View Full Version : Autumn the movie

18-Jun-2009, 06:01 PM
having just seen this film i cant help wondering are these creatures truly zombies as they make no attempt at eating human flesh and we all know this is the most fundamental traits of a true zombie, has any-one else seen this film and if so what are your thoughts....

18-Jun-2009, 06:59 PM
Haven't seen the film yet - is it in theatres, or direct-to-video?

And the only fundamental traits of a true zombie are it being dead, but still walking around. The whole "feasting on human flesh" is just a nice bonus. :D

18-Jun-2009, 07:44 PM
sorry i have to disagree, eating human flesh is just a big a part of a zombie as being dead is, i dont think the two can be seperated

18-Jun-2009, 08:07 PM
loved the book series, been pimping them on here since like '04 on the old boards, but this was set in a different country, that was a bad sign from the start, ive yet to see it but the trailers looked terrible.

- though i will say the reason this was scarier than anything else id read in a while was because at the start the zombies just shamble in one direction, turning when they hit something and so on, then they start to grab stuff, then pull on it, then beat on it, then group on the slightest noise and beat it to death. there never was a reason like eating people, they just attacked them and that was chilling in the way moody told it.

18-Jun-2009, 09:13 PM
Having David Carradine in it will get it some attention no doubt!

But the reviews I've read have not been good! Even the trailer looks worse than something I could put togethor - Seriously!

19-Jun-2009, 04:09 PM
sorry i have to disagree, eating human flesh is just a big a part of a zombie as being dead is, i dont think the two can be seperated

Romero zombies, yeah. But that's not the whole of zombiedom. The original zombies were corpses resurrected by voodoo sorcerors to use as slaves.

19-Jun-2009, 04:34 PM
Romero zombies, yeah. But that's not the whole of zombiedom. The original zombies were corpses resurrected by voodoo sorcerors to use as slaves.

Good point. I would like to add that they (the voodoo types) may not have really been corpses, but just appeared to be corpses.

At the risk of dredging up the argument again, I think that the term "zombies" is a misuse when referring to the Romero films, and instead they should be known as "ghouls"

Regarding the film, I haven't seen this one yet but the trailer looks a little lame to me. Been meaning to read that book for quite a while now, so I will have to do that before I see this movie - just don't want a potentially bad movie to ruin my experience with a potentially good novel.

19-Jun-2009, 11:05 PM
never finished the book. . i tried, but it got really really boring a little over halfway in, and I just couldn't trudge through it. Maybe I'll try again sometime. Does anyone remember that free book link?

20-Jun-2009, 10:21 PM
never finished the book. . i tried, but it got really really boring a little over halfway in, and I just couldn't trudge through it. Maybe I'll try again sometime. Does anyone remember that free book link?

offline now, moody said 500,000 free downloads was a good enough freebie.

21-Jun-2009, 04:30 AM
offline now, moody said 500,000 free downloads was a good enough freebie.


21-Jun-2009, 12:19 PM
Read the book,
Was a bit dry on the front 1/4th, but I found it rather chilling (though somewhat predictable) once the corpses became sound sensitive. Moody did a good job playing up the feel of the isolation the tiny group of survivors felt, and the natural consequences of his living corpses behavior.

That said, I don't believe I'll be watching the movie. I just don't believe it will translate well when compared to the GAR, RE etc "ghoul movies"...not enough zombie violence for my taste.

That and I find it kind of ridiculous that somehow being a rotting corpse endows the Moody-zombies with bat-like hearing and the keenest sense of schooling since the sardine.

23-Jun-2009, 04:43 PM
The first book was weak but the sequels are better. What I've seen of the movie hasn't been promising. A zombie search on youtube will turn up better looking stuff.

23-Jun-2009, 04:50 PM
Read the book,
Was a bit dry on the front 1/4th, but I found it rather chilling (though somewhat predictable) once the corpses became sound sensitive. Moody did a good job playing up the feel of the isolation the tiny group of survivors felt, and the natural consequences of his living corpses behavior.

That said, I don't believe I'll be watching the movie. I just don't believe it will translate well when compared to the GAR, RE etc "ghoul movies"...not enough zombie violence for my taste.

That and I find it kind of ridiculous that somehow being a rotting corpse endows the Moody-zombies with bat-like hearing and the keenest sense of schooling since the sardine.

they dont, almost everybody's dead, no machines, no vehicles, no noise caused by man in any way, which aside from weather, wind and the occasional bird thats damn near everything gone. That means sound in the english countryside carries for miles and the slightest thing like a door slamming in the breeze echoes for miles.


dude are you serious?, this is the way the guy makes a living and half a million free copies is a "wtf" moment?, its been up for years for free he couldn't do it forever.

24-Oct-2009, 10:25 PM
It's on Zone Horror right now and will be doing the rounds regularly for the next month.

Edit: Don't bother. I'm halfway through now and it's a serious pile of gash.

25-Oct-2009, 06:57 AM
yeah i got his newsletter about it.

no. thanks. its one of the worst zombie films ever made, which is such a shame considering the source material.

25-Oct-2009, 08:06 AM
Read the book a long time ago. Thought it had a bit too powerfull imagery at times but he built the mood sloooowly and really got me into the atmosphere. I liked the book a lot, the zombies was different from Romeros but lets face it the variants outnumber the classics in books and movies now. Personally I think that zombies who wants to beat you to death is more scary than zombies that are just hungry. Furthermore the zombies are very weird and acting oddly making you wonder what they will do next. The author creates a sense of uncertainness without really changing the zombie survival rules which is a tremendous acomplishment in my oppinion. A very good book and I will give the movie a chance. Where Autumm is different from other zombie books is in mood. It has a real acopalypitc feel unline many other books which are just a series a fights and some political soapbox piece typically saying that the military is always right or always wrong.

26-Oct-2009, 06:59 PM
Just got through watching this and .........

Ok I'm going to say it.

I enjoyed it. Well sort of.
It's a long one at 2 hours but it was much better than I thought it was going to be after reading reviews of the leaked version.
It follows the book very closely and that's probably it's downfall.
The book was a teaser and that's exactly how the movie feels. It's not really resolved at the end of the story.
Some of the score is out of place with what's going on screen but generally it creates a pretty decent atmosphere of the world their in.
The main actors are good but there are some ropey moments and at times the story just seems disjointed but that may be down to the book.
I'd be interested to know what the budget was because it looks bigger than I was expecting yet in places it really shows. Some of the editing choices are very strange and scenes just seem out of place.

Overall it was ok.

26-Oct-2009, 08:47 PM
Wasn't a huge fan of the book, but it wasn't terrible. The movie however. . . oh god!!!! Aweful does not begin to describe it. I could only watch about 20 or 30 minutes before turning it off. The acting is just fine. But the camerawork and expecially the editing were horrible!! The sound was god aweful. It was a hacked up piece of shit. Just terrible. . . . bad bad. . . me no likey.

26-Oct-2009, 09:17 PM
Wasn't a huge fan of the book, but it wasn't terrible. The movie however. . . oh god!!!! Aweful does not begin to describe it. I could only watch about 20 or 30 minutes before turning it off. The acting is just fine. But the camerawork and expecially the editing were horrible!! The sound was god aweful. It was a hacked up piece of shit. Just terrible. . . . bad bad. . . me no likey.

Seeing as your not in the UK, i presume you saw the leaked version.
The finished version has just been shown on UK tv. This is the one I'm talking about.

26-Oct-2009, 10:32 PM
Hmmm. . .maybe if they cleaned it up some, it might be worthwhile. . . I dunno man. . .it was pretty bad

28-Jul-2012, 12:46 AM
I just watched it and I wonder what happend? The actors were great the storyline cool and the setting pretty good. There is a good movie there buried under the worst editing I ever seen in a movie. It seemed to me at times that he director or editor (lets just call him the "responsible" from now on) poured on every filter, every colour blurring and the most nonsensical music I ever heard. It is one of the worst movies I ever seen because of the crazy editing. Either the ones responsible must have hated the author of the book and wanting the movie to fail or they are some severly untalented people/person who thought their scratching and switching colours were high art, speaking of high the ones responsible for the editing/directing must have been high as a kite to love his shit soo much. Avoid at all costs it will only serve to irritate you.