View Full Version : New BNP leaflets

04-Jun-2009, 06:34 PM
Click (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/local-elections/5331700/British-pensioners-on-BNP-election-leaflet-are-actually-Italian-models.html) for article. :lol:

04-Jun-2009, 10:11 PM
That's funny, but I don't really think it's fair to single them out. Every political party puts out fake-ass testimonials to push its "ideals". These jokers just happened to get caught in the act.

04-Jun-2009, 10:37 PM
The thing that non-UK members should understand about the BNP is that they are literally a Fascist party - not in a "oh, you're against immigration so you must be racist" way, but in a very real sense. It's only a couple of years since they started playing down their policy of Holocaust denial and eased back on openly campaigning on "rights for whites". Many of their members are former Nazi skinheads and they have historical ties with White supremacist organizations. Their original name was the National Front. The most absurd thing about their recent campaign is that they have been using the angle of "our grandfathers didn't fight in the Second World War we could be overrun with Muslims, blacks, Jews and Poles", in an attempt to divert the nation's hatred of Fascism away from the actual Fascists and onto immigrants and their descendants.

04-Jun-2009, 11:16 PM
That's funny, but I don't really think it's fair to single them out. Every political party puts out fake-ass testimonials to push its "ideals". These jokers just happened to get caught in the act.

no dude, these people really are one of the worst examples out there right now, there currently starting a movement the media has dubbed "the britler youth" to try and "catch em young and teach em white is right" and teach them firearms and give them prizes in exchange for 3 hours a week "patriotism" and reporting anyone who has an ethnicity to the immigration board.

my counties right next to one where these guys have the majority vote and ive seen them trying to rally people and actively heckle and threaten uni students who arent white.

these people are monsters. Hell there the first party ive heard of in my lifetime that the church of England has actively dissuaded people from voting for.

05-Jun-2009, 12:27 AM
I'm not a fan of our immigration policies, but these dudes are to stay away from. I used to play "Mob Wars" on facebook quite a bit, added random members to get my numbers up. A BNP member turned up in my friendslist. Once spotted I eradicated all unknowns and have barely played since.

Those dudes are beyond sick and stupid. The worst thing is, they believe their own shit.

05-Jun-2009, 09:46 AM
Everytime you see a doc about them, or one of their cretinous brood interview on telly, it just makes my skin crawl and my anger boil.

They're apparently "all for" the Gurkhas now ... except that not that long ago they were calling the very same Gurkhas "mercenaries" who shouldn't be allowed in our country.

Absolutely disgusting, so they are. What we need is for them to be forcefully and publically challenged on every single 'policy' they have, for they prey on the angry, mob-minded, and uneducated (either those who dropped out of school and never got an education, or those who are uneducated about their politics).

They way the BNP have been hijacking "damn-straight" issues and smearing them with their hate-filled filth is sickening.


As for the picture - haha, how ironic ... that mistake would have been more delicious if they were non-white though (indeed, you must be white to be a member of the BNP) ... actually, I'm amazed the BNP isn't somehow illegal. :eek:


Also - you never guess what I got in the post yesterday, addressed to me - a "vote Labour" leaflet! :hurl:

Fuckin' ewwwww!!!

I shredded that bastard quick smart. :lol: Needless to say, they didn't get my vote yesterday.

05-Jun-2009, 09:51 AM
Also - you never guess what I got in the post yesterday, addressed to me - a "vote Labour" leaflet! :hurl:

Fuckin' ewwwww!!!

I shredded that bastard quick smart. :lol: Needless to say, they didn't get my vote yesterday.
No one got my vote yesterday and no one will in the future. As much as I hate the BNP, I would rather vote for scum like them than Labour, Conservative or Liberals. I used to be conservative but now I detest anyone in the 'big three' - they are all liars. None of them are worth a carat.

05-Jun-2009, 03:51 PM
No one got my vote yesterday and no one will in the future. As much as I hate the BNP, I would rather vote for scum like them than Labour, Conservative or Liberals. I used to be conservative but now I detest anyone in the 'big three' - they are all liars. None of them are worth a carat.

How about UKIP?

There are plenty of minor parties if you don't like the big three. If you hate all of the big guys, might as well vote for one of the little guys whose policies you like. There's bound to be one.

05-Jun-2009, 04:34 PM
How about UKIP?

There are plenty of minor parties if you don't like the big three. If you hate all of the big guys, might as well vote for one of the little guys whose policies you like. There's bound to be one.

yeah i gotta agree, in uni today we were talking about who we were voting for adn most people were saying brown over cameron or vice versa because they hate the other more, but honestly, picking the lesser of two douchebags is stil a douchebag, brown comes off as the bullied kid who got put in charge of the class and now wants to be bitter, and cameron comes across as a total creep, in the wormtongue true sense of the word, he genuinely reminds me of from the lord of the rings.
Plus stephen king put it best, something like "im not right or left wing, i have politcal views across the map unique to each topic, becuase im a human bieng not a set piece to be palced in a group",pretentious as hell, but i get the meaning.

surprisingly the lib dems are getting votes around here, normally there never even considered.

05-Jun-2009, 05:56 PM
Ironically, the 'lefty' Labour crowd of the last 12 years have been far more right-wing than the current-day 'righty' Conservative Party.

I don't 'get' anyone who says Cameron's a "creep" - James Purnell, aka "Photoshopper", that dude comes off as a creep - just look at Purnell's face, you know he's scheming shit - and, shock-horror, he turned out to be a right schemer, resigning one minute after the polls closed last night and flamed Brown in his resignation letter, kicking off a real whirlwind around that bullying thug with no vision (that's not a sight joke, I mean "vision" as in ideas) that is Brown.

The Conservatives today don't resemble the party of their past, same goes for Labour today not resembling their past.

The LibDems are not anything - they're too big to be a pressure group, and they're too small to be an actual party of any grunt.

Change won't come from voting UKIP or any of that lot of small parties - they're one-note wonders (UKIP is Europe - I don't agree with exiting entirely, instead pulling our bodies out and leaving our toes dangling in the water ... Green is about hugging trees and composting their poo :p ... BNP is about being racist ... Monster Raving Loony Party is about taking the piss out of democracy ... and then there's even more of the fuckers).

Voting in spite is pointless - if you want to be spiteful, don't vote.

If you don't know much about any of the parties:
A) Do some research, then make an educated decision.
B) Stay at home and don't vote.

Voting for a bunch of little fishes in a massive pond is no good either, because it dilutes the actual votes which will actually bring about something different for Britain - which we sorely need (this withering bunch of morons in #10 right now are hideously ill-prepared, and then many more bad things).

It's like "proportional representation" - no thanks - you'll just end up with too many cooks spoiling a thoroughly rotten "hung parliament" broth, and then you'll end up like some shoddy European/African country which can't get its act together.

Fact is, a whole mess of small parties is retarded on its own - you need a handful of large parties, which fully fleshed-out and realised ideas and policies, not a rabble of odds-shouting one-note-non-wonders getting in the way of the three main parties.

In my view, if you don't agree, don't bloomin' vote.

I despise protest voting. Protest by not voting, I say.

05-Jun-2009, 08:49 PM
I despise protest voting. Protest by not voting, I say.

How do they know what you're protesting if you don't vote? E.g. if a lot of people started voting for the Libertarian party, the big parties would know that the voters thought they were all too statist. If a lot of people started voting for the communist or socialist parties, the big parties would know that the voters thought they were all too capitalist. But a non-vote can communicate anything from general dissatisfaction to satisfied complacency.

05-Jun-2009, 09:04 PM
I used to not bother with voting because I think generally all politicians are shitebags. Then I realised that huge numbers of people do the same as I did, and that the drop in regular voters was leading to higher and higher percentages of votes going towards fear/hate-mongering parties like the BNP because their voters are paranoid, opinionated nutbags who will ALWAYS vote. Therefore, I figured voting for the least shitebaggy of a shitebaggy lot really was the best option - the politicians aren't going to go home and cry because they didn't get my vote, they'll just start pandering to the remaining (increasingly extremist) voters in order to get into power - and now I vote every chance I get.

And fuck tactical voting, I'll vote for whoever I agree with the most, whatever the size of the party. If everyone did that, then we'd be free of Lab-Con bullshit.

06-Jun-2009, 10:58 AM
How do they know what you're protesting if you don't vote? E.g. if a lot of people started voting for the Libertarian party, the big parties would know that the voters thought they were all too statist. If a lot of people started voting for the communist or socialist parties, the big parties would know that the voters thought they were all too capitalist. But a non-vote can communicate anything from general dissatisfaction to satisfied complacency.
They'd know all-too-well from the lack of people voting - e.g. in Salford (I think that's the one), they had a local election/by-election (somethingeruther), and the turn out was a dramatically low 17% - I mean that's pathetic, even for whatever type of election it was they were holding.

Protest voting gets in the way of actually getting any change whatsoever, it plays into the hands of getting stuck with the same shower of shites who have been shitting all your country.

America got their change, and a number of other countries have also gotten their change recently - now it's Britain's turn, goddamnit!

Also, I'd much rather have folk that know sod-all about politics not voting at all - the sorts like you see on Newsnight getting interviewed, they just mumble the same factually untrue lines like "they're all the same" and "they're all thieves", and they clearly don't pay any attention to the news, let alone bother going online to check out the respective party websites - which clearly state each partie's case and ideas - ergo, I'd much rather such people not vote.

Then there's people who don't care about politics at all, or say "they're all as bad as each other" (which is again a spurious opinion), and again I'd much rather them not vote at all.

Leave voting to those who really believe in the choice they make, that's what I say - ergo, I can't abide protest voting, or people just crossing any old box.

08-Jun-2009, 04:00 PM
Also, I'd much rather have folk that know sod-all about politics not voting at all - the sorts like you see on Newsnight getting interviewed, they just mumble the same factually untrue lines like "they're all the same" and "they're all thieves", and they clearly don't pay any attention to the news, let alone bother going online to check out the respective party websites - which clearly state each partie's case and ideas - ergo, I'd much rather such people not vote.

Then there's people who don't care about politics at all, or say "they're all as bad as each other" (which is again a spurious opinion), and again I'd much rather them not vote at all.

Leave voting to those who really believe in the choice they make, that's what I say - ergo, I can't abide protest voting, or people just crossing any old box.

I certainly agree with you there. High voter turnout is not necessarily a good thing in itself. My point was aimed at those who are interested and do care, but can't stand voting for any of the major parties. For such people, I think voting for the minor party that best represents one's views is preferable to not voting. Otherwise such a person's non-vote can't be distinguished from the non-voting of all those you talk about who don't know and don't care anything about politics.

08-Jun-2009, 05:57 PM
I certainly agree with you there. High voter turnout is not necessarily a good thing in itself. My point was aimed at those who are interested and do care, but can't stand voting for any of the major parties. For such people, I think voting for the minor party that best represents one's views is preferable to not voting. Otherwise such a person's non-vote can't be distinguished from the non-voting of all those you talk about who don't know and don't care anything about politics.
Fair point well made.

08-Jun-2009, 06:58 PM
A lot of people on my facebook friends list have been practically hysterical today because the BNP gained a couple of seats,saying they feel physically sick & want to cry etc,but they are the same people who just a few days ago when asked if they were voting said "i wont be voting,it doesnt make any difference & they're all the same anyway", sorry but the very fact they didnt turn out -and that applies to a huge percentage of the population - means that they gave griffin & his racist cohorts an opportunity to get in with very few votes! They all had the chance to turn out and vote for any of the other main or fringe parties which would likely have blocked the BNP from getting in, but instead they were probably all sat at home eagerly watching the launch of the new big brother series,pretending politics was some far off boring land that doesnt affect them & their lives. Voter apathy & indifference has let a fascist party get a foot on the ladder, lets hope by the next election people will have been shaken up enough by this to get off their arses & vote against them,even if its just for the monster raving loony party!
I cant stand the BNP,but they have won their seats fair & square so all these people who didnt turn out to vote that are making a fuss now have nobody to blame but themselves!

08-Jun-2009, 07:32 PM
A lot of people on my facebook friends list have been practically hysterical today because the BNP gained a couple of seats,saying they feel physically sick & want to cry etc,but they are the same people who just a few days ago when asked if they were voting said "i wont be voting,it doesnt make any difference & they're all the same anyway", sorry but the very fact they didnt turn out -and that applies to a huge percentage of the population - means that they gave griffin & his racist cohorts an opportunity to get in with very few votes! They all had the chance to turn out and vote for any of the other main or fringe parties which would likely have blocked the BNP from getting in, but instead they were probably all sat at home eagerly watching the launch of the new big brother series,pretending politics was some far off boring land that doesnt affect them & their lives. Voter apathy & indifference has let a fascist party get a foot on the ladder, lets hope by the next election people will have been shaken up enough by this to get off their arses & vote against them,even if its just for the monster raving loony party!
I cant stand the BNP,but they have won their seats fair & square so all these people who didnt turn out to vote that are making a fuss now have nobody to blame but themselves!
What frustrates me is that the few people in the media who are challenging the BNP, aren't putting up any kind of fight. They're all being very polite about it and not challenging the BNP on their views and what they've said in the past & present.

09-Jun-2009, 08:27 PM
If you don't vote, then you shouldn't be allowed to live in a democracy. That's what I say.

10-Jun-2009, 08:43 AM
If you don't vote, then you shouldn't be allowed to live in a democracy. That's what I say.
Not voting is surely a democratic choice - choosing to not give your vote to anyone.

You don't have to if you don't want to ... but then equally, if you don't get involved, you can't complain specifically about certain things.

As for the BNP...

1) I'm sick of politicians & journalists stone-walling them - debate these fuckers, and show them up for exactly what they are.

2) Stop calling them "far right" - the tone you often hear "right" used on the BBC suggests their own political bias against any right-of-centre party, so essentially they're trying to suggest "BNP = Conservative, and vice versa".

The political spectrum isn't a line, it's a circle - the BNP are both at the far right, and the far left - indeed, probably more far left than far right - the best description would be "ultra nationalist".

3) News readers/commentators/presenters need to stop being so fucking polite to the BNP whenever they interview one of them (mainly Nick-sodding-Griffin). They're all "please" and "thank you" with the BNP, and simply ask them a robotic question and allow them to say their piece in its entirety, with - at best - a vague chuck in of "but you're racist though, aren't you?" and then they run away from the issue.

These same presenters will happily give the Tories a hard time, or UKIP, or even the LibDems, but the BNP are getting let off the hook - it's sickening.

Ugh - morning rant over.

10-Jun-2009, 01:04 PM
Not voting is surely a democratic choice - choosing to not give your vote to anyone.

You don't have to if you don't want to ... but then equally, if you don't get involved, you can't complain specifically about certain things.

I don't agree. You can always leave a blank vote, if that's the sort of thing you're after.

Chic Freak
10-Jun-2009, 06:20 PM
I think everyone should have to vote, but there should be a box to tick to say you are conscientiously abstaining from voting (rather than just not bothering). It would maintain democracy in every sense and also be better representative of the public's true views, because people who had no faith in any party would also be counted.

Stop calling them "far right" - the tone you often hear "right" used on the BBC suggests their own political bias against any right-of-centre party, so essentially they're trying to suggest "BNP = Conservative, and vice versa".

The political spectrum isn't a line, it's a circle - the BNP are both at the far right, and the far left - indeed, probably more far left than far right - the best description would be "ultra nationalist".

huh? Isn't it fair to refer to the BNP as being far right? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I genuinely don't understand what you're saying here?

10-Jun-2009, 07:19 PM
I think everyone should have to vote, but there should be a box to tick to say you are conscientiously abstaining from voting (rather than just not bothering). It would maintain democracy in every sense and also be better representative of the public's true views, because people who had no faith in any party would also be counted.

Forcing people to go and vote, even just to register themselves not voting? :rockbrow:

Sounds less democratic to me, or less suitable an action in a democracy. If a bunch of people don't want to get up and go to the polling station, then fine, and if they're all "yaboo sucks, they're all the same" and they don't wanna vote, then fine again with them staying at home.

It's their choice, and if that's what they want, then fine by me.


The political spectrum shouldn't be viewed as a single straight line - it should be viewed as a circle - and the BNP come at the joining point between both ends - extreme left and extreme right, but saying "the far righty-lefty BNP" or whatever isn't much cop, so they should be called "ultra nationalist" - which makes sense with their party's name anyway, and they're extreme agenda regarding nationalistic values.

Tim Montgomerie explains it better than I can:

In some ways their professed patriotism might put them on the traditional right of the political spectrum although it is, of course, true that many on the Left also love their country. I would argue, however, that many of their policies come from a Left-wing, big state mindset. This partly explains their success in traditionally Labour areas. I think, for example, of the BNP's support for high rates of taxation on higher income earners, their support for nationalising strategically important economic assets and also their protectionist policies on trade.

Lord Tebbit also described the BNP recently as:

"Labour With Racism"

The BNP also fucks me off in the way they try to seize agendas by just spouting words like "imma'gints" or "soldiers" ... ... it's like that Family Guy episode when Lois runs for Mayor of Quahog, and she just panders to the voters by repeatedly droning "9/11" as her answer to everything - resulting in the audience going wild for her and voting her in.

It also makes a lot of sense to not describe them solely as "far right" (I do wonder if certain rabidly left and still rather angry sorts in the BBC etc are trying to suggest "BNP = Conservative Party", to be honest). The BNP have gotten themselves their votes from Labour heartlands, from disenchanted Labour voters.

I was speaking to an ex-paid-up-member of the Labour Party today who said the same thing, but who is fortunately also disgusted by the BNP.

Chic Freak
12-Jun-2009, 04:56 PM
Forcing people to go and vote, even just to register themselves not voting? :rockbrow:

Sounds less democratic to me, or less suitable an action in a democracy. If a bunch of people don't want to get up and go to the polling station, then fine, and if they're all "yaboo sucks, they're all the same" and they don't wanna vote, then fine again with them staying at home.

It's their choice, and if that's what they want, then fine by me.

Me too. I just think that the number of people actively choosing not to vote should be registered as well as what parties are voted for. It would be a way of accurately measuring voter faith in the system and the available parties. Say if the winning party got in by a 30% majority, but another 30% of the population ticked the "I don't think any of these bastards should be allowed to rule the country" box- that would tell us something important about just how popular the winning party really are.

they should be called "ultra nationalist" - which makes sense with their party's name anyway, and they're extreme agenda regarding nationalistic values.

The term "ultra-nationalist" and- let's face it- the BNP itself- made me think of the Nazis... would you also class them as far lefty-righty? Again, I'm not being argumentative, just genuinely trying to get a grip on what you mean :)

Lord Tebbit also described the BNP recently as: "Labour With Racism"

Can I be super cynical here and ask whether Lord Tebbit is a Tory trying to capitalise on anti-BNP feeling by likening Labour to them? If I'm wrong and he's actually a member of the Green party or something I do apologise.

The BNP also fucks me off in the way they try to seize agendas by just spouting words like "imma'gints" or "soldiers" ...

Agreed. It's the ultimate in appealing to the lowest common denominator tactics and it makes me sick.

I do wonder if certain rabidly left and still rather angry sorts in the BBC etc are trying to suggest "BNP = Conservative Party", to be honest

Surely being rabidly left would also make them rabidly right and therefore in favour of the BNP? :p

12-Jun-2009, 06:06 PM
"I don't think any of these bastards should be allowed to rule the country"

Bizarre - and I don't agree with that thought at all. That's the sort of "yaboo sucks, a pox on all your houses" thinking that's not going to help Britain, parliament, or politics in general in this country.

Also, it'd be odd to have "I'm not voting" count as a vote that influences the outcome - are you voting, or are you not? That's "cake and eat it too" 'am and am not voting' you've got there. :p

Lord Tebbit is a Tory - but very much an old Tory - i.e. old, buggered out, looks like a corpse, totally old school, old guard, out-of-date - I think he's a bit of a trouble-making arse as well actually (unless I'm thinking of another old-ass, old-school, out-of-date Tory back bencher who looks similarly returned from the living dead).

Regardless of whether his comment is spiteful or inciteful - it is a good point - because essentially (this was looked at on Polling Report too), the BNP votes came from Labour voters. Although the poll/report suggested that policy wise those who voted BNP should have really been "working class Tories" - but if they were always voting Labour, then you just know they wouldn't be caught dead voting Tory, so regardless of whatever variables and "ifs", the BNP votes came specifically and wholly (bar the inevitable handful) from the Labour side.

"Labour with Racism" is a bit simplified, but it also makes a fair bit of sense in short hand - although the BNP have policies which straddle the left and right of the political mindset circle (circle - not line), but I do believe that the BNP are certainly (ideologically, and policy wise) technically left wing.

I do wonder if the media classing them as "far right" is down to a snide disliking of any "right wing" party (regardless of where on the right - basically, "anyone who isn't Labour" - knowing the likes of Kay-fucking-Burley et al prancing around) ... but I'd certainly bargain that a lot of it is just down to people not being able to classify the BNP specifically - hence why "ultra nationalist" would make the most sense, or "extreme nationalist" or something like that. It's all flag-waving stuff, but with the epic down side of being incredibly xenophobic, racist and violent.

Agreed. It's the ultimate in appealing to the lowest common denominator tactics and it makes me sick.

*high five* for shared disgust.

Surely being rabidly left would also make them rabidly right and therefore in favour of the BNP? :p

Well, there's rabidly left, and then there's fucking barmy - the latter is where the BNP are ... violently barmy even.

What I was really meaning I guess, is the likes of Kay Burley, or that arse of a Labour politician who is "proud" of "never wearing a suit" (seriously - you're proud of that - to call that an achievement worth being proud of, is an insult to all achievements ever gained :lol:) ... Skinner is his name, I think - he's there in a sports jacket or something, about ten-or-less arses usually to Gordon Brown's right hand side ... he's often sat on the stairs too...he is an arse.

Anyway - yeah - the sort of left winger who is really snide and arrogant about being on the left, the sort of person who says bullshit like "left is right, and right is wrong" - I hate arses like that...ugh! There's such people on the far right too - the sort of people who bash gays, and then get caught with a cock-in-the-mouth in a public toilet.


I did see a rather funny video of Dianne Abbott (Labour) taking the piss out of Keith Vaz (Labour - corrupt, complete arse, ambulance chaser, liar, general twat) when he stood up to congratulate Postman Johnson on getting the Home Office job (congratulate him on gaining the job that's sent countless MPs to their political graves? :confused::lol:) - Abbott made slurping noises (they really sounded like cock-sucking noises though, ha!) - even Johnson found it hilarious (as did many of the small number of MPs still in the Commons at the time) - Abbott was practically dying just trying to stop from bursting out laughing herself.

Can't find the video now, but it was hilarious.

Abbott is at least someone I can mostly respect on the Labour side - she sticks to her beliefs, she won't be swayed, she's openly critical of 'New' Labour (how cynical of Labour as well to rebrand themselves as "New Labour" too, just thinking about it - what next after they suffer in opposition - "Labour Classic"? :lol:) Mind you, sometimes she can frustrate me - there was something she was saying on "This Week" a few months back, and it was just a bunch of ill-informed, scare-mongering, man-hating tripe which used statistics that were proved incorrect. which washed over the true heart of the issue being discussed (human trafficking, if memory serves). But at least I can respect her generally.

I'll shut up now.

12-Jun-2009, 09:35 PM
The term "ultra-nationalist" and- let's face it- the BNP itself- made me think of the Nazis... would you also class them as far lefty-righty?

Certainly (http://voxday.blogspot.com/2004/04/left-wing-nazi.html) -- not many right-wingers call themselves "socialist" (as in "National Socialist") after all. MZ's right about the BNP too. New Statesman had an article about the BNP (http://www.newstatesman.com/europe/2009/04/bnp-european-party-british) recently that continually called it "far-right," but when looking at the party's actual platform acknowledged that it "has positioned itself to the left of Labour."

12-Jun-2009, 09:57 PM
Fascist parties are almost always Populist, meaning they usually fall somewhere in the mid-rage with most of their policies, deviating only in issues that deal with The Other. Bear in mind though, I think the Left-Right political spectrum is a gross oversimplification. To more accurately chart political stance, you have to introduce another dimension; instead of a two-way spectrum, you can have a four-way polarised spectrum like this, which I think is a lot better at illustrating attitudes:


Here's me, the sad old lefty that I am:
note that I'm Left-Libertarian, not Left-Authoritarian (which would be classed as "socialist" or "communist")

You can take the test here: http://www.politicalcompass.org/index

12-Jun-2009, 10:23 PM
i got almost the same, between ghandi and the dalai lama apparently.

personally id be interested to see just how communist good el ned actually is on this graph :lol:

Chic Freak
13-Jun-2009, 03:19 PM
That test was hard.


I think I'm starting to get the hang of this righty-lefty circle business. Last time I checked, the BNP classed itself as "fascist" so I looked up "fascism" on wiki and this bit (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism#Position_in_the_political_spectrum) was quite interesting and relevant and made things a bit clearer :)

13-Jun-2009, 04:52 PM
"Facism" is too complex - especially for the knuckle-dragging BNP - ergo "c**ts" would be a far more appropriate descriptor for them. :D

I was gonna do that test, but the lack of middle ground "don't know/meh" options turned me off ... plus it was too long/I couldn't be arsed/the new telly arrived at the door. :)

13-Jun-2009, 04:57 PM

Well there we have it!

*edit bugger it wont show,anyway it came up as centre left,although i consider myself more of a centre right kinda guy!

13-Jun-2009, 05:03 PM

Well there we have it!

*edit bugger it wont show,anyway it came up as centre left,although i consider myself more of a centre right kinda guy!
I practice "liberal conservatism" I'd say.

That survey needed more "middle ground/don't know" options though...and also, some of the questions can't be answered with a simple yes or no, they can only be answered with an in-depth and thoughtful essay.

15-Jun-2009, 05:43 PM
My scores this time were 5.38, -0.15, though they seem pretty variable for the reasons described by MZ.

15-Jun-2009, 06:23 PM
I practice "liberal conservatism" I'd say.

That survey needed more "middle ground/don't know" options though...and also, some of the questions can't be answered with a simple yes or no, they can only be answered with an in-depth and thoughtful essay.

Yes, I know, but it's not supposed to be an in-depth scientific psychological test, it's just a bit of fun. The main point of interest is the graph itself, which I think you'll agree is a better way of illustrating political opinion than the oversimplified "left-right" spectrum.