, you don't know what is going on anywhere else.
I am hoping I make in the cut but, if not I had fun and I got to see some filmmaking. "Rolling" "Background" "Action" lol