View Full Version : OK, am I the only one who thought Left 4 Dead wasn't that great?

18-Jun-2009, 05:43 PM
I mean, don't get me wrong. The first time you play each of the 4 levels, its great, particularly on the tougher settings. But that's it. Once you've played them, they stay exactly the same. The only difference is where the horde spawns. The 'bosses' stay the same and the action, while fun, gets repetitive. I've tried the Live games, but its just the same levels and really, what's the difference between a live person somewhere else playing one of the other player or the Xbox playing all the other three players.

I've heard tell that the game is brilliant, but I think Dead Rising was a lot better. Am I missing something?

18-Jun-2009, 05:46 PM
I'm with you on this one. I rented it and never understood why everyone loved it so much. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything really new...

Come to think of it, I've never really liked any of these new zombie games that much. Dead Rising got old pretty quick, as well. It was better than L4D, but it still turned boring after a few hours of play.

18-Jun-2009, 05:47 PM
It's not as good as Resident Evil 2 but I enjoyed it a lot more than Dead Rising. If the game was just a bit longer and had more weapons and bosses (like L4D2 does), it would be the best zombie game ever.

18-Jun-2009, 05:50 PM
I too just got tired of it, I have the PC version but even the versus modes and modding possibilites for it haven't kept me all that interested. It's probably one of the best zombie games out there (there's not a whole lot) and it's good fun, especially with friends you know but it's still not entirely my cup of tea.

18-Jun-2009, 07:01 PM
Ive not played it but was considering buying it at one point before watching a few videos on youtube that put me off! It all looks a bit too frantic & extremely repetative,in a 5 minute vid i watched the player fired enough ammo to win world war 3!and yet again its spoiled by ridiculous big mutants with super powers like all zombie games are! (GAR's films dont have them,why do games always feel the need to??) the zombies move completely unrealistically as well,i can cope with running zombies in recent films,but these lot in left 4 dead are like olympic champs on speed!not for me thanks!

18-Jun-2009, 07:47 PM
definitely ovverrated, but fun, hopefully stuff like the new mutants, and variations like the spider somker and wandering witch will shake it up, plus the director now effects weather and paths in the game so im looking forward to this new one more than the first.

18-Jun-2009, 07:53 PM
I dug the online play a lot more than the single player. Lots of fun with your friends. Hopefully part 2 will be better...they need more ass-kicking weapons!!

That is all...you may return to your seats.

darth los
18-Jun-2009, 07:59 PM
Imo, left 4 dead can do no wrong. I play it damn near every night.

But to each his own. :)


18-Jun-2009, 08:03 PM
the game is an excersise in team tactics, and the only one where you actually find yourself screaming "just go!!! leave me, I'm done for!! Run run run!!!"

And no other co-op experience has been like that.

If you're judging it based on the single player experience, you haven't properly played it - it comes into it's own when you're up with 3 other great players...

18-Jun-2009, 10:09 PM
Can't say I feel the same way. Left 4 Dead is one of my favorite co-op games ever. Playing with 3 capable friends on Expert is one of the greatest joys one can have in gaming. :)

19-Jun-2009, 12:07 AM
i too think left 4 dead is over-rated. i played a few times online, but it never really was that fun. most of tricky's points (about the frantic spray-and-pray shooting, retarded super-zombies) are valid in my book, too.

i traded left 4 dead in less than six months after i purchased it and don't miss it a bit.

19-Jun-2009, 06:55 AM
I love the game and play it almost every night with a group of friends. I think that if you get a good group of people to play with you would enjoy it a lot more. If you think about any of the multi-player games, they are all essentially the same maps over and over, you play the same maps on Halo 3, the same maps in COD4 and so on. What I like more about Left 4 Dead over those games is that the items are never in the same spots, the same items do not spawn for each side and it plays like a great horror movie.

As for the difference between somebody else playing and the computer playing it is a huge difference. The gameplay dynamic is completely changed when you have real people and the game really shines in versus mode. Also, it is nearly impossible to win an Expert game with the computer opponents, you need real people who react to the situation, not some bot that is only as smart as it was programmed to be.

I do not think it's the greatest game ever, it does have it's issues such as weapon variety and a few glitches that have yet to be fixed. Overall, in my opionin it is the best current zombie game out there and I am itching to play the sequel.

Come play online with me and my buddies, we will show you a good time in L4D. My gamertag is in my sig, send me a friends request and we can play.

19-Jun-2009, 09:57 AM
I've still not played it - and it'd be especially pointless as I don't play online, I don't have XBL at all - can't be arsed now, seeing clips on YouTube is enough for me.

I want a proper Dawn of the Dead 1978 game, myself.

19-Jun-2009, 02:33 PM
Come play online with me and my buddies, we will show you a good time in L4D. My gamertag is in my sig, send me a friends request and we can play.
I've really been meaning to get back into it on Live, I'm getting withdrawls.

I want a proper Dawn of the Dead 1978 game, myself.
No hope, zero hope and Bob Hope. You saw what Capcom went through with Dead Rising. A real zombie war is more liklier than a Dawn game.

19-Jun-2009, 02:36 PM
No hope, zero hope and Bob Hope. You saw what Capcom went through with Dead Rising. A real zombie war is more liklier than a Dawn game.

Several years ago if you had mentioned a Godfather or Ghostbusters game, everyone would have probably laughed at you and said "no way"...

True...it most likely won't happen, but how awesome would a dawn game be? Get all the actors back for the likenesses and voices. Just thinking about it get's me excited.:hyper:

darth los
19-Jun-2009, 04:51 PM
I love the game and play it almost every night with a group of friends. I think that if you get a good group of people to play with you would enjoy it a lot more. If you think about any of the multi-player games, they are all essentially the same maps over and over, you play the same maps on Halo 3, the same maps in COD4 and so on. What I like more about Left 4 Dead over those games is that the items are never in the same spots, the same items do not spawn for each side and it plays like a great horror movie.

As for the difference between somebody else playing and the computer playing it is a huge difference. The gameplay dynamic is completely changed when you have real people and the game really shines in versus mode. Also, it is nearly impossible to win an Expert game with the computer opponents, you need real people who react to the situation, not some bot that is only as smart as it was programmed to be.

I do not think it's the greatest game ever, it does have it's issues such as weapon variety and a few glitches that have yet to be fixed. Overall, in my opionin it is the best current zombie game out there and I am itching to play the sequel.

Come play online with me and my buddies, we will show you a good time in L4D. My gamertag is in my sig, send me a friends request and we can play.

Well said. I agree with virtually your entire post.

The weapon variety is an issue with me as well. I really would like to mess around with the M-16 and the sniper rifle but in a pinch I don't really trust anything but the auto shotgun.

Example: I once disturbed the which while I wielded the M-16. I emptied 2 clips and change into that hefer and nothing. So..... After I went down My son turned to me and said "Daddy, that wouldn't have happened if you had the auto shotgun." See, even a 10 year old knows that. :shifty:

Nuff said.


19-Jun-2009, 05:18 PM
But M-16s rule at crowd control, Darth. Versus tanks and witches M-16s might lack, but that's why you have other people you're teamed with, which brings me to the point of why Left 4 Dead kicks so much ass--a shooter that stresses actual co-operative play and has game mechanics that make it pretty much natural to do so (and not just in PvP online modes).

darth los
19-Jun-2009, 05:42 PM
But M-16s rule at crowd control, Darth. Versus tanks and witches M-16s might lack, but that's why you have other people you're teamed with, which brings me to the point of why Left 4 Dead kicks so much ass--a shooter that stresses actual co-operative play and has game mechanics that make it pretty much natural to do so (and not just in PvP online modes).

It's been my experience that so does the auto shotgun. It's just that the m-16 Reloads waaaaaaay faster. But yeah, in co-op play everyone has a role and part of the fun is statagizing with your team about how we're going to tackle the next crescendo event.

We should play one day aces and i'll show you my skills with the auto shotgun.

Best. Game. EVEr. :thumbsup:

19-Jun-2009, 05:51 PM
We should play one day aces and i'll show you my skills with the auto shotgun.

I'll send a friend request this weekend, Darth! I keep forgetting, I'm so sucked into either Fallout 3 or playing Left 4 Dead my mind blanks out when I turn on my 360 and I get right into the game. :D

darth los
19-Jun-2009, 06:31 PM
I'll send a friend request this weekend, Darth! I keep forgetting, I'm so sucked into either Fallout 3 or playing Left 4 Dead my mind blanks out when I turn on my 360 and I get right into the game. :D

Ima hold you to it!!

As a matter of fact, why we're all not on each other's friend lists already is beyond me. We need to get something going. We always talk about it but it never materializes.
