View Full Version : Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Preview

darth los
05-Jun-2009, 03:23 PM

No weapons!?!


It sounds like a game more suited to the p.c. point and click genre. :rolleyes:


05-Jun-2009, 03:56 PM
This is the gayest shit ever! So basically you're a coward the whole game? WTF have they done with the silent hill franchise. They should have stopped at 3. Hell, four wasn't even originally supposed to be a silent hill game!

The only saving grace of these latter games is the soundtrack, and that is all. This is because Akira Yamaoka ROCKS!

No weapons? Go fuck yourselves Capcom or whoever is raping this series to death.

05-Jun-2009, 04:24 PM
actually this is a very good move to set it apart, in resident evil five its lost the horror because your a hard as nails soldier armed to the teeth, harry is a writer in a hellish dimension he has no precedent for and focusing on evasion instead of combat its bringing the survival aspect back into the survival horror genre. a factor which has been decidedly lacking since its turned into the 3rd person shooter with dark imagery genre this generation. If you want guns blazing go to gears of war or dead space, the siren franchise is based on evasion and thats incredibly atmospheric in its utilization of tension and iconography to instill fear in the player.

in resident evil i blow up slow movign people with missile launchers.

when im not throwing grenades in the mouth of giant crabs, which apparently isnt bullshit. :rolleyes:

Honestly im hoping for something akin to the opening chapters of alone in the dark which, glitches aside was a fun change of pace in that collapsing new york skyscraper over the bland brownness of dead space or resi 5.
Not saying it's going to be a certain hit but its doing something a bit more old school, in the clock tower vein, so im hoping a nice return to form for the genre with this, plus the aesthetic of the ice hell replacing the fire is a nice art direction, shame winter didnt see release but this is, though i guess silent hill has the dedicated fanbase to support development costs.

darth los
05-Jun-2009, 04:55 PM
actually this is a very good move to set it apart, in resident evil five its lost the horror because your a hard as nails soldier armed to the teeth, harry is a writer in a hellish dimension he has no precedent for and focusing on evasion instead of combat its bringing the survival aspect back into the survival horror genre. a factor which has been decidedly lacking since its turned into the 3rd person shooter with dark imagery genre this generation. If you want guns blazing go to gears of war or dead space, the siren franchise is based on evasion and thats incredibly atmospheric in its utilization of tension and iconography to instill fear in the player.

in resident evil i blow up slow movign people with missile launchers.

when im not throwing grenades in the mouth of giant crabs, which apparently isnt bullshit. :rolleyes:

Honestly im hoping for something akin to the opening chapters of alone in the dark which, glitches aside was a fun change of pace in that collapsing new york skyscraper over the bland brownness of dead space or resi 5.
Not saying it's going to be a certain hit but its doing something a bit more old school, in the clock tower vein, so im hoping a nice return to form for the genre with this, plus the aesthetic of the ice hell replacing the fire is a nice art direction, shame winter didnt see release but this is, though i guess silent hill has the dedicated fanbase to support development costs.

I see your point and it is a valid one. I just think one of the reasons that franchises like RE have changed course so dramatically is because of the ADHD generation we live in.

It's the same reason why the don't make films in the same manner anymore when it come to slow paced character development. Audiences just want more action and don't have the patience for it.

Take a game like metal gear solid or Splinter cell. The emphasis is on stealth action but there's still the option to rip enemies a new one. Taking that away is a big mistake, imo.

I think that there is a niche for this sort of thing but nothing that's going to make them much money, which after all, is what this is all about.


05-Jun-2009, 05:14 PM
I see your point and it is a valid one. I just think one of the reasons that franchises like RE have changed course so dramatically is because of the ADHD generation we live in.

It's the same reason why the don't make films in the same manner anymore when it come to slow paced character development. Audiences just want more action and don't have the patience for it.

Take a game like metal gear solid or Splinter cell. The emphasis is on stealth action but there's still the option to rip enemies a new one. Taking that away is a big mistake, imo.

I think that there is a niche for this sort of thing but nothing that's going to make them much money, which after all, is what this is all about.


i get ya meaning, but honestly, if you want shooting and such there are alternatives, this isnt a game you have to play, its a nice alternative to the usual shoot, move, repeat formula.
hell evasion is a bigger focus than combat in alan wake too, im hoping more clocktower than left for dead.

darth los
05-Jun-2009, 05:50 PM
i get ya meaning, but honestly, if you want shooting and such there are alternatives, this isnt a game you have to play, its a nice alternative to the usual shoot, move, repeat formula.
hell evasion is a bigger focus than combat in alan wake too, im hoping more clocktower than left for dead.

Perhaps I'm just queasy about developers screwing up another franchise ala RE. I'll keep an open mind and see how I like it. I think we can all agree that Silent Hill is awesome and want it to succeed. there's also sentimental value for me because that and RE were among the first games I bought for the ps1 and one of them has already been F.U.B.A.R. :(


05-Jun-2009, 06:40 PM
I think its a good way to go,far too many games have you playing as a god like rambo character these days!the silent hill games were always supposed to be scary,and no game can be genuinely scary if you can blast every threat to pieces with an arsenal andy mcnab would be jealous of!going back 10 years when i was playing the first silent hill game,werent most of the weapons melee barring the pistol & a shotgun?it was usually best to avoid the enemies than try to take them on,which made it a bit more atmospheric & scary!

05-Jun-2009, 07:51 PM
What was that game about the chick in the haunted house with the camera? That had no weapons and absolutely scared the life out of me. Let's hope this next installment of Silent Hill can at least equal that. If it does, it will be shit hot.

05-Jun-2009, 08:27 PM
This is IGN's video walkthrough of the first twenty minutes.
part 1
part 2
part 3

You cant hear the caller on Harrys mobile because it is coming through the Wiimote speaker.

05-Jun-2009, 09:06 PM
What was that game about the chick in the haunted house with the camera? That had no weapons and absolutely scared the life out of me. Let's hope this next installment of Silent Hill can at least equal that. If it does, it will be shit hot.

that would be fatal frame on the ps2, xbox and pc my good sir, and yeah, no other games scared me as bad as that sucka.

06-Jun-2009, 04:31 AM
that would be fatal frame on the ps2, xbox and pc my good sir, and yeah, no other games scared me as bad as that sucka.
Yeah, mate. I had seriously brown trousers playing that game.

06-Jun-2009, 08:51 PM
slightly off topic but i spent a fiver playing the silent hill arcade game today, ill be putting an article up on raccoon city times today or tomorrow but needless to say i had fun.

06-Jul-2009, 12:02 PM
New trailer, i might need to by a wii again as theres a lot of decent 3rd party games coming out in the next year.


and if your worried about the appearance of only one enemie in the trailer-

What harry experiences, reads and hears during the game, and his psychology level and sanity actively change the appearance of the creatures.

this could be good.

-oh, this IS coming to the ps2 and psp as well, so theres gonna be few silent hill fans who cant play this, but id want the wii version myself for the bits like the wiimote acting like harrys phone to recieve ghostly calls and such.

darth los
06-Jul-2009, 06:18 PM
Thnx for the update. With the lack of weapons in this game i think the wii version might be the best bet. The wii's unique game interaction could keep you occupied with other things which in turn will soften the blow of not being able to punish hellish mutants. :D
